Day 5: Kissing

"Oh, Hell fucking no."

That's what Karkat said when the eleven other trolls on this god-forsaken meteor jumped out and yelled 'surprise!'. After chatting with the humans for so long, the trolls were familiar with everything birthday, including the parties. And seeing as their game began on Karkat's sweep anniversary and essentially ruined it, they decided to celebrate it now, seeing as time really wasn't a thing for them anymore. But, Karkat's reaction wasn't exactly all for it.

"What the fucking fuck do you think you douches are doing? This is complete and utter charging hoof beast shit."

Terezi cackled as she wore a red, pointed party hat, "Shut up and embrace it."

And Karkat kinda sorta did. The twelve trolls ate cakes and other sugary treats like there was no tomorrow. There were shitty, joking gifts too. Terezi gave him cherry Blow Pops, much to his rage. Sollux gave him yellow panties. Karkat tackled him to the ground and put them on his head, the leg holes fitting perfectly around his horns.

Then, they got to the party games. After massacring a few piñatas (Equius thought it wrong to hurt the muscle beasts, despite their being full of candy), they played a more heated game that all the human kids recommended highly: Seven Minutes in Heaven.

They explained the game like this: You pick one person at random (they recommended spinning a bottle), blind fold them, and put them in a closet by themselves. Then, choose at random from the remaining people (again, bottle) to see who's going into the room. That lucky guy or gal gets to do whatever they want to that person in the closet for seven uninterrupted minutes. The trolls couldn't resist.

First up was Karkat, of course, being the sweep day boy, so he was blind folded and locked into the room, kicking and screaming until Kanaya told him to suck it up and just play along, which he did. The bottle of Faygo provided by Gamzee chose Terezi, so she slipped into the closet with a malicious laugh, bring a timer with her set to seven minutes. Some minutes later, the blind troll came out cackling, doubled over as Karkat stumbled out, looking at her with a disturbed look that just sent her reeling again.

Next up was Feferi, as chosen by the bottle. She was paired with Sollux, much to Eridan's rage. While they were inside, all they really did was whisper fish puns back and forth, and it was only at the end that Sollux told a perverted joke to make her blush. Her face remained bright pink after she left the room while Sollux had a shit-eating grin. Eridan was not a happy camper about this.

They were sitting around for round three now, and Vriska spun the bottle. "Whoooooooo's Neeeeeeeext?" And the clear plastic bottle landed on Tavros.

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-" Vriska's cackling laugh cut him off as she dragged him into the room and blind folded him.

"Remember, Pupa, no touching the other person unless they tell you! This is theeeeeeeeiiiiiiiir seven minutes!"

Tav whimpered when the door closed, and Vriska took her seat, reaching to spin the bottle again. As the bottle went round and round, Eridan called out to Sollux, not able to hold this in any more. "What did you and Feferi do in there!?"

Almost everyone's heads snapped to look at Eridan and his outburst. Sollux grinned. "What do you mean, Eridan? Just thome fun between frondth."

"You know what I mean! Why did she come out pink in the face? What did you do to her, you mustard blooded pain in my ass?"

Feferi let out an offended gasp, "Eridan! That is non of your business, mister!"

Sollux went on and answered anyways. "Now, now… That'th private."

"Sollux, you're not helping!"

Eridan snapped, "Oh that's it, Captor. Your head is going on a pike!" He lunged at the other troll, everyone rising to their feet, some trying to pull them apart while others just yelled 'fight, fight, fight!" Well, almost everyone.

Gamzee stayed on the floor, looking as if he had zoned out again while he watch the bottle still go in circles, but he was completely focused. He was praying to every being of every religion he knew of that this bottle landed on him. Please, please, PLEASE let it land on him.

Gamzee had never lost his flushed feeling for Tavros, not even after Tav had initially turned him down. It hurt the indigo blood at first, but it didn't sway him. Now, he just kept it all to himself, thinking of the rust blood long into the night. But, right now? He just wanted so badly to be the one and the only one in that room with Tavros. It was all anonymous, right…?

Some one some where was listening to Gamzee's desperate wishes because that bottle slowed and stilled pointing at Gamzee. He looked over at the fight going on at the other side of the room that was moving into the halls as Sollux and Eridan tumbled with each other. Gam got up as quiet as a squeak rodent (mouse) and snuck over to the door. He picked up the timer on his way, cranking it back to tick seven minutes as he slowly opened the door.

Tavros was on his knees in that room, a huge bundle of nerves, looking up as the door opened though he couldn't see with his eyes covered. "H-hello? Who is it? Who did the bottle pick?"

Gamzee stepped inside and closed the door behind him, setting down the timer and letting it start.

Seven minutes…

Gam knelt in front of Tavros, not breathing a word in case he would get caught. He didn't want Tav knowing it was him with what he was about to do…

"Please, tell me? I-I just want to- mmph!" Tav was silenced as a pair of lips pressed against his, a perfect fit. Gamzee lifted a hand and cupped Tavros's face gently, tilting it for better access, his eyes closed. Tav's eyes slid closed as he succumbed to the soft kiss, his reason set aside for a brief moment.

