Jeremy looks incredibly hot tonight
His beauty and sexiness make my eyes sore so I press my thighs together as he approaches, wearing a dark blue jacket, jeans and a light blue shirt which makes me want to unbutton it from top to bottom,and a sideways smile crossing his lips. Man, I'd definetely bang him tonight. fuck the friendship, and everything else
What the hell Scarlett? Control yoursel! Don't think like that. He's my best friend and that's that. And I'm here for business. It's the D23 expo held in Anaheim. There are cameras and interviewers everywhere. Even s・I can't stop staring at him

"Hey sweetheart. You look gorgeous as ever" He wraps his arms around me and I feel a load of insane things inside my body. He smells s・masculine nice.

"Seriously? I did thought this dress was too simple for the night" I look down at my orange dress, the one I decided to put on to avoid his flerts

Just by the way he checks out my dress I can tell he's looking at me differently too. With lust. It's been a time since he started to hit on me for real. Not only his usual jokes or compliments. He's really been tempting me lately

"It's... breath-taking" He refers to my orande dress, but I'm sure he wanted to use another word to refer to something eles "Shall we get in?"

I nod and follow him to the red carpet where flashes go crazy and microphones are pointed towards us. However, I'm distracted by everything about him. His hair. The green-ish kinda blue-ish in his eyes. The way he's cheerful people think he's drunk. I am drooling over him more than ever.