A/N: Wow guys, glad you're liking this story! Please review! :)

There was someone sitting beside him. That was the first thought that crossed Ianto's mind when he woke. Well, that and pain. Everything hurt. Even his eyelids hurt.

"…what possessed you to name me your next of kin?"

Ianto silently wondered if he should act like he was still asleep. This was one conversation he didn't want to have. Especially right now. "You know… about Torchwood." Ianto managed to gasp, his throat aching, "and you are my next of kin."

Owen didn't reply, but Ianto heard him shifting around. "I have water," The other man said, his voice emotionless, "there is a straw in front of you."

Ianto opened his mouth slightly, and felt the straw press against his lips. He drank slowly, though even that seemed to be too much. "Easy, Ian," Owen said lowly, pulling the straw back, "You'll make yourself sick."

Ianto felt…something… swell in his chest at the old nickname. "Haven't… called me that… in awhile," he managed to rasp.

"Didn't know you wanted me to," Owen replied tersely. "Hell, didn't know you knew who I was."

Well, that made Ianto open his eyes. "'course I do. Brother."

Owen chuckled, though he had a look of loathing on his face, "Right, brother."

That thing in Ianto's chest broke at the look on the other man's face. "Didn't know it was that distasteful."

Owen glared instantly. "Don't be a moron. Just irritated at myself," he seemed to hesitate for a moment, then let out a deep sigh, "look, about what happened-"

Now that was something Ianto definitely didn't want to talk about. He didn't want to hear Owens excuses about why they had left him. He closed his eyes once again and tried to turn his head, but Owen continued to talk anyway. "I'm sorry," Owen blurted, and Ianto slowly opened his eyes once again, "I don't know how I – we never should have – it just – "

"Gwen was shot," Ianto said softly, knowing it didn't make things any better, but he had to give Owen some sort of out.

"That doesn't fucking matter!" Owen snapped, standing so suddenly that he knocked the chair backward, "You're my brother! I should have checked on you first! I knew you were hurt and I just-"

"Owen, why don't you tell the doctor that Ianto's awake and we'll be moving him under Torchwoods care as soon as possible," a voice said from the doorway. A very familiar voice.

Owen paused for a moment, then gave Jack a brief nod. "Fine. I'll be back," he told Ianto, as if to erasure the younger man. Then he turned and strode out of the room.

Ianto shifted his gaze to his boss, who was staring at him with searching eyes. "Sir," Ianto rasped.

The Captain moved forward at that, quickly righting the chair Owen had knocked over and sitting. "Ianto. I'm s-"

"Owen already did that," Ianto cut him off.

Jack nodded slowly, a frown on his handsome face. "It doesn't hurt for it to be repeated. What we did was awefu-"

"Please don't," Ianto whispered, closing his eyes tightly. He didn't want apologies. He didn't want them to feel like they betrayed him. This was his punishment for Lisa.

Jack didn't say anything, instead continued to stare at the young man lying in the bed. Ianto took a deep breath, his senses once again become overcome by the man in front of him. What was it he had said that first time? 51st century pheromones?

Jack cleared his throat, "So, I heard an interesting story from Owen while you were out."

Ianto winced. Here came the rest of it. They had to know he changed his files after this. They would retcon him after this for sure. He would forget all of it – Lisa, Cybermen, Daleks, the friends he had lost in London, Jack, Tosh, Owen – he would forget that he had seen his brother again. Owen would once again go back to being a fantasy.

When he had been a boy, Ianto had always dreamed that his older brother would show up and take him away. And they would disappear together like Owen had done. Rhiannon had never believed him, his mother just didn't care… but Owen had always been there for him when he was little. He was the one that would buy him birthday presents, and make sure he ate something when he was at his mums. He just knew one day Owen would come and find him and take him away from his tad.

But he never did. And Ianto, even as an adult, still had that wish.

"Just how much of your file did you change?"

Ianto hesitated, then let out a sigh. If he was going to admit it, he might as well admit it fully. "I-"

"Mr. Jones, awake I see," a man in a Doctors coat said, walking into the room and making his way to the bed quickly. From the irritated look on his face, and how close Owen was following him, Ianto assumed he had already been informed that Torchwood was once again taking over. Ianto flinched as the Doctor shined the light into his eyes.

"Mr. Harper – "

"Doctor Harper."

"Doctor Harper, you have to know that moving Mr. Jones –"

Ianto tuned out, closing his eyes. He knew how this was going to play out anyway. Torchwood would get their way, like always, and he would be on his way back to the Hub.

Hopefully they let him sleep a little before he went back to picking up their trash.

"-listen, with Mr. Jones history-"

"What history?" Owen barked out, and Ianto squeezed his eyes shut tighter at the sudden silence. "Ianto?" Owen snapped, apparently tired of waiting for the answer.

Ianto sighed tiredly, "Can we talk about this later?"

"No we bloody well –"

"Doctor, we will be taking Ianto with us. Please make sure he is ready to leave within the hour," Jack said loudly, cutting Owen off. "Owen, we'll talk about it at the Hub."

Owen left shortly after that exchange, saying he needed to prepare the Hub – prepare for what, Ianto wasn't sure. Jack had stayed with him, but had sat in silence as the Doctor looked after Ianto until they finally made it to the car.

Ianto didn't remember much from the ride home, not that there was anything to remember. It seemed Jack had been serious when he told Owen they would talk at the Hub. Not a word passed the other man's lips.

Owen was waiting for them in the parking garage. He helped Ianto out of the car and together they made their way into the Hub.

"I got the old room next to autopsy room ready," Owen grunted, helping Ianto down the steps, "Hasn't been used in awhile, but it should work until I'm ready to let you go back to your flat."

Ianto nodded slowly, having forgotten about that room. Before Jack had taken over, it had been used for precisely this reason – but it hadn't been used in years.

Owen and Jack managed to lower Ianto into the hospital like bed, and Ianto rearranged himself so he wasn't resting against his broken ribs.

"Alright, talk." Owen started, his voice betraying just how upset he was. "I checked your medical history three times, and there is nothing, nothing, they were talking about. What the hell- "

"I erased them from the database," Ianto cut in, keeping his eyes closed. "Medical history, changed my scores on some of the testing, took away any mention of you, a couple of things from school-"

"Why?" Jack asked, his voice a lot softer than Ianto thought it would be.

Ianto opened his eyes tiredly, looking at the two men in front of him. "Because I didn't think you would hire me if it was in there."

Jack's face closed off, but Owen just looked even more curious. "I need those medical files, Ianto. If there is something in there I need to know-"

"I don't want you to know what's in there!" Ianto snapped, his head pounding. Owen couldn't find out. Not now, not like this.

"To fucking bad!" Owen snarled back.

"Do you still have your original file?" Jack asked tightly.

Ianto closed his eyes, trying to keep the tears from leaking out. Why now? Why did this all have to happen now? "Yes," he whispered. "It's saved on a memory card."

"And where is it?"

"In my safe in my flat."

Jack nodded once, shortly, before turning on his heel. "Owen, keep an eye on him. I'll have those records for you in an hour."