Hey guyssss, sorry for the late update. Hurricane Sandy hit my town pretty hard. Luckily I only lost power for like 2 weeks. It has been chaos in Jersey, but we are recovering and thankfully everyone is okay. Anyway, moving on. Yeah so this is the last part. The dancing scene was like super hard to write but oh well. I did my best. Also there is a lemon in this chapter. I'll mark it for you guys where it begins and ends but that's why it's rated M! Haha, also it's my first lemon soooo be kind. There is one really funny part right at the end of the lemon that maybe you guys should read, but hey, I'm not forcing you to do anything. I just recommend it...anyhoo, thanks guys for taking the time to read this story. Really appreciate it. I hope you guys enjoyed this story and...yeah. Review please! MUCH APPRESH!3


Stealing and Dancing

Part 2

Disclaimer! I do not own One Piece.

(A/N: If you want, you can play "Maria" by Ricky Martin with this scene…only if you really want to…)

As soon as the trumpets in the band stand blared their first note, immediately Nami and Zoro fell into step. Zoro immediately took the lead and started to direct Nami in the direction he wanted to go. They shook their hips with each bang of the drum for a few seconds and decided to strut in a very personal way. They stopped for a brief moment. Zoro and Nami separated and Zoro then proceeded to grab Nami's hand and spin her around. She slowly got lower to the ground all well while still spinning under Zoro's touch. The fiery red of her dress flaring out gave it an alluring look of Nami. Nami decided to take control and then proceeded to rise back up slowly and slowly strutted backwards for Zoro to follow. She dragged her feet smoothly across the floor while Zoro took large spacious steps to keep in time. He finally made it back to her and grabbed her hand to spin her on the floor. She graciously did it perfectly and then proceeded to roll herself to spin her legs in the air. Zoro grabbed her hand again and pulled her back up to his chest. He leaned her backwards and pulled her leg up against his side. She was pulled back up and Zoro pushed her backwards and grabbed her hand and held it above her head. She took the hint and started spinning madly. Everyone's gazes were fixed upon the way she turned and the speed of how fast she was turning. Both broke away and started to simply move back and forth from each other. Their gazes were locked on one another. Both were just simply lost in the other person. Finally, they both stopped as Zoro looked over towards Nami and smirked. Nami smiled and then the drum beat became crazy. Nami wildly shook her hips to the beat of the drums. Everyone was amazed at how fast her hips could move.

"Holy crap! They are ridiculously SUPER!" Franky exclaimed. He could not tear his eyes away from the sight of the magic being created in this very room. The way his two crewmates danced; the very sight of it made Franky cry.

"Franky, stop crying." Robin demanded bluntly. Franky rubbed his nose with his arm and tried to hide the fact that he was crying.

"But, but, IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL. So magical! I can't help but cry. Doesn't this touch your heart?" Franky sensitively asked.

"No." Robin said emotionlessly.

"…you have no heart. You are a cold woman Robin." Franky grimaced. Robin turned to him and chuckled slightly.

"This plan is definitely going to work. And if you have not noticed Mr. Shipwright, half of the gold is gone." Robin tilted her head in the direction of the throne. Both looked towards the gold and honestly, both were shocked at the sight.

"…..How could anyone not SEE THIS?" Franky asked nervously. The sight of the rest of the crew was just so incredibly ridiculous. The King seemed to be pre-occupied with the dance competition and everyone else seemed to be drunk off their asses to not even notice. Honestly, it was by some miracle that Luffy and the rest of the crew have not been seen yet.

"I cannot honestly say, but I have a feeling that you are going to lose that bet Franky." Robin said it like she already won.

"Ah, Robin! Have faith in our SUPER crew! We'll get away with two things tonight." Franky grinned.

"Oh, and what would those two things be?" Robin questioned curiously.

"Well, one, we are gonna be so super rich. And, we will be future aunts and uncles soon." Franky chuckled and Robin rolled her eyes with a slight smile.

