A/N: well is a project of mines that has undergone four rewrites and two changes of the first chapter and now it's ready to be posted at the request of those who have been aware of its development in the forum, but I have premade a number of chapters in advance for it. In this crossover it begins during the Special Administration Zone of Japan, but instead of what happened in canon someone with a Geass power attempts to assassinate Lelouch and blame Euphy for the murder to trigger a violent chain of riots and chaos across Area 11, but all of it is a prelude to a dangerous plan being carried out by an unknown enemy who has also got the attention of the Time-Space Administration Bureau. Reunited with Nanoha an old friend from his day before Japan became Area 11, Lelouch must now face this dangerous new foe but he must also deal with suspicions from the Bureau for his actions as Zero first.

Takes place two years before StrikerS, btw.

This will be a Nanoha and Lelouch pairing, although some have suggested I do a Lelouch, Nanoha and Fate pairing, but I don't see how I could pull that off but I'll worry about that bridge when I cross it. In the meantime please enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 1

Things go wrong

The warehouse was dark as a blonde haired woman about seventeen years old was running down an aisle of wooden crates stacked upon metal shelves towering at least twenty feet high. The woman had long bright yellow blonde hair that hung down past her waist, pale skin, red eyes wearing a form of combat attire which was primarily black, resembling a swimsuit with an attached pink skirt and a number of maroon belts. Included on her attire was a pair of gloves, thick ribbons which hold her blonde hair in a pair of pigtails and the rest left hanging, and laced shoes worn over long stockings and lastly in her hand was a staff-like device.

Eventually the young woman came to a row of broken crates and the remains of metal shelves that had been bent and twisted in a number of unnatural ways. The sounds of a woman screaming in pain prompted her to hurry as fast as her legs could carry her, she came to a small area where a battle had taken place…standing there was a seventeen year old girl with mahogany hair wearing a white and black uniform trimmed with blue.

The blonde haired girl smiled walking up to the girl ahead, but suddenly she turned around smiling at the approaching blonde. However in her hand was a pistol, still smiling another girl identical to the one holding the girl was entering the room just as the trigger was pulled.

"FATE," a mahogany haired girl shouted as her eyes shot wide open, waking up from a terrible nightmare she was experiencing based upon an event that happened a month ago. Taking some deep breaths the woman calmed herself realizing it was just a dream, but yet it doubled as a terrible reminder of what had happened to her and her friend Fate last month during a surprise raid upon the Lost Logia Containment Facility of the Time-Space Administration Bureau on Mid-Childa near the capital of Cranagan. No one in the history of the TSAB had ever launched such a devastating raid and being successful at it.

Her dear friend had been badly wounded by the ringleader of the raid, but thankfully she survived if not barley.

It was quick and extremely well planned out and coördinated as even insiders within the Bureau including those who have defected to the enemy aided in the success of the raid, but more mysterious was the leader behind it who launched it without little to no warning at all. Before the raid on the facility there had been smaller raids and bombings happen around Mid-Childa which had provided a clever distraction. Even through reconstruction was well underway, however it was then discovered that a number of Lost Logia was stolen which has the Bureau has become deeply worried about. Hearing the sound of someone moving across from her, the woman focused her attention to the young seventeen year old boy lying in her bed still unconscious from the time she had recovered him.

He had short silky black hair, amethyst eyes and a fair skin complexion, although he seemed peaceful in his slumber the girl sitting in the chair by his bedside knew better.

Why wasn't I there…I could have stopped this.

The room they were in was the sick bay of the Arthra; Nanoha Takamachi sat quietly by the bed side of her friend Lelouch vi Britannia, although these days he went by Lelouch Lamperouge. Yet to the majority of Area 11, he was known by another name…Zero. The mysterious masked man who had created the Order of the Black Knights to fight injustice and to liberate Japan from Britannia, but now something had happened which almost brought an end to hostilities.

The establishment of the Special Administrative Zone of Japan which would have allowed Japanese to self-govern in a small area, but for many it was a significant event. It was believed with the success of SAZ terrorism and resistance movements in Japan would die down, but something terrible happened, someone was determined to see the Special Administrative Zone fail. Lelouch was nearly killed in that attempt, but Nanoha had found him just in time as he had been shot three times. Normally his life might have ended, but thankfully Nanoha managed to get him as quickly as she did rushing him back to the TSAB investigative spaceship they were on now.

