It was humid in the jungle, the wildlife in full chorus as the helicopters sat quietly for over a day now, the team sent in miles away by now as they make their way through this god forsaken jungle. They had been separated for one reason or another, but things seemed to be going well for Jake. They hadn't found any alarms yet, but that was expected for another mile or so, and he was stuck with his two favorite people along with Sherry – Chris AND Leon. "Yup, sometimes you just get lucky…" He muttered to himself as he and Chris seemed to be leading the way as Leon and Sherry were chatting it up.

Chris seemed to notice the angry swings of the machete and put a hand on his shoulder. "I don't mean to pry, but you look like you're trying to murder the branches, anything you want t get off your chest?" He asked as he snapped one of the branches with his hands, taking the machete to the dense foliage. Jake kept his mouth shut as Chris shook his head. "Being stubborn won't get you anywhere."

"Look you want answers, here's one, we're not friends, so don't try and act like one. My only stake in this is Wesker needs to be stopped, and since he's my dad I feel like I should help with that. That's IT." He looked at Sherry and Leon who stopped to look at him, turning away after a moment and tore the limb off of a tree, heading out further, but not by much. Chris shook his head and kept walking, Leon and Sherry staying together.

"So, what's bothering him?" Leon asked finally when he was sure Jake was out of ear shot. He wasn't sure what happened to get him like this but there were only so few possibilities since they had gotten here…

"I don't know…" She didn't sound convincing. He was going to ask her about it but saw she was thinking, so he waited a few moments for her to continue. "I'll try and talk with him, see if I can help..." He didn't argue as she pressed onward, closing his distance with Chris.

"So, is this what you expected when you brought everyone along?" Chris only chuckled as he shook his head, swinging at the limbs of trees.

"No, then again I'm used to actual military training. But you can't deny the results, he's good. Better with her." He stated with a nod to her as she pulled him off to the side, seeing him not exactly resisting.

"It's gonna get someone killed…" Leo added with a sigh, continuing ahead. Chris unfortunately disagree, it has a few times… But he didn't think anyone could have made any different choices.


Jake had been pulled off to the side by Sherry for reasons unknown. He honestly wasn't up for talking with any of them. "What's up Sherry? Can we make this quick? I have more plant life to deface." Sherry scoffed at him and put her hands on her hips.

"Really? I want to know what's going on with you! Ever since yesterday you've been in a sour mood and short with everyone!" She tried keeping her voice down, but it was still coming across as somewhat of a yell.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Why not talk it over with Leon? Maybe he has some insight to provide." He said with a laugh, turning to head back, Sherry grabbing his arm. She turned him to her, a hurt look in her eye that almost made him cringe.

"Jake, what are you talking about? What does Leon—"

"Because of who he is to you, alright?!" He almost screamed out. Sherry let go of his arm as he took a few steps away, turning back with a huff. "Because he saved you all those years ago in Raccoon, because he saved our asses back in China… Cause he's your 'Hero'," And as soon as he said it she snapped to attention, like something clicked in her head and it all made sense to her now. "And—"

Before he could say anything else there was a rumbling on the ground, too short to be a quake but there wasn't too many other options. "Jake..." He silenced her instantly, whether she would be talking about what it was before or this thing now, he needed to listen.

He looked to the trees and saw them moving, but even more than just from the quakes. Just then Chris and Leon came bursting through and Jake and Sherry started running. Instantly a hoard of monkeys burst through the brush, Chimps and Orangutans as well as Baboons chasing after them, and all of them deformed and misshapen in way or another. "Well I'm glad to see dad isn't discriminatory on test subjects!"

"Oh yeah, he's one hell of a guy!" Leon shot back as he rolled under a fallen tree with Sherry, Jake and Chris going over it and swinging off a vine, getting them ahead a bit as they came to a large ravine. Jake spotted an outstretched log and pointed it out to Chris with a shout as they aimed for it, Sherry and Leon following. Sherry tripped for a moment, causing Leon to run back, kicking away a chimp quickly before helping her up.