"Oi Luffy! We gotta get this wench to move again! We have got at least a couple more hauls before we have all of the gold!" Sanji lectured to the rest of his team. The 'stealing' team was in this attic sort of room above the main hall that was hosting the party and the gold itself. So far, the team has done four hauls and there is still plenty of gold to be taken. Sanji was in complete awe that they were not caught yet. He glanced around the main hall and there were a lot of people. 'Hmm, must all be drunk down there.' Sanji told himself as he took a drag of his cigarette. The team was getting ready for the next haul. Usopp and Chopper were working on the wench that has been lowering Luffy down towards the gold to snatch it and to be pulled back towards the room above. Sanji was simply looking towards the party, looking for his friends, well, Nami and Robin to be in particular. As soon as he saw the fire red of Nami dress, Sanji forgot how to breathe and dropped his cigarette. He lowered himself towards the hole where the wench was hoisted above.

"Ah, my beautiful Nami-swan! She is going to dance! I must watch the way she moves!" Sanji imagined all of the scenarios of Nami dancing until he saw a glimpse of green. He growled to himself. 'Stupid baka marimo! He doesn't know how to handle and treat Nami-swan! He's going to make her look bad and then I'm going to have to kick his moss-head ass. I have to stop this!' Sanji thought illogically. Luffy watched as Sanji changed facial expressions. He went from extremely happy to extremely pissed off. Luffy tilted his head to the side in confusion. Sanji slowly rose up from the hole and rolled up his sleeves of his jacket.

"Oi, Luffy. I'll be right back. I'm going to go kick moss head's ass." Sanji turned away from Luffy and looked down the hole. Luffy blinked out of confusion; slowly taking in Sanji's words. Finally, it clicked.

"WAIT, SANJI! YOU CAN'T JUST GO DOWN THERE! YOU'LL RUIN THE PLAN! Can't you just kick his ass afterwards?" Luffy tried to reason.

"You just don't understand Luffy. Nami's pride is at stake here! I can't just let the dumbass make her look bad. I will not let it happen to my Nami-swan!" Sanji stated with pride. Luffy stared at him like he had eight heads. Sanji shook his head and then readied to leap down the hole. Then, he jumped. Usopp, Chopper, and Brook all shouted 'NO' and Luffy quickly reacted by shooting his arm down the hole to grab Sanji. Luckily, Luffy grabbed Sanji by the jacket and tried to pull him up. Sanji definitely was not making it easy for him. The other three glanced down the hole to only be mortified at the sight below them. Sanji literally was hanging over the king's throne. Honestly, if Luffy had not grabbed Sanji in time, he would have landed on the king and that would definitely put a damper on the plan. Luffy slowly, but surely pulled Sanji back up towards the attic room. As soon as Luffy pulled him through the hole, he tossed Sanji away from the wench.

"Damn it Sanji, you could have ruined the plan!" Luffy said, slightly irritated. Luffy could have cared less about the gold. He just wanted Zoro and Nami to be left alone. Luffy will even swear to kicking Sanji's ass for even trying to pull another stunt like that again.

"Chill out captain. No need to shout. Fine, we'll stick to the plan and then afterwards, I will kick the swordsman's ass." Sanji swore and shot a glare towards to the captain. Luffy stared then laughed. A huge grin ended up plastered to his face.

"Of course Sanji! You can kick Zoro's ass later, but for right now, let's steal this gold!" Luffy cheered. The others cheered in lieu of their captain and went along with the plan.

Zoro could only stare and clap to the sound of the drums. He was simply attracted to the way she moved. Any man would be lying if they denied the fact being that seeing Nami swing her hips like that isn't the sexiest thing ever. Nami slowly swayed back towards Zoro and Zoro pulled her flushed against him. He growled into her ear and grinded his hips against hers. She softly moaned at the action. He took her and slightly picked her off the floor and leaned her towards the floor, signaling the end of the dance.

