Author's note: Okay readers, here is the finale. I want to thank everyone of you that followed me on this journey of The Attraction. You all are awesome. I really do appreciate the reviews, PMs, follows, and favorites. I really hope you enjoy this final chapter. I want to give a special thanks to A and H. You two gave me things to think about during my writing process. I appreciate your feedback and help.

Music: the battle at the end, listen to Greyhound by Swedish House Mafia. Stiles in water, listen to Dead In The Water by Ellie Goulding. The final scene, listen to Don't Say A Word by Ellie Goulding. (Ellie Goulding's music was a major inspiration for this part)

Chapter 12

Stiles stood, tied up against the cave wall. Haven held a beaten Derek up on his knees. There was about a dozen other werewolves standing around them as witnesses to what was about to happen. He could only make out a few: Arez, Brooke, and Aurora. The rest appeared as blurs to him. He looked around on the floor; his friends laid on the ground, unconscious and bloody. The panic was on overdrive. They were out numbered. Their defeat was a given.

A dark shadow stood in front of Derek. The shadow turned his shadowy head, locking its' red glowing eyes on Stiles. He felt so terrified; he looked away.

Someone walked over to him. It was Arez. "You have to watch." He grabbed Stiles by his chin and turned his head back towards the group, focusing him to watch.

Derek and Stiles made eye contact. He saw the terror in Derek's eyes. "Let him go!" Stiles shouted. Arez laughed at him. The shadow tilted its' head back and laughed, menacingly loud like as if Stiles had said the funniest joke in the world. Stiles tried fighting out of Arez's grip. It was a failed attempt. Arez was werewolf strong and even without a supernatural advantage, Arez did out strength him. Stiles knew that, but this was Derek's life on the line. He had to try something.

Stiles moved his head down and bit into Arez's hand, piercing skin. Arez growled and smacked Stiles. Arez held him up by his arms like Haven was holding Derek.

The shadow gripped Derek's neck and dug its' claws into his neck. Stiles screamed as he felt something pierce the back of his neck. He closed his eyes as they dug deeper into his neck. When he felt the nail-like claws scrape his vertebrae; his eyes opened. All what he saw before he closed his eyes was gone. He laid on the ground, still tied up.

A large werewolf hovered over him with it's' claws still piercing his skin. It removed its' claws from his neck. Stiles knew the werewolf was the Alpha James. He looked around the cave Haven brought him to; it was empty.

His face was dipping with sweat and he heart was still racing. James attacking Derek was an illusion brought on by James. Did all alphas have the ability to put thoughts into others' minds?

The alpha James shifted back into a human. "Neat trick, huh?" He asked, standing in front of Stiles, completely naked. He was a tall black man, muscular, of course, but he didn't hold a candle to Derek and his sexual allure. Stiles knew, at that point, no one ever would. "Stiles, is it?"

Stiles looked away. It was hard for him to look at James while his business hung there a couple feet from him. "I'm so rude. My name is James." James extended his hand out to Stiles. He looked at his hand in thought, and then laughed. "Oh I forgot, you're tied up."

He reached down and grabbed Stiles' neck, digging his claws back into his neck. Stiles held himself together, not wanting to come off as scared as he felt underneath. James pulled Stiles up and sniffed the air around the small placed where Stiles' scent would be lingering. "The alpha marked you," he stated. He didn't seem effected by that fact.

James let go of Stiles' neck and grabbed the rope that was restricting Stiles from moving. He sat Stiles up and pushed him against the cave wall. At that moment, Arez came out from behind a large rock. He walked towards James and Stiles with poise, like he was walking down a runway. He moved to Stiles side and sat down next to him. "We should rough him up a tad. So when his friends come, they'll see we mean business," Arez suggested.

James smiled and Stiles knew with that smile; Arez got the okay. Arez raised his hand in front of Stiles' face, stretching out his fingers. His perfectly manicured nails grew out into claws. He gently placed his hand around Stiles' chin. "I have a soft spot for vanity. So I won't mess with that face of yours." He paused. "Too much." He moved his index and middle fingers up the right side of Stiles' face. He brought his fingers down, digging his nails into Stiles' skin.

