Nothing belongs to me, well the plot does and the OCs, but everything else belongs to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer and I am not her and I am making NO money with this story.





Chapter 27


Today was October 5th 2014 and my wedding day.


Okay, that was my little freak-out and I was absolutely calm now, but if Alice wouldn't stop fussing I would commit murder. After we'd told our family and friends of our engagement Alice tried to plan the wedding but I'd told her I'd already promised Esme and Sue that they could help, which had been a lie but I didn't want my wedding to be such a huge and expensive occasion like hers. To placate her she was allowed to do my hair and make-up. I was starting to regret that now. It had been just my luck that Esme had overheard my conversation with Alice and she'd been elated. I didn't tell her, I'd just said that because I didn't want Alice to do it. It would have been cruel to destroy her happiness and Sue, whom she'd called just minutes later, was just has happy but they'd promised me to plan the perfect wedding for Edward and me and not some celebrity party.

And they'd done a great job. We would celebrate at a remote but beautiful hotel. Our wedding party had arrived on Friday and we'd enjoyed spending some time together and getting pampered. The spa was simply amazing. Monday morning we would leave and return home. Because of the football season we couldn't go on a honeymoon now, we were more than lucky that the Bears were on bye this week, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to marry this week.

"Bella, you should try this lipstick. I think it would look better on you," Alice said and waived said lipstick in front of my face.

I pushed her hand away and tried to ignore her. Rose was just making sure that my trail was attached right and then I was ready.

"Maybe you should put on a little more blush or.."

"Alice, please!" I begged her. "Everything is fine. The make-up looks fantastic and my hair is just the way I wanted it. Take a deep breath and calm down."

I could hear my bridesmaids chuckling and rolled my eyes. I had a pretty good idea what they were laughing about. Today was my great day and I was absolutely calm while Alice, who was just responsible for hair and make-up, was a nervous wreck.


The demanding shout made me turn around to look at my son. He was already dressed and still clean, which was quiet a feat for him. At first we'd planned for him to stay with the men but my baby was a mama boy and wanted to stay with me.

"Hey, baby. What do you want?"

"Up!" he said and raised his arms to make his point. He looked so adorable right know, I wanted nothing more than to cuddle him but I couldn't. I couldn't be any prouder of my son. Mostly he was very well behaved and his first word, of course, had been "Mama". He could walk and was just trying to get up the stairs, which was not something I found all that great, and he loved water. Edward thought he would be a great swimmer in a few years.

"Henry, your mama can't. She needs to get ready," Angela said and took him into her arms. She, together with Rose, Alice and Bree, was one of my bridesmaids. They all wore red dresses but each had their own style. They were all so different that I had been lucky they had been able to choose a color they all liked. It didn't matter to me that they all wore a different dress. My maid of honor was Jess, whom had married this spring. I'd chosen her because she had been the one to drag me to Twilight two years ago. Which had been the best decision she'd ever made.

Said woman had just entered the room and announced, "The guests are seated and the men are just walking down the aisle. Oh, and Charlie is waiting outside the room for you, Bella. Are you ready?"

I stood up and looked at my reflection in the floor length mirror. I wore a simple but beautiful empire dress with a little train. My make-up was minimal because I wanted to look like myself and not like some caricature of myself and my hair was done in an elegant bun to which my long veil was attached to. I looked pretty and very happy.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Rose handed me my bouquet and grabbed her own flowers before she gave everyone else theirs and then we left the room. Dad, who looked really handsome in his suit, was fighting his tears as he saw me.

"My little girl, you look so beautiful and elegant. I'm so happy for you."

I could feel my own tears filling my eyes and had to swallow and blink. "Thank you, daddy."

Gently he took my arm and led me to the winter garden where Edward and I would be married. Esme and Sue had decided to decorate everything in autumn colors and it looked simply amazing. Down the aisle were dozens of long candles, which gave the room a beautiful glow. The girls and Henry were waiting in front of the room for my arrival. Jess knocked lightly on the door to announce our entrance and the music started.

Bree and Henry, who was carrying our rings, entered first. I could hear the cooing as Henry gave Edward the rings. Next entered Alice, Rosalie, Angela and Jess. They looked beautiful and their men, who were mostly standing next to Edward, looked lovingly at their respective others and then it was my turn.

