Chapter Eighteen: Epilogue

It was safe to say that the car ride was starting to get a little awkward. I spent the drive staring at the Impala. Wishing I was inside of it rather than with Bobby. Then I felt guilty. Sam had every right to want to spend time with his brother. I was just being selfish. But I adored Bobby. I was fine with riding with him.

"Sorry, I'm not the best riding buddy." I told him.

"It's fine, Evy." Bobby told me. "You're very generous to give Sam time alone with Dean."

I gave a short laugh. "Not really. I'm kicking myself for it. Tonight, Dean's more than likely going to be killed by Hellhounds. I want to be with him. But, yeah, I guess it's generous. I'm being the bigger person."

"That takes a lot." Bobby stated.

"Yes, it does." I agreed.

"We'll figure something out, Evy. No matter what happens. I'll get him back to you." He told me seriously.

"Thanks, Bobby." I told him softly. "I'm going to do everything I can to make that happen."

The ride was quiet again after that. It was until we saw flashing lights in the night that the first quiver of fear overtook me.

"What's going on?" I asked Bobby as we watched the Impala get pulled over. We had only been a few minutes behind them. "Bobby…"

"Just stay calm. We don't know what's going on." Bobby said calmly.

We watched as Dean talked to the officer. It looked like everything was fine. It looked harmless enough. He had a busted taillight. It was simple. How much trouble could they be in for something that small? But then Dean slammed his door against the officer, quickly getting out of the car. I was already out of the car, running toward him, as he punched the cop repeatedly before stabbing him with Ruby's knife.

"Dean!" I yelled running into his outstretched arm.

"What the hell happened?" Bobby asked coming up behind me.

"Dean just killed a demon. How'd you know?" Sam asked his brother.

"I just knew. I could see it's face. It's real face under that one." He said catching his breath.

If there was ever a moment to be worried this was it. We were all quiet as we put the body in the car and pushed the car into the ditch. He could see demons. I didn't know what to think or say about this one. We were getting far too close to midnight.

"So, what? Now you're seeing demons?" Sam echoed my own thoughts.

"I've been seeing all kinds of things lately, but nothing like this." Dean replied.

"Actually, it's not all that crazy." Bobby told us as we covered the car up with branches.

"How's it not that crazy?" Dean asked.

"Yeah?" I frowned and shrugged at Dean when he shot me a look.

"What you got? Just over five hours to go? You're piercing the veil, Dean. You're glimpsing the B-side."

"Little less New Age-y, please." Dean replied.

"Don't be dense." I whispered to him. He shot me a glare.

"You're almost hell's bitch. So you can see hell's other bitches." Bobby explained.

"Thank you." Dean told him then looked at me. I shrugged again. "A little more sympathy wouldn't hurt." He told me as we walked up the embankment.

"Hey, I'm not the one who sold my soul." I told him.

"See? This is why I love you." He said and smacked my ass.

"It's actually come in pretty handy." Sam pointed out.

"Oh, well, I'm glad my doomed soul's good for something." Dean replied.

"Damn right it is. Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town. We can't let them sound the alarm. If she knows we're here, we're dead before we've started." Bobby told us.

"Well, this is a terrific plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Can we go, please?" Dean asked.

"We're wasting time." I stated.

We all got back into the cars and made the short trip leading us into town. We snuck through the yards till be found a house with a guard in the yard. Through the window you'd think it was a normal family. Parents and a little girl.

"It's the little girl. Oh, God, her face is awful." Dean told us.

"All right, then let's go. We're wasting time." Sam said and made to move.

"Sammy." I said grabbing him.

"Wait." Dean said stopping him.

"For what? For her to kill the rest of them?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, and us too, if we're not careful. Look. See the real go-getter mailman on the clock at 9 p.m.? And Mr. Rogers over there." Dean said pointing out several people.

"Demons?" Bobby asked.

"Yes." Dean replied.

"Okay, fine. We—We ninja past those guys, sneak in." Sam told him.

"Then, what, give a Colombian necktie to a 10 year old girl?" Dean frowned.

"She's just a little girl." I said quietly.

"Dean, come on. I know it's awful." Sam told him.

"You think?" Dean replied.

"This isn't just about saving you, Dean. This is about saving everybody." Sam stated.

"She's gotta be stopped, son." Bobby told him.

