So yeah, this is the last chapter and I really hope you like it because I'm off for awhile. My biggest thanks are to Hannah, my wonderful beta and to obsidiana402, who is always giving me thumbs up ^^ and thank you guys who reviewed and follow this story.


"Hey, Miranda!" Andrea said back, that permanent smile on her face. "Ouch!" She seemed to not notice what kind of situation they were in. "So, what's up?"

"We need to talk." Miranda said, eying Andrea's company. "Hello, Serena. I guess Emily doesn't know where you are."

"Hi, Miranda. No, she doesn't and probably she doesn't care either."

Andrea looked confused. "You and Emily?" Serena nodded. "Oh. Um. Everything makes sense now, you know." She laughed and turned to Miranda again. "So, you want to join us?"

"Not right now." Andrea was clearly drunk. "Come with me, just a moment. Then, we can come back here, ok?"

"Uh, ok, I guess. You know, I always wanted to dance with you." Andrea laughed again.

"We will dance tonight."

"Wow! Okay."

The couple, or Miranda hoped they still were one, went to the bar. Andrea was less gracious than normal, which was kind of cute and-

"Stop ogling me!"

"Um… Sorry."

Andrea took a long sip of her drink and stared at Miranda, who was trying to find the words.

"What were you doing with Serena?" No, no, shit. You did the same or worse, so, just shut up.

Andrea cringed. "Um… Dancing?"

"Yes, dancing." Miranda tried to regain her control. Breathe, Miranda, breathe. Just forget what you saw. "I came here to talk with you. I know I hurt you, but I want to repair this. I really want to try. I want… Us."

"Look. I have to say this, okay?"

Miranda's stomach retorted in a way she'd never felt before, her heart cringed. She nodded at Andrea to continue.

"In these two years, you've made my life a total mess, my days were up and down, according to your moods, and our relationship was ruled by your moods. I knew it would be this way, I knew you would be the death of my peace-"

"Andrea, I-"

"No, let me finish, please." Miranda nodded again. "You ruined every single of peacefulness that I had in my life. Today is the first day in two years that I can go out without thinking about what you were probably doing, if you were missing me, if you wanted me to be with you." She paused and closed her eyes. "And it sucks. I want to know what you are doing, if you are thinking about me, if you want me. I need to know what you want from me. I need to know what I mean to you."

Miranda stared, looking directly to Andrea's eyes. "Wait here."

"What? Miranda-"

The editor put a finger in those full lips, shutting Andrea up. "You need to know, don't you? I will tell you."

Andy stared in disbelief when Miranda ran at the DJ and told him something. Miranda never ever run. He looked at his laptop and then looked at her and smiled, giving her thumbs up. What the hell?

And then her new favorite song started to play.

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma madness…

The journalist left her drink and stood up. Miranda took her by hand and led her to the dance floor.

I, I can't get these memories out of my mind

And some kind of madness started to evolve

Andy looked for Nigel and when she spotted him, she mouthed thank you.

"Get her, Six!" He mouthed back, raising his drink.

Miranda wrapped her arms around Andy's waist and buried her head in the crock of Andy's neck. Andy did the same and they began to move.

I, I tried so hard to let you go

But some kind of madness is swallowing me whole

They didn't talk, but Andy noticed Miranda murmuring something in her neck. She was afraid to ask the older woman to raise her voice until she realized that Miranda was humming the song. Andy's heart warmed and she smiled while her grip on Miranda's waist was harder.

Andy gave Matthew Bellamy's voice permission to lead their rhythm through the song.

And now I need to know is this real love

Or is it just madness keeping us afloat?

And when I look back at all the crazy fights we had,

Like some kind of madness was taking control

In this verse, Andy smiled and kissed the ivory shoulder next to her mouth. During the main verse, Andy's hands were roaming through Miranda's back. When the guitar solo began, they were cheek to cheek. Then, Miranda looked up and took Andy's head in her hands.

They looked at each other, their eyes seeing more than anyone could see. If Andy was already shocked, she hadn't seen anything yet, because to her great surprise, Miranda sang the next verse.

And now I have finally seen the end

And I am not expecting you to care, no

But I have finally seen the light

And I have finally realized

I need your love

"I need your love."

