Okay before we get started I want to say a few things and clear up a few things about this story. Firstly I would like to thank those of you who pm'd me, I haven't forgotten about my other stories I just keep getting new ideas and have to get them out I will eventually get back to the others so bear with me :)

Secondly about this story- Charlie and Brax have two kids Ruby and Nathan, Ruby is sixteen and Nathan is thirteen. Charlie has another son Jessie he's nineteen and living in the city he was the one Charlie fell pregnant on after her attack by Grant not Ruby so again Brax is Ruby's dad.

Charlie and Brax are not together anymore but have remained close as friends- Charlie is seeing a guy called Shayne for the last three years. Some of you might have copped that I like to have Jack Holden as her brother in my stories along with other old characters- mainly Hayley so again this story is no different except she has four brothers…that's the baseline, this chapter jumps right into it but I will clear up a lot of things in the next chapter- enjoy

Oh and this story has a bit of domestic violence in it so don't read if it makes u uncomfortable or anything.

Charlie sat alone in her lounge in the dark looking at the family photo on the fire place- that was when they were happy- she regretted it every day- that she didn't give Brax a second chance and had moved on with Shayne… that was three years ago now. Sighing she looked at the mess on the floor, getting down on her knees she started to pick up the broken glass from the coffee table- something she found herself doing most nights now, if it wasn't the table broken it was something else- the reason for tonight's fight was Shayne wasn't happy she didn't have milk stupid right? After clearing up the mess she walked to the bathroom and turned the light on, looking at her black eye in the mirror she sighed again and let a tear fall why am I putting up with this? She wiped her face quickly when the front door opened.

"Sorry we're late mum dad couldn't get his car started!" Ruby called from the lounge.

"Hey guys have a good weekend with dad?" she asked.

"Yeah mum Heath was hilarious being a dad has changed him," Nathan said throwing himself onto the sofa.

"What happened here mum, where's the glass out of the table?" Ruby asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh that- silly me I was rushing around and tripped over my bag landing on it and banging my face so I had to throw it out."

"Wow again mum didn't you do that like two weeks ago with the old one?" Nathan said shaking his head.

Ruby however wasn't convinced she knew her mum and her boyfriend were having problems… maybe he lashed out again? She was referring to a night a few months back, she walked in to see Shayne hit Charlie she was horrified but both had reassured her saying it was a heat of the moment and it was the first and last time. She stood up and grabbed Nathan off the sofa "don't you have homework to finish for tomorrow?"

"Yeah," he sighed "mum can't you just write me a note?" He whined.

"I will not you'll get in and do it you should have done it before you went to dads," Charlie chuckled.

"Fine goodnight then," he huffed and kissed Charlie on the cheek before going up to his room.

"So what really happened here mum?" Ruby said as soon as he was out of sight.

"I told you I fell," she said waving her off and going into the kitchen.

Ruby followed her "mum I heard you guys fighting Thursday night too it's getting worse he seems to be getting more violent with you! I am going to tell J-" she stopped talking when the front door opened.

"Babe?" Shayne yelled.

"Ruby nothing is going on so drop it and don't tell anyone anything!" she hissed "in here!" She called.

"Hey, got that stuff from the shop," he said and stuck his head in "ah you two are back did you have a good weekend with your dad?" he asked while slipping his hand around Charlie's shoulder.

Ruby didn't miss the way Charlie flinched when he did "uh yeah it was great dad took us to see Rocco Heath's doing a great job so far… I'm gonna go to bed I've a test tomorrow so I want to study for a while," she kissed Charlie on the cheek "night mum, night Shayne," she said and hurried out of the room.

She sat on her bed in a daze why was mum lying- why is she covering it up? she asked herself, she missed the door opening and Shayne slip in "you'll keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you," he snarled.

"Excuse me?" Ruby said and stood up "get the hell out of my room and if you touch my mother again I swear I will tell my dad and uncles!" She hissed.

Shayne laughed and walked over to her "you wouldn't because trust me they'll believe me and you won't like what happens to you then."

"I'm not afraid of you!" she snapped and took a step closer to him she was a Braxton no one would push her around "I mean it I see her with anymore cuts or bruises I'm telling my dad and YOU won't like what happens to YOU then!" she shot back.

Shayne lashed out and slapped her across the face "take that as a warning you little runt and don't raise your voice to me you spoiled little Brat daddy won't be able to help you if you so much as look at me funny," he walked back to the door laughing at the shocked look on Ruby's face.

