Unloved: yosh! This is she who is unloved and He who is neglected! And I present you with this 6918 fic! This idea is Kyoshirou's; I just gave it details and typed it out!

Neglected: I still hate yaoi…

Unloved: no one asked for your opinion! Go back to挑む時 defying time!

Neglected: I thought you loved me!

Unloved: *sigh* I'm unloved, the unlovable and I don't give love to the person who almost broke my right arm! *turns to the readers* um… this is only my second fanfiction, and I'm not as experienced as I wish I was… and I'm only 12…

Kyoshirou: Hi! Thank you for clicking this story! I hope you like the idea, and also thank you for reading it... I, Kyoshirou, only helped in the ideas all the rest is unloved... hope you enjoyed this... please... Don't forget to review... thanks...

~paranormal activities~

"Kyo-chan~ Come to mama!" a woman with purple hair and wide pale blue eyes, held her arms open for her 2 year old son. She was wearing a sky blue kimono with butterfly designs and a pink hair accessory, it looked good on her. Her sun delightfully squealed as he tries to walk over to his mother, only to trip after two small steps, the boy's father swiftly caught him before he hit the floor.

"Now, Bianca. Be careful next time you try to make Kyoya walk, he still has problems with his legs…" he slightly frowned. His wife—Bianca, and he were the head of their company, one of the top five in the world. A company of lower rank tried to send assassins to kidnap their only son, Kyoya just a few months ago, and hold him for ransom, they didn't succeed, but Kyoya lost his legs. They did a leg transplant so Kyoya would be able to feel the joy of taking his first steps. The operation was a success, to their relief. No here they were, bonding with their only son. Everything felt just right at the moment. Except for one thing; Kyoya, their little Kyoya… was the next heir, surely more would come after him in the future.

"Papa!" Kyoya called, pointing to the floor. His father got the message and put Kyoya back on the floor before walking over to his wife and sitting beside her, both watching their adorable son playing with plush toys.

Kyoya was a cute child; he had wide pale blue eyes, fair skin and an energetic and cheerful personality. He had this air around him that just screams 'I AM A UKE!' makes everybody want to go up to him and cuddle him senseless. He made his parents proud by almost everything he does, he rarely asks for toys, he was polite, and he doesn't cry when he's upset, which almost never happens, so all in all, Hibari Kyoya was a good child.

But one thing about Kyoya irked Bianca and her husband—Hiro, was that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make friends with children his age. He couldn't seem to get kids to like him, whereas adults like him just fine. Kids usually have the opposite problem.

~paranormal activities~

Kyoya woke up in the middle of the night to find himself in the room that he and his parents shared, alone. He got up and opened the sliding paper door. What he saw shocked him, weird red liquid, or at least that's what he called it, was on the floor. His parents always tell him to never go near it, they told him if he touches the red liquid, monsters from the dark would appear and kidnap him and eat him. Almost all parents told their children that, to shield them from the cruel world.

But Kyoya wasn't stupid…

He knew better than to believe his parents this time. Being a child with no friends, what did they think I did in my free time? He thought bitterly. He liked reading; he once found a book where he found out that red liquid was called blood.

"Why do you pretend that I'm blind? I can see just fine…" Kyoya went down the dark hallway, following the blood; he looked like a little light in the shadows. He was mature for most kids his age, but that didn't stop him from feeling scared of what he might see.

there came about 5 lumps on the ground, a big pool of blood surrounding them, swallowing the lump of saliva that had formed in his throat, he stepped on the blood, it felt cold… he made his way to the nearest lump and turned it over, he almost dropped his hibird plush toy from shock, it was his mother, with wide eyes he headed to the next lump and he saw it was his father. He quickly ran to their living room. The hallways seemed so much scarier that night.

Once he got to the living room, he immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number; it didn't take long for someone to pick up "Hello? This is Lavina, is this Bianca or Hiro?" a kind but clearly tired voice greeted.

"Miss Gokudera? This is Hibari Kyoya…" Kyoya said in a cracking voice, he could hear the other person gasp

"Kyoya-chan? What's wrong?" Lavina said in a tone more alert than the tone she used before "Where's your mama?" she continues

"She's… on the floor, is it good to sleep on the floor with red liquid in the middle of the night? Mama and papa are doing it…" the little raven haired boy answered, already knowing what had really happened to his parents to make them in their current state.

"Kyoya-chan, don't go anywhere, I'm coming over, don't open the door until you hear my voice calling to you, okay?" Lavina said, trying to sound reassuring "okay Kyoya?" she asked again

"Hai, Miss Gokudera" Kyoya answered, as he ended the call.

It really didn't take long for Lavina to arrive. She immediately called for Kyoya and banged her fist on the door "Kyoya! I'm here! Open the door!" she yelled loudly, worried for Kyoya and her best friends.

Kyoya answered the door and he led Lavina to his parents who were lying on the floor. The moment she saw her friend's faces she immediately fell to her knees and screamed

~paranormal activities~

The next day, a funeral was planned by Lavina Gokudera, for the parents of Hibari Kyoya, the next heir of the Calandra (1) company…

-Chapter 1 end-

(1) Calandra means skylark

Kyoshirou: review~! Unloved would be really happy! She wasted her Sunday for this!

Unloved: I had fun anyways…

Lil' Kyoya: I'll bite you to death if you don't review!


Unloved: I'll update randomly…

All: what!? You Bitc—!