Rated: T

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and my OCs belong to me.

Nobody Wants to be Lonely

Chapter 16

Rin realized that she was supposed to be having her lessons right about now, and asked Rika if she was going to come with her. Which, surprised Kagome a little bit. "Rika you want to take lessons with Rin?"

"Can I?" Rika asked.

"Sure, you can! I'm not against it at all. Do you want to go too, Shippou?"

Shippou nodded, enthusiastically, and followed the two girls down the hall. This was a perfect opportunity for Kagome to do some research about undoing that mark. However, that kind of information would be kept in a library, and Kagome had no clue where that would be, in the maze of a palace. Her best bet of finding it would be asking a servant, and as luck would have it, Kagome spotted Kazue walking from the opposite end of the hallway.

"Kazue!" Kagome called and ran over to the elderly demoness.

"Oh, good morning Lady Kagome, is there something you need?" Kazue asked.

"Actually yes, where is the library?"

"The library? It's in this hallway, but go three doors down they way I came from, and it should be on you right."

"Thank you, very much."

"You're welcome, um, Lady Kagome?"


"Please excuse me for wondering, but why do you want to know where the library is?"


"Oh, alright then…" Kazue decided not to pry any further since it wasn't any of her business.

Kagome walked past the inudemoness, and to the library, now that she knew where it is, and it was even better that it wasn't that far from her. Luck seemed to be on Kagome's side today. However, that luck would soon run out later that day.

Kagome gaped at the huge wooden door that was the entrance to the library, and wondered how she could have missed it before. Well, she couldn't gape all day she had research to do. Kagome had to push on the door with her whole body just to get that thing opened. She opened the door enough to where she could squeeze into the room, and when she was in, the door closed by itself with a loud BANG! The miko cringed at the sudden loud noise, and sighed. So much for trying to be quiet.

The miko called out quietly, "Hello? Is anyone in here?" No response. Kagome looked around the large library to confirm if there was anyone there, just in case. She saw no one.

"Okay! It's time to get to work!" She said. Kagome decided she would start with the left side of the library and work her way over to the right side. 'I have a feeling I'm going to be spending most of my time in here. Oh well, might as well get comfortable.'

The miko grabbed a few books off the shelves, sat down on the floor, and started her research.

Meanwhile, back at Rin's room the three children were currently practicing writing the alphabet. Rin's tutor was an owl demon named Masao. Rin asked him if he would be willing to teach Rika and Shippou also. To which he agreed, pleased in taking on more students. Masao was very kind, but also very strict when it came to teaching the children. He walked around looking at the children's progress.

"How's this, sensei?" Rin asked, holding up her work.

"Very good, Rin." Masao praised, giving an approving nod. He turned to look at Rika's work. "Rika…"

"Y-Yes, sensei?" Rika asked nervously. He had told her to redo her work about five times already, and she really didn't want to write the alphabet again for the sixth time.

"You're doing better, keep it up." He said, and went to inspect Shippou's work. Rika breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is he always this strict?" Rika whispered to Rin.

"Yeah, don't worry! Rika will get even better." She whispered back.


"That's all for today, but remember same time tomorrow," Masao announced, "And don't be late next time."

Rin knew that was directed at her, but she didn't worry too much about. She's been late to her lessons many times before, and hadn't received any punishment…yet. Anyway, Rin was glad that lessons were over; she wanted to ask Rika about her plan to get Kagome and Sesshoumaru together. "Rika?"


"Remember when you told Rin that you wanted to come up with a plan for-"

"Plan? What kind of plan?" Shippou piped up.

"Oh, Rika was going to come up with a plan to get Lady Kagome and Lord Sesshoumaru together." Rin answered.

"Really? That sounds like a great idea!"

"You think it's a great idea?" Rika asked, confused. Personally she thought Shippou would be against Kagome being with Sesshoumaru.

"Why not? I do admit I was afraid of Sesshoumaru, but he proven himself to be an okay guy. He did save you and mama from being killed by Kikyo, he also took you guys in when you were injured, and he found you and brought you back to the village when you got lost."

