Blech…I wasn't too thrilled with how the second part was written. Sorry it took a few days to update. I wasn't sure how to write this chapter, but what the heck, I'll just post it.

A young goblin was walking through the labyrinth, fairy hunting. He rounded the corner and spotted a figure in the distance. Curious, he walked closer to see that it was a human. Female, to be exact. The human was lying face – down on the ground. The goblin moved her hair out of her face and gasped.

"Uh oh…" the goblin muttered. He hitched up his pants and ran to the castle.

The Goblin King and Queen were sitting in the throne room, discussing birthday plan for Jareth. They turned to the door when the goblin burst in.

"Good evening, Hoggle," The Goblin King said. "What can I assist you in?"

"Um, your Majesty…" Hoggle fidgeted. "I was in the labyrinth and I saw a human female lying on the ground."

The Goblin King perked up. "Was she breathing?"

"No, your Majesty."

"It seems like she was not able to complete the labyrinth," the Goblin King said. "Show me to her."

Hoggle escorted the Goblin King through the labyrinth to the area where he saw the human. The Goblin King sighed when he saw it was Sarah's stepmother. She had died in completing the labyrinth. With a snap of his fingers, he teleported the dead human back home, and made it seem like she was hit by a bus or something. Just one problem now: what was he going to do with Sarah?

"Sarah?" Sarah turned to see the Goblin King calling for her.

"Yes, your Majesty?"

"Please follow me to the throne room. There's…something we need to discuss."

Sarah could sense something was wrong. "Ok."

They walked into the throne room and found the Goblin Queen and Jareth. The Goblin Queen was sitting at her throne, and Jareth was in his as well, only he was draped across it, his legs swung over the arm rest. Yet again, he was twirling those interesting crystals. The Goblin Queen watched her with sad eyes, making Sarah wonder what was going on.

"Sarah," the Goblin King sighed heavily. "We received word on your stepmother not too long ago."

"How far away is she?" Sarah asked.

"That is the thing, Sarah. She did not make it very far. One of our goblins found her dead." Sarah sucked in her breath. Did she hear correctly? Her abusive stepmother was finally dead?

"I'm free…" she murmured. Jareth looked at her curiously.

"Pardon me?" The Goblin Queen asked politely.

"I'm free!" Sarah exclaimed. She no longer had to endure anymore pain from the wicked woman. "But…where do I go now?"

"You may live here with us," the Goblin King replied. Jareth burrowed his eyebrows together. Sarah noticed when Jareth did that.

"Your Majesty, that is very kind of you, but I would not want to get in somebody's," she looked and Jareth and slightly hissed the word. "Way."

The Goblin Queen lightly smacked Jareth's boot. "Have you been treating her without respect?"

"No," he answered. Sarah held back a snort. Jareth got up from his throne and walked out of the room to who knows where.

"Um, your Majesty?" Sarah looked back over at the Goblin King. "While I am here, is there anything you would like for me to call you?"

"We grow tired of hearing 'Goblin King and Queen' after a while. You may call us by our names: Cormac and Ariane."

Sarah smiled. "Alright."

Sarah was not sad at all about the loss of her stepmother. Sarah would no longer feel pain and misery. There were many things Sarah wished she could have told her stepmother her anger over the years, but it was too late now. Sarah walked back to her room, and found a vase of Amaryllises along with a note.

I'm sorry for your loss.


Sarah smiled and bent down to smell the flowers. Why in the world was Jareth being so nice all of a sudden? She wanted to thank him, so she left the room and walked down the hall towards his room. She knocked and the door opened.

"Hello Sarah," Jareth greeted. "Did you need something?"

"I wanted to thank you for the flowers," Sarah grinned.

"You're welcome," Jareth smiled. Wow. Sarah thought he had a killer smile.

"JARETH!" Cormac boomed. Jareth groaned and hung his head for a brief second. He shot his head up.

"WHAT?" He yelled back. A giggle escaped Sarah's lips, and Jareth smirked.

"Don't forget you have practice in an hour!"

He groaned. "Alright!"

"Practice?" Sarah repeated as she and Jareth walked down the hall.

"Yeah, my uncle teaches me how to use and control my magic. He also helps train me for battle."

"Can I come?"

Jareth glanced back at her. "Really? You want to come?"

Sarah shrugged. "Sure. Maybe I could learn a few moves."

Jareth gave her his famous smirk. "Alright, princess."

"Princess?" Sarah sneered. "Really?"

Jareth chuckled. "It suits you well." He glanced at the big Grandfather Clock behind Sarah. "Come, we must go." Jareth led her through a big door, which led to a room full of equipment. Jareth took her on a tour of the room, describing all the magical equipment he used.

"Ah, Jareth!" A male voice said, startling the two. They turned to see a man who looked like Cormac. Sarah guessed this was Jareth's uncle.

"Hello, Uncle Henrik," Jareth greeted. The man, Henrik, looked Sarah up and down.

"Well, well, Jareth, I see you found yourself a girlfriend?" He had a twinkle in his eye.

"She's not my girlfriend," Jareth grumbled.

"Quite a pretty one," Henrik commented. Sarah blushed and looked down at the ground. Jareth sensed her uncomfortableness and tore the conversation away from her.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Jareth asked. He glanced at Sarah, who mouthed a silent 'thank you'.

"How to shape – shift," Henrik informed. Sarah took a seat near the wall and watched the two men stand in the center of the room. Henrik gave Jareth some instruction of breathing steadily and focusing his mind.

"What should I shape – shift into?" Jareth asked.

"Anything you want," Henrik answered. Jareth closed his eyes and focused his mind. Before Sarah could blink, Jareth had shape – shifted into…Sarah! The fake Sarah opened her eyes and the real Sarah stood up. They walked closer to each other, and the real Sarah stared at the fake Sarah. The fake Sarah smiled.

"Hi Princess," the fake Sarah said. Henrik looked shocked at the name Jareth called Sarah. The real Sarah blinked in surprise. It even sounded like her!

"Wow…that's amazing!" The real Sarah exclaimed.

Henrik nodded. "It truly is. You humans have the ability to do this, but you haven't focused your minds over the years."

"Really?" Sarah was intrigued. Jareth must have lost his focus, because he came back to his own self. He smiled briefly at Sarah and faced Henrik.

"Now can we train for battle?" Jareth asked. Henrik shook his head.

"Not today," he replied. "I have much work to return to."

"But – "

Henrik whipped around and slapped Jareth across the face. Jareth fell back onto the floor, holding his cheek and grimacing. Sarah gaped at the man who stuck Jareth.

"What was that for?!" Sarah cried.

"Merely a part of his training," Henrik said gruffly. He turned and walked out the door. Jareth stood up and straightened his clothes.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Sarah asked.

"To help me train," Jareth replied grimly. "Yeah, it hurts, but it's what I need to prepare myself."

Sarah looked at Jareth's cheek to make sure it was ok, and when she was certain it was fine, they walked down to the dining hall, where a magnificent dinner awaited them. Sarah noticed that Jareth kept his cheek hidden from view, and he tried acting cheery and like nothing was wrong. Sarah became suspicious at his abnormal behavior. She'd have to ask him about that later.