Warning: SasuNaru!

Chapter Two

Upon finishing breakfast, I had decided to interview Orochimaru about dolls. After all, I needed the knowledge of accredited professionals for my essay. So, I had sat down with Orochimaru in the living room. Of course, I had Kiba and Ino with me. We also had notebooks and pens in our hands - ready to jot down whatever Orochimaru was going to tell us. We weren't prepared for the lengthy conversation, not Kiba and I, at least. Ino, however, she was excited and prepared to question Orochimaru with all her curisorities.

"If you don't mind, I have another question," Ino said, flipping to another blank page in her notebook. "How were dolls invented in the olden days?"

"That is a very good question. I'm glad you asked," Orochimaru said, smiling and stroking his pet snake's head. "Before technology advanced, dolls were made out of the materials available. They used things like clay, stone, wood, bones, leather, and wax."

"But, I don't understand," Ino said, furrowing her elegant eyebrows together in confusion. "Why were dolls invented? Like, what is their purpose?"

"They have many purposes. They are used in magical rituals or simply just toys for children," Orochimaru explained, his brown eyes sparkling from talking about his favorite subject. "There is also a myth about dolls. But, I'm not sure if you would want to hear it."

"That's silly! Of course, I would like to hear this myth," Ino said, excitedly leaning forward in the armchair. "It will go perfectly with our papers."

"Well, I heard this myth years ago in a small town. If dolls are cherished and loved enough, then they could develop souls and come alive," Orochimaru said, chuckling and sipping his tea before continuing. "If dolls are abandoned though, then they turn evil and kill their owners. What do you make of that?"

"That's crazy," Kiba said, standing up and stretching out his limbs. "I think we should take a break now. My head is starting to hurt."


Since I wasn't hungry, I had decided to skip snacking with Kiba and Ino. In fact, I was just exhausted and tired. Last night, I couldn't sleep at all. For hours, I had kept tossing and turning around in bed, not a wink of sleep caught me. However, I knew the real reason why sleep wouldn't come to me. It was due to the nightmares plaguing me for a while now. They were wretched nightmares. There was always someone chasing me - attempting to kill me. These nightmares always ended with someone saving me. The only problem is that I don't know who or why they do it. My thoughts were interrupted, then. I had spotted Sasuke walking alone in the garden. I was curious, of course, and ran up to him.

"I'm so happy to see you," I said, catching up to him and smiling. "Where did you go yesterday? I was going to introduce you to Kiba and Ino."

"It's fine," Sasuke said, frowning and walking away. "Because, I already know them."

"That's strange, though. How do you know them?" I asked, reaching out and grabbing his arm. "They don't remember you."

"You don't either," Sasuke said, shrugging off my arm and walking away. "You've forgotten, like them."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, watching him turn a corner and disappear out of sight. "And, I thought he was normal. But, I shouldn't have expected that and in a place like this."


When night approached, I had found Kiba and Ino already seated at the table. Once I had sat down, I heard Orochimaru and Kabuto descending downstairs together. We always ate in silence and didn't talk that much. I couldn't stop thinking about Sasuke, however. I was always wondered why he didn't eat with us. It just didn't make sense to me. Didn't Sasuke live here, after all? Wasn't he Orochimaru's friend or family member?

"Where is Sasuke?" I asked, piercing my eyes at Orochimaru. "Why isn't he eating with us?"

"You've met him. It must have been a nice reunion," Orochimaru said, staring at me with his narrowed, angry eyes. "How did it go?"

"I think you're mistaken," I said, putting down the fork and backing up in my chair. "I only met Sasuke yesterday."

"That's strange. He said he has know you for a long time," Orochimaru said, his pale lips curling into a cruel smirk. "You must have forgotten him, then."

"No, I don't think so," I said, getting up and walking out of the kitchen. "I don't understand. What's happening? Who is Sasuke?"


After I had returned to my room, I headed straight into the bathroom. After all, I was so exhausted from today. So, I thought a hot bath might relax me. But, I had to wait a couple of minutes for the water to turn steaming hot. Of course, I would have to deal with these problems here. Because, I am practically in the middle of nowhere right now. It was getting kind of scary now. I had thought that being in nature would be calming and peaceful, at first. I didn't think that anymore, not with how Orochimaru behaved at dinner today. He seemed so agitated after I questioned him about Sasuke. Why, though? It was just a simple question, wasn't it?

"Finally!" I said, feeling the temperature of the water and cheering in joy. "It's scorching hot. That will soothe me right away."

"I should put some bubbles in," I said, rampaging into my bags and fishing out the bath bubbles bottle. "That will do it."

"Time to get in now," I said, removing myself of clothes and stepping into the bathtub. "This feels so good. I should do this more often."


After a while, I had fallen asleep in the bath. However, I don't remember when. Because, I just remember closing my eyes for a minute. Then, I'm asleep and drifting into my awaiting nightmares. But, I didn't want to be here, not with that murderous killer chasing me. Of course, I couldn't escape. I couldn't wake up. It wouldn't let me. It just kept pursuing me - relentlessly trailing me. There was nowhere left for me to go. The room possessed no other doors or windows. The killer had cornered me - trapped me inside of his clutches. I had started sobbing, then. I didn't know what else to do, after all. I felt so pathetic - so weak and powerless.

"You humans are all the same! You're all selfish and greedy gluttons!" the killer cried out, golden eyes staring at me with hatred and fury. "You shame love - treat it like it's nothing!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I screamed, sliding down the wall and cowering in the presence of the killer. "Let me go! I haven't done anything to you!"

"You humans are all liars. You never mean anything. You only use honeyed words just to get what you want," the killer yelled, sounds of snakes hissing in the distance terrifying me. "I am tired of humans and their empty promises!

"But, I didn't do anything!" I sobbed, crying out in fear when the killer pulled out a knife. "I swear I didn't do anything! Why are you doing this to me?"

"You really want to know why?" the killer asked, chuckling in amusement at me cowering and crying my eyes out. "It's because you forgot about us, like all other humans do!"

"No!" someone shouted, their fingers going over my eyes. "I won't let you take him."


When I had awakened, I gasped and stumbled around in the bathtub. In an instant, I had started sobbing and shivering. After all, I was shaken from the terrifying nightmare. It was so disturbing and vivid and still fresh in my mind. The killer - whatever it is - kept saying such strange things, too. They didn't make sense to me. I didn't know how I escaped the nightmare, either. I just remembered someone placing their fingers over my eyes - shielding me from their identity. I don't know why their identity needed to be kept secret. I was still thankful for them, however. I would have been still trapped in the nightmare, otherwise.

"The water turned cold," I mumbled, looking around and noticing a pair of red glowing eyes staring at me from a distance. "W-what? W-who are you?"

"Stay away from me!" I screamed, fumbling around in the bathtub and watching the red glowing eyes fade then into nothingness. "W-what was that?"

"What's happening?" I sobbed, hugging myself and crying. "I don't understand. I just know that I'm scared."