A twelve year old Henry sits on the edge of a patio looking at the beach when he hears footsteps. He doesn't even have to turn around to know who they belong to.

"Hello Brielle." He says with a smirk. She hears her exhale in defeat. She raises her baby blue dress in a lady-like manner and plops down next to him. Neither of them says a word for a while.

"Ryan's ticking me off again." She mutters, playing with the edge of her dress.

"What's new? He always does." She lets go of the edge of the Waldorf original and sighs. He slowly wraps an arm around her back and pulls her into him.

"I won't let any boy hurt my baby sister." He promises. She smiles dimly.

"Remember when I was five and we snuck into Auntie Serena and Uncle Dan's party at the Museum of Art? And that drunkard man spilled vodka all over the new party dress Mommy designed for me?"

"And I kicked him in the balls." Henry finished. They both erupt into a fit of laughter.

"Or the time that dumb Asian kid thought he was so much better at violin than you, so right before the concert I rubbed oil on his bow?" Brielle reminisces. They both share another laugh.

"I don't even think Mom and Dad were mad. In fact, I think they were proud of you. They just punished you to act like parents should." Henry says. Brielle smiles.

"Mommy always tells me I am the Queen B and everyone else should bow down to me. No one messes with my big brother!" She smiled a cheeky grin, causing Henry to laugh again. He brings her in for another hug and kisses the top of her head.

"No matter how much we fight or think we hate each other, we are partners in crime. I'll always protect you and you'll always protect me. We're Basses." Henry says with a small smile. Brielle holds her hand up.

"Secret Bass handshake?" She proposes. He holds his hand up to meet hers and they do their signature shake. After they're finished, they erupt into more laughter.

"I love you Hen." Brielle murmurs.

"I love you too Bree." He responds. She lies her head in his lap and he brushes the hair out of her face. And in that moment that he looks down at his precious eight-year-old sister, he finally understands what his Uncle Nate was trying to tell him years before about sibling bonds.

They are unbreakable.

Off in the distance, Chuck and Blair watch the whole interaction with smiles on their faces. They managed to give their children what they never had.

"I think they turned out alright." Chuck says with a smirk. Blair sighs and nestles into her husband's arms.

"Nothing can tear the bond of siblings." Blair murmurs.

Years later, he hands her off to Ryan. Well, his father does. But he gives them his blessing. The way her eyes light up around him reminds him so much of his parents, who are still as in love as the day they locked eyes at Victrola.

A story in which he doesn't need to hear again, thank you very much.

The day she becomes Mrs. Archibald, he is at a loss. No longer is she his little sister. She's now a grown woman about to be married. He knew his father should be the only one having these feelings, but he can't help to have them. It feels like just yesterday they were scheming under tables at galas and tormenting the masses. Now, she's a successful journalist and next in line to inherit the Waldorf multi-million dollar company. He can't help but to feel as though he is losing her. That now another man will protect her instead of him.

He walks in and sees her in the gown that his mother designed, and something wells in his throat. His mother is clearly crying as she ties up the last of the bustling. Even though she has more children to marry off, this is her little girl. His grandmother is there too, hovering over his mother to make sure she gets it right because even to this day, she doesn't fully trust her. Brielle turns her head to the side and looks in the mirror. She smiles smugly and flattens her stomach. His mother kisses her cheek and wraps her arms around her. She whispers something in her ear that causes both of them to laugh. Eleanor finally notices Henry in the doorframe and smiles. She walks slowly over to him and puts an arm on his shoulder.

"You're a good big brother." She tells him. He knows she is upset Cyrus could not be here to see his granddaughter get married, but she is the master next to his father at hiding feelings. He hugs her.

"He's with us in spirit." He whispers. She pulls away and offers him a small smile before leaving the room. He debates whether her ailing ears had heard him or not, but is pulled out of his thoughts when his sister starts walking towards him.

"You look dashing, best man." She mocks. He smiles, trying to get rid of the ever-existent lump lodged in his throat.

"You look even more." He manages to get out. Their mother interrupts their gaze.

"I'm going to go sit with the other two. Good luck baby." She kisses her daughter and squeezes her hand tightly. She walks out the door, leaving the two siblings alone.

