Author's note: This is the last chapter and we get to see Mamori having an upper hand towards Hiruma because she knows something about him. *wink.
But i don't think Mamori is the type to tease. So i made her not say it out loud. So let's talk about a secret indirectly, I thought. But still indirectly isn't nice at times too.. Ah! I don't know I don't know.

Chapter 3 - Your secret is safe with me.

The pop quiz of Hell had a devastating result. Only Yukimitsu, Musashi and Jumonji got everything right. Heck, Taki almost got everything right except for the fact that there was one question where he thought the answer was 'the handsome Taki.' They were all forced to a punishment game which was to do extensive indoor exercise while memorizing the new strategy plan. The punishment was easy and short though. Hiruma left them to their doom or until Musashi said they could stop and went somewhere.

As the gather at the clubroom to relax, Mamori arrived. She saw how tired everyone looked and told them to go home early for today.

"It does look like it's going to rain soon," Sena points out as he peeks out the door.

"Are you sure it's ok to go now?" He turned slightly and adjusted his bag.

"Of course it is. Don't worry about Hiruma. I'll tell him I let you all off early. Besides, it's not to good to train in such a cold weather. You're more susceptible to get ill that way."

"I don't know what suspect-able meant but you are an angel Mamori-chan. Ahaha~!" Taki said as he twirls.

"Oh, Mamori. Where were you this morning?" Yukimitsu cut in ignoring Taki's words. "Arieeenaaaaai," he twirled in despair.

"I think Hiruma is really angry that you didn't come in this morning and just now too. Will you be alright?"

"I had some disciplinary committee meeting," she lied partially for she did in fact have a meeting while the Hell Pop Quiz went on. "and Don't worry about me. I know how to handle him," Mamori smiled.

Sena didn't know why Mamori lied but she gave him a secretive look. 'It seems like she won't be telling anyone about what really happened that morning,' he thought.

"Well we're going to leave first but if he does anything weird just give me a call," Musashi said and left with the others after Mamori accepts his kind offer.

Mamori didn't waste any time to organize the files and took advantage of the peaceful environment again. Suddenly the door opened and Hiruma stepped in.

"There you are Damn Manager. You have some guts for skipping meeting today. I should give you a punishment for being absent!" He crossed the room to get his things. "Where's the damn Club Members? Skipping club activity too!"

"I let them go early. It's not healthy to train in this weather. Plus, there's no need for a penalty. This morning I came early and ljust now I had to meet with the disciplinary teacher about the juniors' student's behaviour. So, I am exempt from any of your punishment."

"Kekekekekeke. Can you proof that you came early today?"

Hiruma said as he invades her personal face.

"I… well… I.." she stammered trying to hold her ground. But seeing his face up close reminded her of how lovely his singing voice was.

"Just as I thought, Damn Manager. Let me guess you must've gone Cream puff eating didn't you? Kekekeke." He teased.

Mamori cheeks flushed red. She hated it when Hiruma teased her about her favorite snack. There was something bout the way he says it. 'If only someone told you about your little secret. I'm sure you won't like it too…' Then it hit her. This is her only chance to talk about his singing talent.

"I'll sing for you!" Mamori suddenly said which made Hiruma raised one eyebrow.

"I mean… Well, you can… can record it and put it in your threat book." She stammered. It was one of those give and take things she thought. Besides, she wasn't that shy about singing to people.

Hiruma was suspicious at first but then gave a mischievous grin. "What's this? The Damn Manager wants to give me a black mail material? Disciplinarian does take responsibilities highly. Fine Damn Manager, but one isn't enough for what you did. You'll have to give me two blackmail materials."

He promptly took out his phone camera and activated the video application.

"I think one is enough. Are you ready?" she tried not to smile too wide as Hiruma took her bait.

Hiruma just grunted. Taking that as a signal to start Mamori smoothen her apron and began singing the song Ako and Sara had taught her. Chikai by Jealkb. She didn't sing it 100% perfectly since she had only learned it a few hours before but the result etched on Hiruma's face was perfect indeed. He froze stiff with a surprised look on his face. It was a brief fall of expression but it enough to let Mamori guess what he was thinking. 'That's right... I know you can sing' she thought slyly.

"Tch!" Hiruma said and snapped his phone shut which made Mamori stop in the middle of the last chorus.

"I wasn't finished" but Hiruma interrupted her.

"Where did you hear that song?" He asked. He knew the answer already. He knew the moment she said the first word to the lyric. It was beginning to come together. Only then did he notice the lights were switched on that morning, her odd suggestion to be put in the threat book and the fact she decide to sing 'that song'. He knew she had heard him sing.

But Mamori wasn't going to tell. "It's a famous song. Sara and Ako taught it to me. If you don't like it maybe some other song then?" she simply said.

Hiruma smiled deviously. "You're pretty evil yourself Damn Manager. But if you think you can hold that against me-"

"I don't know what you're talking about. but you seem to think I have some sort of blackmail material about you. I normally don't bother in other people's business but…." She now invades his personal space and asked "Is there something secretive about you?"

Hiruma's only gave his devilish smile and laugh "Kekekekekekeke. I see your game. Then, it's nothing damn manager. You just reminded me that the damn walls have some fucking amazing ears."

Mamori smiled inside but instead of basking in the glory of knowing Hiruma's secret she gave a frown and said "You should really try to refrain from using too many foul language you know."

In her head she really thought 'It's a pity someone with a nice voice have such a potty mouth.'

Mamori huffed and gather her things while continuing to say "The meeting just now was mostly about how your bad behavior is influencing the juniors negatively you know. Anyway, I've given you the blackmail material on me. Now, It's late. We should go home before it rains again."

"Stop telling me what to do Damn Manager," Hiruma said as he leaned against the door to the locker room.

"Well, at least take this umbrella. You've been running around without one for three days now." she pushed the extra umbrella she always carry around into his arms and headed for the exit. He took it and studied the rocket bear print. "Really? Are you trying to make me look like a softie, Damn Manager?" He grunted and looked away in digust.

"If you don't feel like using it then don't Hiruma." she said and opened the door. She paused a bit. There was a strange silent as the sound of drizzling rain and wind filled the emptiness.

"Oh and Hiruma," She called out. Hiruma looked up to see her sweet understanding face. Mamori didn't say anything but made a sign with her hands at him.

'You have a lovely singing voice and don't worry. I won't tell anyone about it. Your secret is safe with me.'

He replied 'No one would believe you anyway Damn Manager. Now leave before I decide to post your lovely singing voice all over the internet.'

Mamori felt relatively happy that day. Of course, she never heard him sing again but found out that Jealkb is fast becoming one of her favorite band. The 'devil's voice' was seductive in a way.

Extra scene: One other secret.

Hiruma sat at the clubroom a while longer. The little video of Mamori singing never left his phone or even made it into the black notebook. He just left it there as a reminder how sneaky she was.

He did however used the umbrella she gave him. He smiled as he locked the clubroom. There was one other secret Mamori failed to grasp and that was the song was sang mainly for her.