"She'll kill countless others if we don't stop her." I added.

"Oh, damn it." Dean said and made the first move.

We snuck through the streets. With Ruby's knife we were able to kill the demons before they were able to alert their leader. Bobby was in charge of turning the sprinkler system into holy water. I was behind Dean, heading toward the house when I was hit from behind. Dean was shoved up against a fence. I turned to see Ruby.

"I'd like my knife back, please. Or your neck snaps like a chicken bone." Ruby told him.

"Leave him alone." I said and grabbed her.

"He doesn't have it. Take it easy." Sam said showing her the knife in his hand.

"How the hell did you get out?" Dean asked her. It was a good question.

"What you don't know about me could fill a book." Ruby replied.

"Oh." Dean said with a repulsed look on his face. I frowned at him.

"What?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing. I just—I couldn't see you before, but you are one ugly broad." Dean replied. I laughed and took his hand.

"Sam, give me the knife before you hurt yourself." Ruby told him.

"You'll get it when this is over." Sam told her.

"It's already over. I gave you a way to save Dean, you shot me down. Now it's too late. He's dead. And I'm not gonna let you die too." Ruby told him.

"Try and stop me and I'll kill you…bitch." Sam told him.

"Hit me with your best shot, baby." Ruby replied.

"Guys, guys. Hey. Have your little catfight later." Dean told them.

"So proud, Sam." I smiled at him.

It was then we noticed that we were being watched. Demons staring at us from along the street.

"So much for the element of surprise." Dean stated.

"Run." I stated and we all took off across the street.

We made it to the door ahead of the demons. But it was locked. Sam fell to his knees and started on the lock. The demons were coming closer.

"What's taking Bobby?" Dean asked as he watched them.

"Hurry, Sam." I told him.

"I'm trying." Sam said as he worked on the lock.

As the demons started to enter the yard the sprinklers finally went off and the demons yelled and moved back, away from the holy water. Sam picked the lock and we were inside.

"You think Lilith knows we're here?" Dean asked.

"Probably." Ruby told us.

"Great." I said and stayed close to Dean as we moved through the house.

It was quiet. Too quiet for what was happening. We rounded a corner and the father appeared. Dean grabbed him, keeping him quiet. He told him we were here to help. He asked where his daughter was. She was upstairs. We were so close I was terrified. Dean told him to wait in the basement with a line of salt in front of the door. He refused. Dean knocked him out and brought him to the basement. I sighed, not liking it at all, but we were past talking about it and we needed to get the job done.

I stayed with Dean, watching his back, while Sam and Ruby made their way upstairs to the little girl's room. Dean winked at me as we made our way up the stairs. We followed the light that was streaming from the little girl's room. Sam was hovering over the bed, the mother had a panicked look. She looked like she wanted Sam to kill her daughter. Dean moved to his brother's side just in time to stop him.

"It's not her anymore." Dean said as the little girl woke up, terrified that a man was standing over her with a knife.

Dean ordered the woman to take her daughter downstairs. He told her that no matter what, her family had to stay in the basement.

"Well, I hate to be a told-you-so." Ruby told us.

"Oh, shut up." I glared at her.

"All right, Ruby, where is she?" Sam asked.

"I don't know." Ruby told him.

"Well, can she get past the sprinklers?" Sam asked.

"At her pay grade, she ain't sweating the holy water." Ruby told him.

"So what do we do now?" I said looking at Dean.

"Okay, you win. What do I have to do?" Sam asked Ruby. There was desperation in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"To save Dean. What do you need me to do?" Sam asked.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dean asked his brother.

"Just shut up for a second. Ruby." Sam told his brother.

"You had your chance. You can't just flip a switch. We needed time." Ruby stated.

"Ruby, please…" I said looking at her.

"Evy." Dean said grabbing my arm.

"Well, there's gotta be something, some way. Whatever it is, I'll do it." Sam told her as Dean grabbed him. "Don't, Dean. I'm not gonna let you go to hell, Dean."

"Yes, you are! Yes, you are. I'm sorry. I mean, this was all my fault. I know that. But what you're doing is not gonna save me. It's only gonna kill you." Dean told him.

"Oh, God." I said putting my hands through my hair. I looked at Sam. He had tears in his eyes. "This can't be happening." I said pacing the room.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Sam asked him.

"Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what Dad taught you. Okay? And remember what I taught you." Dean told him. "But most of all. Take care of her." He said pointing at me. "She's already freaking out." He smirked, trying to make light of it.

"Stop making light of things, Dean!" I yelled at him. "You do that all the time!"

"Well, this'll be the last time." Dean told me.

"No! Please!" I said rushing to him. He held me against him. Just then the clock started chiming midnight. I felt myself start shaking. "I love you. I love you so much." I said kissing him repeatedly. Sam's tears were falling down his cheeks. "Dean, I can't lose you!"

"I love you too." He said and kissed me passionately. "You have to watch out for each other. Be as happy as you can be."

I couldn't help the sobs that tore out of my throat. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Never wanting to let him go.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy." Ruby told him.

Dean tensed in my arms and he pulled me away from him. "What is it?" I asked him.


"Where?" Sam asked.

"There." Dean said looking at the entryway.

He took my hand and turned, running to the nearest room with doors. He slammed the doors shut. I couldn't see or hear the hounds but the doors were trying to burst open with the effort of the dogs. Dean pulled a pouch of goofer dust and poured it along the base of the door before moving to the windows.

"Baby, what are we gonna do?" I asked Dean.

"Just be with me." He said pulling me against him.

"Give me the knife. Maybe I can fight it off." Ruby told Sam, holding out her hand.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Come on! That dust won't last forever." She shot at him.

"Wait." Dean said as Sam was about to hand the knife over.

"You wanna die?" Ruby asked him.

"What is it?" I asked as Dean moved me behind him.

"Sam, that's not Ruby. It's not Ruby." Dean told his brother.

Ruby cocked her head, sending Dean flying across the room, landing on a table. Sam was pinned to one wall. I was pinned to another. Dean was right in front of me. Fear was taking over.

"How long have you been in her?" Dean asked as he fought against the invisible force.

"Not long. But I like it. It's all grown-up and pretty." Lilith replied.

"And where's Ruby?" Sam asked.

"She was a very bad girl. So I sent her far, far away." Lilith replied.

"You know, I should've seen it before. But you all look alike to me." Dean told her.

"Don't kill him." I pleaded. I wasn't me anymore. I was just a woman who didn't want to lose the man she loved.

Lilith turned to Sam. "Hello, Sam. I've wanted to meet you for a very long time." She said and kissed him. "Your lips are soft."

"All right, so you have me. Let my brother go." Sam told her.

My heart skipped a beat. I felt like a horrible person but if she took his offer I could still have Dean.

"Silly goose. You want a bargain, you have to have something that I want. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You don't." She told him.

"So is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to hell, kill Sam, and then what? Become queen bitch?" Dean asked.

"I don't have to answer to puppy chow." She said as she made her way to the door.

"No!" I yelled. "Please!"

She paused and looked at me. "Evy Connors. This is fiancé number two, right?" She grinned at me.

"Please. I'll go. Just don't take him." I told her.

"Evy, shut up." Dean told me.

"I'll do anything." I told Lilith.

She gave a short laugh. "You and Sam really don't get it. Neither of you have something I want." She replied and opened the door. "Sic him, boy."

"NO!" I screamed as Dean was pulled from the table.

I watched as the hound tore open his leg. I could hear the bones cracking. His screaming filled my ears. My voice was strained as I screamed in vain. The hound moved to his chest. Claw marks appeared as his chest was made into ribbons. The memories of his chest. The feel of it underneath my hands. It's softness when I rested my head there. The sound of his heart…was now fading. There was blood everywhere. It spewed from his chest, ran from his leg, choked him in his throat! My heart broke with every moment. His screams started to fade and then they stopped all together. It was my nightmares in the flesh. His eyes were open but they weren't looking at anything.

"Dean! No!" I yelled. "You bitch! I am going to kill you! I'LL KILL YOU!" She just laughed at me as she turned to Sam. "Leave him ALONE!"

"No!" Sam said looking at her with wide eyes.

"Yes." Lilith told him.

Her back was to me but a terrified look crossed Sam's face. She held up her hand and a bright white energy came from her palm. It was clear that it was intended to kill him. But it had no effect on him. When the light faded, Sam was released. A moment later I was as well. He looked at her. She was shocked. Sam stood and took a step toward her.

"Back." She said holding out her hand. Nothing happened. "I said back." Sam bent down and picked up the knife.

