Hi all, E here again. I just suddenly had the idea for this story, and I had to write it straight away. I've not gone over this at all really, but I feel that the way it's written means it needs to be done quickly. I don't really know. I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but I'm enjoying the idea so far. If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it too.

Warnings (This is for the whole thing, not just chapter 1): Lots of angst. Depression/PTSD. Self Mutilation. Implications of sexual assault. Yaoi. Scenes of mild and strong sexual nature. This fic is likely to make you cry, it made me cry writing it oops. And plenty of cute cheesy scenes, sorry folks.

Have you ever felt so connected and in love with someone you've never met? You feel you know so much about them that it doesn't matter if you've never been able to run a hand through their hair or see what they look like when the sun is setting? I know I have. My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and this is my story.

It was a warm autumn evening when it happened. School had finished and I'd already returned home to change and drop off my bags. I didn't like to stay long; when nobody else was there the place felt incredibly empty, not that I'd admit that.

I headed to the library, like usual. It wasn't that I had nowhere else to go. I had a couple of friends that wouldn't mind me coming over to their's in the afternoons, or the many girls that sent me love notes and asked me on dates would probably love to have me spend time with them. I just preferred to be alone. I had space to think, or to lose myself in a book, or sometimes just the music playing out of my cassettes. That's right, a cassette. I guess you could call me old-fashioned, but I prefer tapes and vinyl's to ipods and cds. Something about them just seems so much more special to me. But anyway, I went to the Library, like I always do.

It wasn't empty, but it wasn't busy either. A couple of people looked up and nodded when I entered; I'd seen them there before, as they had me. A couple of new faces, and a few that I'd seen only once or twice. Nothing out of the ordinary. I felt like reading that day. Something different. Not a comedy or a mystery, not a love story either. I'd always hated those, Love Stories. They were so unrealistic and gave so much false hope. I passed down several isles, past non-fiction and the magazines, all the way to the section at the back. The old books. Ones that hadn't been rented out in years, the ones that people forgot existed. I bent down slightly, brushing each of the spines gently with a single finger, dust coming off at the movement.

I was about to choose a title, I believe it was called "What ever happened to baby Jane?", when I noticed a gap in the books. Not one where another book had been taken out, but as if something had been slotted between them, it was just too small and too far back to be seen. I pushed them to one side and there, at the back of the dusty, forgotten shelf was a tape. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. The cover had nothing on it but a small spiral in the centre. Intrigued, I reached into my pocket and took out my cassette player. I popped out the tape that was currently in and slid the book shelf cassette in instead. I unwound my headphones and slid them on, pausing for a moment before pressing play. And this is where it all began.