This is the first fanfic I've ever actually written out, so be nice but critics are very welcome. This was just an idea I had pop into my head while I was looking out my window I thought 'Hey what if Grimmjow randomly came flying through' and this story was born. Just a little warning ahead of time I really have no idea where I'm going with this, I'm just kind of writing whatever comes to me. As for Clair she is me without actually being me.

Edit: So I decided to go back and re-read to try and help with my writer's block and…mistakes…. So yeah, you know just updating my writing since this is like forever old now. Also trying to fix inconsistencies that have been created due to actually figuring out a plot.

Also I never pointed it out originally so I'll do so now, the first two chapters are in first person the rest is in third person.


Chapter 1-part 1: The Shocking Meeting of…


I would say that it's a pleasant summer's day with birds happily chirping while I peacefully draw a still life but then I'd be lying wouldn't I? No it's fall and the cicadas are being their noisy annoying selves, so no peace for me. And I do not draw still lifes, you kiddin' me? So boring, I'm a manga artist and therefore that's what I draw. At the moment I am in the process of drawing one of my favorite characters from Bleach, Grimmjow. And strangely narrating to myself but that's irrelevant.

Bleach has always been a favorite of mine, it has a lot of the things I like in it after all, but mainly I'd say it's the ghosts that draw me…well ok the hot guys are definitely a bonus but come on can you blame a girl? Anyway back to the ghosts, that's a big reason because like Ichigo's sister Yuzu I can sense them. But that's not all, when I was real little I could see them too. One day I just couldn't anymore it was….strange…. But because of that it gives the child in me hope that it could all be real. … Yeah I'm Twenty-two and still playing pretend, kinda sad but it is actually part of my job so not too sad. Still though, I'm four months out of collage, in a new country –Japan- and I, Clair Smistin still imagine random scenarios that will never happen. Take right now for instance, I'm drawing Grimmjow while pretending that he's here posing for me. …Lame I know but what are you going to do?

I looked up from my drawing when a flash of white out my window that sat above my desk caught my eye. It was soon followed by several blurs of black. Having been lost in my bleach fantasy I thought about the possibility of it being some shinigami, but shook my head discarding the idea as impossible and passed it off as some birds. However after it happened a few more times I got more curious so I listened and heard the faint clashing of blades. So I stared out the window waiting and once more the colors of black and white flew by the window along with the clangs of metal. I opened the extremely dirty window –I'm really bad about cleaning- to try and get a better look at what was happening and stuck my head out to look around.

Just a few seconds after doing so I saw a ball of while came flying at me. I sorta screeched as I tried to get out of the way, but wasn't fast enough and it collided with me sending both myself and it to the floor. The rush of air sent my art everywhere as papers floated about the room slowly coming to rest on the ground. 'What the heck? I can't- heavy~!' I thought as I tried to move. I looked for what was pinning me down but still just saw white. I tried blinking my eyes a few times trying to get them to focus as colors started to form. The new color was blue, pale sky blue hair to be exact. 'The HELL?!' The weight shifted off, or at least started to, but stopped halfway. I was then able to confirm what my brain was trying to say. In front of me –and still half on top of- was Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. 'No freaking way! He… but he …Like how is he here? He's like the freaking lord of awesomeness and badassry! And he's an anime character!' I observed him through my shock trying to get it all to click in my head that this was happening. Looking from his bright yet pale blue hair, to the bleached jaw bone, and his royal blue eyes… 'Why does he look so….shocked?'

I looked to where he was staring and blushed slightly at the two pictures he was picking up as he finished moving off of me. One was the portrait I had just been working on of him. The other was something I had done for a friend. It was him and Ichigo with and arm over each other's shoulders, in his left hand that wasn't over Grimmjow's shoulder, Ichigo had a pair of drumsticks and was giving a peace sign to the 'camera'. Grimmjow's right hand was propped on an electric guitar he had standing on the ground next to him. Both were smiling.

"What the F*** is this?!" He whispered harshly to himself not seeming to realize I was there. "Why the hell am I in a picture looking so goddamned happy with Kurosaki?!" he added a bit louder and much more irritated. He looked ready to tear it to shreds, it took me two days to finish that so I spoke up trying to stop him…well sorta trying.