Lelouch had suffered life threatening injuries at the hands of his own sister, the woman who had spearheaded SAZ, Euphemia li Britannia. Nanoha didn't even think about anything else at the time except for saving Lelouch.

I should have taken you and Nunnally with me.

Nanoha thought as in a moment that seemed like forever Nanoha remembered the first day she met Lelouch. It was almost eight years ago at the foot of the mountain near the Kururugi Shrine where Lelouch and his sister Nunnally vi Britannia had been staying. Fate and Nanoha were walking together planning on going to the sunflower fields which were supposed to be near the shrine, but along the way they came across a group of Japanese school boys beating up on a small ten-year old boy. They were viciously kicking him while the small boy lay helpless on the ground.

"This is Japan!" One of them shouted.

"Yeah, stay out of our country you dirty Brit!"

Another boy was standing a distance away, he had short brown hair with curls wearing a hakama and a white dogi watched the scene.

"Come on fight back!" The boy shouted kicking Lelouch in the gut as the former prince simply cowered there taking it.

"Hey you are supposed to be a prince aren't you?" A third boy commented before kicking Lelouch again. "Come on get up and fight, what are you a girl…some kind of mama's boy?"

"That's enough," Nanoha shouted approaching the three boys with an angry look on her face. "Stop beating up on someone who can't fight back!"

"Why do you care, this kid is a dirty Brit?"

"Who cares where he is from?" Nanoha shot back.

"Oh yeah and what about your friend she looks like a Brit too," The tallest of the boys said as they were beginning to gang up on Nanoha and Fate, but suddenly the brown-haired boy who had been watching became outraged before rushing up to them without thinking as he shouted.


Seeing the boy approach the three bullies recognized him before running away, Nanoha and Fate weren't sure about the identity of the brown-haired boy, but for some reason unknown to them his appearance prompted them to run away. Nanoha ignoring Suzaku went to the beaten up black-haired boy and tried to help them up, but Lelouch refused their help trying to push her away. Meanwhile Suzaku began to verbally chew out the men supposedly assigned to watch Lelouch believing them to be bodyguards.

"What were you doing, what kind of bodyguards are you?"

"They are not bodyguards, they are just watchmen to make sure I don't run away or try to kill myself. Besides," Lelouch began turning to the girl who was kneeling on the ground in front of him. "Why did you help me I am a Britannian?"

"Why should it matter where you come from…it's not right to beat up someone just because they come from a different country." Nanoha's seemingly simple answer surprised Lelouch a little as he wasn't expecting it. "I am Nanoha Takamachi and this is Fate Testarossa, what's your name?"

Lelouch was seemingly confounded by the girl's indifference to him being a Britannian, so as the black-haired man began to slowly rise back up to his feet dusting himself off before he answered.

"I am Lelouch."

Below where Lelouch had been lying laid some fish and some crushed vegetables the former prince had purchased from a nearby local market.

"Could you move," Lelouch began asking Nanoha to move her foot off of something on the ground. "You are standing on my reward's card. I just need four more points and I get a discount."

"Oh," Nanoha said moving her feet as Lelouch picked up a small card he got at the nearby local store, Lelouch much to the surprise to Suzaku watching observed the young man treating the card like something precious. To Suzaku the idea of a Britannian Prince bending down to pick up the card and the loose change seemed pathetic.

"It's your own fault you know, why don't you just accept the food we give you instead of risking yourself going into town? It's not poisoned." Suzaku snapped at the black-haired boy.

"Don't be so mean to him," Nanoha began, but Lelouch interrupted her.

"I know it's not poisoned."

"Then eat it," Suzaku shouted.

"I am here and I will live…I am living by my own strength and I won't be dead any longer. Not me and not Nunnally either," With those words Lelouch picked up what the food he had bought and began to limp away, but while Suzaku was silent Nanoha approached him trying to help him.

"Why do you keep trying to help me, I don't need it?"

"It's not because you need it, it's because I want to. You are hurt," Nanoha pointed out.

"I'll be fine…"

"I am still helping you."

"I don't understand why," Lelouch said sounding irritated.

"I told you already, I don't need a reason."

