OK so here is the last chapter. I really hope you all enjoyed the story and I really hope the ending is to everyone's liking! It's the hardest part ending a story at a good point. So R&R for me :)

"Its always a good morning when you are with me." I said and kissed her lips lightly. I had to get up I had some shopping to do.

We got up and got dressed, then down the stairs for breakfast.

"Hey Clare-bear, you almost ready to go? We got a few hours and I still need to get mom something for Christmas." Jon said as soon as walked in the kitchen.

"Yep I am good to go. Just let me get my bag from the room and we can go." She kissed me and went to get her bag.

"You didn't get anything for Izzy yet did you?" I whispered in his ear while she was getting some yogurt. He just grimaced and nodded. Which only cause me to laugh as Clary was coming back in the kitchen.

"What's so funny babe?" She asked me.

"Oh nothing." I said and kissed her goodbye then her and Jon left.

"So what are you getting Clary for Christmas? I know you haven't gotten her anything yet cause normally you whine when she leaves so soon." Izzy said coming up behind me as I was grabbing the keys to my car. I had an Audi that I never really drove cause we always rode together.

"I am going get it right now Iz so shut up." Her eyes lit up, damn now she is going to want to come with me.

"I am coming with you. Lord knows what you plan to get her and she might not like it. Plus I never skip a shopping trip." She said grabbing her purse. I really hoped she was going to like what I was getting her. I also really hoped Iz wouldn't tell her before hand cause she is going to have a mini heart attack when she finds out.

We drove to the mall and I pulled into spot. Iz was about to get out when I grabbed her arm to stop her. "Look I want you to promise me now that you are not going to tell her what I am getting her. I know what I want to get her but you are going to freak so promise me now that you wont tell her." I was so dead serious.

"Ok I promise not to tell her. Jeez what are you getting her anyway?" She said and I smiled and got out of the car and headed toward the doors. She caught up with me her eyes got the size of golf balls when we walked into Kays.

"Hello there can I help you find something?" said a pretty blonde girl. Whose names was Melanie.

"Yes Melanie you can. I am looking for a promise ring for my girl friend." Her face fell a little but she nodded and lead me over to case that was full of pretty rings.

"Jace oh my god are you serious about this?" We were here looking at rings and she was asking me if I was serious.

"Well duh Iz I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Now pipe down and help me find the right one." She smiled so big I thought he face might break and she came up to look at the rings. About an hour later we left the store with the perfect ring. It was white gold with a small emerald in the middle the exact shade of her beautiful eyes. I really hoped she liked it.

"She is going to love it stop freaking out. Frown lines are not attractive." Iz said and we spent the next three hours shopping. She got Jon a watch and some shirts. Then some things for Clary that was sure to make her blush and what she called the perfect Christmas dress for Clary. She of course got a butt load of crap for herself. With the car packed with stuff we made our way back home. I wondered how her dinner with Luke was going as I made my way up to my room with the Kays bag. Unfortunately before I got there both Magnus and Alec excited his room and looked down at the bag in my hand.

Magnus actually squealed like a girl. I shot out and put my hand over his mouth. "Don't do that. I am going to take my hand away but don't do that again." he nodded and I released him.

"Can we see it please please please." he begged.

"How do you even know what's in this bag?" I asked him.

"Please honey I am gay. That is to small to be for a necklace or bracelet and Clary doesn't have her ears pierced so that only leaves one thing a ring." Man he was good. Even I didn't notice her ears weren't pierced.

"Okay okay I will show you, but you cant tell her. I know you and her and bff's but really you promise me you wont say. Its not an engagement ring just a promise ring." He nodded practically jumping up and down to see it. I pulled it out and he and Alec gasped at the same time. I took that as a good sign.

"Well do you think she is going to like it. Izzy helped me pick out." I said looking hopefully at my brother and his boy friend. I had never been so nervous in my life.

"She is going to love it Jace. It could have been from a gumball machine and she would still love it." Alec said. That surprised me and apparently Magnus too. "He's right you know she loves you a lot." Magnus agreed. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Thanks guys that makes me feel a lot better. I just really hope she likes it but more so that she doesn't freak out when she sees it."

"It will be fine she is going to absolutely love it, and you can count on me and Alec keeping our mouths shut." I picked it back up and went to my room to put it in my sock drawer in the back. I really hoped that she would love it as much I loved her. I totally planned on marrying that girl one day or I hoped to.