"Uh…You're in a band…together?" I managed to say quietly also wondering why he cared enough to stop fighting. Deep blue eyes snapped over to me followed by the rest of his face. 'Ah, damn shouldn't have said anything, he's completely pissed… but I'm not really scared…' "My one friend asked me to draw the two of you like that 'cause of a story she's writing. It's just a picture you know, you don't need to glare at me like you're going to bite my head off." No I'm not scared, too shocked to be scared. I mean seriously GRIMMJOW is in my art room! Right here in front of me! And I can see him for crying out loud!' I shifted up so that I wasn't laying on the floor anymore as I thought to myself.

Somehow the anger in his eyes seemed to loosen and curiosity entered ever so slightly in to them. "You don't seem all that frightened even though you appear to know who I am." He said lightly waving the profile picture of himself that I had been working on. "Not that it really matters though." He added almost too quickly as he dropped the papers while standing and looking around the room.

"Um… weren't you just fighting with someone? Aren't you going back out there?" I asked looking up at him not quite able to get up yet. "I mean you like fighting right? So why stop and look at my pictures?"

"I was getting bored they weren't that big of a deal." Grimmjow stated as his eyes seemed to lock on a picture of his last fight with Ichigo. He was obviously in no hurry to return to his fight as he turned back to me and jabbed his thumb at the picture while saying, "You draw me and Kurosaki a lot… how and why?" he waited a few seconds before growling out, "Well?!"

"I well, I mean it's…how do I expl-" I stuttered trying to think of how to tell him that he was a character in an anime. But I was cut off by a rush of air and a loud voice. I looked over to see a shinigami outside the window.

"Get out here now arrancar! And leave that human alone!" It was just some random no name shinigami who was trying and failing terribly to look and sound commanding. Might have something to do with that fact that he was pretty much a stick figure. Stick figures aren't very scary.

I stared slack jawed at the person before turning back to Grimmjow, "You were having trouble with Him?" I asked with extreme confusion while jerking my thumb at the guy much like Grimmjow had just done towards the picture. Just as I finished asking several more showed up and he said it was all of them not just the one. He sounded rather bored and irritated before giving an annoyed sigh. Grimmjow took a step in my direction, probably to get more in front of the window so as to see better.

"I said get out here and to leave her alone!" the nameless shinigami yelled at him once more. Grimmjow halted his movements and growled at him low and predatory like.

"I'm not doing anything to her you moronic idiot!" he glared at him face set in a fierce scowl. 'Why is he getting so worked up over them accusing him of hurting me? That doesn't sound much like the Grimmjow I know from the anime. This is getting really, really weird.' I thought watching all this happen from the floor.

"Then why is she on the floor HUH!?" He yelled. I really hate when people yell even though we are in such close proximity to each other, its just one of my pet peeves you know. The guy crossed his arms with a sneer trying to look as though Grimmjow didn't intimidate him.

I on the other hand was no longer stunned by all of this and decided that the yelling match was getting on my nerves. So before Grimmjow could reply I put my two cents in. "I am on the floor due to the fact that you lot so kindly sent him flying through the window of which I had been in front of." I had stood up and started dusting myself off while I spoke in an annoyed tone. I looked around the room and sighed, "And now thanks to you my art is everywhere it's not meant to be. It'll take forever to reorganize it all…" I stated irritated with as much bite as I could while I started picking up said art. I was met with silence. I looked up from my picture collection to see all the shinigami staring with their mouths hanging open. I glanced over to Grimmjow who was glancing back and forth from me to them, something I'd peg as amusement glinting in his eyes. "What?" I asked sweetly yet playfully as I continued, "Haven't you ever been told off by a girl before? I would have thought it to have happened plenty of times to you." I finished asking with very fake innocence.

The first one started to attempt a response of some kind but came up with nothing more the a few incomprehensible sounds. His face and sudden loss of his ability to speak sent Grimmjow into a fit of laughter. I smiled mischievously as I went back to collecting my papers. 'I just made Grimmjow laugh! Score!' One of the others stepped forward pushing the other back, and boy did he look pissed. "How dare you speak to us that way?! You know nothing of what is going on let alone how dangerous this situation is! You are nothing more then a human with high spirit awareness!"

When he had started to talk I had looked up since the voice was different but simply looked on blankly. When he finished talking though I had joined Grimmjow in a fit of laughter. "I may be human b-but at least I-I'm not acting like some- some big shot. When I'm nothing more th-then some no name with zero rank and no presence let alone a commanding one!" I managed to get out between my gasps for breath as I laughed. The look on his face, well not only was I rolling on the floor –my papers dropped once more- but so was Grimmjow. To make it even better I think some of the other shinigami were laughing too.