Stiles screamed in pain. It felt like knives cutting him. Heat rushed to face and slowly moved down his face. It wasn't until Arez moved his hand in his field of vision; he realized the heat, he felt, was actually his blood.

"What are you doing?" Haven yelled harshly, growling almost. She took large strides towards them, bumping into James' shoulder. She grabbed Arez by his arm. She wolfed out, alpha red eyes and all, and threw Arez back. He whipped back several feet like a rag doll. Unfortunately, he landed gracefully on his feet. He adjusted his coat.

Haven turned her attention to James and growled in his face. "I told you 'my way.'" She stepped up to him. His eyes turned red. She didn't step down. Stiles had wondered, when he willingly went with Haven and her pack, who was the strongest?

Arez snorted. "We have this under control."

Haven and James didn't unlock their gazes. "I also told you Chris would be a better Beta for you." James stare hardened to a glare. He didn't like how she undermined his decision.

Neither did Arez. "I am."

She interrupted him. "Shut your mouth." She said, keeping her stare with James. Stiles actually found joy in the way she spoke to them. "I promised you Meleni. Don't make me go back on my…arrangement."

Haven's words got into Arez. He slowly back away and finally left. That left Stiles with Haven and the alpha that wanted to-possibly-kill him. "I'm the alpha," James growled.

Haven smiled and raised her hands, slowly placing them on his chest. "James." She scratched his bare skin and pushed him back. "You're an alpha, not the alpha." James grounded his teeth together, for a long minute before he walked away.

Haven rotated her shoulders and took a deep breath. She turned around to Stiles. She sat down in front of him, folding her legs.

Stiles pushed himself against the wall. He was scared and he thought she was going to harm him like James did. Haven promised him no harm would come to him, but she was the villain and how would he know if she'd keep her word.

Haven reached forward and turned Stiles' head to her right, getting a clearer view of his wound. Stiles tensed up when she touched him. Haven wasn't pleased. She growled and a moment later, a curvy, faired skin girl with puffing blonde hair walked towards them. The blonde carried a few cloths and a bottle of peroxide. When she reached them, she handed the cloths and peroxide to Haven and walked away. "Thank you, Meleni." She was the one promised to Arez.

Stiles looked behind Haven at Meleni. She, at the same time, glanced over her shoulder at Stiles and flashed him a grin. Haven and her pack were nice, compared to James and his.

Haven poured peroxide on the cloth. She leaned forward and gently padded Stiles' wound. He winced in pain. "Sorry for what James allowed to happen." Stiles stared at her, trying to read her tells. "I could heal this would for you if you let me." She said as she continued to clean up the blood.

Stiles cleared his throat. "I already belong to someone else," he stated, finding his voice. He was Derek's mate and he wanted it to stay that way.

Haven smiled and silently laughed to herself, shaking her head. "What your alpha did was mark you." She poured peroxide on the second cloth and patted his cheek. "You have yet to be mated."

"Mated?" Stiles mused.

"Yes, mated. You're marked as a potential mate. You must have sex to seal the deal." Stiles heart rate sky rocketed. He knew Haven heard it, but he didn't care. His mind was too wrapped around the idea of having sex with Derek.

He completely forgot the deadly situation he was in. Derek wasn't his mate, not for real and not in the eyes of the werewolves. Suddenly, he felt down. Derek didn't make it official. Was that because he didn't know? Or did he pretend to mate with him to throw off their enemies?

Stiles bit his lip as he looked away, staring at the ground. "I can mate with you and heal you," she said casually, like she was speaking to a friend.

Stiles met her stare. She was serious and he couldn't understand why she would want to help him. "Why would you want to do that?"

She wiped his face one more time before tossing the cloths on the ground. "Because I only hurt those who cross me." She was a woman of principles. "If you stay out of my way, no harm will come to you."

