Hi! I felt like starting a new story, and here it is! Note: The first chapter will be a sort of prologue based on the song siGrE by Rin and Len. This will be a short story, with only about two chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid in any way.

Third-person POV

A young soldier sat alone in a battlefield, right behind a piece of a broken wall. Pulling off his helmet, his blonde hair was revealed, but it was streaked with blood and grime. He pulled out a tattered and worn photograph of himself and a young woman with identical blonde hair and cerulean eyes from his pocket and stared at it. Gunshots rang out everywhere, and the soldier could see the bodies of his comrades, all limp and unmoving, fall to the ground. They were losing this battle. Is this the end? he thought, not taking his eyes off of the picture. It seemed so far away, his life before he was taken to war.


"Len!" A sweet voice called out. Len turned around, looking up from the roses he had been tending. "Look what I got!"

The speaker was a girl about Len's age, with similar hair and eyes. She pulled out a camera from behind her back. "Tada!" she said, smiling. "Let's take a picture together!"

With Len sitting in a chair with the girl behind him, the camera snapped a photo. A few days later, the girl handed him the picture. "See? I have one too!" she exclaimed. "Don't forget me while you're in battle!"

The yellow-haired youth grinned in response and hugged the girl. "As if I could."

-End of Flashback-

The soldier, Len, smiled sadly at the memory. He couldn't forget her, but it didn't seem like he was going to get back home soon. Anyways, he thought, I've got to try!

He stood up. At that exact moment, there was the crack of a gun, and a bullet sliced through the air, hitting Len in the back, and coming out through his front. The bullet also punctured the picture, right where the girl's face was. Just before blacking out, the only thing in Len's mind was the resounding words of the girl, "Don't forget me!"



A young woman sat at a low table on the floor, humming to herself as she shifted through some papers. "I wonder when Len's coming home~" she said to herself. She came across a particular piece of paper which was titled: "Casualties in the war." Curious, the girl pushed her hair away from blue eyes and scanned through the letter. Her eyes widened when she came across a name: Len Kagamine. Quickly rising to her feet, the girl ran towards the local hospital, not bothering to put shoes on.

She arrived, out of breath. Approaching the counter, she asked,"Are soldiers wounded in the war admissioned here?"

One of the nurses looked up, checked the registry, and answered."Yes, who are you looking for, Miss?"

"Len Kagamine," the girl added,"I'm Rin Kagamine."

"The patient is in room 202," The nurse said, then asked, "Are you his sister?"

Rin grimanced. She hated it when people thought that. "No, I'm his fiancée." The blonde girl walked in the direction of Len's room. Well, she thought, At least the nurse said 'patient'. That means Len's alive!

Rin reached the room, and hesitated before pushing open the door. She didn't want to see Len in a bad state. Thankfully, he seemed to be fine. He was holding a tattered picture with a hole in it, though he was staring out the window. "Len!"

Len's eyes glanced over to her, then he lifted the picture up to eye-level, but he soon put it down, ignoring Rin. "Len?" Rin called, a worried look on her face. She got near to the bed that he was in, and pulled a chair over to sit by Len.

Len finally focused on her with an unidentified expression on his face. Was that annoyance? "Who are you?" he demanded, looking away. "I don't know you!"

Rin sat with a horrified look on her face. A doctor came over and whispered something in her ear."I'm sorry, Miss, but it seems like he has lost all his memories due to the shock of the war."

She stood up uncertainly. Then she made a request. "May I care for him after he is discharged?" The doctor nodded. With one last look, Rin walked out. She was almost home when the first tear slid down her face. She broke down there, falling to her knees and burying her head in her hands, warm drops slipping down, one after the other. "Why?" she sobbed.

All she wanted was Len to come back, safe and sound, right? Why was she so sad? Rin got up, rubbing away the stubborn tears that refused to stop. If he doesn't remember, I'll help him... She made up her mind.