"Annoying, ungrateful…idiotic human…" Mr. High-on-Himself grumbled, yes I did just give him a nickname. "You! Arrancar get your ass out here now so we can kill you!" he yelled. 'Why must these people insist on yelling?' He was pointing at Grimmjow as if he wasn't the only person who could qualify as an arrancar and had to be made more specific.

Grimmjow suddenly stopped laughing and just stared at the guy for a few moments. In those moments I'm pretty sure Mr. High-on-Himself started to sweat a little. Grimmjow then broke into one of his signature feral grins. "You keep saying that, but what's wrong with you coming in here to get me? Why do I gotta do all the work? Though I'm sure the chick wouldn't be too happy 'bout that. But hey who knows you might even manage to back me into a corner. Not that it would help much, seeing as stone and wood don't do to well against explosions."

"…We are to do our best to not disturb the lives of the living humans if we don't find it absolutely necessary..." Mr. High-on-Himself grit out through his teeth. The others now looked worried since Grimmjow seemed to have caught on.

Worried they should be if that sparkle of mischievousness in his eyes is anything to go by. It was easy to catch on to what he was getting at and just for the heck of it I decided to play along. I tapped my chin and 'thought out loud' as it were, "So if he just sits in here you guys can't and or won't touch him? ….not that you could I'm sure." I whispered the last bit but I think Grimmjow might have heard me if the confused glance he gave me was anything to go by.

"Why in the world do you sound ok with that? He… don't you see he's not normal? Don't you know what he is?" Stutterman, the first guy that had been talking, asked me. Well it actually was more of a screech since his voice cracked rather comically.

I, much like the little kid that I am, still had my finger on my chin and tilted my head innocently as I said, "Yes I know what he is, he's handsome, and really strong by the looks of it. He also reminds me of my favorite big cat, a panther. And unlike all of you," I couldn't keep the mischievousness out of my voice anymore, "He actually has a sense of humor and a personality." I finished with a shit-eating grin as I looked over all their faces. Priceless was the only word to describe them. Grimmjow was giving me a confused look, I shrugged off the silent question. He then looked at the shinigami and started laughing again as none of them had gotten over their shock yet.

"That…THING is a monster! Nothing more then that! He's just plain out flat bad!" a new guy managed to yell. He had some rather colorful hair it was like a rainbow spat on his head. It was rather distracting to look at.

"Bad guys deserve to be happy to ya know, not that that's relevant at the moment." I stared at Colors blankly, I feel like Yachiru with all these nicknames. I thought about what he had said before grinning in a very Grimmjow way, "Besides if he's 'bad' as you so eloquently put it then that makes him a 'bad boy'. To which I would take over a bunch of guys with sticks up their butts any day of the year." Though he was still snickering at the shinigami Grimmjow was actually looking at me with a good bit of confusion now along with some amusement. 'Can't say that I blame him for being confused. He knows that I know who he is, or that I at least have a fairly good understanding. For me to take his side like this against them, who are supposed to be the 'good guys' must seem very strange. Not to mention that I wasn't scared of him. But hey at least it's entertaining.' I was brought out of my musings by Mr. High on himself once more telling Grimmjow to get out of the room.

"Hmm….let me think about that… nah I'm going to stay in here thanks, just to piss you off." He said leaning against the all his left hand propped on his sword as a visual threat. "So how about you run along and play somewhere else with someone more on your level yes?" He gave another of his feral grins.

"Well there it is folks." I said as I once more picked my art up heading to the desk, "Now if you'll be so kind as to go away, you are blocking my only source of natural light." I placed the papers back on my desk before shooing them with my hands. Colors went to argue but one of the others grabbed his shoulder telling him it was pointless. That they had wasted enough time and had to make a report about the arrancar possibly being an espada. Stutterman still told Grimmjow that they'd find and kill him if he so much as touched me or any other human.

"I already told them I wasn't hurting ya, geez…" Grimmjow muttered after they had left as he pushed away from the wall and off the floor. Silence hung in the air, but that wasn't what was getting to me. No it was the fact that he was just standing there staring at me. It didn't seem perverted instead it was more thoughtful. Of course I decided to have some fun with it anyway.

"Can I help you with something or would you like to simply continue staring at my ass all day?" I asked with a false annoyance looking over my shoulder at him. He did what I never thought I'd ever see him do and stuttered a bit, which was dare I say very cute, then he yelled.

