Okay, this is the end of Desk Notes for now :)

Feel free to leave a comment and say how you felt about this ficlet. I'd really appreciate knowing how people felt reading this :)

Desk Notes- Rewritten will be the sequel to this story. So keep an eye out in the next couple of days. I will be writing that an putting it up.

Hope you enjoy

'Lucy, sorry about not sending you a message earlier, jeez, it's like Saturday already. Everything went well, I'm getting better. The Doctor says that I won't be cured but I have a good number of years added to my life. – It's Gray by the way-'

'Gray that's great news- about you getting better, ignore the Doctor, something will come around and you can be cured of your leukaemia. We will find a way, when do you get out of the hospital? - By the way, I knew it was you-'

'Doctor says I can be out as early as week after this one, I'll have to stay at home for a little while, but by then, I should be strong enough to do things. Can't actually believe I'm going to say this but…I'm actually looking forward to go back to school.'

'Can't wait to see you out of the hospital. :) Let me know when you get out so I can organise something with everybody, promise to keep in touch.'

'Oh I will, I have a bone to pick with you Lucy Heartfilia!'

'- :D –'

Lucy hummed away as she cleaned the desks after first period. She sprayed the surface cleaner and wiped it over with the cloth, grinning as she did so. She had been caught drawing on the desk and was now stuck with this job before the second class began.

It had been a week since she last spoke to Gray as he went in and out Doctor's appointments and him losing the charger to his phone. Lucy hadn't been able to see him once he got out of the hospital, so all she had to do now was wait for one little desk note.

Ever faithful Natsu was waiting outside when Lucy grabbed her things and walked from the classroom.

"Had any notes yet?" he asked and Lucy shook her head still humming. The pair walked from the undercover walkway and across the courtyard, "Do you think he'll let us know when he's back at school?" she finally muttered, "Like…texting me that morning so I can see him before class starts?"

Natsu shrugged, "Probably not."

"I haven't spoken to him all week!"

Lucy pulled the straw from her popper forcefully, "Nothing! And since I have no clue where he lives, I can't go and kick his cancerous butt!"

"Now, now Lucy" Levy laughed, "He'll turn up when he gets better, he won't leave us in the dark about such an important issue."

"A real man wouldn't do that! Don't worry about it Lucy. There's no need to get so annoyed," Elfman tried to say, "I thought you had said not to mention the fact that he had cancer?"

A sigh came out, "I'm sorry, just… I thought Gray and I sort of connected" Lucy admitted, "I was beginning to think that we were becoming good friends and after I went through surgery to give him the bone marrow and moreorless saved his life, I would have thought he would contact me by now."

"Just chill Luce" Natsu sat back on the bench lazily, "Don't expect everything at once, the dude just barely escaped death, give him to readjust. You're being selfish."

Lucy didn't bite back, she only shrunk down in her seat, guilt flashing across her face, "Alright" she muttered, "I'll stop."

"Give me your keys."

Lucy stared at Natsu incredulously, clutching her car keys in her hand. "No" she stated "Why?"

"Lucy just give me your keys" Natsu looked like he wasn't in the mood for screwing around. "Hey" Lucy snapped, "You carpooled with me! In my car, I drive the BMW."

"Whatever" Natsu rolled his eyes, "I drive the Porsche without any difficulty, I can drive your BMW…Because you aren't driving."

Lucy stopped in the car park, getting more annoyed that Natsu was demanding her keys.

Kids milled around them and all Lucy wanted to do was go home. Natsu made a grab for the keys and Lucy jumped back, raising her hand to smack Natsu across the head. He looked up, green eyes flashing, "Come off it!" he snapped, "Lucy turn around!"

Lucy was suddenly aware of a loud rumble coming up behind her, other people stopped around them, staring and leaning in to whisper to each other.

Lucy spun around and saw a large blue and black motorbike pull up behind her with the rider wearing a black helmet.

They choked the motor and stood on one leg to support the large bike, then raised their hands and lifted the helmet up.

Lucy blushed, feeling a laugh build up in her chest as she saw a wild mess of ebony hair and striking dark eyes regard her. "Were you beginning to think that I skipped out on you?" Gray asked with a smile.

"You finally came to school" she laughed, "Yes, you're right; I was beginning to think you skimped out on me Gray Fullbuster."

The young man laughed and grabbed a helmet from the back seat of the bike and handed it to her. "Get on" he said, "I'm going to take you for a ride."

