A/N: this is probably the last thing you guys expected! I'm having a hard time with life in general and writing is a good escape. I've been reading a lot of fanfic lately and decided to try writing again. I'm sorry if this story feels different now, it's been years on hiatus.

I hope you are still here with me and I hope you enjoy it.


The next week passes slowly. It crawls by, nails dragging against the floor with a dark shadow billowing over it. The most fearful part was the silence. Berchi never made his grand appearance, but his note said he would see me soon. Where was he? The moment I walked into my apartment, I almost expected him to be standing there, waiting for my arrival. Of course he wasn't though; he's too smart for that. Edward was with me when I first got back and I appreciated his presence greatly.

I was worried for the damage would see behind the door, but thankfully, I have the most amazing best friend in the world, Angela, who cleaned everything up over the week I was in Hawaii. I felt incredibly guilty because it's definitely not her job to clean my apartment, but she told me she really wanted to since the shop was closed for a week and she had nothing else to do.

Like I said, the most amazing best friend.

Edward stayed with me that night and in the morning his family was back in town. They were all worried for our safety, but Edward assured them everyone and everything was now safe.

Except for the tin.

I still tug my hair out thinking about it. All week that's all that has been on my worried mind. The Golden Age was taken and I knew it back in Hawaii. This clenching feeling in my chest was the guilt I knew I would feel when I got home. The tin - the priceless tin - was sitting in my closet like an old pair of Nikes. The guilt washed over me in waves and I feel to knees. The fat tears rolled down my cheeks and my head fell to my hands. I heard Edward let out a big breath behind me.

"Bella," he started, but I refused to let him try to comfort me.

"I can't believe this! Edward, do you see how stupid your girlfriend is? This is where the tin was. Sitting right here." My words were a blubbering mess and I'm surprised that Edward understood what I was saying. He knelt down next to me and placed his hand on my lower back. I sunk into his side, letting most of my weight rest on him.

"Darling, you didn't know. You need to stop beating yourself up over this."

I shook my head though I don't think he saw it. "Even without knowing its true meaning, I could tell its value. I do this for a living."

"Bella, you didn't know someone was out to get it. You didn't know." He repeated his words in a low voice as his hand made small circles on my back. I don't know how long we sat like that but before long the light coming in from the windows disappeared and it was night.

And I had never felt so horrible.

Sitting in the Cullen house makes everything feel so normal even though they live in what I'd certainly consider to be a mansion. Esme is playing piano and I am on the couch listening intently. Alice is painting her toes bright pink and smiles brightly at me whenever I try to glance over to her. Not once has she missed one of my glances. It's quite odd, really.

Edward is upstairs with his dad discussing God knows what. As much as I love Edward, I don't know if I'll ever fit into his life the way all the other women have. The communication between everyone is so precise and unique, I hardly know what they mean. Edward and Carlisle have been whispering every time I see them together, but what I have heard was either scary or unintelligible. I think Emmett and Jasper are with them upstairs, but I haven't been paying enough attention to notice.

Esme has been glued to my side since I've been here this morning. She tries to comfort me like Edward has been. The guilt I feel is unconquerable. Edward's family has been surprisingly calm and confident throughout this situation. Only Rosalie has been giving me nasty looks and Carlisle seems frustrated with me, but he has never said anything to upset me. They are all sure that the tin will be found. The only good thing that came out of the robbery was that Berchi left a note, so we definitely know the suspect.

I sigh and pull my knees to my chest. Alice places her small hand on my leg and smiles at me once again. "We'll get it back. Just think, we are a step ahead. Before you, we didn't even know where the damn thing was!"

Esme joins us on the couch, sitting beside Alice. "Alice is right."

We all sit in some silence, not awkward, but empty. It appears as though no one has anything to say. I appreciate all of their kind words, but I also know that anyone would feel guilty in my situation. I luckily have the best people helping me through this instead of making me feel worse.

Esme clicks in the TV to fill the silent room and shortly after, we're all engaged in a cooking channel. Alice finishes her pretty nails and leans against my shoulder. She unwraps my hold around my knees with her hand and I stretch out.

"I'm really glad you're here." Alice says softly. Before I can ask her what she means, Jasper's voice calls her to come upstairs. "Oh good, I thought he'd never stop that stupid boy talk."

After she runs upstairs after Jasper, Esme laughs. "She's so innocent. She's always called it boy talk. I asked her why once and she said, 'It's all about guns and cars and ugly bad guys'. My daughter is so smart but acts so naive."