Returning to the present Nanoha remembered that day, it was awkward, but since then Nanoha had wanted to know Lelouch more and what those words he had spoken that day meant. Like Fate, Lelouch was someone she was interested in befriending as well. Through Lelouch, Nanoha and Fate also made friends with Nunnally and eventually Suzaku. Suddenly Nanoha noticed to her relief as Lelouch was beginning to stir, since he was shot in the torso three times and passed out from blood loss he was wearing a hospital gown as the black-haired man was beginning to sit up. He grunted as a sharp pain shot through his chest as he gripped his sides.


"Lelouch, please be careful your injuries aren't healed."

"Huh," Lelouch said looking to his right as his vision was clearing. "Nano…Nanoha?"

"Yes it's me," Nanoha began with tears in her eyes as she jumped the young man hugging him tightly. The former prince couldn't help, but grunt in pain worrying the young woman sitting at his bed side. "Careful, you barely made it."

"What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"You were shot, three times…you almost died, but I managed to get you some help."

"I," Lelouch began as his memory of what had happened was slowly coming back to him, but at the same time he was beginning to take in his surroundings a little more. "My memory is a bit blurry, but…where am I anyway?"

"You are onboard a ship, the Arthra."

"The Arthra?"

"Yes it's a ship of the TSAB Dimensional Navy," Nanoha explained while Lelouch became obviously lost on that last part. "Oh…I am sorry, but Lelouch there is something I never told you about me."

"What do you mean; I don't think I am following you?"

"Well, since I know your secret now I guess it's only fair I finally tell you mines," Nanoha answered as she held a small red gem stone in her hand she drew out from a pocket inside the coat of the blue and white Time-Space Administration Bureau she was wearing. Lelouch could only watch with a mix of surprise and growing awe as he wanted Nanoha undergo a magical transformation as her uniform and current attire changed and the small gem stone she held transformed into a metal staff of some kind with the gem growing to the size of a baseball encased around a gold ornament like device on top.

"Nanoha," Lelouch said as he was reasonably surprised.

"I am a member of the fifth group of the Aerial Tactical Instructor Corps of the Time-Space Administration Bureau."

"What, but why?"

"Lelouch I wanted to save you, but we found out about the plan to assassinate you so we hurried her to prevent it. But," Nanoha began as she allowed the sentence to trail off.

"Nanoha, I am having a hard accepting all of this so could just start at the beginning. I have been shot three times, so could please explain to me about this assassination plot against me you had gotten wind of." Lelouch said raising a hand up as he was having some difficulty trying to process all of this.

"Sorry I was just worried, but ok…I'll start at the beginning." Nanoha began taking a moment to catch her breath before speaking, "Ok it happened a month ago, the organization I work for is a police force of shorts that monitors and keeps an eye on worlds allied with them and on still developing worlds. They don't interfere in their local affairs, but they do watch for any unnatural disturbances. Depending on what they are they are captured and locked up…a month ago our most secured storage facility for these items was raided. In this particular facility the most dangerous magical relics and items are stored."

"I see, so they raided this facility for dangerous weapons and items. How does this tie in with an assassination attempt on me?"

"During the raid, Fate and I tried to catch up with who we thought to be the ringleader, but," Nanoha began as her expression saddened before deciding to skip it altogether. "During our confrontation a memory chip fell off of him and we got this information off of it." The girl passed Lelouch a data pad containing the file in question…specifically the passage following.

"1230 Z11H – Euphemia will fire upon Lelouch also known as Zero and ignite the flames of war that will burn the corrupt Britannia. My Lord smiled to the idea of such chaos," Lelouch said reading the passage out loud as the order was similar to an idea Lelouch had in mind for Euphemia to do to him, but it seemed so did someone else.

Just the only difference was that he wasn't meant to survive.

"Do you know who is behind this?" Lelouch inquired putting the data pad down before feeling a sharp pain shot through his head prompting him to put his left hand over his left eye while Nanoha was obviously worried, but proceeded to answer his question.

"No, but," Nanoha began noticing Lelouch's blood was seemingly boiling judging by the expression on his face. "We know that Euphemia didn't actually shoot you…it was someone else this young man."

Lelouch was given a photograph from a security camera recording from a month ago where the black-haired young man saw an image of someone about his age with green eyes, blonde hair and features akin to those from Britannian than a Japanese person. His attire was a bit unusual, but a second photo that showed a close up of his faced show something that surprised Lelouch, his left eye was glowing red.

