Now a short happier fluffy cavity recovery sequel! :D friendly gen or OT6, whichever you prefer





The redhead looked up from where Superboy had sat him on top of the tool cabinet. Robin was standing there smiling as Connor also looked up from fixing his motorcycle.

"I love you." Robin said, looking straight at the speedster with his smile. "I love you."

Green eyes blinked at him, confused.

Superboy stands, picks the redhead up in a hug, and repeats the sentiment in his gruff voice. "I love you, Wally."

The speedster blinked at them both.


M'gann iced sugary hearts over every cookie she bakes, and telepathically floats them over to him to eat nearly all day.


Kaldur brings him a beautiful red crystal, saying its color signified the Atlantean patron saint of love and care. It's threaded onto a necklace and tied around his neck.


Artemis bring him a shirt ("You are loved.") and forced it over his head to wear.


Roy sends a giant tub of red velvet ice cream, Valentines edition, with brownie batter hearts.


Barry ruffles his hair. "Love ya, Kid."


Iris kisses his forehead and tucks the covers under his chin. "I love you. Sleep well, Wally."




The Boy Wonder looks up attentively from his homework.

"It's not my fault?"

Robin stares at him from under his sunglasses and makes him jump when the boy whirls and screams into the rest of the mountain. "EVERYONE GET IN HERE!"

They all rush in within seconds of each other, alarmed and ready for battle, but stop in bewilderment at the sight of the confused redhead and almost bouncing Robin.

Robin hops over and grabs his hand, demanding- "Say it again."

He blushes in embarrassment under the direct attention everyone is now giving him. "It's not my fault." It's not a question this time.

His friends burst into smiles and swarm him in a massive smothering hug of tangled limbs and overlapping joyous voices.

Wally smiles back at them.