She stood like that for a few seconds before she dived for her phone and called her dad- she hung up after the second ring as she heard yelling downstairs. Running to her door she pulled it open and ran to the top of the stairs to listen.

He stormed down the stairs and into the kitchen where Charlie was folding clothes "I told you not to tell her anything! How many times do I have to tell you something!" he yelled and shoved all the clothes onto the floor.

"I-I didn't tell her anything," Charlie stuttered and took a step back.

"You expect me to believe that I know she saw me once but she still has doubts Charlie! You said she believed you!" he yelled and grabbed her arms roughly.

"You're hurting me let go!" she screeched "Shayne please I didn't tell her anything let go of me!" she yelled trying to pull away from him.

"If she ever- ever looks at me like that again she's outta here do you hear me!" he yelled "do you!" he yelled louder. Charlie was terrified she nodded quickly "good," he said and slapped her hard "don't let us have this conversation again!" he hissed and walked away from her "so how was your day babe?" He asked in a softer tone pulling a beer from the fridge.

"Yeah was alright same old nothing new," Charlie replied as she picked up the clothes and ignored the stinging on her cheek, she'd learned over the last few months to just forget it and act as normal.

"Good," he replied and walked over to her and dropped a kiss on her forehead "leave that come watch tv with me," he said softly taking her hand, Charlie smiled and let him lead her into the lounge.

Ruby stood shaking her head as tears rolled down her face- she ran back to her room as her phone rang from the bed "hello," she sniffed.

"Hey princess, have a missed call from you everything okay?" her dad asked.

"Uh yeah where are you?" she sniffed.

"I'm at work…Rubes are you crying?" He asked worried.

She bit her lip to stop herself from breaking down but it was no use "daddy I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do!" She sobbed down the phone.

"Baby what's wrong has something happened?" he asked.

"Y-yeah," she sobbed.

"Are you still home?" He asked.

"Yeah," she sniffed.

"I'll be there in five minutes," he said and hung up.

Ruby took a deep breath she couldn't go back now she'd already involved her dad and he sure as hell wouldn't let it go, walking along the hall she stopped outside Nathan's room and tipped the door open "Nate," she said softly and stuck her head in- she smiled he was at his desk with his back to her with his earphones on he hadn't heard a thing. She stepped back out of the room and closed the door. Seeing lights pull into their drive she ran back to her room.

Downstairs Charlie and Shayne both jumped at the banging on the door Charlie looked at Shayne before getting up and hurrying to open it "geez Brax!" she hissed when he pushed his way in.

"Where's Ruby?" He asked quickly.

"In her room why?" Charlie asked confused "has something happened?" She asked.

"You tell me-why has she just called me sobbing down the phone Charlie!" He hissed and walked to the stairs.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Charlie yelled and took a step onto the stairs.

Shayne jumped up he was a little panicked now "what did she say?" he asked stopping Brax in his tracks.

Brax sighed and walked back to the bottom "she was crying saying she didn't know what to do."

Charlie looked at Shayne and then back to Brax "do about what? She was fine before she went upstairs."

"Well she's not fine now," he muttered and took the rest of the stairs.

"I better go too," Charlie said and went to follow.

"Leave her babe," Shayne said and pulled her back "she called her dad maybe it's something she's scared to talk about with you."

"Talk about with me…Have you met her dad?" Charlie asked raising an eyebrow.

Shayne chuckled "point taken, I don't know, let him talk to her and then you can go up it might be nothing," he said leading her back to the sofa.

Brax got to Ruby's room and knocked on the door "baby it's me," he said softly.

Ruby had been listening from her door her skin crawled when she heard Shayne talk to her dad like nothing was wrong she jumped off her bed and pulled the door open-she looked quickly at Brax and walked back to her bed she picked up her phone as it beeped and bit her lip- her eyes glazed over as she read it open your mouth and I swear you'll regret it as soon as he leaves. She threw her phone down and watched Brax sit beside her he was looking at her his face full of worry she had to think fast…then she thought of the guy bugging her at school. He was a new kid a year older than her he was at her every day "I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Hey what have you to be sorry for?" he said and pulled her into him.

"I'm sorry I let it get this far," she said and pulled away from him she got up and walked to her dresser keeping her back to him.

"Let what get far? Rubes what is it?" he asked walking up behind her.

Closing her eyes she let a tear fall at what she was about to do "I'm being hassled by a guy," she said and bit her lip.

"What!" Brax yelled "who?" He growled.