Both Zoro and Nami held their breaths in anticipation. Zoro held her and waited for whatever happens to happen next. Nami held his gaze with her perfect chocolate eyes. Both forgot about reality until everyone else in the room cheered and clapped madly. Zoro looked around and pulled Nami back on her feet. She continued to stare at the swordsman who looked at everyone else in the room. He finally decided to look at her and ended up staring at her. Nami glanced over his slightly sweaty face. He was panting slightly and his gaze bored into her face. It made her slightly uneasy. She glanced towards his lips. Nami thought of just taking the plunge. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe. Nami had never would have thought of doing this, would be so nerve-wrecking.

"I, uh, have to go outside for moment." She quickly rasped out. She quickly managed herself out of his hold and sped walked out of the room. She really didn't need to go outside. She just needed to be anywhere but under the gaze of the man she loved with all of her heart.

Zoro watched the orange beauty walk out of his hold and continued to watch her walk out of the room. He slightly tensed his fists. He was frustrated at himself. 'Why couldn't I just do it? I had her and she walked away. Man, I need to man the fuck up. I know feelings aren't my thing, but I would do anything for her. Anything for Nami…' Zoro tensed up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He peered over and saw the raven haired female as well as the cyborg. He sighed heavily. 'Great, here comes a lecture…'

"ZORO! That was just so…" Franky managed out before Zoro cut him off.

"Don't even say it Franky. I don't even feel that super right now…" Zoro said.

"…well I was gonna say beautiful, but eh. Whatever. Anyway, what are you waiting for?" Franky asked. Zoro tilted his head to look at the robotic man.

"What are you talking about?" Zoro questioned. Then he felt something hit him upside the head.

"OW. What was that for Robin?!"

"Silly Mr. Swordsman! Go get HER. She is waiting for you. She needs you." Robin lectured. Zoro was confused. How did they know? Was it obvious? He looked over to Franky and Franky grinned with a solid nod. Zoro glanced back to Robin. She remained stoic but that was always how she looked. He knew that they were trying to help. They were the push that he needed. 'Did they really need to concoct this whole plan though?' Zoro inwardly laughed at the absurdity of it all. He finally decided he was ready. He smiled towards the older couple and nodded his head. Zoro took off after Nami in search of her.

It seemed like it was forever before Zoro finally had found Nami. She was standing on a balcony in an empty bedroom. She was holding herself and peering at the stars above her. Zoro stood for a moment, admiring her from a distance. He wondered what she was thinking about. He also wondered if he would manage to go through with this. Finally deciding that it was time, he silently walked towards the navigator.

Nami stood outside on the balcony. Thinking over what had just happened. 'What the hell. I was so close! I'M SUCH A CHICKEN SHIT. I can't do it. I just can't. Why is this so hard?' She sighed heavily. Nami felt defeated and hopeless. However, standing on the balcony, under the starry night sky, made her feel a little better. The coolness of the night breeze was relaxing her. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

"…Nami?" A familiar voice called out to her. She quickly spun around to see the gorgeous man that she had fallen in love with. He was leaning against the door frame in a 'cool' fashion. His arms crossed over his broad chest. His gaze was strong and his slight smile on his face made Nami's heart do flips in her chest. She continued to look at him while he took small steps closer to her figure. He stopped when he was close to her. She looked up at him and gulped. Zoro chuckled slightly. He raised his hand to push her bangs behind her ear. Nami did nothing, but stood there in anticipation.

"Nami, I'm not really good with these kinds of things, but if you will just listen first and be patient…" Zoro started to say. She meekly nodded and let him continue.

"I uh, don't know how to go about this, but I feel like telling you the truth will work..." Nami could feel her heartbeat in her ears. It was so loud and every second he stopped talking made her want to shake the rest of his words out of him.

"Okay, so here it goes…I love...you." Nami's eyes shot wide open and she felt wetness on her cheek. She realized she was crying. Zoro looked saddened and brushed her tears away with his rough calloused thumb.

"Nami, please don't cry." He then took her in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her slim waist and lowered his head over hers. He kissed the top of it in an affectionate way. Zoro felt her say something against his chest.