"I know you're sad Henry. Unlike Dad and Mere, you are terrible at hiding feelings when it matters most." She jokes, tears welling up in her own eyes. He looks down at the ground in embarrassment.

"Or maybe you're just like Mom and can see through everybody." She puts a hand to his cheek and pushes his head up so it's locked with hers.

"Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I'm not your little sister anymore. It just means now I have two beautiful men to protect me. Aren't I lucky?" She chokes on the word lucky and tears start spilling.

"Shhh don't cry. You'll ruin your makeup." He thumbs them away gently and caresses his sister's cheek.

"I love you Henry." She says. He responds with a hug and an 'I love you too'. When they pull away, her hand is raised.

"Secret Bass handshake?" She asks, laughing through her glassy eyes.

"One last time before you turn to the Archibald side?" She shakes her head.

"I'll always be a Bass. Just like Mom will always be a Waldorf." He meets her hand with his and they do their handshake without a hitch. They are both laughing when Chuck peaks his head in the doorframe.

"Are we ready?" He asks nervously. Brielle kisses Henry on the cheek before taking her father's hand. He follows them out and takes his position in the wedding march. Right before the organ starts playing, he winks at Brielle.

"Good luck out there RiRi." He murmurs. She giggles.

"Don't trip on your way to the altar. We don't want a repeat." He does a small portion of the Bass handshake before walking out of the opened doors.

The wedding goes without a hitch. The food is great, the music grand, and the memories grander. Henry's favorite memory of the night was hands down dancing with his baby sister.

"Remember when we put spices in Uncle Dan's coffee and he practically had steam coming out of his nose?"

"Remember at your middle school graduation when we took Wren Numocker's name off of the list of graduates?"

Their dance was full of the 'remember whens'. It made him realize how many fun times he shared with his sister over the years. Sure, he had some with his other siblings, but it was always he and Brielle. They were the two oldest, the two wisest, and arguably the two best schemers in the family besides their parents. As the song comes to an end, Henry brings his sister in for another hug.

"When you were little, I didn't want you anymore because Mom was paying too much attention to you, so I locked you in a closet. Sorry." She gave him a weird look as her now-husband whisked her away for another dance. He stood in the middle of the floor, scanning the masses for a person to dance with. His parents were dancing together, smiling happily. His Aunt Serena and Uncle Nate were dancing together, for old times sake he guesses. Although he's never quite sure they've ever fallen out of love, even though they are both married to other people. His cousin Sawyer is dancing with her father Dan. His Aunt Lola is dancing with his Uncle Eric, for reasons unknown. Lastly, he finds his Aunt Jenny dancing with her husband Marc. There goes everybody on his list. Except for the one person he wanted most to dance with. She had left after the ceremony for a work emergency. All work emergencies with her modeling agency usually take ages. He sighs and turns to leave the dance floor when a hand stops him.

"Where do you think you're going?" His heart stops.

"Jules." He says as he turns around. He crashes his lips with hers.

"Woah! I've only been gone two hours!" She giggles, scrunching her nose in the way that Henry loves. It was all of the little things he loved with her. He kisses her nose as he pulls them into a steady rhythm. He looks at her lilac bridesmaids dress, half-pinned brunette locks, Tiffany necklace, and most important, the Harry Winston ring glistening in the light. She's the most beautiful girl he could have ever asked for. He brings her hand to his neck and his hand to her waist.

"I love you Julia Bass." He murmurs.

"I love you too Henry Bass." She says with a smile. He leans down and meets her lips again for a gentle kiss.

He may not be the lead man protecting his sister anymore, but he would always be the man to protect his beautiful wife.

Hope you liked the end of Oh Brother! It originally was just the tween Henry and Brielle interaction, but I felt like that was so short and wanted to add to it. And I also love to write next gen stuff :P

Now that this story is over, I will eventually start the sequel, Henry and Brielle. Or maybe a more creative title if you can think of it. All of those 'remember whens' will certainly play out in it ;) I just want to finish some of my other stories first as it gets overwhelming.

But please, R&R the end! Tell me what you think! Also, what stories you may want to see in the future! Your reviews always are appreciated and help me so much.

XOXO, Becca