A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update. Ran out of Inspiration. In any case hear is an update. Ricky is wearing a white dress-shirt and black pants. Daniel is wearing jeans and a black shirt. America is wearing a white shirt and tan pants. Also can't keep characters in character, or keep a certain style of writing for shit. Time can change a person, kidding. Enjoy.

The Calm and the Storm

When he awoke could see nothing. It was dark and cold. It was suffocating. Everywhere around him seemed to press together, getting closer and closer by the minute. He couldn't run or move. He was paralyzed. He was lost. Then he felt a cold hand on his back, creeping closer and closer to his face. The shadowy hand stopped and then slowly dug its nail into his face. The nails drawing blood. America was seeing white and closed his eyes trying to get the hand off him. When that happened there was a bright light. He blinked the hand was gone and he was floating in a sea of white.

"Hey, miss me much?" said a voice. America turned to where the voice was.

"Daniel!" he exclaimed. He balled his hands into a fist and charged to punch Daniel.

"Hey, hey. That's no way to greet a person~." Daniel said in a teasing voice. He moved out of the way and got America into a headlock. "I didn't do anything…yet." He smiled as he purred into America's ear. "Would you like me to tell you~?"

"I don't care what you want to say! You're plotting something with Russia! I know it! I can't trust anybody." America yelled in frustration trying to get out of the lock.

"You don't need to trust me, because soon you would be working under me and flowing everything that I have to say and do. You are powerless and your people are doing nothing to help you. You just want keep everyone happy? Don't make me laugh. That can never happen. So you just leave everything to me and I will slowly destroy your ideal world. You can't keep it forever. You know that." Daniel hissed in to America's ear. Then he smiled. "But forget about the small things. You are mine and mine alone."

"Who said you had the right to say that?" said another voice. They both turned to look at the voice. It was Ricky.

"So, you're here too, huh? You're late for the party. To bad I got here first." Taunted Daniel.

"Get your dirty hands off of America!" Ricky yelled while trying to pull off Daniel's arm.

"Heh, too bad, I wanted to play with him more~." Daniel said as he suddenly let go of America, causing them to head-butt each other, and pushed him into Ricky.

"Urk." They both said as they collided because of the impact.

"Do you want to play too? Ricky~?" Daniel said.

"Who would want to play with a scum-bag like you!?" Ricky shouted back as he pushed a dazed America off him.

"Ah, don't be like that." Daniel said, as he got closer to Ricky. "You're doing a great job messing up America. The way that your people can never agree one thing. Hilarious. You are a mess your self, and you think that you have the right to tell me that I have problems? You know nothing. Always concerned with your money." Daniel hissed out. He lifted his leg to kick but Ricky caught it. "Stupid." He took his other leg and tried to kick Ricky on the other side. Ricky caught that one too. Daniel then stretched back then shot up to hit Ricky's head with his. "Che" Daniel hissed. Ricky let go and Daniel kicked him in the head. Ricky fell down holding is head. "Don't think you could win against me like that. Not the way you are." Daniel then floated over to Ricky, kneeled, and grabbed his face with both hands.

"What do you want?" Spat out Ricky. "If you want to get rid of me, why don't you?"

"Get rid of the others is easy, but you have been here as long as me. You would have to do something really stupid to have your self become a minor power. Besides as much as I hate you, I need you." Daniel narrowed his eyes at Ricky. Then pulled his face into a kiss. Daniel stuck his tongue into Ricky's only for it to get bitten. Daniel drew his head back. "Pity, I thought that we would get along together." He said as he swallowed the blood.

"S-says who?" Ricky spat out.

"Says me. You are a counter-balance, or rather were. Now I have the more power than you. Yet I still need some one to shoulder my mistakes. In other words someone to put the blame on when things go wrong." Daniel said as he took a hand and started to pet Ricky on the head. "So, you can't disappear with out my consent."

"You bastard." Ricky hissed as he got on his elbows and hit Daniel's hand away. "I don't care if I am messed up on the inside. Your way of doing things is hurtful to today's society. People are able to cheat the system thanks to you. Now people aren't willing to work hard, because they expect every thing to be given to them on a silver platter! For the people my ass! You hypocrite, and I am no one's scape goat!" Ricky huffed out. "You have no right!"

"Shut up!" America screamed holding his hands close to his head. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!"

They both turned to look at America who was spazzing out. Daniel then turned to Ricky and kneed him in the stomach. Ricky then crumpled back down holding his stomach spitting and coughing out saliva. Daniel then took that opportunity to get behind Ricky and kick him in the back, causing a cracking sound as Ricky let out a howl of pain. America was trying to get further and further away, but there was a barrier that prevented him from going too far away from them. Daniel then flipped Ricky on his back and mounted him in missionary position. His hands going to Ricky's arms to pin them down. He then started to lick the shell of Ricky's ear, leaving a saliva track as Daniel went from the ear to mouth. Ricky's breath hitched at the feeling. Daniel proceeded to go down to the neck, and then stopped, before biting the base of the neck. Ricky started to whimper in pain. Daniel smirked before proceeding to go lower. America couldn't stand much more of the sight and closed his eyes as a black tornado engulfed him sending him back to the apartment where he and Russia were staying.

Russia in the mean time was preparing tea to help clam himself.

'So how about you and I split America? I press my influence and you put yours.' Daniel said smiling.

'Split him? I don't think so. You are only a part of him and he is mine. I don't to deals with those who will just turn their back on me, unless if it benefits me. And you have nothing to give me in either aspect.' Russia returned a smile as he said 'No? So get out and return America to me.'

'Humph. Looks like you are a hard customer to please, but I will be back.' Daniel frowned as he left a lifeless America.

Russia just stared at him and then got up and left.

He didn't like Daniel one bit. America was his pet to take care of. The young nation hadn't had a strong leader in a while and it was affecting the way the world worked. America would usually be leading, but this role seems to be handed to China. Russia frowned his tea was cold. While he went to the kitchen, he looked to see how America was doing. He saw America in bed tossing and turning, when all of a sudden he popped up screaming 'NO!'.

America woke up back in the room that he blacked out in, and saw Russia right by him.

"Morning." America said as he tried to avoid Russia's eyesight.

"It's noon, and we have a World meeting to go to in three days in Paris." Russia said in a matter of fact tone. Then pet America's head. America blushed. "Get ready we are leaving to night."

Russia then left and America's only thought was 'Fucking fantastic'

A/N: Done. Don't know when I am going to update next time. Read and Review. Thanks.