"What was that Nami?" He asked softly. She rose her head to look at him.

"I said…I love you too." She breathed out. Zoro suddenly smiled and picked her up swinging her around. She laughed and told him to put her down. He did eventually and then he asked, "So, what's up with the waterworks then?"

"I was crying out of happiness and relief. You have no idea how hard it was to just not go up to you while you were sleeping and kiss you." She smiled.

"Oh, really? You watch me sleep? That's kinda creepy Nami." He teased while pulling her closer to him.

"Oh shut up. I can't help if you're ridiculously good-looking." She bluntly stated. She felt like her old self again. Her self-confidence wavered because of the fear of rejection from the man she loved. Now that she knows the he loves her, she can be her fun, confident, flirty self again with no more worries. Zoro chuckled slightly at her compliment.

"Anyway, can I kiss the crap out of you now?" Nami asked but to Zoro, it sort of sounded like a demand…either way, he didn't really mind.

"Of course you can 'Mrs. Franco'. We are married after all." He smirked while she smiled brightly.

He closed the distance between them. Zoro then lowered his face towards hers and pressed his lips onto hers and gently kissed her.


Nami felt amazing. She closed her eyes and eagerly deepened the kiss. He pulled her back towards the bedroom and laid her down on the bed without breaking the kiss. He then found himself on top of her, he made sure barely any weight was on her.

She smirked into the kiss realizing their position. Nami grinded her hips against him which he responded with a growl. He needed Nami and nearly lost all of his control; he then locked lips with her again for a rougher kiss.

"Zoro..." She moaned out his name and then he found himself trailing his hands under her dress. "Nami." He whispered hoarsely. "I want, no wait. I need you. Now." She nodded and he leant down to kiss her again, "I need you too Zoro." She whispered and allowed him to do what he wished.

His hand went behind her back and unzipped her dress. He practically ripped off the dress and gazed at her still covered breasts, he let out a low growl and lifted her up to remove the bra, he was getting really annoyed with the clips and felt her hands go behind to help him. When the bra was finally out of sight, he felt her whole body warm up from a blush. Nami wasn't shy per say, however she was slightly nervous if Zoro found her attractive enough. He kissed her again and placed her back on the bed.

"You are so beautiful Nami." Zoro remarked affectionately. She was still blushing and he held her wrists to move her arms, he looked at her breasts. They seemed soft looking, he smirked and began to knead his hands with them, and she let out a delicate moan.

He then replaced his hands with his mouth and licked her breast gently, she let out another soft moan and then he became rougher using his teeth and she bucked a bit.

"Zoro... Please..." She pleaded. Enough with the teasing. He knew what she wanted, but a little fore-play didn't hurt anyone. The swordsman lifted her up and took off her lacy panties. Nami moaned as she felt something hard against her leg. She brushed her foot against it and he bit back a growl.

He kissed her lips again but was gentle about it and became rather rough. He then placed his fingers inside her to feel her core and she moaned. He continued to pump his fingers inside of her. "Oh god..." She whispered and he smirked as well as felt himself becoming harder.

"God damn Zoro...that feels so good." She whispered. He added another finger and went harder and rougher. He then felt her walls contract and she had her first orgasm of the night. He took his fingers out and replaced them with his tongue. she was still coming off of her bliss and was caught off guard at his next action. She looked down to see Zoro in between her legs and she moaned at the very erotic sight.

She bucked against his head and she felt him smile against her core. He then retracted his tongue and licked his lips and fingers, he then took off his clothes. He did it agonizingly slowly; just to be a damn tease.

"Damn it Zoro! Stop with your teasing and get over here and fuck me." She demanded.

She gasped when he quickly inserted his length into her heat. "Oh my god." She groaned in bliss. Zoro's face was contorted in pure pleasure. "Fuck Nami, you're so tight."

Nami's hands clenched the bed sheets. About a minute later, he began his pace slow and gentle and got faster with each moan. He moaned himself, he never felt this much pleasure even with all of the girls he had slept with. She was the best and the very one that he actually 'made love' to.