-Three months later-

It was a warm spring day, and I was outside in the garden with Rin, my caretaker. It seems like she's someone from my past, but I can't be sure. Staring at the flowers in the garden, I was most fascinated by the roses. Rin noticed, so she picked a couple roses and brought them to me, since I was restricted to a wheelchair for a couple more weeks. As I was thinking about how red the flowers were, something flashed before my eyes. Red. Blood. War. Gunshots. I didn't realize that I had started to crush the roses, pulling off the petals and ripping them, until Rin stopped me, looking angry and anxious. I was confused, so I gently placed the leftover petals into her hand.

"Ah, you shouldn't do that, Len. Look, your hand is bleeding..." The thorns had pierced my skin, letting the blood drip down my arm. "I'll be right back," she said, heading into the house. I focused on my bloodied hands. What was that? The image disappeared as soon as it came. Even now, I couldn't recall what I've seen...


A tear found its way out of my eye and onto the floor. Those roses... it was the same ones he had taken care of so tenderly before... Maybe it's impossible for him to remember. I found the first aid kit and started my way back to the garden. I suddenly had a fit of coughs, dropping the first aid kit. It fell to the ground with a big clatter that rang throughout the house. "Rin-san? Are you okay?" I heard Len's voice call. "I'm fine!" I hurriedly answered.

Picking up the kit from the floor, I walked outside, then bandaged Len's hand. "Thank you." I looked up. He smiled at me, the first sincere one since the accident.

I felt a mixture of many different emotions; happiness, frustration, nostalgia, and most of all, sadness. I felt a smile creeping onto my face, despite the internal turmoil my heart was in.

When the sun started to set, turning the sky a beautiful pink and orange, Len asked to be alone in the garden for a bit longer. Leaving him, I walked back inside. Before I made it, though, I had another series of coughs. This time, it was more painful, and each one made my throat hurt. My eyes widened when I realized that there was something running down my hand. I glanced at the sky; it was a hazy, blood-red color, just like the glistening liquid on my hand.




-Two months later-

Listening to the soft rush of water, I sat next to the river, gazing up at the stars above. Rin sat beside me, her golden hair similar to mine shining under the dim moonlight. I couldn't help but think how pretty she really was, and how kind too. She'd helped me countless times both physically, by taking care of me while I was hurt, and mentally by soothing my mind when I was frustrated about my jumbled memories. I liked her, but I have to find out about that girl in the picture, the only key to my past. Sometimes, I suspect that Rin knows something about my past, but that's impossible, right? She is just my caretaker...

There was a light summer breeze flowing through the air, rustling the leaves of a tree nearby. I took out the photograph from my pocket, and stared at it, not really thinking. It has become a habit for me to do so. Rin glanced over for a bit, then went back to studying the moon with her bright blue eyes, which seemed to hold so much sadness inside. The wind suddenly kicked up, whipping my bangs over my face and ripping the photo from my fingers. "Ah!" I cried, watching the wind take the picture and throw it towards the river.



"You see, Miss Kagamine," the doctor clad in white robes said. "You seem to have tuberculosis. I'm sorry to say, but it has progressed quite far. It might be curable, but I can't schedule an operation till later. Since it's not yet in a critical state, it should be fine- just be sure to not to catch a cold, because it may overstrain your immune system..."

I sat quietly on a stool, listening carefully. "Thank you doctor." I said, then left.

-end of flashback-

I was lost in thought, but a sudden sound from Len caught my attention. "Ah!" I soon realized that the picture that he's always carrying around had landed in the river, and was floating away in a rapid speed. He tried to stand up, but it hasn't even been a week since Len finally got out of the wheelchair, so his balance wasn't steady yet. He fell, but tried to get up again. This time, before I could stop him, Len lunged forward, and cried out in pain when his ankle gave out under him. Not thinking, I ran towards the river, and getting soaked from head to toe, recieved the photo. I gave Len the picture after I helped him up. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Len just eyed me and asked me the same thing. "Are you okay?" I glanced down at my sopping clothes, then realized that it suddenly turned freezing cold. I shivered, then answered,"I'm fine; I just need to chang-" I broke into a sudden attack of coughs.

So yeah... that was the first chapter! The next will finish off this story! Please review!