The rest of the week went by forever slow. Our parents didn't come back and neither did Max. So per Clary's mother's request we were heading over there for the day. Our mother had said she was sorry about a million time already. We told her we were big kids and it was fine as long as Max had a good day. I was so nervous with the box in my pocket. We climbed in the car and headed over to her house. When we got there I was about to get out when three people turned to look at me.

"Calm down Jace, you look like you are about to start sweating. She is going to love it. Chill out." Izzy said and the other two nodded in agreement with her. We got out and went to ring the door bell. Clary answered it wearing the dress Izzy got her and she looked absolutely beautiful in it. It was the Christmas red like her hair and it hugged her body till it got to her waist and flared out a little and stopped at her knees. Perfect.

"That dress looks great on you just like I knew it would." Izzy said and hugged her. "Where should I bring the presents?"

"Oh well there is a tree Iz just put them there." She laughed and hugged Alec and Magnus next. She saved me for last. But it was some hug. She grabbed me and pulled me in and she buried her face in the crock of my neck. "I missed you this week so much." she whispered in my ear. "I missed you too baby." I answered letting her go to place a light kiss on her lips then shut the front door.

"Oh Merry Christmas. I am so glad you got to make it even though it sad that your parents are away." Her mother said coming in the room and hugging each of us.

"Mom don't smother them." Clary said and then she laughed.

"Well lunch is ready if you all are hungry. Luke made the ham so it should be good. Clary made almost everything else with Jon. I was told to stay out of the kitchen so if its not good they did it." Her mother laughed. I could see where she got her smile from and her free nature. Made me wonder a little about her father and what she got from him.

All the food was great of course. My girl sure knew how to cook. Next we opened presents all except for one. I didn't know if I wanted to do this in front of everyone or alone. I took a deep breath and thought about it might as well do it front of everyone. I pulled the box out of my pocket and I could hear an audible gasp go through the room. Clary turned to me cause she was picking up paper which she promptly dropped to floor. Her hands went to her mouth. I had to box open and I was sitting on the floor at her feet.

"Jace?" was all she could say.

"Before everyone freaks out its not an engagement ring just a promise ring," I turned back to her, "I promise that I will love you from now until the day I die. I am your always. Would you wear this as my promise to you that some day I will make you mine forever?" Oh god please say something anything. She was just sitting there saying nothing.

"Clarissa Adele Fray you better answer that boy. It took courage for him to do that in front of all of us. Say something." her mother voice took her out of whatever trance she was in.

"Of course I will." she said and I slid it on her finger and she hugged me.

"How did I get such a perfect boy friend?" she said in my ear. "Just got lucky I guess but not as lucky as me cause I have the best girl in world in my arms." I said back.

"Well let me get a look at that thing sweetie." her mother said. She smiled and got up to show her mother. "It's so pretty Clary. That boy has good taste in rings and girls." which made Clary giggle.

"Your right he does." was all she said.

"Well I think I deserve a hug I helped him pick it out." Izzy said. Clary ran and threw her arms around the girls neck and squeezed. "I am surprised you kept this a secret Iz normally you cant keep anything a secret." she laughed.

"Well I promised and so did they. Just so you know I am not the only one who didn't know about this." She pointed at Magnus and Alec. She turned her head to them and gave them a questioning look.

"You know I am a romantic sweet Clare. I could never have spoiled this is was to sweet." Magnus said.

I rolled my eyes only a gay guy could get away with saying that. The rest of the night included cookies which Clary made plenty of and a movie. We all sat snuggled in the living room together. It was the best Christmas I had in a long time. That is where we all feel asleep too except Luke and Clary's mother. They were smart enough to get a room.



Congratulations Class of 2012. We all threw our hats in the air. I went to find Jace would promptly came up and grabbed me up and spun me around. I looked around for Izzy who was already running into the waiting arms of my brother on the sidelines by Alec and Magnus and our parents.

"Come on graduate lets go see the family." Jace said to me.

"I cant believe we are done with high school." I said. I was so happy to be done though I didn't know what we were going to do now though. Simon came up and hugged me to him and spun me around too.

"We are done Fray go us." he said laughing in my ear. His girl friend Kaelie coming up behind him and hugging me too. They really were perfect for each other.

"I have something for you from Dylan when your done." Dylan was the guy who owned the track that I had been driving on for a few years now. I nodded hoping my mom didn't hear she still didn't know about that. Her and Luke had gotten married 6 months ago. Everything was more or less perfect.

