A/N: So, here is the next chapter people. Hope you all like it.

Lingering Situations

By KawaiPanda

Chapter Three

A Tenten Love Story

I had been on my way to the Kazekage's mansion when I heard the news. Ino was in the hospital. The ninja who had informed me didn't know why she was there, only that there was a lot of blood and the Anbu were cleaning up their bedroom. I was curious and concerned for Ino, of course, but he also told me that it would be useless to try and see her until she was discharged. Being the Kazekage's wife, no one but her husband and doctor would be able to be in the hopsital with her.

I was conflicted, but since I knew it would be a waste of time, I kept on my way to the mansion. I let myself in, and using the crudly drawn map Ino had drawn for me, found my room. It was about the same size as the one at home, with some distinct differences. I had my own bathroom, and the bed took up most of the room.

I took my time unpacking my clothes and was almost done when there was a knock on the door.

Blinking, I opened the door to the man who had been plaguing my thoughts lately. "May I help you Kankuro-sama?"

He looked sheepish. "I'm actually a bit lost."

Tch. "I'm sorry, but how can you get lost in your own home?"

"..." He opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of a clever response that I didn't have the time for.

"Good-bye." I moved to close the door when he stopped me by blocking the door with his large frame.

"Tenten, wait."

"What?" I bit out.

"I'm sorry..."

I lifted a brow at him. "For?"

"What I said." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"..." I he thought I was going to make this easy for him, he was wrong.

"When I said you were a great lay."

"I remember." I leaned against the doorframe.

"Right, well, I just wanted to apologize. It was inappropriate." He seemed sincere.



"Well, what?"

"Do you accept?"

I smiled at him. "Your apology? No. No I don't."

"Seriously?" He looked surprised at that. Good.



"Kankuro." I crossed my arms, impatient. "Is there anything else you wanted?"

He sighed. "Actually, I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner."

I frowned at him. "Are you kidding me?"


"Um, no thanks. You already got a taste from the cookie jar." He didn't have to wine and dine me because he felt guilty or what ever the fuck he was feeling.

"Come on, Tenten."


"What's the harm in dinner?" I could tell from his tone he wasn't going to let this go, so I sighed.

"No strings attached?"

"Not a one."

"Fine." I said reluctantly.

"Yes!" He grinned. "So, I'll pick you up at six."

"... Sure."

"See you soon."

"Yeah... okay.."

A couple of hourse later, I was finished unpacking and I found myself wandering the mansion. The sounds of a television drew me into the livingroom and I spotted Kankuro on the couch. When I turned to leave, he called to me.

"I don't bite." I kept walking. "Are you a coward?"

That stopped me in my tracks. "I turned and stalked back into the room, plopping down next to him. We sat in silence watching the screen for a long time until the front door opened, and Gaara walked in carrying Ino. Immediately we were up and rushing to help.

When we made it to the bedroom, the guys left me and Ino alone. I wasn't surprised. She needed a bath and Gaara wasn't comfortable enough for that. And there was no way in hell Kankuro was going to do it.

"So..." I began, sitting on the edge of her bed, my eyebrow lifted. "I take it you're going to need help with a change of clothing and a bath..."

"Just help me into the bathroom, I can do the rest myself." Ino didn't look like she could fend off a kitten.

"Are you sure? You nearly drowned last time." I teased and headed into the bathroom, turning on the water for her. I averted my eyes as I came back into the room to Ino's nakedness.

"Haha. Just help me up." She bit out. I slid my shoulder under her arm and helped her limp into the bathroom, assisting her with getting into the tub. I turned tail and headed back for the bedroom.

"So... What's going on between you and my brother in law?" She asked, coyly.

I sputtered and called back, "Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Mmmmhmmm." My face burned but I was able to calm down as I flitted about the room, picking up her bloodied clothing and placing some fresh ones out on the bed. When I heard the tell tale signs of her standing up in the bathroom, I barely made it in time to catch her. "Thanks Tennie."

"No prob, though I am wet now." I wrapped her in a towel and helped her into the room."While you're getting dry and dressed, I'm going to go make some lunch."

"Don't burn down the house." She called after me.

"Haha." With that the door clicked shut.

I easily fell into the ritual of cooking. It was fun and while I wasn't the best, I could still make some things edible enough to eat without regretting it later. After I plated the food and made my way back towards the room, I heard her sobbing. With a sigh I headed into the room.

I said nothing. Rather, I placed the plate of food on the end table next to the bed and gathered her in my arms. After she calmed back down, I pulled away and patted her hand.

"Thank's Tennie." This girl, she was like a sister to me so it was only natural that I would comfort her when I could.

"It's no problem." We ate in comfortable silence when there was a knock at the front door. Since I was finished, I took my plate with me and left the room to answer the door. Choji stood there looking sheepish.

"Hey Tenten. Can I see Ino?"

"Yeah, follow me." I led him to her room and left for my own. I did have a date to get ready for.

A/N: So, what do you guys think? Thanks to everyone who reviewed, alerted, and favorited this story. :)