[Background for the present circumstance]

Hercule Satan "saved the world" from the terrible monster Cell, while the Z fighters went back to a normal life for a couple years. Videl does her best to help the Police Force in Satan City, determined to become the World Martial Arts Champion like her father one day.

In recent years, there was a warning sent to Dende from New Namek of an approaching threat in the Universe. It is unclear what is causing it, but the new force has destroyed multiple planets.

The Kais have come together in Otherworld to ask the deceased Goku and his Z fighters to some how combat this new foe, which is why Goku lets himself be brought back to life.

An envoy from the new threat is being sent to Earth's galaxy as we speak to check out that region of the Universe.

The envoy enters the World Martial Arts Tournament to see it's best athletes and fighters, where the Z gang competes in hopes of fending off any further advances from the new threat since they don't know what this new foe looks like.

Gohan and Videl meet, both through competing, High School, and through Saiyaman. Although Videl will be suspicious, she slowly starts forming affectionate feelings towards Saiyaman and Gohan separately.

This story will focus more on Gohan and Videl's romantic developments then major battles or excessive "adventure" story lines. That stuff bores me. My writing is a bit.. breezy, but if you don't like it, you don't need to read it. I'm trying to set up the story so I can focus more fully on Gohan and Videl.



She didn't even know if it was sensical.

Videl Satan is Satan City's sweetheart, a hero for many citizens when fighting against crime, a symbol of hope for the Satan City Police Force. She was wealthy, strong, quick-witted, and curious.

What was the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat?'

She had too much on her mind lately. This mysterious 'Hero Force' her dad is apparently obsessed with, how to enter the World Martial Arts Tournament without her dad finding out until it was too late, and maintaining her work for the police force, all catch up with a girl.

The "Semi-Competitive World Martial Arts Tournament Trial Run-Through" was in a month and she needed to train more. And could you pick a longer name for the pre-opening trials? It was new this year; a way to weed out those not capable of a decent fight since so many fighters and athletes entered. It had three benefits: to cut out about half of the competition so that the Tournament could be completed in a day, including opening and placement trials, to scope out competition, and it roughly imitated how the original tournament was set up years ago. Couldn't argue there.

But this Hero Force, as she called them, kept leading her to dead ends in her research. And why is Daddy so interested in them? Is he trying to join them? To challange them? What is going on?

[One week ago]

Videl needed that damn key! Her father wasn't picking up his phone. She was shuffling through his desk drawer when some papers fell to the floor.

Oh shit, she thought as she picked up the pile, hoping the papers remand in the right order so her father wouldn't know she was snooping.

Yet something caught her eye. It was a secret flap underneath the bottom of the drawer. She dug her fingernails into the corner, but the flap wouldn't budge. How frustrating. She could just break it, but then it would be obvious she was in Mr. Satan's desk. Maybe if she fiddled with the bottom side of the drawer, then he couldn't immediately see the damage? She thrusted her fist into the bottom a couple times, until the underneath panel of the drawer unattached itself from the rest of the wood.

Out fell a large, overly stuffed manilla file.

Strange, Videl thought as she examined the file and glanced into it. Pictures? And a lot of paper. She suddenly felt that this file contained personal material and that if someone found her looking at them then she could get in trouble.

She quickly closed the folder. She could better observe those items in her room.

Bulma sat at the kitchen table with Gohan, Roshi, Krillin, Android 18, Yamcha, and Vegeta at the Kame House. This was turning into an interesting conversation.

"I mean, c'mon Bulma, you can't be serious", exclaimed Krillin. "How could you possibly think that egocentric baffoon would help us out in anyway possible!?"

"I'm just saying, Krillin, that he has more to offer than many of us want to admit! I don't care for the man much either, but he knows how to work a crowd and has the world in his hairy palm!"

"You really think they'll be watching Hercule?", questioned Yamcha.

"Mm, he is everywhere. Billboards, commercials, the news.. It would seem this new threat could very easily mistake him for the toughest fighter on Planet Earth," stated Roshi.

"But then that wouldn't be an issue, when the threat does eventually come to Earth they'll be unprepared and we can take them out quick," exclaimed Krillin, who was holding his daughter as she colored pictures on the table during this very boring conversation.

"Possibly.. Or they may find it too easy a target and plan some major invasion while blowing everything up. Would it not be better to try and scare them off? Or at least put them in a position to have to strategize they're next move," stated Yamcha.

"Well, if there is one thing we gathered from Dende and the other Namkiens, it is that some spy will be stopping by to check Earth's fighters out. Maybe if we find this envoy, we can challenge him. That way, we can figure how strong the enemy will be and he'll be able to pass on that earth isn't the place to mess with? And where else would the envoy go except…", trailed Gohan.