Jake jumped first, landing hard and standing on the edge, using his weight to try and help keep it in check as Chris came next. "Hurry up!" He called to the others as Leon launched Sherry. She landed and nearly tripped, causing the log to begin tipping. "SHERRY!" Jake called as he grabbed the log and pushed down, righting it to help her. She was almost across when the ground underneath them began to slide, causing Sherry to just narrowly catch on to the edge.

Jake was struggling now, he didn't have a good grip and he was losing his footing. He didn't know what to do, and to think things would end like that, how he left things off with her… "Get moving Muller!" Chris shouted, shaking him from his thoughts as he took the log from him, holding it steady as Jake nodded, looking up for a moment, seeing Leon shooting at the raging monkeys coming for them he jumped on the log, sliding down and throwing his only grenade past Leon, as soon as it got close enough to the deformed creature he shot it, causing them to disperse for now.

Jake slid down the log, grabbing Sherry's hand, the log Lurching slightly as he did. He looked back, Chris looking strained and Leon appearing to be low on ammo. He sighed and looked at Sherry, almost apologetic, but she couldn't tell as he slid off of the log, pulling her close to him as they fell to the river below, Chris shouting after them, getting Leon's attention as he too couldn't help but call for them.

It was surreal for her, as if it were going in slow motion; Jake was underneath her in mid air, looking down to make sure she wouldn't get hurt, and the last thing they were talking about… The next thing she knew was the icy sting of the water below, the current pulling them through the river, but she never felt Jake release her, though she couldn't tell if it was the current or if they were bumping into anything.

After what seemed like ages, they were finally able to catch their breath as they came across a small shore, covered by a hollow point in the rocks. Sherry climbed up and laid on the sand, breathing heavily and coughing lightly. "I can't… I can't believe that we… We survived that… Jake..?" She looked over at Jake, his body still half in the water as he lie there, motionless.

She couldn't have moved faster if she had tried, grabbing him and dragging him up closer even though every muscle in her body screamed at her. She released him finally as she heard his raspy breathing. She pulled at his shirt and saw a lot of bruising and a lot of bleeding. She gasped slightly as she took her button up shirt off, followed by her tank top and pressed it against the open wounds, cursing herself for not having disinfectant, or something to help clean out his wounds.

She shuddered at the coldness the small cave brought, along with how wet she was she'd be surprised if she didn't catch anything. "You know what they say… We gotta huddle up to keep warm..." Jake managed to wheeze out, shakily moving his hands to get himself up, Sherry pushing him back down.

"Jake no! You need to rest, you're hurt—"She was cut off as he pulled a pack of bandages from one of his pockets, tossing them to her. He said nothing else for the remainder of the wound dressing, causing her to worry as her tank top was a makeshift pad for now, the bleeding stopped thankfully but, you can never be too careful. "How are you feeling…?" She asked, not receiving a response for a few moments before he handed her the button up, causing her to blush slightly and slip it back on as He sat up slowly, leaning against the wall of the cave.

She inched closer to him with the shirt on, leaning against him, her face flush at his warm body as they touched. "You should get some rest…" He said as he stood slowly, walking towards the edge of the cave. "I'm gonna look for a way out of this ravine." Sherry sat silently and nodded, curling up and sighing lightly.

After a few hours he had returned, Sherry sitting and prodding at a small fire made form some bits of wood washed up in the river and Jakes lighter he had left, unbeknownst to himself. He walked up and sighed, sitting next to her. "There's a way out about a mile up ahead... We can wade through the water and—"

"What were you going to say?" This caught him off guard, because at the moment he wasn't sure what she was talking about. "About Leon and him being the 'hero'..?" It was silly of him to think he could go without going back to that.

"I was just saying… I get it, I'm not the hero type, and I was never cut out to be. Leon… He's a good guy; he's what you've been looking for." There was a sound he heard, which wasn't normal, and he didn't notice until a few seconds later she slapped him. He raised a hand to his cheek in surprise and stared at her.

"THAT'S what this has been about?! Because you think Leon is good for me you think you can just alienate everyone?!" Granted it sounded stupid when someone put it like that…

"Look, I'm not arguing this with you, you and Leon—" There it was again, that sound, only this time he knew exactly what happened and was getting ticked off.