The next line was muffled by Andy's lips. If Miranda was willing to learn her favorite song, she was willing to spend the rest of her life without any bit of peace.

Come to me, trust in your dream

Come on and rescue me.

Yes I know, I can be wrong

Maybe I'm too headstrong

Our love is...


They didn't know how they made it up to the townhouse nor did they know how they ended in the bed. All that mattered was the fact that Miranda had her lover back in her arms. They crawled in the bed, already naked, staring at each other, right in the eyes. Their hands were dancing around their bodies, probing, measuring, feeling, discovering, and loving each other.

Without neither closing their eyes nor blinking, Andrea opened her legs, exposing herself to Miranda. The editor put one leg between Andrea's and they both moaned.

"Oh God!"


Miranda reclaimed her lover lips in a breathtaking kiss, whilst their legs opened, bringing their hot centers together. Andrea's hand ran from Miranda's hair to her own sex, opening her labia and then doing the same with Miranda, this way, they would be rubbing each other right on the sensitive spot.

Miranda buried her head in the junction of Andrea's shoulder and neck and began to thrust. Slow, but firm thrusts. Andrea threw her arms around Miranda, grabbing her ass and thrusting against her. Miranda gave her pecks on the shoulder, neck and jaw line.

"Oh god, Andrea, I love you so much!"

When the words left her mouth, Miranda knew that was the truth, which was what Andrea needed to know. So, when Andrea just said "Oh fuck, yes!", she smiled. That was what all she needed to know.

Sometime later, both lying on the bed; Miranda was propped up on the headboard, with Andy on her stomach, between Miranda's legs, peppering kisses on her breasts and belly.

"So," Andy perched up, "how did you know that I like that song? How did you know the lyrics?"

Miranda smiled. "Well, you couldn't stop to listening to it since Caroline gave you the cd. It's quite easy to learn."

"Um. Er. Sorry." Andy giggled against the ivory skin she was lying on. "I love those guys so much."

"Love, huh? I am so happy to know this." Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Oh, jealous much, are we?"

"Oh, shut up, Andrea!"

More giggles. "Caroline gave me it because I gave her a Green Day's t-shirt that I never wear. I bought it when I was… eighteen, I guess. But…" she stood up, but was on her knees and hands, "you know, I love British people."

"Emily will be so glad to know." Miranda smiled.

"Ok, some British people. And I have one favorite that I love more than Matthew Bellamy." She sat on Miranda's lap and threw her arms around the editor neck. "Do you want to know who is?"

Miranda arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's a gorgeous lady, with the most beautiful blue eyes that I saw, and I love her white hair and I really love when she says "oh god, Andrea, harder!" It's so fucking sexy! "

Miranda slapped her ass and turned them, so Andy was in her back and Miranda above her.

"And I love when you do exactly what I want." Miranda pulled Andy in for another breathtaking kiss, when they parted, they were panting.

Andy leaned her forehead on Miranda's. "So, about Serena and Paul?"

"We needed this. I know it was the wrong thing to do, and you were with Serena because of what I did." Andy waited. "Listen, all these things that happened were just to show how we love each other. They were needed because we were uncertain of some things between us. I love you, Andrea, and I am not ashamed to say this out loud. I love you so much. And we are out."

"I know. I always knew."


"Come on, Miranda! Ok, we didn't go out so much, and since I moved in, we go out twice a month or so. But everybody saw us together. We went to restaurants, the cinema and the opera. People see, you know?"

"Well, since Stephen, the only news with proof, and even that was wrong, was yesterday."

"Um… well. Not exactly."

"Care to explain?"

Andy left Miranda's lap and sat next to her. "They took some photos of us. But, I'm well known too and still in touch with low people, like I was when I started. So, as a favor now and then…" She bit her lip. "They called me first thing and I bought the photos. Then they were called when I needed them to do a real job. Most of them now have their own studio or covering real news. It's a little difficult to keep track, but I do my best."

"But, yesterday…"

"I was angry, sad. I didn't want to talk to anyone. The only call I got was yours."

"I am… impressed."

Andy returned to her previous position, on Miranda's lap. "And I'm so madly in love with you." They kissed.

"Well, now I know why you love that song so much."

Andy smiled. "Indeed."

Our love is… madness…