hi, this is the first fanfic i have posted so i hope you enjoy. unfortunately i dont own anything except the plot line :( anyway i shall let you read now, howdy-jane x

'I'm blind. Oh crap! I'm blind!'

I reach to pull the mask from my head but there is still a mute darkness and I start to panic. My heart is pounding painfully quick as I try to remember how I got myself in this predicament. It's not often that Spiderman is blinded.


Spiderman, white tiger, Nova, iron fist and Powerman were on a covert mission testing the strength of the team. Sent after information, nova and Spiderman quickly became bored.

'Bet I can take down ten guards in 20 seconds.' gloated Nova, cage rose an eyebrow and white tiger rolled her eyes disapprovingly but iron fist seemed game to listen to nova. Spiderman snorted always trying to be the better hero.

'Sure you can bucket head, I bet you I can get the information before you!' he retorted in a pompous manner. Iron fist sighed and white tiger face palmed, the spats between Spiderman and Nova were becoming normal.

'You're on web head!' was Nova's reply before Spiderman disappeared, the others calling after him. White tiger growled and pointed a clawed accusatory finger at Nova.

'One day Sam, I swear I will kill you or peter!' she growled before storming away from him the other two boys in tow. Nova hastily apologised before listening to the plan of action; unfortunately, Spiderman was already speeding head on into trouble.

'Yo ugly!' Spiderman hollered at the thickset goon who was patrolling the entrance to the information vault. He webbed the goon up easily before making his way into the seemingly empty vault. He quickly found the computer important files left open, his eyes scanned the screen quickly taking in the words with concentration.

'What kind of villain leaves their plans open?!' he asked to no one in particular but then his spidey-senses went haywire but he was too slow to react to the beam of light. He flew back against the impact of the ray, his body crashing awkwardly against the cold metal walls.

'One that doesn't wants to be found but not seen.' Came the chilling reply to the rhetorical question and a wheezing laugh before the sounds of slow footsteps and the butt of a gun was whacked over Spiderman's head rendering him unconscious.

'Oh crap, the others! Damn bucket is going to be gloating for weeks if I don't win this stupid bet!' I grumbled, trying to avoid the fact that... I CAN'T BLOODY SEE! Yes I'm freaking out and yes, I realise that but I how am I supposed to hide this from the others?! Oh god and what about MJ and Aunt May?

I climb to my feet slowly, using the wall as a guide trying behind a hope to use my other good senses to help me get back to the others. Nova will have a field day if he wins the bet and finds out I got beat on top of it. I walk randomly through the desolate corridors relying heavily on my spidey-senses to warn me of any incoming goons but it seems that everything is silent. I carry on walking; it is quite peaceful not having to talk to fill space so when my communicator went off I jumped a mile.

'Spiderman, where the hell are you?' the half accusatory and half annoyed voice of Powerman call through the comm. Link. I raise the communicator to eye level, or what I think is eye level before answering nervously.

'Um, I'm not really sure.' I say scratching the back of my head.

okay so only a short chapter to start but i have already written the start of the next if anyone wants it :) please review, its always nice to know people have read my work and dont be afraid to point out any flaws :L thanks for reading, until next time.