"I can mark and mate with you, to save you," she suggested. He hardened his stare on her. She couldn't be serious. "It's a simple process and you won't feel a thing. All you have to do is accept it."

Haven's word threw him off. She was offering him protection and sex. Stiles spoke, quickly, sounding furious, "no." He paused, clearing his throat. He was furious. What kind of person did she think he was? A person that would do anything to save his own ass. He was not the one to do that, but he had to hide his fury.

Haven wouldn't harm him as long as he didn't cross her. He made a mental note not to do that. "That wouldn't be necessary. I'm happy with Derek." His words left an unsatisfying taste in his mouth.

Haven laughed. "And that was your first lie and I didn't need my wolf hearing to figure it out." She placed her hands behind her and leaned back on them. She shook her head, tossing her long blonde hair behind her shoulders.

Behind Haven, Aurora and Brooke walked in the space were they sat, each carrying a medium size black bag with them. Their eyes were amber. Their nose and forehead were wrinkled like a scent was irritating them.

Once they disappeared behind another wall, Stiles turned his focus back to Haven. "It's not entirely a lie. I'm not unhappy with him. Yeah, sure, I'd like some things to move forward, but I'm not unhappy and that, for me, is okay." He wrinkled his brows. Why was he talking to her about Derek? He had to stop giving her information on his mate, officially or not.

"I can protect you, Stiles," she said truthfully. Why did she want to protect him? He was the thing standing in her and James' way from getting what they wanted.

"Why do you want help me?" He asked solemnly.

"Mert te különleges," she said in another language that Stiles didn't understand. He raised his eyebrow. Haven knew he didn't understand and she wanted to keep it that way for now.

As Stiles opened his mouth to ask what she had said, Haven's eyes illuminated red. Her face hardened as she rose from the ground. She lifted Stiles up. "Don't try a stupid move," she warned him as she threw him over her shoulder and carried him further into the cave.

Stiles knew Derek and his friends were closing in on them. What James and Haven wanted; they were about to get it.

Haven carried him to the place where Aurora and Brooke went. The "room" was the like the one he was in before, but with a hole in the ground. It was filled with water. Haven walked around the hole to the opposite and handed him off to Brooke.

Brooke grabbed Stiles and scooted him to the wall. Aurora smiled at him while holding a rope in her hands. Stiles didn't like her smile. Brooke put tape over his mouth as Aurora tied the rope to the rope that bound his waist and ankles. Aurora pulled the rope, from the other side, down, drawing up Stiles' arms and lifting him up in the air. He grabbed onto the rope as he hung over the water.

Stiles grunted. Even though he was holding onto the rope, he could feel the rope slowly singeing his wrists.

Brooke and Aurora hid behind boulders. Haven stood in front of Stiles. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She removed her leather coat, dropping it on the ground. She reminded him of Sonya Blade from the first Mortal Kombat movie.

Derek, as usual, found them first. He was all wolfed out with his eyes blazing red. He locked gazes with Stiles. His lip twitched in rage. He moved his gaze to Haven and hunched forward. She stood upright, not phased by Derek.

He growled and dashed forward with his claws out. He was quick, reaching Haven in seconds. He leaped in the air and came down towards her. Haven extended her arm and caught Derek by his neck. She growled at him in his face. She lifted him up and slammed him into the ground with almost little to no effort.

Derek kicked Haven in the back of her legs, knocking her down on her knees. Derek growled again. Haven and Derek threw strikes and landed blows.

That was when Stiles felt the rope, he hung from, moving. He looked behind him; Ruby was cutting the rope. Brooke came up from behind her and punched her in the back. Aurora came from the other side and punched her in the gut. Stiles glanced forward at Derek and Haven. Derek was holding her off, but it was obvious she wasn't someone easily written off.

Arez and another husky white brunette male stalked their way towards Derek. Stiles tried to warn Derek by screaming, but the tape over his mouth only allowed-not so loud-grunts. The dynamic duo crossed Arez and pack member's path and tackled them.

