Mizu-chan- Yeah! Last chapter of this story! Now don't get worried, this is going to be continued in another fanfic. I don't know what its name is yet, but look in the summerys of the new stories by IceKeys-love.

Gray- C'mon! You made me look so stupid in the last chapter!

Mizu-chan- Sucks for you.

Gray- Ow. I won't forgive you! I'm sitting here with a frickin' ice-pack on my head!

Mizu-chan- Suck it up! You're such a baby! Everyone gets head-aches!

Gray- Not everyone gets hang-overs though!


Mizu-chan- There. That'll distract you from your head-pain.

Gray- # %^&$!

Mizu-chan- Mind the launguage, will you? Hope you enjoy the chapter everyone!

I groaned. My head hurt like hell, my tongue was dry, and I felt like I was going to throw up. "Stupid hang-over." I muttered. I had a strange feeling that someone

was...watching me. I sat bolt up-right and opened my eyes. I looked around, relizing that I wasn't in my own house. I looked down off the bed. Two, ice blue eyes

glaring at me from a make-shift bed on the floor. "Well, what have you got to say for yourself you perverted idiot?" Hikari said with a menacing calm. I stood up,

instantly feeling wobbly. I grabbed the chair for support. "Okay, what did I do last night?" Hikari stood up and crossed her arms. "You mean after you collapsing on

my kitchen floor, putting your filthy hand on my breasts, and muttering nonsense about the name Lucy? Well, you fell on my bed." I grimmaced. "Considering the

pain I'm in right now, I didn't just fall unconcious on my own accord I'm guessing?" She lifted her head defiently, a look of anger on her face, although the corners of

her mouth were twitching, as though longing to smirk at me. "No, I helped by hitting you in the back of the head with that heavy stool." I scowled at her. Before I

knew it she had opened the door, and was gesturing out side. "Now that we've cleared things up, get your sorry ass outta my house." I walked out the door, hitting

her gently on the head as I passed. I couldn't manage anything more then a weak punch. I walked slowly to my house and sat down at my kitchen table, holding an

ice-pack to my throbbing head. I was sitting there thinking, memories slowly coming back to my head. I flushed, embarassed, when I remembered pushing her up

against the wall and- nevermind. God, I can be such a pervert, can't I? 'Muttering nonsense about the name Lucy...' That kept coming back. I closed my eyes,

picturing my old friend. The blond hair, the wide brown eyes, the pale skin. I snickered. I imagined Hikari with wide brown eyes. Wait a minute. My eyes flew open. I

scrambled up and grabbed two image lacryma. Into one I put the image of Lucy. Into the other, I put a picture... of Hikari. I used a color lacryma to change the

features on Hikari. Tan skin to pale. White blond to Golden blonde. Ice blue eyes to wide, brown ones. "Oh my god..." I quickly printed out the pictures. I flung the

color lacryma and my ice-pack on the floor and struggled to get my boots on. I flew out the door and ran to Natsu's house. "Natsu!" I wrenched open the door and

found him in his bed. "Holy f***in shit! What's wrong!?" He sat upright. He stared at me agrily. "What the hell Gray! You made me think that someone was having a

heart attack! Hell, you almost gave me a heart attack while we're on that subject!" I ignored him. "Get out of bed, I need to tell you something importent." He

stumbled out of bed and sat cross-legged on the floor. He looked like I child looking forward to a good story-telling. The corner of my mouth twitched. He wasn't

going to like this. "Let's get straight to the point. Hikari's your sister. She supposedly died seven years ago." He stared at me disbeleivingly for a seconed. Then he

started to laugh. "I'm not an idiot Gray! You actually think I'd beleive that!?" I frowned at him. "I promise you I'm not lying. And Natsu," He looked up, still chuckling.

"you are, indeed, an idiot." He rolled his eyes. " Shut up. So you're really telling the truth? Hikari's my sister?" He snorted. "100% true. I would not kid you about

something like this. Think Natsu, try to remember something." He closed his eyes for a minute. Then something dawned on his face. "I do remember. Before I ran

away, My sister fell off a cliff and died. But then you say that Hikari's my sister. How would that be?" I pulled out the pictures. "Take a look for yourself." He grabbed

the pictures and stared at him. "Wow." He said. Happy flew sleepily into the room at that moment. "What's going on?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "Hikari is Natsu's

sister." I told him blandly. He looked up in surprise. "That bitch? But she's nothing like Natsu!" I looked at Natsu and saw a determined look n his face. "We need to

get her. I don't want to loose her again." One tear trickled down his face. I was surprised. I had never seen Natsu cry before. "Okay. Let's go. Let's get Erza too." He

looked confused, "Why?" He asked. I grinned. " 'Cause we're a team, right?" He smiled back. "Allright!" We all ran out the door to get Erza.