Dad kissed my forehead softly before he walked me down the aisle. I ignored our families and guests because all I could focus on was Edward. He looked incredible in his dark gray suit. Tall, strong and oh so sexy. His eyes ran all over my body and the nearly blinding smile told me that he loved what he saw. By the time his gaze reached my eyes, his were filled with tears but the smile never left his face. I was barely aware that dad lied my hand in Edward's or that Jess took my bouquet, all I could think about was my handsome groom.

"You look absolutely breath taking, gorgeous," he whispered as he gently kissed my hand. "I love you."

"Love you, too."

I really tried to pay attention to the words of the minister but later I wouldn't be able recall much and it didn't matter. All that mattered was that I was getting married to this fantastic man. We spoke the traditional vows because we both had known that we wouldn't be able to speak very clearly. My voice broke as I said "I do" and Edward also had to fight to keep his voice at least a bit steady. It was a relief when we were finally allowed to kiss.

As usual my hands went right into his hair and he tried to push my body into his own. I forgot where we were and that nearly 60 guests were watching us, as I lost myself in my husband's kiss. After minutes of indecent kissing we broke apart and turned around. Our guests were smiling and clapping. Henry, who had been very patient and quiet during the ceremony, ran towards us and demanded to be picked up. Edward laughed at his son's behavior and did as asked while he kept one arm around my waist.

The first to congratulate us were our parents. Esme and Sue were both crying and Carlisle looked too proud for words. My dad had also been crying like my mother. Renée hadn't been happy about our decision to keep the wedding relatively small and absolutely private, not that I'd cared. The relationship to my mother was still not the best but I had accepted that our opinions were just too different. After our families were done our friends wanted to hug and kiss us and soon it was time for the feast. The food was spectacular, Italian, my favorite, and the speeches were moving and embarrassing, thanks to Emmett. At some point Henry and Nayla, Emmet's and Rose' four month old daughter, were put to bed while we adults kept celebrating. I danced with every man in attendance but I only wanted to lay in my husbands arms. Emmett and Jasper had organized a firework and it was an absolute highlight.


The wedding was everything I'd ever dreamed of but I was happy when it was time for Edward and me to retreat to our suite. We still had a wedding night to celebrate after all. Edward helped me getting out of my dress and watched me while I tried to get all the hair needles out of my hair and as soon as I was done with it, Edward pulled me onto the bed and worshiped my body. My legs, my neck, my breasts. Our lovemaking was slow and gentle and intense and we kept staring at each other's eyes. We took our time and the only words spoken were words of love and commitment. Nothing could have made this day any better. I'd loved every minute of it and Edward felt the same.

"This was the second best day of my live," Edward said while we basked in the afterglow of our union.

"Only the second best?"

He chuckled at my teasing tone. "Yes, the best day was the birth of Henry."

"True. I think Jess is pregnant. Mike looked far too happy and smug." It truly amazing how strong their relationship was. Some of it has surely to do with the fact that Mike's sister was now living with them. Jess had refused to let her live in an institution, when it became clear that Mike's parents were too old to take care of their daughter.

"I think you're right. It's crazy how much has changed in only two years."

I kissed Edward over the heart before I answered, "Yes, truly amazing and I'm sure our life will continue to be this crazy but it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you and our baby."

"I'll never leave you. Whatever will happen in the future, we'll be together. Always."

"Yes, that we will."

We would be together when Jess' and Mike's son would be born.

When dad would have a heart attack that would force him into retirement.

When the Bears would win the Super Bowl again this season.

When Alice would be ready to tear her hair out because her daughter hated skirts and dresses and Jasper would be unwilling to say anything about it.

When our daughter would be born on our first wedding anniversary.

And when Henry would win his first Olympic gold medal over 100 meter breaststroke.

Our crazy little family would be together. And happy.





That's it! DONE!

I'm so happy right now. I've finished my first story ever. And in English. WOW!

I'm thanking all my lovely readers for their support and help. You made writing this story very easy. I've never this story would be this popular. Not that I'm complaining.

In two or three weeks I'm going to update the first chapter of my new story. Most wanted the arranged marriage story and so I'm going to write it.

I think the title will be Marriage and other catastrophes, may change though. I hope you'll give the story a chance.

Love, Nini