Ch. 9

New Year's Eve

The little town of Storybrooke was lively and in excellent spirits as most everyone in the little town had gathered in the square. Booths were set up to assist in the festivities, providing spirits and different foods along with the random party hats and sparklers, to let in the New Year. All eyes were on the clock atop of the closed-up library for a couple of reasons: one, it hadn't moved in a very long time and two, it was currently keeping the time until the final countdown into the New Year.

The fire was warm as Mr. Gold put another log into the fireplace in his living room. He used the poker to spread everything amongst the hottest embers, making sure the heat was sustained. Settled in for the evening, he had absolutely no interest venturing off towards the center of town on eves of all eves. He had lived in Storybrooke for over twenty-eight years and not once was this evening recognized anymore than just another day for him. Holidays came and went, with Valentine's Day being the most difficult, so a new year was never truly acknowledged. Not to mention, he wasn't the most favored person in town, so his company wouldn't have been desired, or missed. Instead, he had prepared himself a nice large glass of brandy and a particularly rare cigar to indulge in, while the television was set on the mandatory channel with decent coverage of the way this world celebrated in New York City.

With nearly thirty minutes left on the clock for the remainder of the year, Mr. Gold was seated on his couch, cigar between his teeth and his lighter poised at its tip. Before the flame touched the freshly cut tip, he was startled by a knock on his front door. He gave an irritated sigh, assuming that the late night bother was probably some random prank the local teenagers had dared to follow through with before the end of the year. So, preparing to be the big scary beast he was known for, he set down his cigar and lighter, reached for his cane and cursed under his breath that using magic was frowned upon in these parts.

As he stood, making sure there was good placement of his cane to steady himself, he glanced towards the door for a hint of what was to come. At first glance, he believed his eyes were deceiving him that his imagination had, once again, gotten the better of him and was seeing something he so desperately wanted to. With a slight shake of his head and a quicker pep in his step, another careful look confirmed there was no mistaking the familiar feminine silhouette just outside his stained glass door.

Like a man seeing a mirage in the dessert that was desperate to quench his thirst, Mr. Gold hastened his steps to get to his door, to her, to get to his Belle. Upon opening it, there were no words to describe the flutter deep down or the ridiculous weakness she was able to conjure within the Dark One. At first glimpse, it was like meeting the siren at Lake Nostos all over again. Only this time, he didn't need to cast a sleeping spell over the beautiful faux Belle wearing the silver crystalline gown and diamond headdress in order to acquire what he had come for. But, oh, how that wondrous kiss and being dragged underwater had been worth a moment's hesitation before doing so.

Anna, Belle, was dressed in very formfitting leather pants, obviously Ruby's, a gold lame' halter top that sparkled as she moved, black heels and a very thick white coat attempting to keep her warm in her skimpy attire. Her face was down, her hands in her pockets and she fidgeted nervously when Mr. Gold's front door swung open.

"Good evening, Anna. Please, come in," he said, stepping out of the doorway so she could come in. She'd made this entrance so often, he considered just giving her a key.

"I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" she asked eagerly, whirling around on her heel to face him. She was almost hopeful, as if looking for an excuse to leave and not go through with the reasons she had come to his house.

"No, of course not," he replied, closing the door behind him. He gestured for her to turn around so he could assist her out of her coat. "Can I get you a drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"Anything stronger?" she sighed, shrugging her coat off in his awaiting hands before turning around to face him, revealing her full attire, or lack thereof.

"Yes, of course," he replied blindly as he hung up her jacket on his coat rack. Once he turned and began to take a step, his breath escaped him as his eyes feasted on her full attire. He guessed she was dressed for a night on the town, but the inner beast in him was not truly prepared for the display that had been hidden by her coat. He had already noticed the heels, and the fact that she was slightly taller than he was wearing them, but his eyes slowly traveled up the length of her slender legs in the leather pants, over her hips to the flimsy piece of fabric in the fashion of a halter top. He realized that he must have been staring, because all he could exhale was a very quiet, "wow."

Though Anna's attire had achieved exactly what she was going for, to get his attention, she hadn't planned on his stunned look to leave her feeling quite self-conscious and very guilty. Immediately, she felt the need to explain herself, come clean, and not give him the impression that this was at all normal for her.

"It's not really me," she tried to explain, "It's all Ruby's."

Composing himself once again, realizing that he was probably frightening her, his eyes once again met hers and offered a softer smile. "No matter, you look stunning," he comforted. "Now, how about that drink?" Sensing that his words were enough to soothe her, she offered a slight smile and turned around to step further into his house. Mr. Gold's heart finally gave out and he reached for the support of a nearby shelf, for the small piece of apparel she wore as a top had no back and revealed nothing but creamy pale skin that left his mouth watering and a severe tightness in his groin.