Lucy's P.O.V

"You really should apologize Lucy." I scowled. "What's to apologise for? He was the one who barged into my house. Plus, you guys were mocking him too, I saw you."

It was true. They were both waving their butts in his direction. Valentine sighed. "Yes, well, at the time it seemed appropriate." "At the time it seemed appropriate." I

mocked in a high pitched voice. "Ow!" I yelped as she scratched my leg. "Now that I think about it, you hit him in th ehead with a stool. Go apologize. Now." I sighed

and stood up. "Fine, fine." I walked out the door. "C'mon." We walked over to Gray's house and knocked. No one answered. I knocked again. Still no answer. "The

stupid idiot's probably passed out on his bed." I walked in. "Lucy, what in the world are you doing?" "Well, you said to apologize, so I'm going to wake him up and

apologise." "Yeah, but I didn't mean walk into his house." Valentine muttered. I looked around the room. I noticed two image lacryma on the table, with a picture of

me as a kid and the other a picture of me now, except with blonde hair, wide brown eyes,and pale skin. "No!" I screamed. "What is it Lucy!?" Willow mewed loudly.

"He found out! He know's who I am!" I started to hyper-ventalate. "Dammit, dammit, dammit! We need to get out of here!" I heard loud voices outside the window. I

looked out. Gray, Erza, and Natsu were running towards the house. "RUN!" We bolted out the door. I heard shouts of surprise. I looked back to see them ten feet

behind us, and gaining speed. "Shit!" I muttered. I screamed over my shoulder, "What! What do you want from me!?" In a quieter voice I said to Willow and

Valentine, "Fly to the cliff. I'll be fine." They nodded and took off. I grabbed a vial off of the chain I kept around my neck. I looked back to see how far behind they

were. They were about thirty yards behind. I stopped and popped the cap off the vial and quickly swallowed the liquid. I took off again, and considering that I had

just drunk liquid Speed Magic, I was going quite fast. At least 25 miles per hour. I finally got to the cliff. I saw Valentine and Willow up in a tree. I caught my breath

and let the others catch up. They stood ten feet away from me. We stood there in silence for a minute or two until, "Lucy-" I cut Natsu off. "That is not my name." I

look away. "Not anymore." Silent tears trickled down my face. I reliesed that I was changing back. My hair, starting at the roots, slowly changed to a darker shade of

blonde. I looked at my hands and saw them lighten until I was almost ivory pale. And although I couldn't see them, I could tell my eyes were widening and turning a

deep chocolate brown. I heard the team gasp. Natsu spoke again. "Lucy, I'm really sor-" I raised my hand and he fell silent. "Shut up." I said icily. "I expected more

of you Natsu. When I knew you, you were a loving, yet idiotic brother. I knew you were scatter-brained, but I didn't think you would forget me!" My voice was rising

angrily now. "You, Natsu Dragneel, are a disgrace! Mother and Father would've been ashamed of you!" He hung is head. "I'm sorry Luce..." "Sorry doesn't cut it." I

turned on Gray. "And you! I thought you were my friend! Now that I think about it, I can imagine Natsu forgetting me, but not you! You have everything I wanted,

everything that I want! Ever since you forgot me, you've had friends! Hell, you practically have a family! Fairytail is practically your family! You've got admirers,

you've got people who like you, for gods sake, you've got a stalker that you've been totally oblivious to! Meanwhile, the only friends I've got are Valentine and Willow!

They're the only living things who love me!" Tears dripped down my face. "I still havn't been accepted! I've been at the guild for a long time and still, no one will approch

me unless it's to ask me why I look sad or mad!" I straightened up. "Well," I said, my voice cracking. "now you know why I look upset or mad. Because the two

people I cared about the most left me behind like an old toy shoved in the attic." I backed away towards the cliff. "You'd better save your good byes now." I pressed

my pointer finger to my Fairytail mark and it dissapeared, coming off in a little flash of gold light. " I thought I had found a home. It seems I was wrong." I let myself

fall backwards off the cliff. Unseen by the team, Valentine and Willow caught me once we were obscured from view. "Where to now Lucy?" Willow meowed quietly.

"Wait." I grabbed a large rock and threw it against a boulder. It made a cracking sound, like a human head breaking. "Let's go anywhere. Let's go somewhere as far

away as we can." They nodded and we flew off towards the woods.




Mizu-chan- (imitating Gray's voice) Think Natsu! Try to remember something!

Gray- Shut up! Remember, you made me say that!

Mizu-chan- (imitating Natsu's voice) I do remember!

Natsu- Baka!

Mizu-chan- Yeah well, I made you sound stupid. I think I should get a good 10 points!

Natsu\Gray- SHUT UP NOW!


Mizu-chan- Well, keep a look-out for the next story! Bye!