James came out from behind a cave wall, stumbled back a few feet. He was attacked Peter and Jackson. Stiles was impressed with how Isaac and Scott and Peter and Jackson worked together. Their tactics were precise. They were actually working like a pack, all to save him. It brought a small grin to his face.

But that was short lived, he felt the rope holding him starting to break. Ruby cut through some of it and now his weight was ripping the rest. He looked around him. Ruby was closest to him.

Ruby clawed at Brooke and pushed her into the water. She screamed as she fell like there was something horrible wrong with the water. She fell under and when she came back up, her skin was burned badly. She screamed bloody murder as she struggled to reach the side. The water had wolfsbane in it. That was what the bags, Brooke and Aurora were carrying, were filled with.

Meleni came to Brooke's aid and pulled her out of the water. Haven growled and Meleni and Brooke took off.

Stiles felt the rope tearing more; he body lowered. He needed help. Soon he would fall into the water and with his wrists and ankles tied together; he wouldn't be able to swim.

Derek clawed Haven down her back. Derek turned his attention to his uncle. James had stabbed him in the chest. "Derek! Save Stiles!" Scott yelled as Arez held him down, biting into his shoulder.

Derek looked at Peter and then glanced at Stiles. Stiles wanted to tell Derek to save his uncle, because Peter was the only family he had left. The rope gave out and Stiles fell into the water. He managed to take a deep breath before going under. Once submerged, He kicked his legs in the water, trying frantically to keep himself above water. He moved his arms as well. None of it worked. Stiles found himself sinking to the bottom. He removed the tape from his mouth.

Even if he told Derek to save him; the water was mixed with wolfsbane. The werewolves' lethal enemy. Derek would probably die before reached him. Stiles' lungs began to sting, pressuring him to open his mouth for oxygen. If only he could tell his mind and body, that wouldn't be possible. Stiles thought maybe he should fight, but why? Struggling only made this moment worse. He chose to embrace his end. He closed his eyes and waited for it.

His only regret was he never got to find out what he really felt about Derek or what Derek felt about him. He never got to feel Derek's lips and feel Derek holding him like he wanted him to. He never got to experience love or sex.

As his natural survival instinct to open his mouth, he heard a splash. He opened his eyes and saw Derek swim down to him. His skin burned a bright red. His scruffy facial hair and eyebrows were burned off. Thin layers of skin patches curled off.

Stiles was in a state of shock. Derek chose him over his uncle and jumped into water mixed with Wolfsbane. He reached Stiles and pulled him upward, kicking his feet. Stiles used the last of his energy and kicked his legs back and forth. Stiles' chest burned so badly, he couldn't stop the natural reflex to open his mouth. Luckily for him, only a little got inside; they reached the top.

Derek burned and scarred, pushed, a coughing, Stiles out of the water. He managed to get himself out, but laid completely weak next to Stiles. Stiles took a moment to get the water out of his lungs before he looked around them. His friends were beat only because they were out number. It was just like in the illusion James put in his head.

A coppered tone man walked up to Stiles and looked at him with an intriguing gaze. "So you're the mate." He grinned at Stiles.

Stiles just ignored him and looked at Derek. He wasn't moving, but he was still breathing. That was a good sign. The girl Brooke grabbed Ruby by her hair and pulled her towards James.

"Freddie, bring him here." Freddie. Stiles heard that name before, but he couldn't quite figure it out. Freddie grabbed Derek and dragged him to James. He stopped when he was close. Derek laid on the ground. Freddie walked over a few feet behind James. Derek, Ruby, and Freddie formed a triangle with James in the center. He was holding the moon stone in his left hand.

"I trusted you!" Ruby yelled at Freddie. Aurora held Ruby's arms back. Brooke, still filled with rage, punched Ruby in the jaw.

"That was your mistake," Freddie said. He didn't show an ounce of remorse for what he did. "Soon you'll be dead. So I guess I can empty out my chew toy box." He sat down, crossing his legs, Indian style. "I set up Carlos. Your pack was eliminated because I ordered it."