His pace became rougher and he moved her legs onto his shoulders to make his thrusts become deeper. "Oh god Zoro!" She cried and he loved the sound of his name being cried. The faster he shoved into her, the closer the edge seemed. He could tell Nami was extremely close. Her tight walls clenched and soon, she released and orgasmed blissfully. She clawed his back to rip the skin. Zoro soon let himself go as soon as Nami was taken care of. He released inside of her and fell on top of her with satisfaction. Nami giggled at their position. Zoro seemed to have accidently 'fell' on her boobs.

"What's so funny?" He muttered into her breasts. The deep sound that emitted from his throat tickled her. She giggled once more.

"Stop talking, you're tickling me." She asked not to seriously. Zoro raised his head to look at her with a curious look. He then glanced down and smirked. Nami saw that devious smirk and hoped that he wouldn't…he wouldn't…right? All of sudden, Nami started laughing hysterically. Zoro was motor boating her. She tried to push him away but his tight grip on her wouldn't allow him to be moved so easily. Nami was laughing so hard, it hurt to breathe. Finally, he stopped and looked up to see a very flushed Nami. He just grinned like a little boy who doesn't know he's in trouble. Nami glared at him and pouted.

"Hate you." She said.

"Aw babe, love you too." Zoro grinned. She glared at him once more and sighed. Zoro's grin must have been contagious because she was smiling.


"I love when you say I love you to me." She stated.

"Well then, I. Love. You." Each pause he would kiss her mouth. Finally, the third kiss, he held himself there, deepening the passionate kiss. She gladly accepted him entrance. Both were fighting for control until they heard a loud bang. Both broke apart quickly.

"What the hell was that?" Nami anxiously asked. Zoro shook his head.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that it has Luffy written ALL over it." Zoro joked. Nami giggled and got up from the bed.

"Well, let's go check it out. They might need our help." Nami stated. Zoro sighed and rolled off the bed to go over to a naked Nami looking for her dress, panties, and bra. He hugged her from behind which caused the orange haired lady to smile.

"They don't really need us…they can take care of themselves…" Zoro offered. Nami was about to just take him up on his offer, but then they heard loud screams and gun shots.

"Yupp, definitely Luffy." They both laughed and decided to go check out the uproar.

"Silly Mr. Swordsman! Go get HER. She is waiting for you. She needs you." Robin sternly told the swordsman. The green haired man nodded and ran after Miss Navigator.

"Phew, Robin. Good going. I thought he was going to dumb and stubborn and not go after her." Franky said.

"All he needed was a little push. That was all. Now it is all up to him." Robin said. The dance competition was still going on. The other couples couldn't really match up to 'Mr. and Mrs. Franco'. All they could do is try, but still fail. Robin kept a wary eye on the other crew members. That stunt they pulled before; how are they not caught? Robin absolutely refused to lose the bet. She had this idea to ensure her winning this bet. Honestly, this plan would definitely excite the party a bit more…

"I will be right back Franky. I am going to run to the ladies room." Robin already walked away from Franky could respond. Robin continued to walk away, out of the main hall, down the long extravagant hallway, and found an empty room. 'Perfect. Time to shake things up a bit. I am sure the boys will be okay…'

"Ojos de mano!" (A/N: I couldn't find the move where Robin is able to sprout arms and look through an eye in other rooms so I gave it a name ^_^ it means hand eyes…) Robin crossed her arms in the familiar 'x' formation. She sprouted arms in the room where the 'stealing' team were located. She opened an eye to look about the room. It seemed as though the guys were almost complete with their mission. Sanji stood smoking his cigarette, idly talking to Brook. Luffy watched the party from the hole while Usopp and Chopper worked on the wench. 'This is too easy.' Robin smirked and sprouted another arm right behind Luffy and simply pushed. Luffy was caught off guard and fell…on top of the king. Franky observed from the bar.

"Oh…shit." Franky sighed. Luffy laid sprawled out over the king who seemed to be extremely pissed off. He violently shoved Luffy off him.