After a few extra seconds of composing himself, and a subtle adjustment, Mr. Gold took the longer way around through his kitchen to his modest liquor cabinet. As he poured her a glass of red wine, he heard the click of her heels come around into the living room and it brought comfort to him just with the sound. Just having her presence around him, brought a level of serenity he never believed he was capable of feeling again, and a growing warmth encased his heart. He knew he didn't deserve it, not with the dark magic that lay dormant within him.

He turned back around and carried the glass to her in the hand not holding onto his cane. "Have a seat, Anna," he gestured towards the couch. Thanking him, she made an assessment to where he was seated, indicated by the placement of the brandy glass and unlit cigar on the coffee table. She took the seat next to that spot and smiled as he made his way to join her on the couch. Once seated, he raised his own glass, offering a celebratory toast to her and said, "To a good year of new discoveries."

"Cheers," she replied and took the first sip of her glass.

When their silence was comfortable, allowing the television in front of them fill the voided noise, she snuck a glance his way to quietly admire the way he always seemed to dress so smart. Smiling to herself, she noticed that his dark slacks, dark fitted long sleeved shirt and gold tie would be a fair match to her attire, thus making them quite a fetching sight for a night on the town together. A far cry from Leo, her actual date, who was dressed in his classic baggy jeans and torn t-shirt while waiting for the celebration in the town square. Anna wondered if Leo even noticed that she had left.

"So," he started to say, "What brings you here, with fifteen minutes of the year to spare?" Mr. Gold started to relax comfortably, draping an arm along the back of the couch, enough that his fingers could reach out and touch the ends of her hair if he'd made the effort.

He looked suave and comfortable, like a master in his own domain, or a king in his own castle. Confident and handsome, Anna was enchanted by his aura and the mood the fire set in the room. He looked so inviting; Anna had to avert her eyes back to her glass after running them along his slender legs, over his belt, up his tie and settling on his wispy brown locks.

"I, ah, didn't notice you at the square for the New Year's countdown," she said, chancing another glance.

Watching her very carefully, mindful at how close his fingers were to her bare skin, he reined himself back in before making a very bold mistake. "Oh, now, I wouldn't be welcome to anything like that," he said, with another sip of his drink. "It's kind of a difficult situation when one owns the entire town."

With a hesitant understanding, she nodded, "I suppose."

Sensing preoccupation, Mr. Gold studied the way she seemed to be holding something back as she absent-mindedly turned her glass in her hand, watching the red liquid ripple with her movement. He inquired on the event at hand, even repeating his question, but it wasn't until he actually used her name did she finally hear him.

"Sorry?" she asked, looking up as if missing a very important question.

Anna, Belle, looked lost. It appeared that something was bothering her and as much as he tried, it was very difficult to read her. Her shoulders seemed tense, her attention elsewhere and as she turned her wineglass in her hand, it looked like she was preparing to get something off her chest or she had somewhere better to be. Whatever it was, it concerned him greatly.

"Everything all right, dearie?" he asked sitting up and letting a hand rest on her knee. It was a close call that his fingers nearly grazed the creamy bare skin of her shoulder.

With a deep nervous breath, she managed, "Fine, just anxious for the New Year." Shaking her focus from the glass at hand, she ventured upon a neutral ground, "Did you get any more books?"

"Actually," he started with a calm, comfortable voice, "now that you mention it, yes I did."

The library was Anna's special happy place. Being in there calmed her, seeing as she had such a hand at creating the energy and imagination that flowed through there, it was a place that quietly spoke to her core, allowing her the tranquility that was needed. This was to become her neutral ground with him and mustered the confidence to quickly stand and begin her way towards the hallway.

The clicking of her heels echoed off the walls as she walked and she realized that she wasn't hearing the subtle thud of his cane along the floor behind her. Stopping before she had left the room completely, she glanced back to see that he was still sitting the couch, his head down and staring into the contents of his glass.

At the abrupt cease of her heels, Mr. Gold looked up to see the curious look on her face on why he wasn't joining her. With a slight smile and a pointed finger towards her heels, he said, "I can't compete with those."

For a moment, she let her guard down and allowed herself a genuine smile. Shaking her head, she walked over to the nearest wall and unceremoniously kicked off her shoes, dropping down at least three inches, and crossed the living room to stand before him in bare feet.

Allowing himself a brief guilty pleasure of glancing to her pretty little feet with red painted toe nails, he scanned the length of her to be met with a very warm, albeit calmer, looking Belle. As if shedding a bit of the pretense had already lightened her mood.