"The World Martial Arts Tournament."

[one week ago]

Videl sat down at her desk and carefully opened the file again. She started setting out the contents when her phone began to buzz. She saw 'DADDY' flash across her screen, as if it was fate itself telling her to mind her own business. She was never good at that.


"Hi Pumpkin, Daddy didn't mean to miss your calls! Is everything ok?"

"Huh? Oh, yea! I just needed the key for the storage unit outside. I broke something in the gym and wanted to replace."

"Oh- Oh of course! Just too strong, honey, just like your Old Man! HAHAHA, just like your Daddy!"

"So the key?"

"HAHAHA- what? NO! I said gold not bronze! I'M THE CHAMP! THE CHAMP ONLY-"

She hung up. He gets carried away with work sometimes. Well, always.

"The World Martial Arts Tournament."

"Hmm, well. That makes sense", agreed Bulma.

"I.. guess..", winced Krillin, ".. but if we all enter, I don't think some of us will get as far with Gohan and Vegeta in the running."

"I will not be fighting", growled Vegeta. "The only competition I consider worthy of my time is Kakkarot's eldest, whom I can fight whenever I damn well please!"

"What if Dad came back?" questioned Gohan.

Everyone was silent as Gohan held his hand to his chin.

"Well Gohan.. your dad had said he didn't want to come back.. because.." stopped Krillin.

"Because the threats were after him! But it isn't because of him this time! And this foe can destroy whole planets, we'll need Dad's help", claimed Gohan.

"You've got a point there, Kid. My vote is for bringing Goku back", chimed Bulma.

Krillin and Yamcha slowly nodded, while Roshi hummed in agreement.

Android 18 and Vegeta stood in the corner silent.

"Great! I'll run up to the lookout and talk with Dende and Piccolo about using the dragonballs. We'll probably have to take a trip to New Namek because Earth's can't revive Dad anymore", finalized Gohan. "And Krillin, it would be helpful for everyone to enter just so we have eyes everywhere, right?"

"I gotcha Gohan. Bulma, you better dust off that space ship. Looks like we're going to need it", said Krillin. "The tournament is four months away, and this year they have some weird pre-pre-opening tournament round they added. It shouldn't be a problem, just an extra annoying step for us. That's in a month though, so we'd need to be back from New Namek by then."

Everyone nodded.

[one week ago]

Videl's communicator buzzed. Damn it. This week had been crazy, it's like Hostage Week for Criminals everywhere or something!

She'll get back to the file later. She currently had the paperwork, pictures, and newspaper articles strewed all over her desk. Who are these people?

Ugh. She still had homework to finish.

She clicked her communicator on, "What's up, Chief?"

"But Mom!"

"NO BUTS, Mister! How can you be doing this to your poor Mother?! I'll I've wanted is for you to be an intelligent young man, one who is prided on his brain and logic! Hm? Does this make me a bad Mother?! WELL DOES IT, SON GOHAN?!"

"No! Of course not-"

"You're RIGHT 'of course not', because I have worked too hard at schooling you for you to quit now and go save the Universe AGAIN! I mean really, how many times does this place have to be saved?! And WHY is it ALWAYS YOU!? You Saiyans and fighting! I thought you were over that phase now!?"

"But Mom, the World Tournament won't distract me from any studying- promise! And think about the money! I'll be able to get into any school we want, to continue studying after this new foe is defeated!" claimed Gohan.

Chi Chi froze. Money? Whatever school? Fighting? How did this all end up in the same train of thought?


"What, Mom?"

"Go ahead and enter the tournament and win the money. And go ahead and run off with your father's friends again and fight. But on one condition", said Chi Chi.

Gohan gulped, "Uh.. Yes?"

"You have to enter into High School."

High School? He didn't know what to say, nor was he expecting that to be his Mother's condition. But if that's what she wanted…

He'd start in a month after he went to New Namek, also something Chi Chi wasn't happy hearing about, but perked up quite a but when she found out that her Goku would be coming back.

So Namek, the Pre-Tournament Challenge, and then.. High School.

Piccolo and Dende received the idea well enough, although there was doubt about using the New Namek dragonballs. What if they needed them for something else? In the end, it was decided that Piccolo and Gohan would travel to New Namek and bring Goku back to life, and restore the order of things. Goku balanced out the Son family, the Z Warriors, and helped protect the Earth.

Yes, it was time for Son Goku to come home.

New Namek reminded him of his childhood. Well, obviously it looked the same. But his time with galactic monsters and spaceships just brought a wave of déjà vu into Gohan's mind.

With the Namkens translating their wish, the guardian dragon of the dragonballs nodded his head.

Moments later, a presence was felt in Gohan's heart that he had been missing for too long. Missing for seven years.