I don't own Naruto

Chapter 4

"Hey old man!" Naruto said as he walked into the hokage's office.

"Hello Naruto." Sarutobi replied

"Hey kid." Another man said from behind Sarutobi

"Are you the guy who is going to teach me for the chunin exams?" Naruto asked eagerly.

"Yes I am. I am also your godfather, Jiraiya of the legendary sannin." Jiraiya said proudly.

"My godfather?" Naruto asked

"I can't tell you who your parents are, but I can tell you that I was the one who gave you the name Naruto." Jiraiya said

"Really?" Naruto asked

"Your father really liked my first book and he chose the name of the main character for your name." Jiraiya explained

"Wow, that's so cool. Not only did a sannin name me, but he's my godfather." Naruto said

"Alright calm down kid. Are you ready to train?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto nodded.

"Alright grab onto my arm." Jiraiya said as Naruto followed the order.

Jiraiya then did some hand seals, which Naruto noticed looked familiar to the summoning jutsu.

"Reverse summoning." Jiraiya said as they disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Good luck Naruto. I can't wake to see the results of your training." Sarutobi said as he returned to the little bit of paperwork he had sitting on his desk.

Mount Myoboku

"Where are we?" Naruto asked

"We are at Mount Myoboku, home of the toads and the place where you will be training for the next 2 months." Jiraiya said

"What!? The chunin exams start in two weeks." Naruto said

"I know that, but here in Mount Myoboku time runs differently. Two weeks in Konoha is two months here." Jiraiya said

"That's so cool." Naruto said

"Enough of that, it's time for you to start training." Jiraiya said

"What do we do first Jiraiya sensei?" Naruto asked

"First I want you to sign the same contract that your father and I use, the toad summoning contract." Jiraiya said as Naruto lit up. Jiraiya opened the scroll and laid it in front of Naruto.

"So all I got to do is sign my name in blood?" Naruto asked as Jiraiya nodded.

"Normally you would have to summon the boss toad and I would tell you to use Kyuubi's chakra, but there is no need for that. Gamabunta!" Jiraiya called

A very large toad jumped into the clearing. "Is this his kid?" Gamabunta asked

"Yes it is. Looks just like his dad doesn't he?" Jiraiya asked as Gamabunta nodded

"Normally you would have to prove yourself to me, so that I can allow you to use the toad summoning contract. The way you're going to do that is to pass Jiraiya's training. After you do that I will approve you for the use of the summoning contract and I will give you a special gift." Gamabunta said

"Well what are we waiting for boss toad?" Naruto asked eagerly.

"Okay kid. The first thing you will learn is the legendary Rasengan." Jiraiya said as he watched Naruto jaw drop in shock.

"That's the fourth hokage's jutsu." Naruto said

"Yes now let's get started. You have to pop this with only your chakra, like this." Jiraiya said as he tossed Naruto a water balloon and popped the other one he held.

"Alright." Naruto said as he concentrated chakra into the water balloon. He noticed what Jiraiya had done with the water balloon and copied the action. A second later the balloon started spinning in every direction and the balloon popped.

"Good job kid. I didn't expect you to pass that step so quickly. I guess onto the next step. You have to pop this one too." Jiraiya said as he threw Naruto a rubber ball and popped the one in his hand.

Naruto nodded and started to copy Jiraiya again. The results were exactly the same as before.

"Just like your old man. You clearly mastered these two steps, now I want you to tell me how you did and the purpose of the steps." Jiraiya said.

"I copied exactly what you did sensei, but I have realized the purpose of both steps. The first step was for control and the second was for power. I also bet that the next step will be to combine the two steps without a ball." Naruto said as both Jiraiya's and Gamabunta's jaws dropped.

"You're right, but to make this harder I won't demonstrate anymore until you master it." Jiraiya said as Naruto started working on the third step with slow progress.

Chunin exams start

Team 7 met at the Academy front door.

"How was your training Naruto?" Sakura asked

"It was very productive. I improved more than I hoped." Naruto said

"So did we." Sasuke said

"Then the exams should be easy." Naruto said as the two nodded as they all walked

As team 7 reached the second floor they all recognized a genjutsu being held by two chunin ninja who were transformed into genin.

"Let's keep walking. If they can't recognize the genjutsu then they aren't worth the effort." Sasuke said as Sakura and Naruto followed.

As they were leaving a pale eyed boy was staring at them.

So that's this year's rookie of the year. Considering that his whole graduating class was nominated, I would say that he might be the most challenge for me, especially since he's an Uchiha. I wonder if he's unlocked the Sharingan yet, Neji Hyuga thought as his teammates came to him and they headed off pretended to have given up on the exams.

Upon arriving in the room for the exams Team 7 noticed that there was a lot of genin participating in the exams and other than 3 Konoha teams, including themselves, they were all older and more experienced.

"Looks like the rookies are together again." Kiba said as Hinata and Shino followed him over to Team 7.

"Hey Sasuke-kun!" A very loud Ino said as she jumped on Sasuke's back as Shikamaru and Choji walked over and greeted everyone else in their own ways.

"Get off me Ino." Sasuke said

Sakura looked annoyed, but was more interested in the sole Konoha genin that was heading in their direction.