"I was NOT staring at your ass!" he took a more defensive stance against the accusation. He had squared up and gripped his sword on instinct while his right hand fisted by his leg. A smart person probably would have left it at that, what with his hand on his hilt, but who said I was smart?

"Uh-huh, sure." Was my oh so mature response to his rebuke.

"I wasn't!" Was his oh so mature reply. What a bunch of children we are.

"Sure it wasn't, then what were you staring at? My chest possibly? Or maybe you are a leg guy?" I asked trying not to smirk as I egged him on. 'He's just too adorable when he's flustered! It's like if it doesn't have to do with fighting he's so… so childish and cute! But he's not blushing…that is my next goal definitely.'

"NO I wasn't! I was…just looking…" he said getting quieter as he spoke looking off to the side looking annoyed and uncomfortable at the same time.

"At~?" I pushed.

"Uh…..just….you….." he muttered, I think he had realized he was digging himself a bigger hole. I hummed, 'This is too much fun! I think I see a bit of pink!' "I didn't mean it like that!" he said quickly after my unbelieving hum.

I couldn't hold back anymore and just started to laugh using my chair to keep myself upright. "I never would have thought that- that it would be so easy to g-get Grimmjow Jeagerjaques flustered to such….rather just to make you flustered at all is astounding!" He stopped what he was going to say as my words sank in. He glared at me and took a deeper breath showing that he was about to yell. "Anime." I stated before he could.

He paused once more blinking a few times, "What the hell is anime?" he asked confused getting caught in my subject change.

"It's the answer to the question you posed to me before those people showed up. That's how I know about you and Kurosaki. You are characters in an anime." I explained sitting down and reorganizing my papers.

"You are a wacky chick you know that?" He commented crossing his arms over his chest and leaned his left shoulder back on the wall. When I said 'thank you' he looked at me like I had seven heads making me chuckle. I found the profile picture I had been working on and put it in front of myself. I started working on it again when he spoke up once more, "So explain this anime thingy to me a bit more."

I giggled at his use of the word 'thingy' before answering. "Anime is a type of show, the show you are from is called Bleach. Kurosaki is the main character, it follows him on his journey from the time he gets his powers to well after he kicks Aizen's lame fairy ass." I had heard him start to move around the room but his footsteps paused.

"Fairy? I mean I was fairly certain that he was very possibly gay, but you say it almost like… I don't know…"

"The hogyoku turned him into this stupid ugly fairy hollow thingy… the war is over right?" I asked as an after thought looking back at him. He nodded before he continued moving around.

"Yeah, it's been more then two years I guess, not sure exactly how long though, it's hard to tell time in Huecho Mundo. I guess I should say thanks to that shinigami brat Kurosaki for getting rid of that bastard." I chuckled at the thought of him thanking Ichigo for anything. "What?"

"Will you be thanking him before or after you fight?" I smiled looking back at him. He tilled his head thinking about it momentarily before shrugging.

"…before I guess." He huffed making me laugh a bit again. He stayed quiet after that only his footsteps and my pencil making noise. That is till another thought came to mind.

"Hey Grimmjow?" he hummed telling me he was listening, I looked back to see him picking some of the papers that had fallen looking at them. "Why were you having so much trouble with them that you got thrown through my window in the first place? I mean you can fight toe to toe with Kurosaki right? So…." I trailed off when he looked away with a frustrated look on his face. I tilted my head waiting for him to reply not really sure if he'd give one.

"I….still haven't healed completely… even though it's been over two years… the wounds still act up and it had just happened to do so in the middle of the fight with them." he said quietly after hesitating, deciding whether or not to tell me that he still wasn't at his best I'm sure. I nodded understanding, if there was enough damage it was likely that while it had healed it may not have healed correctly.

He came over and put the papers on the desk that he had grabbed off the floor. He stayed there watching as I started to add color to his hair. I don't really mind when people watch me draw but…I mean I was drawing him so…I was getting a bit self conscious. I also got this strange feeling that about a million things were running through his head. He had taken those sharp breaths of 'I'm going to start talking a lot and fast' but had stopped several times as though he wasn't sure how to say what he wanted. It was just a matter of time before the damn broke I was sure.