"Shall we, Robert?" she said, holding out a hand to him.

Feeling that undeserving warmth again, he leaned forward and set down his glass. As he stood, getting a good balance on with his cane, he wasted no time from her and very coolly slid his hand into her awaiting palm. With a gentle squeeze, she welcomed his hold and slowly led them out of the living room and down the hallway towards the library.

They walked together in companionable silence, acknowledging that their newfound contact had softened the mood greatly. Though there seemed to be something stronger as they held hands, neither one of them said a word to break up the tension that was obviously building as their hands were joined. Something unable to explain, other than the obvious conclusion that it just felt natural to be doing it.

Mr. Gold watched as she went ahead of him, releasing his hand once she laid her eyes on the stack of new books on the small table by the fireplace. Her eyes lit up, elated like a child seeing presents on Christmas morning, and he wasn't about to keep her bound to him if that was their reasoning for coming in there. Though it could not exactly be said, it pleased him to know that he was able to bring her such happiness with the simplest of gestures. It was his form of magic for her in this world.

From the other room, "We've only got four minutes left until the New Year!" The announcer cheered on.

As she stood in the magnanimous room of stories, legends and truths, he selfishly allowed himself to take a mental living portrait of her. She was too preoccupied to notice his intense gaze as he committed every brown wave, every wide curl, the pale skin of her back, the curve of her hips, the length of her slender legs, the lift of her bosom and the peek of her toes to memory. He cherished the small moments they shared in his home that it rendered him weak and powerless enough to confess everything about the curse, his Bae and his past to her. He admired the way her soft skinned hands cradled the book she held, with slender fingers caressing the binding...when he noticed something significant missing from her finger.

"Anna," he chanced, "where is your ring?"

Their silence was broken by his inquiry, but it appeared Anna did not hear him. She turned the book over in her hands, browsing the cover, "Sadly, I think I've read this."

"Anna?" he asked again, his voice a little louder.

She nodded her head and looked at him, holding the book up in her hand, "Yes, I have read this. It's where the thief is his brother." Pretending not to hear him, she gathered the books together and walked towards one of the bookshelves, completely turning her back to Mr. Gold.

"Sweetheart, why are you not wearing your engagement ring?" This time, his voice was more assertive, but still sincere. Though he spoke clearly, there was still a hint of unsteadiness in his voice, like he was afraid to confront what he was secretly praying for.

At the plead of "sweetheart", she finally stopped her distractions. Every muscle in her body tensed, as if hearing something shatter behind her. She stood still, collecting her thoughts and trying desperately to sort out the scramble of excuses dancing about in her head. She was preparing her words carefully, steeling herself for the inevitable speech she had come there for, in the first place.

From the other room, the television blared: "...only two minutes until the new year, folks! Not long now..."

Finally, her stalling had come to its end and it was time to be honest with herself. Taking a deep breath, Anna set down the books she was clutching so desperately to on a nearby chair and slowly turned around to face him. Her heart pound hard in her chest, her hands felt clammy as she squeezed them into fists and her breath was shallow, as if all the oxygen in the room was quickly depleting.

He was no monster, she would never fear him, but the truth of the situation was nearly too hard to grasp. Finally, she allowed her eyes to meet his hypnotic dark brown ones and she began her confession. "The reason I'm not wearing my ring, Robert," she valued saying his name, "is because all I could think about was you... alone on New Year's Eve."

"I'm fine-"

"Let me finish," she quickly cut off.

Mr. Gold froze, silencing every muscle in his body from moving, twitching, blinking, or breathing. If his ears could open any wider, they would be inside out, for he was there for her with open eyes and a very open heart. He was not going to shut her out, again. This time, he would hang on every word, every syllable, and every breath until she said what she wanted. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and gripped the top of his cane tighter. And waited.

"Then I realized there was more. I wanted to be with you on New Year's Eve." When she saw him physically listening to her, she continued. "Every time I walked into your shop, I wanted to stay long enough so that you would tell me stories. Every Saturday that I came here for your library, my heart would flutter when you opened the front door. When I started coming on Sundays, I imagined us sitting together here by the fire just talking and when I would bring you a flower, I always wanted to show you how grateful I was that you got me out of that place." Anna held her breath and her eyes barely blinked as they bore into him, baring her soul to the illustrious pawnbroker. "Now, does that sound like a woman who is with the right man?"

The sound of her voice was like an angel singing from the heavens above. Not only was he pleased that he had won her, he was astonished that he had won her as Mr. Gold. A man without magic, without the wardrobe, without the trickery, without the curse...just an ordinary man. Her words burned deep, meeting his soul and conjuring up something he had long given up before: hope.