"¿Quién coño eres tú?!"(A/N: Who the fuck are you?!") The king fumed with rage. Luffy, not really sure what he just said just grinned and laughed. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head and readjusted his straw hat. That's when the king finally realized that about all of his gold was missing.

"¿Dónde diablos está mi oro?!" (A/N: Where the fuck is my gold?!) If the king became any angrier, his head would probably explode. Raimundo finally looked towards the young man and glared.

"Straw Hat, you piece of shit! You stole my gold. Guards! KILL THE GRINGO!" Luffy finally laughed and decided to not even deal. The job was done. He had a good feeling.

"Straw Hats! LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" Luffy ordered his crew. Sanji decided to help out Luffy, just in case he got into any trouble and jumped down to meet up with the captain. The other three decided to take their own escape route that Robin had organized for them and moved the gold back to the ship. Franky decided to get in on the action and fight alongside the rest of the crew.

"Hey Franky! Where's Robin-chan?" Sanji yelled over the loud gunshots. About fifty guards came out of nowhere and chased them down different corridors of the castle. They needed to kill enough time for Chopper, Usopp, and Brook to get away with the gold.

"She said she was going to the bathroom, but that was a while ago…hmmm…I have a sneaky suspicion-" Franky started to accuse until a loud boom made the three turn around. A large hand, coming out of the wall had smacked all of the guards back on their asses, knocking them all out. The giant hand disappeared and Robin walked over all the unconscious guards.

"Well, that was easy." Robin stated. The three men smiled at Robin. They were amused by how simple it was.

"Oi, Robin, how come you were gone-"

"Where are Zoro and Nami? Maybe they are back at the ship. Come on. Let us hurry." Robin quickly changed the subject and left for the men to follow along. 'Oh, she definitely cheated.' Franky thought to himself. And how he was going to get her back.

Eventually more guards came and started to shoot at the four straw hats. The began to run again, trying to buy the other three enough time to get away and meanwhile, maybe find out where the hell Zoro and Nami were. After turning left, right, right, left, right, left, left, and more turns in the endless amount of corridors. They all didn't watch where they were going and ended crashing right into the missing crew members, except Robin. It was a huge pile of bodies and Robin couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"You bakas! Get the hell off me! Sanji! STOP TOUCHING MY ASS!" Nami yelled. She heard Zoro growl, but she quickly ended that by stepping on Sanji's hand 'by accident'.

"Zoro! Nami! You're okay?" Luffy quickly asked.

"Yeah, we're good." Zoro flashed her a quick smile and Nami grinned. Sanji came up to Nami and hugged her. Which in turn, caused Zoro to freak out causing a fight. Luffy went over to Robin and Franky.

"So, you think the plan worked?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah, it did." Robin smirked.

"Go team!" Franky cheered and raised his large hand. Luffy raised his hand also, readying for a 'high five'. They both looked at Robin, expecting her to do the same.

"Well, c'mon Robin, join us in our victory. High-five with us." Luffy said. Robin rolled her eyes. 'Such children. Fine. Just this once, I suppose.' Robin sighed and lifted her arm slightly meeting them halfway. Both men cheered and slapped the crap out of her hand.

"Operation Stealing and Dancing, success!" Luffy cheered once more. Franky grinned and looked over towards Robin who looked at her now bright red palm. It looked painful.

"Uh…babe…?" Before Franky and Luffy realized, hundreds of hands came out of their bodies and began 'high-fiving' all over them. Both men were hollering in pain, which caused Sanji, Zoro, and Nami to stop fighting. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. The very sight of it, made the trio crack up laughing. Robin couldn't help but giggle herself. Finally, she stopped and both men were red from the slaps of a hundred hands hitting their skin, very hard.

"You know Robin, you are very, very, evil. And I like that." Franky winked. Everyone thought it was kind of weird, but hey, if that's what he's into…

The group finally recuperated and decided it was time to get the hell off the island. They ended up running for another few minutes before finally finding the exit. They snuck out with no problem and got away with no more mishaps. They ran all the way back to the ship to find the other three members of the crew standing there with an enormous load of gold. They walked up to the ship and everyone smiled.