"Would you stop bringing him up! It's not about him!"

"Then what IS this about?!"

"I didn't think I'd have to say it, though it isn't a surprise."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?!"

She was about to slap him again, only this time he caught it, they both stared at each other, tears in her eyes, the look of depression and sorrow mixed with anger and frustration, much like his own. His grip on her hand loosened, or weakened in his opinion as he seemed to have literally nothing holding him back anymore and neither did she.

And in that one moment, they didn't care anymore. Their lips crashed together, Jake's arms around her and pulling her closer to him as Sherry wrapped her own around his neck, tears flowing down her cheeks. Their breaths meshed against each other's lips, both almost afraid to stop as Jake turned her and laid her down next to the fire, grabbing her breasts through her shirt and grinding himself into her.

She couldn't help but moan as he assaulted her body, her fingers dragging along his back as she arched hers in pleasure. She broke the kiss and began to pant as he pulled at her nipples, biting at them now without removing her clothes. Her fingers nails dug into his back, scratching and almost certainly leaving marks. "Jaaaaaaake…!" She mewled out, moaning afterwards.

This snapped Jake from his self control as his primal lust took over. He stopped and pulled her pants off, tossing them aside and grabbed her legs, pulling them around his waist as he pushed his pants down his body, just enough to release his throbbing member. He pulled her black laced panties and pushed himself inside of her, causing her to shoot up and grab onto him, nearly crying out in pleasure as he didn't wait for the okay, pumping deep within her. Grabbing her hips and pushing her against him with each thrust, their hips smacking together making a loud clapping sound she moaned heavily again, followed by him as she clenched her walls around his large member.

"Oh god Jake..!" She cried out before she dropped her head back, squeezing her legs tighter around him as she clenched again, coming over him hard as she dug her fingernails into him, panting heavily., But Jake was far from done. He laid her back down, lifting one leg over his shoulder and began to pump inside of her again, the new angle hitting a new place and causing her to moan loudly again.

In and out he moved, never stopping, using her leg to push him into her as he did, finally coming inside of her, groaning loudly as he did and causing her to come again. She panted, getting on her hands and knees, blushing heavily as she looked back at him. "Jake… One more, please..?" How could he turn that down?

He grabbed her by the hips, pulling her close and slapping her ass lightly as he thrusted inside of her, grunting loudly with each thrust, Sherry unable to even speak as he hit that spot inside of her, causing her to hit her orgasm with every few thrusts, having a long string, occasionally one inside of another. It took her to another world where nothing mattered except this one feeling, and the man giving it to her, causing her arms to fail as she lay there, her ass still in the air for him as she just took it, moaning and crying out still.

After a few more thrusts Jake moaned loudly and released inside of her again, causing her to have another orgasm, the biggest of them all. Jake breathed heavily and lay next to her, an arm draped over her as he cleared his throat, unsure of what to say. Sherry only placed a hand on his own, the heat from the two comforting with the fire and she soon drifted to sleep.

Jake only laid there for a few moments before kissing her temple lightly, laying his head next t her and pulling her closer. "….. I love you Sherry…" His eyes closed as sleep overtook him quickly. After what felt like a few minutes brought the light of another day, causing Jake to groan as he sat up, twisting and turning as his bones cracked from sleeping on something that didn't agree with him. Though slept with is a completely different story, but seemed to have misplaced said silver lining.

"Sherry?" He called groggily as he stood, hitting his head on the cave ceiling in the process. He turned to the mouth of the cave, seeing her sitting on her knees next to the water. He walked over to her and reached out gently before retracting his hand and sat next to her, noticing she was now in fact only in her bra and button up. He cleared his throat and turned away, unable to hide the tint on his cheeks he could only imagine hers.

"They needed to be washed and I didn't want to wake you..." She said quietly, the red on her face evident in her voice alone. He nodded and took a deep breath as she wrung out her panties and pants, laying them out so they'd dry in the sun. They sat for a moment, both unsure of what to say or do, last night being a mix of emotions neither were ready for and Jake decided to take the bullet and grabbed her hand.