He posses Geass just like me and Mao.

"Through security camera footage we see him for who he really is, but…when we actually look at him he appears as a different person."

"What do you mean exactly?"

"We think that red-eye of his gives him the power that deceives those looking upon him into seeing him as someone else…he even copies their gestures perfectly, but when electronic devices like cameras look upon him he appears as he truly is."

Compelling all of this information Lelouch easily deduced and realized the Geass power that blonde boy has and keeping in mind Geass affects humans primarily.

I see, so it's a Geass that affects the mind into thinking the person possessing the Geass before them is someone else, but when faced with being watched from a Knightmare Frame's cameras or other similar electronic device the wielder of the Geass appears as his true identity. Unsurprisingly it cannot effect electronics, but just the human mind…is he another one C.C. didn't warn me about?

"You have something like this power don't you…its different, but its similar isn't it," Nanoha said as the statement surprised Lelouch as he turned his head looking at her while at the same time he took his left hand off of his left eye.

"How did you know that?"

"Because your left eye is glowing red," Nanoha replied as Lelouch had unknowingly used his Geass on her at that moment to make her answer the question. At that moment Lelouch used the metallic reflection on the back of the data pad to confirm much to his shock and horror that his Geass had become permanently active.

That explains the pain I was feeling in my eye before I was shot.

Lelouch waited for the order he accidentally put on Nanoha to wear off, but on the inside Lelouch was glad that he didn't give her any other words which could have been disastrous for him depending on the situation. "Huh, what just happened?"

"Damn it, I have become like Mao I lost control of it."

"Lost control of what?"

"I have my own secret power Nanoha, I have something called Geass, the power of the king and my Geass gives me the power to impose a single order upon anyone I make eye contact with. I just accidentally used it on you to make you answer a question for me without realizing it. Don't worry…it only works on the same person once."

"WHAT," Nanoha exclaimed feeling a little alarmed, but was a little more at ease as she saw Lelouch trying to cover his left eye. "You mean your Geass as you call it gives you mind control powers?"

"Yes, but it only works on the same person once. Because I accidentally used it on you I cannot use it again on you." Lelouch explained as Nanoha considered a thought for a moment before speaking.

"Then that time when Suzaku was being taken to his trail for Prince Clovis, you used it on that man leading the convoy," Nanoha said referring to the Orange Incident and Lelouch using his Geass on Jeremiah Gottwald. "Then the hotel takeover hostage situation, I guess you must have used there too to save those students right…just like you saved Suzaku."

"Yes," Lelouch replied with a little hesitation. In other cases he might have said that he rescued Suzaku not only to save an innocent man, but to flaunt his existence and the incident at the Lake Kawaguci to reveal the existence of the Black Knights and to muster support from the Japanese population. But in Nanoha's case and considering the fact she did save his life he reasoned there was no reason to lie to her in this situation.

"But…it's all for Nunnally isn't it?"

"Yes," The black-haired man said as he had a feeling where this conversation was likely heading.

"So much bloodshed, but you haven't told Nunnally about your activities have you?"

"No…" Lelouch was quiet for a moment before asking Nanoha. "I need to know more about what happened so if you have any information I would like to see it."

"Ok, but you are injured still?"

"I can't exactly do much in my current condition, and I can't stand the idea of just sitting around and doing nothing. I can at least start by looking over any information you have and perhaps even help you in your investigation." Lelouch asked sternly while his expression betrayed the concern he had for the likely aftermath after the attempted assassination on Zero at SAZ.

He knew all, but too well and so did Nanoha who did as Lelouch requested.

Meanwhile in the crew's lounge aboard the ship Fate T Harlaown was sitting at a round table with Nunnally Lamperouge making origami and catching up with the wheelchair bound girl. The maid who looked after the young girl Sayoko was also present with them having been left with little choice to take her along as no sooner had the trio left the School Clubhouse at the Ashford Private Academy where Lelouch and Nunnally had taken up residence a group of armed men invaded the clubhouse likely in search of Nunnally.

Admiral Lindy Harlaown, her superior of this mission and her new adoptive mother on what is her last mission before retirement ordered Fate to recover Nunnally and bring her aboard the ship as a preventive measure so that the wheelchair bound girl couldn't be used as a hostage against Lelouch. Nanoha had likewise been sent to save Lelouch, but instead she ended up coming back to the ship with a dying Lelouch in her arms, covered in his blood.