"I will kill you for this. Mark my words," Ruby said with a growl as her head shook in rage. She managed to move forward a little. Aurora punched her and then held her down with Brooke. The rage in Ruby gave her strength, even when she was beaten and lost all her energy. Stiles saw the hint of worry in Freddie's eyes.

Arez walked over to Derek with a knife. Stiles finally spoke, "stop this. Please don't kill him." Arez laughed, ignoring his plea. He grabbed Derek's hand and cut his palm. Brooke did the same Ruby's hand and Freddie cut his own hand. Meleni walked to each of them and dripped their blood into a goblet. She handed it over to James.

James crushed the moon stone in his hand and dropped the pieces into the goblet. James mumbled a phrase, holding up the goblet. Ruby's, Derek's and Freddie's eyes opened wide and illuminated their wolf colors. James poured the blood and moon stone pieces on his face and chest. He dropped the goblet. The ground shook and rocks from the ceiling fell down. Whatever James wanted to accomplished, he did it.

When the shaking stopped, Ruby and Freddie collapsed. James howled, arching his head back and chest out. His howl was long. He looked at Stiles when he finished. His eyes were pitch black.

Haven rushed to James and stabbed him in the abdomen. James fell down on bended knee. Haven picked up the goblet and ordered her pack with a growl. They grabbed Ruby and took off. Haven moved to Stiles. She grabbed his hand and cut his hand. With her fingers, she wiped the remaining blood and smeared it on his cut and then on his forehead. She mumbled a different phrase then what James mumbled.

Haven looked back in the direction where James was. Stiles, still pretty confused what Haven did, looked in the same direction. James and his pack were gone. He looked around; only his friends and he remained. As he looked around, Haven disappeared. Ruby was gone. Haven had her…

…After Stiles cut himself free from the ropes and the werewolves healed, they headed back home. Defeated. Jackson, Isaac, Scott, and Stiles drove home together. Peter and Derek took off in the camaro. Jackson filled Stiles in on all that happened while Haven held him captive.

The werewolves saved Stiles, but they were unable to stop James from performing the ritual and gaining more power. Stiles kept everything that happened between Haven and him. Like how she was willing to mate with him and what she did after James completed the ritual successfully. There was so much that happened in the last several hours. He just wanted to forget it right now. That was due to the constant thoughts of Derek clouding his mind.

Jackson dropped Stiles off first. The guys searched his entire house before they left. Stiles walked up to his room, exhausted, physically and emotionally. He opened his door to his room and standing by the window, he found Derek waiting for him. It, now, made sense to Stiles why his friends left him alone without him having to give a fight. It was because Derek was here.

Derek's act rushed his mind. He wanted to think him for saving him and he wanted to stop this game of cat and mouse. He was going to figure out what was going on with them, whether it killed him or not. Whether Derek killed him or not.

Stiles, in complete desperation to understand this feeling, rushed to Derek, grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled him down towards him. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips as he tilted his head up, kissing Derek. In a state of-what Stiles assumed was-shock, Derek lips didn't move. They stayed cold and hard like stone.

But that didn't matter to Stiles; all that did was the fluttering his heart did when their lisp connected and that Derek didn't reject his kiss by pushing him back. Stiles justified Derek's lack of a reaction as legit. He surprised Derek; so how could he expect a positive outcome. When a negative one didn't come, he was satisfied.

He continued to kiss Derek, and eventually, when he realized the neutral reaction was just as bad as a negative one because it wasn't the one he hoped, dreamed for, he stopped.

Stiles pulled away from Derek, letting go of his shirt. He slumped his head and shoulders as he turned around, walking to his bed, defeated. He sat down. This was the worse he's ever felt in his life. No, when he lost his mother, that was the worse. This, here, was the second.

A gust of wind came into his room, from the open window Derek used to enter. He looked up and, as usual, Derek was gone. Stiles grimaced and let his body fall back on his bed. A pressure built in his chest. He felt a mixture of things and he wasn't sure how to deal with it. One part of him wanted to hit something; another wanted to chase down Derek and try to make him feel what he was feeling, emotionally and then another just wanted to cry.