They sat there for a few moments, unmoving as Jake was the first to move, getting up he walked over and grabbed his shirt, slipping it on and keeping his back turned. "You should get dressed… We need to get moving soon, I wouldn't want to stay here for another day." He explained as Sherry nodded, slipping both her now slightly damp panties and pants back on, then grabbing her shoes.

"Come on, if we hurry we can—" It seemed to be a running gag in his life to cut him off with loud noises, as up the river there seemed to be something moving fast, coming their way. "GO GO!" He shouted as they dove into the water, the current sweeping them away, but this time they were prepared. The boulders and rocks slowed whatever it was down as they were able to maneuver around them without much problem, but it raised some alarms when they saw the lake they were about to be poured into. They both braced themselves as they fell from a small waterfall into the large body of water, and it was deeper than Jake thought.

As he looked down he saw whatever was chasing them fly over head as he finally came up for air, Sherry already swimming to land thankfully. He watched as four round objects surfaced, two next to each other and two more spread wider in the back. He didn't want to stick around and find out what this was as it began to move toward him. It was times like this he wish he had joined the swim team.

As he tried to get to some sort of distance between them, he was now being pushed by what felt like a wall of rough skin. He didn't like where this was going one bit. He was pushed out of the water at incredible speed, sending him high into the air as he began to float for a few moments, looking down and seeing a 40 foot long croc trying to bite at him. He heard Sherry's shouts in the distance, sighing as he really didn't know what to do with himself now. It sunk back into the water, seeming to wait for him as he began to fall faster and faster, he decided there was really only one thing to do in this situation, and he wasn't a fan of it.

Sherry was running through the trees towards what appeared to be a dock with a small fishing boat attached to it. The boat wasn't what interested her; the harpoon attached to it however could be useful. She looked up as Jake seemed to be diving down to the water purposefully. She stopped as she watched the beast leap from the water, clamping its mouth around Jake and swallowing him whole.

"JAAAAAAKE!" She couldn't believe what had just happened, but she couldn't stop and mourn. She hurried to the boat and grabbed the harpoon gun attached to the boat and began aiming, seeing it dive down she knew she couldn't hit it. She jumped down and started pulling on the rip cord for the motor, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as it got started. She drove the boat out, the sound catching the beast's attention as it slowly started to follow her. She began to make a round on the lake, passing the waterfall and seeming to lose it, if only for a moment, buying her some time as she thought of what to do. Seeing the dock again she hit the gas, propping the motor to aim for it and grabbed the harpoon. She began aiming as the croc raised its head, about to dive for the boat as it hit the dock, the momentum of the boat carrying it onto land with the Croc following, just falling short as the harpoon was fired into its skull. It roared out and thrashed its head, swinging the boat as Sherry nearly was taken with it, hitting the ground in front of it.

She started to crawl away, the breath knocked out of her from the fall as it was still thrashing around, the boat shattering and the gun catching in some trees. It roared as she looked back, seeing it bite furiously, and while in her direction, not at her…? It opened its mouth again, this time screeching loud enough to shake the forest as she saw Jake climbing up its throat, grabbing at the harpoon that seemed to pierce all the way through. He got into the mouth and pulled the harpoon quickly and caused it to start thrashing again, exactly as Jake wanted. The cord attached to the harpoon pulled through the hole, now acting as some sort of leash in a sense as it moved towards Jake, angry and wanting to bite him in half. He only laughed and ran from it at where the gun had been lodged, following the cord and sliding through a gap in the tree stumps, the croc bashing through and dragging them with it.

Sherry seemed to get the idea and stepped back, watching Jake outrun this thing, which she didn't think was possible. The thing was slow and bulky on land, even the normal cord could hold it if it didn't have any room, and with the maze Jake was weaving, as well as the trees that seemed to be picked up by it, it seemed like it would do the trick. Jake continued to run, finally ending up at the gun and inserted the harpoon back inside, smirking as he did so. The croc tried to bite at him, but its body was contorted by the trees on its body, as well as what was left in the jungle, as well as the cord of the harpoon not giving it enough torque to break free from any of this. It roared angrily as Jake ignored it, walking back to Sherry and waving.

"So, what do you think? I mean it's no origami but…" He noted her smile as she shook her head and leaned against a tree. He stepped closer and lifted her chin, leaning in slowly.