"Congratulations you guys. You made it through high school." My mother said taking me in for a hug with her and Luke. I loved them both so much. "I am proud of you Clare-bear." Jon said hugging me too. He had graduated last year with Alec and Magnus. School pretty much sucked without them but I had Izzy, Jace, Simon and Kaelie.

"Lets get out of here and go get some food I am starving." Jace said. He was always hungry I thought laughing. I grabbed his hand and we made our way out to the car. We were in my Mustang of course. He had a car but hardly ever drove it and I didn't know why it was a sweet ass car. Simon and Kaelie pilled in with us and everyone else found a car to ride in to Taki's our favorite restaurant.

"Hey Stella." I called as we walked in she knew us cause always came here after school and on weekends. Our parents were all away a lot for lawyer stuff or art things for mine. We practically lived in this place.

"Congratulations you lot I got a big table set up in the back for you all." she said hugging each of us and leading us to the back. She got everyone else's drink orders cause she knew ours by heart. She only needed the parents drinks. "I am beginning to think that you kids eat here to much." My mother laughed. She brought us our drinks and looked up to take our orders.

"We will all have our usual Stella." I said she laughed saying something about something's never change. Our parents ordered. When our food came we all dug in. Everyone was talking so it was pretty loud. When Simon handed me a paper under the table that was from Dylan.

When I finished reading it I screamed and jumped up and started dancing around with a smile on my face. I realized that it got quiet all of sudden. Damn I was so busted in two seconds. "Care to share Clary?" My mother said. Damn again.

"Uh just some good news I guess. But no I really don't want to share." she gave me pointed look that said she didn't really care if I shared. Jace squeezed my hand as encouragement.

"Well Simon's boss just offered me a job." I said.

"That is not helping Clary." she sighed. Everyone who knew was now looking at there feet even Luke. My mother looked around and seen this she was getting mad.

I took a deep breath, "Simon works at the race track in town and his boss Dylan says they need a new driver. They race in state and sometimes NASCAR." I looked up at her and she turned an even deeper shade of red.

"How long have you been driving Clarissa?" Ooo yea she was mad she never called me that unless she was pissed.

"I have been for a few years. I am really good too and I am going to take him up on his offer its what I always wanted to do. If not then art school."

"Well I guess I cant stop you now can I. Promise me that you will be careful. I am going to go out a limb and guess that everyone who is looking at there feet knew about you driving including Luke." yep someone was in trouble and it wasn't me.

"Yes they all knew. They come to watch me all the time and sometimes I take one of them around with me. Luke knew cause he helped with the car and paid for my time on the track but please don't be mad at him." I finished quickly.

"I am not mad I just wish someone would have told me." I think we just dodged a bullet. When we were all done Stella came back out with a cake that said Congratulations. She had the cook make it up for us before we got here. We left her the biggest tip she was sure to ever see. It was three hundred dollars. We hugged her and thanked her for the cake and being awesome. We also told her we would see her soon and she just shock her head laughing.

We all went home and the next day I woke up to go and talk to Dylan. I drove out to the track.

"Hey Clary. I hope Si gave you my letter." He said with a big smile on his face.

"He did that's why I am here to talk to you." I said. I was so excited I could barely contain myself.

"I hope that you want the job. You are the best driver I have seen in a while and I would love nothing more then for you to be our driver." He said

"I do want the job. I have always wanted to be a driver."

"Well then lets get you measured for your gear and show you the car you will be driving." We walked out and I was measured and given a look at the best thing in the world a race car that would be mine.


I was staring at myself in a full length mirror at my wedding dress. It was white and strapless it hugged me to my waist and flared out just a little and reached the floor. It had beading all along the top and scattered at the bottom.

"You look beautiful Clare-bear." My brother said looking at me from the door, "You ready to go become Mrs. Arrogant?" I laughed and walked over to him. We walked slowly down the hall to end and the doors were still closed.

"Don't let me fall Jon." I said Izzy made me wear heels that were way to big for me to walk in.

"Never Clare-bear." He said and kissed the top of my head. The doors opened and up the isle we went. Jace looked handsome in his tux behind him was Alec, Magnus, and Simon. I looked straight at him and focused on not falling. When we got there my brother handed me off to Jace and he kissed my forehead and went to sit with mom and Luke. I turned and handed my bouquet to Izzy. Behind her was Kaelie and Maia. I turned to Jace and he was smiling so big it was like the sun.

"I do." he said "I do." I said that was all my mind would process.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss you bride." we kissed sweetly. "Ladies and gentlemen Mr. and Mrs. Wayland." Everyone clapped loud and we made our way out of the church.