"Eh?" Lucy stared in horror at the helmet being offered to her and from beside her, Natsu grinned, "See why you aren't driving home today?"

"Y-You knew" Lucy shrieked at her best friend, "You didn't tell me?" she went to go hit Natsu with her car keys, but the pink haired young man only grabbed her fist and pried the keys from her fingers.

With red cheeks, Lucy turned back to Gray and hesitantly took the black and red helmet from his hand. She stared at her reflection in the visor and then smoothed down her hair with her other hand. "I've never ridden a motorbike before" she gulped, "A-Are you sure it's safe?"

"Of course it is" Gray soothed her, "I've been riding motorbikes ever since I have been a kid. Its second nature, I promise I will keep you safe."

"Go on Lucy!" a voice cheered behind them, both Gray and Lucy looked up. Levy came running up to them with Elfman and Lisanna behind her. Lucy was blushing like wildfire as her friend bounded up and stood on her tiptoes to beam at Gray.

"I take it that you are Mr Gray Fullbuster? The one Lucy speaks about all the time? I'm Levy McGarden."

"And I'm the man Elfman!" the brute said, trying to look menacing, "If you do anything to hurt Lucy, you'll be speaking to my fists!"

"He'd have to go through me first," Natsu said darkly before shoving Lucy in the shoulder, "Now go Lucy" he smiled, "Go and have some fun."

"We'll see you later" Levy smiled, "It's nice to finally meet you Gray."

Lucy put on the helmet, feeling around to tie the straps and walking to Gray with trembling legs. "Come on" he encouraged her, "Just get on the back; you can either hold the side bars or my waist. I don't mind either way."

Lucy got on the bike, biting her lip furiously; she grabbed hold of the bars either side of the tiny seat behind Gray.

He put his helmet on and then revved the life back into the motorbike, he changed the gears back to neutral before kick-starting it forward.

Levy cheered and Natsu waved goodbye, Gray jerked the motorbike forward and Lucy let loose a squeal as she tumbled forward against Gray. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and held on for dear life as Gray roared from the car park, ignoring all the open gapes he was receiving from the other school kids.

They reached the highway, Gray changed gears and the roar of the motorbike got higher as they went faster. Lucy was able to feel her hair whipping out behind her and she kept her grip firmly around Gray, biting back the burn of her cheeks as the close proximity of Gray to her.

They rode from the highway and up through Magnolia, Gray turned off and Lucy realised that they were going to Cherry Tree Point, A high mountain point that overlooks the entire city of Magnolia. Gray cruised up the winding road, hit the picnic area and killed the motor.

Silence instantly fell upon the pair and Lucy unwound her arms from Gray and scrambled off the bike. She pulled the helmet off and quickly checked her reflection making sure her hair wasn't static. Gray followed suit a lot more slowly and chuckled as he took off his own helmet, "Your hair is fine Lucy, there's no need to fuss over it."

He took Lucy's helmet off her and slung both of them off the handlebars of the bike. Then the pair made their way to the lookout.

Lucy felt the fresh air whip through her hair and she looked over the fences surrounding the lookout and smiled in wonderment, "I never knew Magnolia looked so pretty up here?" she looked over the trees and over the buildings that built up the city she loved so much.

Gray leant on the fence beside her and outright said, "Why'd you do it for Lucy?"

Lucy looked away from the city and met Gray's face, "Do what?" she asked innocently, feeling her palms start to prickle from nervousness.

"Why did you decide to save my life?" Gray asked softly, "You could have let me die and nobody would have even known that I even existed. Instead, you give me your blood; you gave me life. So why?"

Lucy stood straight and faced him, "I wrote a desk note and somebody replied back to it. He became the anonymous person that I wanted to meet, when I found out that there could have been a reason stopping me from meeting you. I decided that it would be best to help you… You're my friend Gray, I know you might not see me as a friend…But it's what we do for each…"

Lucy was suddenly cut off when Gray got off the fence, closed the gap between them and pushed his lips against Lucy's.

Lucy's eyes popped wide and the shock pumped through her as Gray lifted his hands and cupped her face gently. It was…sweet.

Feeling warm and fuzzy inside, Lucy let all her doubts and worries wash away. Her fingers reached up and tangled in Gray's black spikes. She smiled into Gray's soft lips, let everything melt away from her conscious and blissfully closed her eyes.