"I really like Alice." I say and I instantly feel dumb. Of all the things I could have responded, that's what I choose to say.

"She really likes you. As do the rest of us. I'm so happy you're here, too. I can't remember the last time I've seen Edward smile so much." Esme tells me honestly. Her eyes are full of warmth.

Before I have chance to say anything, she interrupts me. "Please stop sitting in your guilt. You have dark circles under your eyes and you hardly eat. It makes me so worried. I understand how you are feeling."

"How can you? I've done the most ridiculous-"

"I've done something similar. When I was younger. Carlisle and I were still considered newlyweds. It was a month before I found out I was pregnant with Alice and Edward, I believe. I was out with Carlisle on a quick 'mission' I guess that's what they'd call it. We went to a penthouse that belonged to a guy called Bell because he had stolen some guns from the Denali family, which is considered our family, our closest allies.

"Anyways, I'll try to make this short. Bell was trying to get close to Berchi, he wanted to make a name for himself in this business. Berchi didn't necessarily want Bell on his side, but thought it would be good to use him for a bit and use him for whatever purposes he so desired. Berchi had a gun shipment coming in that Bell wanted to be a part of. Berchi smartly knew Bell wasn't ready for heavier missions or to be seen with the rest of the family because he wasn't through initiation. Berchi then told Bell he preferred free guns and would love Ben to get him some free weapons, kind of sarcastically. He did it to avoid directly telling Bell no. Bell took it to heart, and decided to take from the enemy because what could possibly be better than that? What better way to make a name for yourself?

"He broke into Eleazar's shack in the woods where he keeps a few extra weapons amongst other things. It wasn't a well hidden shack, but Eleazar knew that. He had a good security system on it, but used it for when he went hunting mostly. It was never really meant for business involvement. I assume Bell stalked Eleazar enough to find this hidden shack and thought he struck gold. He broke in messily and took all he could get his hands on. He left while the alarm was still going off and Eleazar was notified via the security system and called us right away because coincidentally in that moment, Carmen was in labour with Benjamin. That's really the good thing on Bell's half, he had good timing. If he did it any other time, Eleazar would've been on him in no time.

"Carlisle and I checked the penthouse where Bell was already sleeping. We got in through the window, silly boy didn't even have security installed yet! We searched the house and Bell woke up. I thought he heard me but he went to the washroom. I stayed silent, pressed behind his wardrobe. Carlisle was looking in another room at the time. When Bell came back, he sat on the edge of his bed and sighed heavily. He didn't go right back to sleep. All I could hear was my heart. I tried to move to get a better angle, to see if he was going to lay back down, but I stubbed my toe and hissed out in pain."

"Oh my God." I gasp. Esme's story has me absorbed. She's leaning in closer to me almost whispering the details. Her face is red and it seems like she's lost in her own world reliving the story.

"I panicked and he yelled out asking who's there. I heard Carlisle storming down the hallway. I didn't want to ruin this mission and I didn't want him to have to save me. So I shot. I didn't aim. I completely missed Bell who was completely frantic running towards me. Carlisle ran in and shot his calf to know him down. Carlisle tied him to the rocking chair in the corner. I had never seen Carlisle so worried. He thought Bell had shot me since Bell didn't have any other wounds apart from his calf. I told Carlisle I missed.

"I hit a vase. The vase happened to be stolen from the Denali's as well. Bell knew Berchi adored antiques and he thought it would be perfect. I shattered a very important piece of the Denali's art. I never asked how much it truly meant to them because I feared the answer, but I took all the vases out of my home because I felt horrible. Even today, I feel horrible."Esme looks at the ground, her eyes seem to be getting watery.

"What happened to Bell? The guns? We're the Denalis mad at you?" I'm hungry for answers.

Esme tilts her head back up towards me. "We left Bell tied up. Carlisle had found the guns while he was down the hallway. We took them. We didn't know the meaning of the vase until afterwards. Eleazar was just happy I was okay. I haven't went in many missions since. It's not that I have bad aim, I just panic. And the emotions stick with me. I can't do it."

Esme's story does help lighten my mood. She snaps out of her own world when her story is complete and she hugs me. "The tin isn't broken, dear. We are gonna get it back. I have never meet anyone as determined as my boys."

I smile though on the inside I am worried. We're going to get the tin back, I know, but how?

A/N: I hope you guys still like everything and are still with me. I appreciate any feedback