Luffy took a look around at his surroundings. Usopp seemed to being crying because he was happy and rich. Chopper and Brook danced around the gold. Sanji smoked his cigarette while admiring the gold from afar. Franky held Robin and talked with her. Luffy caught a few words, like 'cheating' and 'I owe you nothing woman'. Luffy finally set his gaze at the newly found couple. Zoro was holding Nami from behind. He rested his head on her shoulder and seemed to be kissing her neck. Luffy never really cared for loving someone, but his nakama, he loved and he would sacrifice everything to see them happy. Even if it calls for them to rob a Spanish tyrant and salsa dance for the sake of the plan. This thought had Luffy come up with a great plan.

"Hey, guys, I know you guys are gonna be mad, but I say we give the gold to the people who live in this town. They deserve it." Luffy offered his idea. He didn't really care if they agree to it or not. He's doing it with or without his crewmates.

"I think that's a great idea Luffy." Everyone turned to stare at the one mouth that no one ever expected to hear that come from. Nami looked at the rest of the crew, she didn't like being put on the spot.

"C'mon, I know from experience, having nothing sucks. And living under a tyrant is sucky also. I think it would be nice thing to do and then, we will never do this again. Agreed?" Everyone nodded. Usopp seemed to be hesitant but, he quickly warmed up to the idea. The crew ran all over town to conjure up the towns folk. Everyone in the crew had a difficult time trying to get the town folk to follow because ALL of them spoke Spanish, but eventually everyone made it to the Sunny and the town's people stood there in awe. Robin raised herself using her power to speak to the crowd.

"Hola a todos. Me gustaría decir que este oro es todo para ti. 'Amablemente' Rey Raimundo Dom nos dio todo su oro y nos dijo que quería que todos ustedes lo guardase. Tener en él y por favor, no matar. Gracias." (A/N: Hello everyone. I would just like to say that this gold is all for you. King Raimundo Dom 'graciously' gave us ALL of his gold and he told us that he wanted all of you to keep it. Have at it and please, no killing. Thanks.) Most of the people started cheering and clapping. The women began crying and the children all ran at the same time to grab whatever gold they could for their family. The crew all smiled at their good deed and decided it was time to take off. They left the island with the town's people waving goodbye and chanting 'Straw Hat Pirates!'

Everyone was beat from the previous night's adventure. So everyone decided it was best to rest up. Respectively, everyone went to their own cabins. Except for a certain green hair swordsman who was invited to spend the night with the orange haired navigator.

The two laid in bed holding each other, slowly losing consciousness and falling faster asleep.

"Well Nami, I think last night can count as our first date, don't ya think so?" Nami giggled and yawned.

"Ha, yeah definitely, and I expect every date to be like that Zoro. I expect nothing less." She teased.

"Psh, woman. I'm not that rich so you can't expect much of me." Nami decided to keep teasing and decided to get up off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Zoro asked questioningly.

"I don't know why I'm with you. You're poor." She tried to hide her smile, but she couldn't help it as Zoro quickly shot out of the bed to grab her waist. He pulled her back onto the bed and he straddled her so she couldn't go anywhere.

"I don't think so Nami-swan. You're gonna stay with me, here and forever." He said with a smirk.

"That doesn't sound too bad." She replied back with smile.

"I love you Nami." Every time he said it, the words made Nami's heart fill up with love and warmth. It was an over whelming feeling and she never wanted it to stop.

"I love you too Zoro." She said and then yawned.

"Babe, you're tired. Let's just sleep. We have a long while ahead of us. Plenty of time to do other things-" He was cut off by Nami's snoring.

"Oh great. She snores. Crap." And not too soon, the swordsman fell asleep alongside his lover.

End :)

Thanks guys for reading. Please review!

P.S. The game was Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves (Sucker Punch owns that game...) just in case you were wondering. Love that game.