Several weeks had passed.

Lucy wandered into the class with Natsu strolling in behind her, she waved to a couple of people and a girl spoke out, "Is it true that you and Gray Fullbuster are together Lucy? Did you really save his life?"

"We aren't together" Lucy gushed, "And all I did was help a friend in need."

She and Natsu walked into the classroom and Lucy saw with horror that all the rickety desks had been replaced by flash white desks with the seats connected to them.

"Oh no" she whispered, "W-Where'd my desk go?" She raced to the back corner and looked down at the even more fake looking desk and felt sadness wash through her. "T-They couldn't have gotten rid of the old desks" she cried.

"Hey settle down Luce" Natsu tried to assure her, "I'm sure they haven't gotten rid of them all. Why are you so devastated about that old desk?"

Lucy started to feel tears prickling at the back of her eyes, "I-I met Gray, Levy and Elfman through that desk, it's something that connected us…T-They couldn't have tossed it away! It was so important to me!"

"Settle down" Natsu soothed her, "We will figure something out alright; you will see Gray and everyone at lunch alright. Don't beat yourself up about it."

Even though Lucy tried to heed his words, it continued to bother her throughout the whole lesson and the rest of that day.

"Those new desks are really uncomfortable."

Levy was rubbing her lower back, "The plastic hurts my back, thinking that I have to sit at those desks all day everyday really sucks."

Lucy kicked at the asphalt, "I hate those new desks" she muttered, "I can't believe they were replaced."

"They hold some significance to you do they Lucy?" Elfman asked. Lucy nodded, "We met through those desks. Don't you see why it is important to me?"

Levy nodded, "I know Lucy, but how are you going to get this desk if you want it so bad? There's not much we can do if we don't want to get into trouble." Lucy could only agree with her friend and Natsu sat back against the wall, "We'll see what we can do Lucy, I said that before didn't I? It won't be hard to nab a desk from the garbage."

"Here comes Gray," Elfman rumbled, "Here to steal Lucy again."

Lucy looked up and saw Gray walking towards them with his bag slung over his arm. He raised his hand over his head and waved. She felt her heart start to hammer in her chest, her face start to go hot and the butterflies came to life in her stomach.

Ever since that day, Gray hadn't kissed he. But it didn't stop Lucy from wishing it would happen again. She had never felt this way about a person before, she got jealous when Gray was bailed up by other girls in the hall or when he was pushed around by the jocks.

Gray was hers.

As he came towards them, Lucy stood up and walked to him. He gave her a lazy smile and Lucy couldn't stop the thundering in her whole body. "Hey" he said to her, "How was class?"

Lucy tried to fight down the blush and wrung her hands together, doing an awkward little sway on her feet. "Class is boring…as always" she managed to choke out, "Did you see what they did to the classroom?"

Gray nodded, "I did. Don't worry; I'm sure I can get my hands on that desk you sat at. You're like an open book Lucy; I knew right away that you would be troubled about having a new desk."

'I'm like an open book?' Lucy thought furiously, 'He can see that I am acting like a complete fool around him because of my stupid feelings?'

Gray only laughed at her, "Come on Angel" he joked, "Let's sit down and have something to eat."

'Let's do something tonight...Just you and me :)'

Lucy slapped her hands over her cheeks to feel the heat rising from them at the sweet little desk note the next morning. Instead of writing back on the desk, she pulled out her phone and sent a text message to Gray.

'Of course, that sounds great. What do you want to do? I'm excited already.'

Natsu sat back against his crappy white desk and watched his best friend text on her phone before reaching up and rubbing off the desk note from her desk. Her face was red, her eyes were glistening and he couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous.

He was supposed to be the one that always protected her from the world, but it seemed like he had to be handing over the torch sometime soon. Lucy wasn't always going to be his; he was going to lose her to Gray someday.

But…then again… he was happy for her. Happy that she had found someone that made her laugh and enjoy life once again, there was only so much he could have done as a best friend.

'I'm glad for you Luce' he thought to himself, 'I'm so proud, Layla would be as well.'

With a small smile on his face, Natsu sat up in his chair and reached for his pencil case. He unzipped it, pulled out a pen and poised it over the desk.

'It worked for her' he thought simply, 'Why shouldn't I give it a go?'

Then, Natsu Dragneel wrote on the desk, starting his own chain.

And so… The story started and would now ends with, 'Hi-…how are you?'