I looked at my watch, "Well would you look at that it's lunch time already." I said more as an excuse to get up since it was well past lunch now. Not that I had actually eaten anything yet as my stomach saw to remind me just then. I headed for the kitchen hoping he'd just stay in the room or leave or…not follow me. However the footsteps told me he was doing just that. But he stayed quiet and I thought for a moment that I wouldn't have to worry about it and get food in silence. My luck though it seems does not exist.

"So why were you were harassing those idiot shinigami? And what you said about me while messing with them, did you mean that? Or was it just to screw with them? You also never told me why you draw me so much. Oh and why weren't you scared when you saw me?" he got out in one breath and took another to continue but I spun on him putting a finger to his lips silencing him. I had been ready to yell at him, but upon seeing his face I felt my own relax from its glare. He looked surprisingly innocent and somewhat confused at himself. Like he wasn't sure why he was asking so many questions. It made me think of a child who wondered at the world and wanted to know all they could. Yet was confused by everything it made them think.

"First off slow down, I can't answer if you continually are spewing questions." I told him with a sigh as I turned to finish the short trek to the kitchen to make a sandwich. "As for the answers to those questions…. I harassed them simply because I found them annoying, and it wasn't helpful that they acted a bit stuck up." he humphed, "Ok really stuck up." he chuckled, I shook my head as I turned around to lean on the counter with my sandwich in hand. He was leaning on the island a few feet in front of me. "As for why I wasn't scared… I was more in shock then anything. I mean one you aren't supposed to be real and two up till now, except when I was really little, I had only been able to sense stuff. I couldn't actually see or touch them." I took a bite and he asked why I thought I could see and touch him now. "I think it's because you have such high spirit pressure. Those with strong enough spirit pressure can directly affect the living world and those in it aka me. As for why I draw you and Kurosaki so much you two are my favorite characters in Bleach." I stopped and ate more hoping he'd forget about the questions I had skipped.

"You didn't answer them all, what about what you said about me?" he asked crossing his arms making me sigh and hang my head.

"Yes I meant what I said. You are strong obviously, and …yes I think you're handsome." He interrupted asking why I thought that, and while I could practically hear his ego asking to be stroked I answered, "Well I mean your hair is blue and the style is really cool, and you have deep blue eyes, and you have a nice tan, and… you know muscles….but you aren't bulky and shit which is good…" I was really hoping that my hair was enough to hide my face 'cause I knew I was blushing. "Not to mention you have a complete badass personality and I like your fighting style. … You Kinda hold like the top spot on my 'most awesome anime guys' list. Bad boys and anti-hero characters always seem to draw me in the most, and you know you got a lot of blue on you and blue is like my favorite color and I mean really blue hair that's just awesome…..rambling…. Um panthers right, they are one of my top four favorite big cats." I finished as I stuffed the rest of my sandwich in my mouth. I moved to get a drink when he spoke up.

"Four? Why not just panthers?" he said sounding a bit jealous, "What's so good about other three?" he wondered aloud in his curiosity with an annoyed face. Damn him and his uber cute ooc-ness and his questions!

"Yes four, black panthers, cheetahs, snow leopards, and white tigers." I told him taking a sip of my water.

"But why them?"

"Are you just asking 'cause you're bored?" I asked him before taking another sip, he scratched his head and shrugged saying he was curious too. I looked into my cup swirling the water as I spoke. "Cheetahs for their speed, and lithe forms, they are very graceful in their movements and I find it memorizing. Snow leopards have amazing balance and are able to live in the cold snowy mountains. That fact that they are super fluffy looking helps too. Tigers and panthers both have a great deal of raw power, and both like the water unlike pretty much any other cat big or small. Which for panthers is weird, since they are technically just black leopards and jaguars but those two don't like the water…tangent… back on topic. They are also both great climbers and are able to get a bird's eye very of things from the trees. And they all have the fantastic capability to flawlessly blend in with their habitat." When I looked up at him he was staring at me in surprise hands hanging at his sides. "I'm just talking about my favorite big cats, this can't possibly be so interesting to you Grimmjow that you'd have a face of such shock."

"It's just that, well I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting something more along the lines of, well what you said about the one being fluffy, I thought it would all be reasons like that. But you gave real reasons behind why you like them all. I mean from what I know most girls are like 'oh it's cute' and decide it's their favorite, it's nice to see you aren't like that I guess, and it was a bit surprising." He shrugged, but in the 'that's just what I think' kind of way, not a 'I'm brushing you off' way.