"Wait, how do you know that Sesshoumaru brought me back to the village? I thought the only people who knew about that were Kagome, Sesshoumaru, and myself."

"Well, mama told Miroku and Sango and they told me. Anyway, what's your plan to get mama and Sesshoumaru together?"

Rika sighed, "Guys, there isn't going to be a plan."

"What!?" Shippou exclaimed.

"But Rika said that-"

"-I know what I said Rin, but I can't push Kagome to like Sesshoumaru. She should be free to choose who she wants, not us, and she clearly doesn't like Sesshoumaru." With that, the hanyou walked out of Rin's room without another word.

Rin and Shippou gave each other worried looks. "Wow, I never knew Rika was one to give up so easily." Shippou said.

"Yeah…" Rin agreed. "Rin still thinks Rika wants Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Kagome together."

"Me too, but maybe she thinks Kagome will hate her if she found out Rika wanted them together."

"Lady Kagome is too nice to ever hate Rika!"

"I know maybe we should just come up with a plan without her."

"Alright!" Realization set in with the human girl and kitsune that they didn't know the first thing about romance, and it seemed Rika had an idea of what to do. Plus, they assumed since she was older she was more knowledgeable about that topic.

"We need to go find Rika and convince her come up with a plan again." Shippou said.

Rin nodded in agreement.

Rika needed somewhere quiet to think and gather her thoughts. After she had told Shippou and Rin that there was no longer a plan to bring Kagome and Sesshoumaru together. She actually felt a little guilty for getting Rin's hopes up. She could understand that Rin seemed eager to have a mother again, and Kagome was perfect for that role. However, it just wasn't meant to be. Rika knew Kagome would never warm up to demon lord. If she could just see the good things he did. Rika caught herself; she wasn't supposed to be having those kinds of thoughts anymore. She was supposed to not even care anymore. Old habits die hard.

There was nobody else in the hall so Rika decided to stay out there and gather her thoughts. As she was going to sit down in front of a wooden door, it opened up to reveal Kagome. The miko blinked a couple times, clearly not expecting to see the hanyou. "Rika? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to find somewhere quiet to think about some things, and I was going to sit in front of this door, then you opened it." Rika explained. "By the way, what were you doing in there Kagome?"

"This room is the library. I was in here doing some research, and I swear, I went through like 57 books and couldn't find anything yet. "

"You mean about removing the m-"

Kagome swiftly covered Rika's mouth with her hand, preventing the hanyou from revealing Kagome's secret intentions. The miko then raised her finger to her mouth, indicating to Rika that she needed to be silent. Kagome glanced from left to right to make absolutely sure there was no one else in the hallway. She then removed her hand from Rika's mouth and whispered, "Please try to watch what you say, Rika. The walls have ears, you know."

Rika's mouth formed an 'Oh'. She was going to apologize, but was interrupted by Shippou and Rin who suddenly grabbed onto Rika's arms. "Mama, can we borrow Rika for a minute?" Shippou asked.

"I guess-"

"Thanks!" Rin and Shippou said in unison, and dragged Rika back to Rin's room, with the hanyou protesting all the way there. Once inside, Shippou slid the shoji screen shut, and Rin told Rika to sit down. She reluctantly obliged, and was still confused about what was going on.

"What's going on guys? What do you need me for all of the sudden?" Rika wondered.

Shippou and Rin stood in front of the older girl with determined expressions. "Rika, we brought back here because-" Rin began.

"-We need to talk." Shippou finished.

Author's Note: I know this chapter was kind of boring, but trust me. The next one will be quite interesting, because there will finally be more SessKag interaction.

Review Responses

crazykenz: Well mostly it will be from her pov, but sometimes it will from Kagome's.( Like in the next chapter.) Rika is 11, so she's older than Rin, who is 9, and Shippou, who is 8 in human years, but of course since he's a demon he's much older, and Rika will stop aging for awhile when she turns 15.

TearsDrippingDown: I know right!? It's a miracle!

dragoneyes2005: Hmm, Shiro helping Rika maneuver Sesshoumaru and Kagome into running into each other? That might be a possibility…but first Rika still needs to decide if she wants to forgive Shiro.