"You might want to keep it down you guys. The exams are already tense enough without you making the others want to kill you." The older genin said

"Who are you?" Sakura asked wearily

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi and since your the rookies that I've heard about I'll give you some help." Kabuto said as he motioned for the nine genin to gather around him

"What kind of help?" Sasuke asked

"This kind of help." Kabuto said as he pulled out a stack of cards.

"What are those?" Naruto asked

"My ninja info cards." Kabuto said as he gave a brief description of the cards, the different nations, and the newly created Oto.

"Do you have information on Gaara of the desert, the male Hyuga in the exams, and his spandex wearing teammate." Sasuke asked

"I'd also like information on the red haired girl from Kusa." Naruto asked

"I've got them. Gaara of the desert is from Suna. His teammates are his siblings Kankuro and Temari. Their sensei is Baki and they are the chikdren of the Kazekage. I don't have an accurate reading on their missions, but from what I know they've taken nothing below high C rank missions and on the missions they did take Gaara always returns unharmed." Kabuto said as the genin looked shocked

"Neji Hyuga and Rock Lee. They are members of Team Gai with their teammate Tenten. Neji Hyuga is considered a prodigy of the Hyuga clan and was last year's rookie of the year. Lee is seen as a genius of hardwork by his sensei and was the deadlast of Neji's class. They have done 100 D ranks and 25 C ranks. They both are very skilled in taijutsu. Neji through the gentle fist of the Hyuga and Lee through the strong fist which he learned from his teacher Gai." Kabuto said

"Karin Uzumaki is a genin from Kusa. I have very little to no information on her team or sensei. She was her classes' rookie of the year and appears to be a sensor type ninja. She has done 20 D ranks and 5 C ranks and that's just by herself. She appears to have high genin skill in all except taijutsu which appears to low chunin." Kabuto said as the rookies looked shocked after staring at Naruto.

"Could she be related to be me?" Naruto thought out loud.

"Not a chance. The Uzumaki clan were mostly wiped out. The last living ones would be you and her, but you were both born in separate villages. You are of the same clan, but not directly related." Kabuto explained

"Uzumaki clan?" Everyone but Sasuke and Sakura asked. Sasuke knew because he was told of them by his father and brother before the massacre. Sakura knew because she actively went to the library and learnt things. She figured out Naruto's birth parents but said nothing before because she thought that Naruto knew considering his close relationship to the hokage.

"Yes the clan that helped in the founding of the village. They were close to the Senju clan and helped in the founding, but never joined Konoha themselves." Kabuto said, but before any other than Sasuke and Sakura could ask anymore, he was attacked by the sound genin. Promptly afterward the Ibiki Morino arrived and the first exams of the chunin Exams began.

"Naruto, Sasuke I have something to tell you guys after this first exam. I thought you knew Naruto, but your reaction tells me otherwise. After this first test I will." Sakura said

The first part of the exams started and it ended rather quickly for Naruto. He wasn't able to answer any of the questions, but quickly realized that he was supposed to cheat. Naruto quickly activated sage mode and determined that the person sitting next to him was a chunin, someone who would have all the answers. Naruto subtly copied his answers and then went to sleep to the annoyance of his teammates, and Ibiki who never noticed what he did.

After a while Ibiki called for the end of the first nine questions. He gave everyone the choice to take the last question and also gave them the consequences. Almost everyone left. Noticing that no one else was leaving Ibiki passed them and explained how they passed. Soon Anko Mitatarashi entered the room. She noticed 14 teams and commented on Ibiki's lack of skill, while he countered that they were a good bunch. Anko told them to follow her to the next part.

Ibiki afterward walked through the class picking up the tests and gasped in shock at one test.

"What's wrong sir?" A chunin proctor asked

"Naruto Uzumaki's test. It's completely filled out and all the answers are right." Ibiki said

"Well there was a chunin proctor sitting next to him." The chunin offered

"I didn't see him do anything. To my knowledge he looked around and then went to sleep." Ibiki said in shock

"He's not Konoha's Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja for nothing." The chunin chuckled as he continued collecting papers.

The chunin exams continued when Anko led the genin to the forest of death.

The teams were given a heaven or earth scroll and the task to gain the opposite scroll from the other teams and get to the tower in the center of the forest within five days.

After entering the forest Team 7 stopped immediately at Sakura's request.

"I thought you knew this, but I guess I'll tell you Naruto..." Sakura started

"I know Sakura. My parents were the fourth hokage and Kushina Uzumaki who is from the Uzumaki clan. My grandparents are Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya of the Sannin. My great great grandparents are Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. My great great great uncle is Tobirama Senju. I'm related to both the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan who are both all but gone. The last Senju is Tsunade and I'm the last Uzumaki, in Konoha at least." Naruto said as Sasuke and Sakura looked shocked.

"I didn't know about you being related to the Senju clan or Tsunade and Jiraiya." Sakura said

"You have a clan. What happened to them?" Sasuke asked

"They were killed by the current Tsuchikage. He found out about my father and mother and attacked their home." Naruto said

"That's horrible." Sakura said in shock

"Are you going to get vengence for your family even if you didn't know them?" Sasuke asked

"Most likely. Him and another man. They are the reasons why I'm alone today." Naruto said as he motioned them to continue. He was done talking.

He's just like me, only he has two people that ruined his life, Sasuke thought as he reminisced about Naruto.

Team 7 moved on to their first target, unknown that they were being targeted ever since they stopped.