one -

.:resist it:.

She smiles, because she wants this.

Come with me, Bellatrix, just as your sister has done...

The room is silent except for the quiet whimpers of Narcissa. She trembles. Her hair is a mess and there are streaks of tears down her cheeks. She has already been branded with the mark, but her small grey eyes dart back and forth like a trapped animal.

Bellatrix catches her eye and a smirk twists its way up her lips. She will not be the wimp that prissy little Cissy was - and is. She wants this.


She watches as he takes her forearm; he grips it with his hard, cold fingers. She glimpses his red eyes under the dark cloak. He looks... calm. Pensive.

His grip tightens just a little, and she waits for it.

He taps his wand on her arm.


Bellatrix hears Narcissa's terrified squeal as she watches her sister lift off the ground. One foot, two feet, three -

The pain begins and the sound that escapes Bellatrix's throat does not sound human.

Harsh, searing pain rips its way through her veins like little jolts of electricity, like fire burning through her body, like it is occupying every last bit of her body until she cannot breathe -

All she can feel is the fire, the pain, the agony, oh, the agony, and tears begin to stream down her face until she realizes that No, Bellatrix, you must be strong!

The pain, my Lord, the pain -

Resist it. If you do not, you are not worthy of my service.

- And that is all it takes for her to stop.

The pain is still there, oh yes, but she smiles - beneath it all, her muscles still remember how to pull upwards to form that peculiar expression.

She smile, because she wants this.

That is all it takes.

The Dark Lord smiles with her as he lets his wand drop to his side. She falls in a heap on the ground, her curls wild and tangled. She looks up and sees that Narcissa looks almost concerned about her. How cute, she thinks, and her lips curl once more at her sister's weakness. Love.

Very good.

She hears his voice and all else is lost, because he is the only one she seeks favour from.

Thank you, my Lord.

This time, he speaks aloud, in a soft, silky voice -

"Very good, Bellatrix. You will bear your mark more proudly than the others.

"I am pleased."

for the hogwarts games on hpfc, long jump.

thanks for reading, the next chapter is on its way.