Stuck in the moment and the light heat of the kiss, Tavros reached out a hand to touch whoever was kissing him, but Gamzee caught his wrist quickly and carefully, setting it back on the ground. He couldn't have Tav touching him. He'd feel his scrawny figure and know it was him instantly. Couldn't risk it.

Tavros whined but accepted this. It was all part of the rules anyways.

Six minutes…

This one, simple kiss lasted for a good minute, going way past a chaste kiss. Gamzee pulled away, looking at his little Tavbro lean forward, wanting him back with out knowing it was him. It was beautiful to see.

He wanted to say something, anything, but he didn't dare. Instead, he leaned back in, his tongue darting out to touch Tavros' lip. His mouth opened timidly, and Gamzee delved in with the greatest care and tenderness, not wanting to scare or overwhelm him.

To Gamzee, Tav taste like nothing he'd ever had the privilege of tasting. The only thing that could compare was perhaps this human thing he'd heard of: Chocolate and peanut butter. Sweet and warm and smile-inducing all at once, just like Tav was.

To Tavros, Gamzee (though he only knew him as a stranger) tasted like the most exotic and sweet fruit, found only in tropical paradises. No particular one, but more like all the most delicious fruits all mixed together in the most delicious cocktail ever.

Their tongues moved against each other's slowly and savoringly, taking all the other had to give and giving just as much in return. Tavros relaxed into the kiss, humming in delight and joy at the sensation.

Four minutes…

Gamzee laid Tav back, using his arms and legs to keep him hovering over the other. They couldn't touch, not in any way. It was just too risky.

This was all too risky.

How easy would it be for Tavros to just break away and pull of the blind fold? How simple is it for him to just touch him and know who it is instantly?

How easy is it for Tav to run away from Gam for good, forever, all because the indigo blood did this.

Two minutes…

Time was flying by just too fast for them both. The minutes disappeared as they explored each other's tastes and mouths with vigor and want. It was all fueled by curiosity and a little bit more than that too.

Gamzee of course, knew what he was doing, knew who he was doing it to, and why. He had the utmost pleasure in getting to enjoy every bit of this, except for his looming doubts eating at the back of his mind.

Tav, though blind and restricted, was loving every second of this. He wanted more and more of the person kissing him, caring for him so sweetly. He wanted to know who it was.

One Minute…

Taking it up a notch, Gamzee ran a hand down from Tavros's cheek along his side, feeling his body gently curve, rise, and fall under his finger tips. He ate up Tav's small sounds of contentment and light pleasure. Gamzee fisted his shirt to keep himself in check, realizing that time was nearly up.

Ten seconds…

Gam got up suddenly, Tav reaching out after him with a whine of need and annoyance. The lanky troll was tempted to return to his Tavbro, but he didn't let himself. Too dangerous, too risky.

He threw open the door, and with his long legs, raced out of the room at an unbelievable speed, passing the fight that was still going on unnoticed, going to his part of the meteor via pad.


Tavros reached up and pulled off the blind fold.


He got up too, looking around the room for a sign of any troll that could be the one that kissed him.


He reached up to his lips, remember how perfect those seven minutes had been…

And as the buzzer behind him rang, he felt something on his lips, something cakey and oily. Pulling is hands back, he saw the face paint, white and gray. His eyes widened as the possibilities in his mind went from eleven to one and only one.

His metal legs hit the floors with endless clanks as he raced off to the pads, passing the brawl that had finally stopped. At all the noise Tavros was making along with the buzzing, those who weren't Feferi and the two trolls she was scolding looked up.

Vriska raised an eyebrow. "Pupa? What's up? Where you running off to? Pupa? Tavros?"

Equius furrowed his brow along with everyone else at Tav's strange behavior. "What do you think you are doing? You're legs will break. I demand you slow down. Low blood!"

Tavros ignored them as he round the corner to the transporalizers, hopping onto Gamzee's and instantly entering his wing of the meteor. He came to a halt as he found Gam.

Gam had slowed to a fumbling walk once he was safe in his home, but he stopped and turned around when the electricity from someone entering through the pads went off. And then there was Tavros.

They were both frozen, and that's when Gam saw it: His face paint on Tavros's mouth. In any other circumstance, Gamzee would have thought it hot and amazing to look at, but right now, he was just too stunned and too scared.

But Tav broke out of his trance first, walking up with pride and certainty. He grabbed Gamzee by the front of his shirt and pulled him forward, kissing him hard.

Gamzee was just too stunned to possible kiss him back, lost some where between confusion, fear, and the need to honk for joy. Tavros pulled back, a small coy and fluster smile on his face.

"Don't you e-ever leave me like that again, okay? You're too good for me to just let you leave like that."

Gamzee broke into a big grin to match Tav's, picking him up and spinning him in a hug before setting him down with a laugh and kissing him. His Tavbro was his now. Tavros understood how he felt, how much he cared. And everything was nothing but motherfucking miracles right then.