Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I do not have any rights to Harry Potter and I do not make any money from writing these fics.

Written for: Clever Ink Slinger's Holiday Spirit: Christmas Boot Camp Challenge!

Prompts: Vacation.

Pairing: Severus/Harry.

Warning: None.

Stress of Christmas

Worried black eyes traced every moment his beloved mate made as he ran backwards and forwards though the kitchen splitting his time between a pile of paper, a large amount of half decorated Christmas cookies, whatever was cooking in the oven and the piles of Christmas gifts that he was wrapping.

'While I do enjoy the view I can't let him go on like this' Severus thought as his eyes followed Harry's bum as it stuck out while the black haired man checked what was in the oven 'All of this stress over Christmas and making it perfect for everyone will be the death of him.'

Sighing heavily Severus wracked his mind for ways to help his beloved relax and enjoy Christmas only to find his mind empty. With every new idea that came into Severus' mind it quickly went out as Harry was already doing it or it would cause him to panic more.

"Sev have you looked though those holiday leaflets yet?" Harry asked as he decorated some more Christmas cookies, "Where do you think Arthur and Molly would like to go? We all agreed to put in an equal amount and buy the tickets together."

"A vacation..." Severus said slowly as he picked up the holiday leaflet's that was hidden under a roll of wrapping paper.

As Severus went though each one of the holiday leaflets a sudden idea hit him. With a cunning but hidden grin that only a Slytherin could pull of Severus calmly looked up.

"Harry out of these places where would you like to go?" Severus asked innocently as he noticed the magical booking forms in the back of the leaflets, "Where would you like to go on vacation?"

"That is a good way of thinking about it Sev," Harry answered unaware of Severus' true intention as he turned to wrap yet another present, "I like the warmth of Hawaii myself along with the beaches and being able to relax under the sun not seeing sun for so long though I think for Molly and Arthur a romantic week in Paris would be nice."

Turning his back to Severus Harry never saw the devilish smirk that appeared on Severus' face only for it to disappear as quick as it had come.

"I will double check with the Weasley's if Pair is alright with them then and if so I will start to fill out the booking form for their vacation," Severus said as he stood up.

"Thank you Sev! You are a life saver!" Harry said as he quickly made his way over to Severus and soundly kissed him on the lips, "Molly and Arthur are going to love their vacation! Thank you so much Sev!"

"It is not a problem Harry, you have enough on your plate as it is with getting ready for Christmas so I do not mind helping you out," Severus replied before heading out of the kitchen to the living room, "I will go now, depending on how things go I will be back around tea time."

"Thank you Sev!" Harry called out as he watched Severus walk out of the kitchen, "I bet Molly and Arthur will have a great time on their vacation!"

'And I am sure you are going to enjoy your vacation too' Severus thought as he pictured the many different ways that they could enjoy themselves in Hawaii together 'And I know I definitely will too.'

The End!

Hope you enjoyed this fic.

Until The Next Fic! : )