"Don't you dare Jake." He stopped dead in his tracks, unsure of how to respond now. He thought they had fixed everything, brought them together or something. He was about to say something of a response when she continued. "You were inside that thing, I'm sorry but I'd really rather wait for you to shower or something." She explained as she pushed past him, gasping for breath. He gave her a confused look and sniffed at himself, shrugging.

"What's wrong, you don't like musk?" They walked somewhat in silence for the next mile or so, Jake and Sherry both making sure not to leave to many distinguishing marks that they had been there, croc notwithstanding. After a few hours, they noticed the sun was already heading towards the other end of the earth, when it occurred to Jake."Do we even know if we're going in the right direction?"

Sherry stopped and turned to look at him, a look of worry on her face. "I-I don't know, I thought this way seemed best so..." Jake sighed as he looked around; taking note of the direction the sun was moving.

"Well… I think we're still moving towards the other end, and who knows that river might have saved us some tim—"He was cut off by the ground shaking again, this time taking them off the ground and hitting the floor. They quickly got up, using each other for support and looked around, trying to find out where it was coming from, and it was answered as the swarm of rabid monkeys appeared. Jake started running and grabbed Sherry by the arm, pulling her with him.

The apes and monkeys screeched and hollered as they ran, stampeding and even knocking down trees from the weight of them all as Jake and Sherry ran as fast as they could, but they were no match for that kind of speed. Just as it seemed like they might have a chance, the unthinkable happened and Sherry tripped, her foot caught in some roots and her ankle twisting. Jake had no time to think as he still had her arm he lifted her up, catching her in his arms bridal style and began moving faster than before, because at this point he needed to or it was Sherry who'd get hut.

The trees seemed to blur together, like she were in a car right now and not in Jakes arms. She was stunned at how fast they seemed to be going, looking up at Jake as he seemed so focused. She tried to look closer as his eyes now seemed to have a red tint to it, but her attention was taken as the monkeys seemed to disperse and were now heading in any which way they could as they heard the roar of something bigger than the croc, they were sure. Jake stopped when he heard a low humming sound after his ears stopped ringing, seeing Chris and Leon riding towards them in a Jeep.

Chris was in the driver seat as Leon leaned out the side of the car, holding on to the frame of where the windshield used to be. "Pass her up!" He called as Jake nodded, tossing her into Leon's arms, he slid an arm under her legs as she grabbed his neck and pulled himself back into the jeep, depositing her into the back seat as Jake kept running, a large Ape bursting from the tree cover behind them standing 80 feet tall if he had to guess. Cursing loudly as he tried to pick up the speed, he realized they had saved Sherry and left him, knowing full well what was happening, causing him to curse loudly once again.

"HOLD ON!" Chris shouted as he hit the brakes without releasing the accelerator and made a large circle, doing his best not to lose any momentum and give Jake enough time to catch up. Leon used the force of the turn to throw Sherry gently into the back seat as he climbed back there as well, jumping out as far as he could to hold a hand out for Jake. He ran as fast as he could, but even with Chris' help he wasn't gonna catch up, until he saw Sherry. He had been realizing more and more that whenever she were around she'd awaken something inside of him, allowing him to push through most anything for her, and knew this was one of those times. He was on the back of the Jeep instantly, shocking Leon and almost having him fall off. He grabbed him be the shirt and pulled him back up before looking back at the Ape, who was steadily gaining.

"Hey Jarhead, not to be a backseat driver but you might want to go faster." Jake said to Chris as he hopped into the back, Chris looking back in one of the non broken mirrors and nodded. He hit the brakes and turned quickly, coming completely around and driving for the Ape directly. "Look just because YOU want to commit suicide doesn't mean you gotta take the rest of us pal!"

"Shut up and grab a gun!" He shouted and gestured to a gun cabinet in the jeep, Leon opening it and finding two RPG's and 4 grenades to go with it. Jake chuckled as he picked on up and stood firmly, firing the first round at one of the exposed points on the ape's chest causing it to roar again, it's mouth almost tearing open as a second creature emerged from it. "The hell..?!" Chris said to himself as he hit the brakes again, a fist coming down in front of him as he began to back up. "HIT THE THING COMING OUT WHE YOU GET THE CHANCE!" Chris shouted as he avoided the fists, the ape growing restless as two smaller arms appeared to rip from the apes normal arms. Chris cursed to himself as he now had six targets to dodge.