"Hmm…No I'm not like other girls, and while I may be rash I like a logical reason behind what I do. And while cute things are alright, I prefer my fighting animes, my motorcycle, and getting messy with my art." I shrugged as I headed back to my art room and sat at my desk setting my drink a safe distance from my art. "Anything else you want to know?"

"Your name." he stated simply.

"I don't see how that would matter at all, since I'm either dreaming all of this, or you'll be gone by tomorrow. It makes no sense to tell you." I replied absently as I picked my pencil up.

"While either could be true, though I highly doubt that you are dreaming. It seems only fair to me that I get to know your name since you know mine regardless of how long I'll be here." He explained to me as he leaned on my desk back to the window looking down at me with his arms crossed as he waited. 'Damn that was some rather sound logic just there….'

"Clair Smistin." I told him with a sigh. He then asked how old I was. "Why?"

"Just 'cause." He shrugged.

"'Cause you're bored?" I asked irritated with yet another sigh. He nodded and shrugged waiting for an answer. "Twenty-two."

"You're not from Japan correct?" I nodded saying he was right. "Where then?"

"I really don't see how that's relevant to anything as I live here now and not there." I groaned out putting my pencil down before rubbing a hand down my face. 'I asked if he wanted to know anything else so I can't really say anything against his questions…'

"I'm just curious." He stated as if it was just that obvious, and while it was it was still slightly annoying.

"Curiosity killed the cat Grimm-kitty." I replied adding in his fan nickname just to irritate him in return.

"But satisfaction brought it back…" He said looking away for a moment with an uncomfortable look before grumbling, "Don't call me that."

"Wow, not many people even know that there is a second half to that saying and even when the do they tend to not know what it is." I said with both real and fake surprise trying to get him to drop the question. I honestly didn't care if he knew where I was from I just didn't see the point in telling him. 'I mean come on I already told him my name and age why's he got to know more personal stuff?'

"Uh-huh, now back to where you came from." 'Drat! Diversion tactic failed!' I complained in my head. "Since your not answering I'll guess, from your name and appearance I'd say the west like America or something." He suggested with a tilt of his head.

"Ding ding ding! Give the man a prize!" I gave a very fake clap which earned me an eye roll and a small smirk. He shook his head with a small chuckle before talking again.

"So why are you here? I mean that's half the world away, isn't that where your family is?"

"Yes but you can't always stay with family if you want to make something of yourself. I talk to them every now and then so it's not like I've cut ties with them or any thing." I waved him off. "As for why I'm here, work and before you ask I'm a manga artist, among other things."

"Other things?" He asked with slight excitement entering his voice. He's such a kid when he's like this it's so weird!

"Not telling." Of course I'm a kid too so yeah…

"Please?" He barely held the whine of his voice back and I had to try really hard not to giggle.

"That word sounds so weird coming out of your mouth…." I shook my head, hearing Grimmjow say please was trippy. "Now can I finish this picture before I die or would you like to continue asking meaningless questions?" I sort of snapped at him without meaning to. I had meant to say it playfully…. Oh well he's a big boy I'm sure he can handle it. I picked my pencil up after taking a sip of my water and went back to drawing. He stayed there for a few moments longer watching before he moved away. I watched him scan the room a bit before heading to the big beanbag I had in the corner, that thing is seriously comfortable. I keep it there for when I'm working really late. Sometimes I don't feel like going down the hall to my room knowing I'll just be drawing as soon as I wake up. He let out a small sound of surprise at laying on it before humming happily at the feel, he curled up and fell asleep almost instantly. I guess the pain of those wounds is a bit much for him sometimes.

I smiled thinking about how much he looked like an overgrown housecat sleeping there. I got a great idea and pulled out a fresh piece of paper and a clipboard. I shifted my chair so I could see him better and started sketching the sleeping arrancar in the room. It took the rest of the day but I got it finished a little after eleven pm. Grimmjow was still sleeping and had only shifted slightly every so often. I put my things back on my desk before my stomach growled telling me to get food before I slept. I took my glass back to the kitchen and did just that, after eating I took a short shower before heading to bed. I was staring at the ceiling before finally drifting off as I thought, 'So much of me hopes that Bleach is no longer just imaginary. I hope…it's real.'


So there is the freshly rewritten chapter. Personally it seems sooooo much better then what it was. I hope all of you will like the redone version it's still got pretty much the same dialogue I just fixed some stuff and reworded things to make some of it flow better and added some more description. This also went from being 4100something words to near 6000 that's not including the authors notes.