A/N: Just to let you guys know I'm still alive. I promise, I'm working on my fics. I'm currently at my break from school so I have more time to work on them. Anyways, John/Punk again, a 400-word drabble, written back while the "Respect" feud/era was starting. Enjoy and reviews are welcome!

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of this story. Or else they would have been together for a while now. Ehehehe.

He wasn't sure how it had all come to this.

He was pretty sure he was screaming, though. Like, spits flying, eyes bulging, whatever you describe a screaming man. Because he was shouting in John's face, demanding to hear an explanation for his recent actions in the ring, for stealing his spotlight, interrupting in his promos even if the big boy scout wasn't welcome to do so. But of course, Captain America kept a straight face that made him more pissed off. Prick actually thinking he wasn't serious?

Anger clouding his judgement, he shoved hard at John's chest, making the larger of the two stagger backward. But he didn't react and merely stared at the ground. It made things worse.

"Come on, Johnboy. You're not gonna say anything? I want an explanation, god dammit! Show me some fucking respect!"

Blue piercing eyes struck at him, making his heart leap in his chest. Dammit, just the simple glance at the man's blue orbs had him shutting up. It made him pissed off. Sometimes he just couldn't figure out why he was so fascinated with the shade of his eyes. He wasn't the only man in the world who had those, right?

Train of thought snapped into half when John lifted his head, took a step toward him, another, and another until they were merely a feet apart, the man's cologne now filling Punk's nose, making his heart race in sudden anticipation. Then there was a hand at the back of his neck, making his head raise to the other, then warm, soft lips pressing against his, sending his brain in a hurl. Without knowing, he was pressing back against the man's lips, softly, almost afraid that if he moved, the other would stop. But John didn't. And they stayed that way for a long while, standing in the middle of Punk's locker room with their lips joined chastely.

It was John who broke the kiss, for what seemed like forever, and Punk opened his eyes to meet the man's smiling gaze.

"Is it so wrong to want your attention so bad?"

And with that question, the Cenation leader turned and walked out of the room, leaving Punk alone in a confused but alert state. Huh. Looked like he was going to have a very, very long and cold shower.

Or not. If he found out what John's hotel room number was.