"I don't think so." Sam told her.

Before Sam could kill her, she evacuated Ruby's body. I looked at him before scrambling to Dean. I tilted his head and started to breath for him. Sam kept saying my name but I ignored him. I put my hands on his chest but when I tried to push down, all my hands did was push into him. I pulled my hands out, looking at the blood and gore that covered them.

"Oh, God." I said and bent down at his head. "Dean…" I said and kissed his forehead. "Please come back, baby. Please come back." I sobbed as I cradled his head in my hands. "Please! I need you, baby. I can't live without you."

"Evy…" Sam said putting his hands on my arms.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at him, cowering away.

Bobby appeared then. I glanced at him before looking down at Dean. I stared into his eyes, though it appeared that he was looking at me, he wasn't there anymore. I pulled him into my arms, holding him against me. I could feel the warmth of his blood as it poured from his wounds onto me.

"I'm sorry I failed you." I whispered as I caressed his face, rocking him back and forth. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm so, so sorry."

I felt hands on my shoulders again. My pain was building inside of me. I put my head back and screamed as loud and as long as I could. Dean was dead in my arms. I buried my face in his neck and continued to sob. I felt hands on my arms again. I tried to shrug them away but they got tighter and soon Sam was pulling Dean from my arms.

"No!" I yelled trying to fight against Bobby's grip. "No! I need to be with him!"

"Evy, he's gone!" Bobby told me.

"No!" I yelled finally breaking free.

I dropped to the floor, scrambling back to where Dean now laid in his brothers arms. I reached out for him but felt arms around my waist, pulling me back. The sounds that escaped my lips weren't mine. It was as if I had become a feral animal. Single minded in my quest for what I wanted. I grabbed Dean's arm. As Bobby pulled me back, my fingers caught Dean's hand. He was supposed to grip mine. Supposed to hold me. I screamed 'no'. I screamed it so many times it wasn't a word anymore. Fighting against Bobby, seeing the pain on Sam's face, witnessing Dean's death…it was more than one person could take. I yelled. I screamed. I fought till my body finally went out on me. My screams stopped and with one last thrash I fell from Bobby's grasp. I fell to my knees. My body shaking. My breathing ragged. My eyes locked on Dean. I couldn't tear them away from him. I was out of energy. Tears streamed from my eyes without any effort. Bobby hovered behind me, ready to grab me if I started freaking out again. I was suddenly aware of my tears. I shut my eyes and put my hand over my forehead. I reach out and gripped Dean's leg. I bowed my head and sobbed. Sobbed so hard.

When the shock of it all seemed to have reached my core the tears subsided and I was just a girl who had lost another fiancé. I stared at Dean for a moment longer before I got to my feet and fled the room. I heard my name but it was so distant that it could have said anything. I stumbled down the hall before falling down the stairs. I crawled a few feet, leaving a trail of blood, before getting to my feet and rushing toward the front door. I pulled it open, stumbling into the yard, vomiting into the grass. Wiping my mouth, I got to my feet again. I didn't look behind me as I turned and walked down the street. There were no steps following me. I took a series of deep breaths before moving faster. Breaking into a run, I fled the scene. Running as fast as I possibly could. Running away from the pain. Away from what I no longer had. Running to escape the looks I would receive. From the sympathy and grief that I'd have to go through. I didn't want to deal with it. Not now. Not yet. All I wanted to do was get as far away as I could. Was I a coward? Was I wrong? Probably. But I couldn't handle it. It had happened again. I was supposed to be able to save this one. I had learned. I had fought. I was supposed to be with him for the rest of my life. But that was - once again - cut short. I had no idea what I was going to do now. All I wanted was to forget. To be someone else. To be anywhere else but here. So now I ran, ran to nowhere.


And there we have it! One more Supernatural story done. I know these stories get read but now I'd appreciate at least one word to tell me what you think. All I'm asking for is one word. One simple little word. Otherwise I will have to force myself to hold off on uploading the next one which has been waiting in the wings for a while. JUST THROW ME A BONE PEOPLE! Season 4 has the angels! It has Cass! It has more twists and turns and bumps in the road that maybe you won't see coming and maybe some that you will! More alliances. More blood, sweat, and tears. More sex! So throw me a gosh darn bone and make me the happiest person in the world! Okay. Thank you for reading! I still love you all!