The silence between them had gone on long enough and he could not let Anna, Belle, believe that all of this had been one sided. Not when they'd come so far, not when they'd shared so much and not, even with a curse at bay, would they be held apart if they were meant to be together in any realm. His character, of course, had to be stoic, at least until his big reveal.

Mr. Gold reassured the grip on his cane and started to take a few small intimidating steps towards her. His face was harsh, but his eyes were soft and his voice came out low and raspy. "I'm a very feared man, dearie."

"I know," she replied in a soft meek voice.

"I have a lot of enemies in this town," he continued as he crossed further into the library.

"I know."

When he was right in front of her, he rested both hands on the handle of his cane before him. He glanced away for a moment in order to collect himself and said, "No one would approve of this."

With a strong resolve, she offered him an honest and pure heart; Leo never even came to mind. "I don't care what anyone thinks, Robert."

Finally, the last bit of thread that held him upright tore and he felt his shoulders relax with the understanding that he had won. He offered her the hint of smile and lifted a hand to cradle her cheek in his palm. "But, I would do anything for you, Anna."

Peace, understanding and acceptance met her entire physique as well and she lifted her hand to place against the one on her cheek, gently nuzzling into his hold. "I know that too," she said, pressing her lips against his palm. "And now, I just need to work up the nerve to kiss you, already."

"No," he said abruptly, shaking his head and freeing his hand from her grip. Her hand was still poised by her cheek, leaving her with a longing that utterly confused the sudden change of mind. But, in two swift moves, she was reassured as he dropped his cane to the floor and cupped her face in his palms, "Because, I need to be the one to kiss you."

From the other room, the TV blared: "Now's the moment, folks! 3...2...1...Happy New Year!"

Rumplestiltskin had waited long enough to kiss his Belle.

With no further hesitation, he moved in to press his lips softly against hers, pulling her in as close as they could allow. Within seconds, the passion that they harbored was surfacing quickly and he took no time to slide a hand into her chestnut waves in order to deepen their kiss. He felt her hands slide over his chest and behind his neck, where her fingers tangled into his locks. His second hand wandered along her waist, sliding along the small of her back where he was finally touching the creamy skin he had all been salivating for since she revealed herself at his door. Her body responded to his touch by pressing herself up tighter against him.

As if there was a quiet melody playing in the background, their lips slowly slid together with a comfortable tempo, dancing a dance they'd been longing to since the moment he invited her into his library. Two souls were reconnecting as two different lives matched up equally, giving way to desire and lust, finding the familiar old path. However, possession immediately took him over and he wanted nothing more than to keep her close and never let the beauty out of his castle again. Though his head was reeling and his senses tingled, he kissed her with such fervor that he was certain he was capable of devouring her right there in his library...if she allowed it.

Alas, the tempo of their oral dance was beginning to slow and the flames of their fire turned into warm embers, still alight, but beginning to subside. Their kiss slowly paced apart, leaving behind small tender ones, not wanting to release the other captor just yet. Their arms still held one another, limbs clinging as if their lives had long been separated and they were fearful to be torn away.

Anna rested her forehead against his, her eyes closed and the euphoric sensation of taking in his aura calming her like a peaceful drug. Her fingers continued to flutter the tips of his soft brown locks, not wanting to ever pull away from him, now that she had his arms wrapped tightly against her body. She listened to the sound of his breathing, feeling the feather-like touches of his lips to her cheek and to the side of her mouth. Finally, her haze swirling around her was lifting and her mind was able to see clearly again. Her heart warmed and the world around her started once again. Smiling to herself, she cherished their moment and time discovering each other, but it was evident that magic had indeed happened between them.

Lifting her head, she returned the featherlike kisses along his jaw and whispered very carefully into his ear, "You can call me, Belle." She felt his hold on her tense and he pulled back, his eyes wide and his mouth gaping. She curved her lips slowly and said, "I remember, Rumplestiltskin."

"Belle?" he asked nervously; his voice wavering. Could it be that their curse had been broken?

She smiled all knowing and slid a hand to his cheek, "You seem to have forgotten, True Love's kiss can break any curse." Leaning in again, she added, "I love you."

His face, eyes, cheeks, brow all broke into a strained grin, emotionally moved and desperately drained. His mouth moved, but no words came out. As if the light was finally shining down on him, as if he was granted that second chance, he was overjoyed with the outcome that his renovation had resulted in.

"...and I love you, too," he replied simply. Without another moment passing them by, he leaned in to kiss her once more, sealing the deal that their curse had, indeed, been broken.