"I don't see you as someone who would purposefully do something they would regret like banning me from seeing my son."

"Oh?" Regina asked. "Can you honestly tell me I won't." Regina said as their eyes locked in the dim office of the Mayor's mansion.

'This is wrong, so wrong…' Emma thought. 'I shouldn't want to throw her on this desk and screw her senseless.'

'God, I want her crying out below me…' Regina thought.

Their eye contact broke suddenly as their jaws dropped. About a minute of awkward silence ensued.

"Did you just…" Emma implored, wide eyed.

The Mayor nodded slowly. "I think I just did-"

"-hear my thoughts?"

"Did you hear-"

"-yours? Mhm."

Regina just looked down at the ground, apparently confused.

'Oh, my god…' Emma thought again. Her face was already reddening.

To Emma's surprise, the Mayor responded yet again. 'You've got that right.'

The pair exchanged looks of disbelief, trying to wrap their brains around the situation.

"How is this possible?" Emma asked.

"You think I know Ms. Swan?" Regina retorted.

"Well, you're supposed to be the magical one here!" She shot right back, Henry's theory in mind.

Regina paused, her eyebrows furrowing and her lips pressing into a line. "That's beside the point, Sheriff Swan."

'Maybe it's some sort of dream.' Emma thought, not thinking of their sudden connection.

Reaching over and pinching the pondering woman's arm, Regina smiled when she got the desired angered response from Emma. "Are you awake, now?" She taunted her.

"Yes." Emma huffed. "What does this mean?"

"It means, Ms. Swan, that I have to listen to your thoughts." Regina said, rolling her eyes. 'And damn it. She can hear mine…'

"Yes, Madam Mayor." Emma said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I can."

"You need to leave." Regina said. She moved from behind her desk, standing directly in front of Emma, now. 'Now.' Regina thought, internally kicking herself from doing so.

'Someone is a little flustered.' Emma's thoughts taunted. She was taking remarkably well to this newfound ability and would milk it for all it was worth even though it baffled her to no end not knowing how this is occurring. "I know you want me to stay." Emma said.

"No, I do not. Now, go before I-"

'Call the police?' Emma just grinned. 'I'm already here.'

Regina let out a huff and grabbed Emma by the arm and pulled her to the door. "Good night Ms. Swan." She said as she opened the front door.

'Good night, Mayor Mills.' Emma thought with a wiggle of her eyebrows as she walked out of the house.

Regina closed the door and locked it behind her, leaning against it and closing her eyes tightly.

'I wonder how far this connection works.' Emma thought, on the way to her car. 'Let's hope it's not like some shitty walky talky signal. I don't want to listen to police station banter all the way from Bangor.'

'Ms. Swan! Will you please just leave already?!' Regina thought as she stormed up the stairs and into her bedroom.

'I'm already in my car, Regina. Calm your tits.'

'That's Madame Mayor to you.'

'Does it bother you when I call you by your first name?'

'You are not a friend therefore you have no right to do so.'

'Ha! Really?'


Silence spread between their telepathic connection for a few long moments before Emma thought again.



'But, I like your name. It's sexy…' She continued. 'Regina…' Emma thought seductively, hoping to piss her off. 'Oh… Regina!'

'STOP!' The mayor pleaded in her mind, burying her face into the soft pillows of her bed in a feeble attempt to block Emma out of her brain. 'Please just shut up…'

'Sorry. Wouldn't want to arouse you, Madam Mayor.'


'Nothing…' Emma chuckled softly, something that Regina heard as well. She had already made it home and was in the comfort of her own room as well.

'You weren't arousing me, Ms. Swan.'

'Call me Emma.'


'So you can't call me Emma, but you can stand there and think about how much you want me crying out beneath you?'

'That-' Regina stopped herself, trying to turn the tables. 'And your comment about how you wanted to –and I quote- screw me senseless on top of my desk can just be dismissed as nothing.'

'Hey! Why does it have to be past tense? Want not wanted.' Emma defended.

Silence spread through the line once more.

Regina finally broke it. 'I'm not having this conversation with you. My personal thoughts belong to me and should be left alone. I'm going to sleep.'

'Sure you are…'

'I am! So shut up for once in your life so I can be ready and well rested for the town meeting tomorrow.'

'Oh, damn it… I have to be there too.'

'Sadly, yes.'

'Well, I guess I'll see you then.'

Regina didn't respond but Emma could feel the scowl on her face without having to see it.

'Goodnight, Regina.'

'Goodnight, Sherriff.'

The line went quiet as Regina settled into her sheets, being cautious to clear her mind. Time passed and she was just about to slip into a deep sleep when:

'I wonder if that desk would hold us…'

Regina's eyes shot open and she glared at the wall. This was going to be a long night.