Seven Deadly Sins of Gibbs

Pairing: Gibbs/Abby

Rated: M

Disclaimer: NCIS and its characters etc aren't mine...if I had Gibbs' assets all to myself I wouldn't be writing about them.

A/N: This was written in the last week of the hiatus between season 9 and 10 for the Gabby shipper forum. A series of seven standalone drabbles, one a day to remind us of some of Gibbs' most attractive physical assets, and what we missed over the summer. There are a lot as you can imagine so some drabbles I crammed in more than one attribute.

Chapter 1

It was their endless blueness that always drew her in...made her forget what she was doing, who she was. The instant he walked into her lab, Gibbs could stop time with just a simple glance, her pulse rate soaring when those soulful cobalt eyes sparkled as he entered.

They'd been together for just over two months, and the happiness, love and desire he reflected back at her every time he looked at her made Abby's heart swell. And no matter how many times she was on the receiving end of that gaze, her heart would never fail to skip a beat, her chest tightening at the sense of completion he gave her.

Gibbs had always said so much with a look, and his eyes were the key to understanding the man he was. Abby loved to watch the way they changed with his mood. The way they lit up when he smiled, how they darkened when he was aroused, then grew hazy moments before he came inside her.

It was the openness and longing behind them that had allowed Abby to finally tell him how she felt. With just one heartfelt and honest look she had known she could trust Gibbs with her heart and her life. She drowned in their blue depths every time he held her gaze, her ability to turn away from him non-existent until something broke into the trance he pulled her into.

Now, watching the slivers of azure appear as Gibbs awoke beside her, his eyelids flickered slowly open to reveal him at his most vulnerable. Abby smiled, his sleepy eyes radiating nothing but love, before they became too heavy for him to hold open and they drifted shut again.

She cherished the rare mornings he slept longer than her, giving her a chance to absorb the way he broke through the fogginess before realizing she was there with him.

"You're awake early, Abbs," he mumbled sleepily. "Mustn't have done enough to wear you out last night."

Abby snuggled up closer to him, their bodies facing each other and pressed intimately together. She trailed her fingers over his eyebrows, leaning forward to kiss each of his closed eyes. "You did, I just wanted to see you...even when I'm asleep I wanna look at you."

When she pulled back slightly and his eyes reopened, Abby knew she would trade everything she owned to have Gibbs look at her the way he was now. Completely unguarded and so raw with lust that Abby couldn't stop herself from kissing him.

Her fingers thread through his hair, tangling in the soft silver strands that made his eyes stand out even more. His eyes and hair had always complemented each other, the combination of the two enough to send her hormones into meltdown as the rest of her body fought to keep her blood pumping and lungs oxygenated so she could remain upright.

"Can't really see much of me while we're doing this," Gibbs groaned against her lips as Abby pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him.

"It is a dilemma," she purred, "coz I also wanna touch you...all of you."

Abby circled her hips into his, feeling his hands grip tightly onto her waist and encouraging her movements. She took in the sight of his tousled hair, still amazed by how sexy he looked first thing in the morning.

Her body grinded against him several times more before she stopped and leaned down, her face hovering above his and her fingers raking through the short hair above his ears.

"Every time you look at me, I feel special," she kissed his forehead gently.

"Every time you look at me, I want you," she kissed the tip of his nose.

"And every time you look at me, I know I could never love anyone as much as I do you."

When her lips brushed over his, they both kept their eyes open, and Abby moaned into his mouth as he stared back at her. Each successive kiss grew more urgent and intense, their lips parting and Gibbs pushing into her mouth to slide his tongue against hers.

Eventually they broke apart with a gasp when Abby began to rub against him once more, Gibbs' body quickly beginning to fully wake underneath her.

"Had to be careful of the way I looked at you for so long," he whispered next to her ear, holding her tightly to him, "not gonna do that anymore...want you see."

Abby angled her head so she could run her nose alongside his, the distance between them, and the evidence of his arousal right in front of her as well as underneath her. "I do, every day," she breathed.