Fate had a hard time removing the anguished look and panic upon Nanoha's face with tears streaming down her face as she pleaded with the ship's medical crew to save him.

Although Lelouch had managed to pull through and survive his close brush with death, but the blonde woman was worried for what would come next. She knew about Zero's reputation and what he had done and Fate didn't need to be told that Nunnally was likely kept in the dark of what her older brother had been up to. So far Nunnally wasn't aware of the fact that Lelouch was Zero let alone that her brother was nearly killed today. The seventeen year old woman wasn't even sure how she was going to explain everything to Nunnally…in fact she wasn't sure if she could even bring herself to.

"Wow it sounds like you and Nanoha had lot of adventures, you two are like superheroes."

"Well I suppose we are, but we have missed you and Lelouch."

Nunnally nodded happily before adding, "It's too bad Suzaku couldn't be here."

A sad expression overlapped the happy one the blonde woman had a moment ago before Fate said, "I know, but I am sure he is busy."

Busy would be a very terrible understatement as in the last five hours since the incident most of Area 11 if not all of it had descended into pure chaos as the Special Administrative Zone turned into a bloody war zone not long after the supposed death of Zero. Despite a body not being found, but the only evidence of his demise at the scene was his broken mask and a pool of his blood. The Black Knights had been on standby near SAZ so as the news of Zero being attacked and possibility killed by Euphemia sent the armed resistance group charging into the area to recover their leader with the Japanese citizens caught in the crossfire.

The Black Knights despite not having their leader fought tooth and nail while covering the escape of the Japanese citizens before escaping the area, but the damage had been done and any resistances group that had not been absorbed into the Black Knights or wiped out by the Britannian Government were up in arms over the supposed lie the Special Administrative Zone represented while Euphemia was evacuated from the area aboard the Avalon after her knight Suzaku Kururugi had recovered her amidst the bloody battle taking place between the Black Knights and the Britannian Forces there.

Hiding somewhere in the Tokyo Settlement as chaos and violence was spreading like wildfire across Area 11 sat a blonde haired seventeen year old boy with green eyes wearing a white collar shirt with black pants drinking a bottle of water while on a small television set found on the coffee table in front of him was showing images of the bloody battle that had happened at Special Administrative Zone.

A smile appeared on Orpheus Zevon as he was pleased with all the chaos he had unleashed.

In his pocket a black cell phone he carried began to ring prompting Orpheus to put down his drink to answer his phone knowing who it was who was contacting him.

"It's me, almost everything went as planned…however its possible Zero may still be alive. The Bureau has interfered and recovered him, but I have my doubts he'll survive."

"Don't assume," A masked and heavily altered electronic voice said with a deep bass to it spoke commandingly before adding. "Regardless the damage has been done, the Special Administrative Zone has been ruined and now chaos is spreading throughout Area 11. This will provide the ideal smokescreen for our next move."

"Yes, all preparations are almost complete."

"I want you to return to Pendragon as planned, but what of Nunnally?"

"I regret to inform you that the men I sent to capture her as our insurance plan against Zero should he survive somehow found no one at the clubhouse. I think the Bureau has gotten to her first before they could."

"That is unfortunate, but we'll go ahead as planned regardless. Everything is already in motion, we cannot delay nor can we stop now."

"I understand...I'll leave for Pendragon tonight. However what should we do with the immortal C.C?"

"Ignore her, but once we are finished with step two we'll deal with the Geass Order next."

A smile curved onto Orpheus's lips as his Geass in his left eye flashed briefly before he said, "I am eagerly awaiting that step sir."

"I know you are Orpheus, but just remember…I call the shots."

"Understood, I will follow your orders."

A/N: Orpheus Zevon from Code Geass OZ of the Reflection is one of our villains in this story working for the mysterious mastermind, now he is a character who exists in the CG and Nanoha verse, but who he or she is I am not saying. And yes he was the one who had tried to kill Fate while using his Geass to appear as Nanoha and he tried to do the same to Lelouch while wearing Euphy's appearance. Now how will the Bureau handle Lelouch as his actions as Zero are revealed especially to Nunnally, wait next chapter to find out?

Thanks in advance for the reviews and feedback is welcomed.