He turned his head to the left. His eyes connected with red ones. Derek didn't leave. He sat behind him and laid down next to him. When he went to speak, Derek stopped him with his lips by pressing them against Stiles'. His lips were soft, warm, and inviting. He was the complete opposite from a minute ago.

Stiles, being the hormonal teen, broke away, but only for a second. He flipped himself around, standing on his knees. He pulled Derek up and interesting enough, Derek came willingly. They reconnected their lips. Stiles placed his hand on Derek's chest and caressed it, feeling his perfectly cut muscles.

"Stiles," Derek said.

Stiles pressed his forehead against Derek's and moved his lips back about an inch. Every time Derek spoke when they had an intimate moment; he would kill it. This moment was about figuring out what he felt for Derek and he couldn't let him ruin it. He needed to know what he felt and if everything he thought was real. If Derek did care for him.

Stiles slid his hands down and placed them into Derek's. "Don't say a word," he said in a firm tone, giving a direct order. Derek gave into Stiles.

Stiles felt the same warmth he felt when Derek got into bed with him at the hospital. It was like a raging fire in his hands where their skin touched. Derek pushed his lips in, smashing his with Stiles'. The warmth spread throughout his body from his hands and from his lips. The hormones went into overdrive as the blood circulation picked up, pumping testosterone to every inch of his body.

Stiles pulled Derek's shirt over his head and removed his own. He pushed Derek down on the bed and got on top of him. He leaned down and started kissing him as if the world was ending in two minutes. Derek grabbed Stiles' back, pushing him into his body. He aggressively ran his hands up and down Stiles' back.

This frenzy kicked on. They struggled to breathe as their kisses grew. Stiles felt completely calm. The euphoric feeling he felt from Derek's lips was everlasting. He didn't want this to stop. He felt at home. He felt Derek's yearning for him. He was wanted. Derek wanted him.

The conclusion took his breath away. He broke away, still keeping his eyes on Derek. He, too, was overwhelmed. His chest would fully expand with every intake of air.

Derek sat up, grabbed him and held him tight. Stiles knew something wasn't right. "Stiles," Derek said in a rough tone. His tone pierced Stiles' skin like needles. He recoiled from Derek and what hurt him more than Derek's tone was how Derek didn't fight to keep him close. "This can't happen, again, ever." Stiles felt the needles on his face again. He took a deep breath and released it with a tremble.

Frustrated and not wanting to go further with the feeling of no control over the situation, Stiles moved away from Derek and lashed back. "Then why did you let it happen? Why did you come here?" He walked back and forth. Derek put his shirt back on and stood up. Stiles pushed him back; he tried and failed. "You are not going to Edward Cullen my ass and tell me 'we don't work' or that you're leaving town."

"No," Derek said, looking down at Stiles' feet like a child in trouble.

Stiles knew what he was about to say. Derek had come to reject him, but he wasn't going to be rejected. He was going to beat Derek to the punch. "You're not rejecting me…because." He paused and looked around the room. "Because I'm going to reject you. Yeah." He didn't give himself time to think. "Yeah, that's what I'm doing." He marched over to his window. "Leave!" He pointed at it.

Derek exhaled through his nose and walked to the window. He stopped and stared at Stiles. When Stiles didn't speak, Derek went all wolf and leaped out of the window.

Stiles returned to his bed and buried his head into his pillow. He screamed into it. No matter what he said or how he wanted Derek to believe his words; he didn't change the fact that he felt rejected.

Again, I hope you enjoyed this. I'm pretty sure you figured out that this is the end of the story. There is more to come. Part 2 will have a "M" rating. I will be taking a break from Sterek. I have committed myself to other projects and I will be working on those for a while, but no worries, I will not forget this. Expect chapter 1 of Part 2: The Rejection to be posted around the time of Teen Wolf's season three premiere.

Thank you all very much for reading this.