Jake sighed as he reloaded; feeling like he wasted a valuable shot Leon took a stand, waiting for the right time. He huffed in frustration as Chris swerved again to dodge a hit. "CHRIS! Get us out of here now! We need clear shots!" Leon shouted as Chris gave a silent acknowledgment and drove under the Ape, who roared again, banging its chest which causes the thing to come out again. Leon fired at it, just barely missing as it retracted again. He cursed and started to reload. "Chris, in about 30 seconds, I need you to go under him again!" He ordered, Chris not really seeing the point but trusted Leon's judgment and drove in a large circle, avoiding the large trees being thrashed around and giving Leon enough time to do what he needs to prepare. He stood and turned around, Jake giving him a curious look as they began to drive under the Ape. "Get ready!" He called to Jake as he seemed to catch on as Chris narrowly dodged the fists of the Ape.

It banged on its chest again, both Jake and Leon aiming at its mouth as it roared, firing just as they saw something move. As the rockets flew, the thing inside the ape exposed just enough to take the full force of the explosions and in effect, dying immediately. The Ape however started to lose it, hitting its arms against the ground, the spares that emerged beforehand dying off and flying away from the force, its regular arms breaking from the nature of its thrashing before it began banging on its chest again, doing enough damage to open some of the wounds and breaking its own bones. It gave one last charge at the jeep as Leon was still trying to reload, Jake well prepared as he fired one more RPG round right between the eyes as it leapt for them, knocking it down and stopping it short. It collided with the ground and seemed to throw a fit before it started to crystallize, Jake turning to the others and smirking. "So… I gotta make the monkey pun or what?"

"If you did I think I'd go bananas." Jake pinched his nose as if he could smell how bad the joke was, looking at the man who made it before waving him off and sitting next to Sherry, stretching and putting an arm around her absent mindedly. She immediately blushed, but tried to cover it up by looking the other direction, Leon watching the two closely before attempting to say anything and getting cut off by an explosion. Chris swerved when another hit, and the pattern continued. "IT'S A MINE FIELD!" HE shouted as one went off from under the jeep, sending the four of them flying into a ravine, the jeep jamming itself in between the four of them. Jake was one of the first to get up and look around, his eyes still flashing as he glanced around and looked up, seeing a facility just above them, and an entrance to what looked like sewers to his right.

He turned to see Leon standing now, shaking his head. Jake groaned, thinking he might end up alone with this guy, but was saved as Sherry crawled under the Jeep, wincing at her ankle as Chris hopped over, a medical kit in hand. Jake moved to help Sherry, pulling her up to the side as Chris and he started to apply what medical attention they could. Leon checked his gun and looked up, making sure no one heard or knew they were there, keeping an eye out on the off chance that they did in fact catch some good luck. As they Chris was finishing up with her foot Jake moved to the gate that blocked their path. He gave it a light tug, then a slightly stronger one and still no budge. Leon was about to offer help when Jake ripped half of it off, the other half being stubborn. Chris helped Sherry, an arm over his neck as he helped her get used to the ankle and helped her through the sewer entrance, Jake following and Leon going in last, following close to Jake as he gave Chris and Sherry some room.

Jake didn't like Leon being so close, and before he could say anything a rush of water came in. Chris held onto Sherry, able to keep them both stable, though Jake and Leon were having a bit of trouble. Jake seemed to be making progress, but Leon not so much, and as he fell back he reached out to grab anything that could help, and landed on Jake and pulled him into the current, both of them ending up going through a smaller chute and not directly out the line. Jake heard a call of his name, no doubt who called it, but he couldn't do anything to help her… Not now, not cause of the man he was slowly beginning to be intolerant, at the very least. The water was choking him now, he hadn't been able to get a breath when he pulled under and things were slowly dimming for him. In a moment all he could see, hear and feel was darkness.