Ruby turned to face him she'd expected this reaction "a guy from my school he won't leave me alone dad, he keeps knocking my books out of my hand tripping me whenever I pass him he's taken stuff from my bag including my lunch money most days," she sighed and sat on the bed "I know I'm not a kid anymore but he's new and older he's just making my life hell at the moment today got too much I'm sorry I called you over," she said and looked up at him.

"I'm glad you told me why didn't you tell Case he'd have sorted him out," Brax said sitting beside her.

Ruby shrugged "because I didn't want him getting into trouble over me."

"Rubes he's your Uncle he's there to look out for you when I can't…What happened to your face?" Brax asked turning it to look closer.

"Oh I fell over my bag," she said quickly putting her hand over the red mark Shayne had left.

"I'll be going to see that kid tomorrow what's his name?"

"No dad really I can handle it I just got a little bit stressed today really it's fine," she said hoping he'd drop it but knowing he wouldn't.

"No guy hassles my daughter and gets away with it!" he yelled and stood up "Ruby name now!"

"Jayden Banks," she said quickly knowing not to lie.

"Right," Brax dropped a kiss on her forehead "don't worry sweetie he won't be at you again," he said "I better get going I have to close Angelo's soon."

Ruby stood up "dad you gotta promise you won't hit him please," she pleaded and hurried over to him "he's only seventeen you'll get into trouble."

Brax smiled and pulled her into a hug "I'm not gonna hit him just give him a warning- but I'm not making promises if I have to go see him again."

Ruby giggled "I think one visit will be enough…thanks dad," she said and looked up at him "I'm sorry if I scared you on the phone."

He smiled again "no worries baby now you better get off to bed it's getting late mum will kill us both night honey and I love ya," he said stepping back from her.

"Love ya too dad-night," she said and walked to her bed.

"I'll be bringing you two to school tomorrow alright?"

"Yeah that's fine," Ruby replied not even bothering to ask the question she knew why he was bringing them.

Charlie was at the bottom of the stairs before Brax had even got halfway down "is she okay?"

"She's fine now," he said "I'm sorry I barged in here I was worried."

"That's okay Brax you staying for a coffee?" Shayne asked rather proud of himself.

"Nah mate thanks but I better get off," he said and took a step towards the door.

"Oh no you don't you'll tell me what happened- what's wrong with her?" Charlie said walking to the kitchen behind Shayne.

He handed Brax a cup "thanks," he said and turned to Charlie "some older guy is hassling her at school she just got a bit upset."

"Hassling her?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, knocking books out of her hand taking her money stuff like that-let me deal with it," he said as Charlie opened her mouth.

"My daughter's being bullied?" She asked shocked. "Why didn't she tell me-anyone?"

"She didn't want to bother you," Brax replied "Charlie really it's fine I'll be having word with the kid tomorrow-don't worry."

"Don't worry? Brax my daughter-our daughter is being bullied by a guy older than her and failed to mention it how can I not worry?" she shrieked.

"Babe, Brax can handle it let him have a word with the kid," Shayne said and walked closer to her "the guy probably fancies her or something."

Brax scoffed "no way mate he won't be getting near her not when I'm done with him," he placed his cup on the counter "I better be off and Charlie leave her be don't ask questions she's embarrassed enough about telling me-night guys," he called and left them In the kitchen.

Charlie sighed and leaned back against the countertop "she'll be alright," Shayne said and walked by her "she's just looking for attention anyway," he snapped.

Charlie rolled her eyes and followed "she's not looking for attention I know Ruby and it would take a lot for her to ever tell her dad something was wrong she knows how he can get."

"Alright we get it! Everyone knows not to mess with the Braxton's we all know her dad is a big tough guy Charlie!" He yelled and flung his cup down "what I don't get is why you keep bringing him up," he said and walked back to her.

"He was just here Shayne and I don't keep bringing him up!" she yelled back.

She shrieked when he slapped her across the mouth "don't you yell at me!" he snarled "and tell that daughter of yours to let us know the next time he's coming over- you know I don't like it when he just turns up, I bet if wasn't here you guys would be all cosy on the sofa!"

"I'm going to bed," Charlie huffed and shoved by him. She ran up to her room and closed the door, walking to her bed she burst out crying why the hell was she letting him away with this this was not who she was she never let anyone walk all over her. She rolled over and closed her eyes crying herself to sleep.

The next morning Ruby pulled herself from her bed and dragged herself to the kitchen she'd been up all night worrying about what Brax would do. "Hey," she muttered when she saw Charlie sitting at the bench.

"Morning," Charlie muttered back as she stared into her coffee.

"Seems moods are going around this morning," Nathan said from the table.

"Just eat your breakfast," Ruby snapped. She sat down beside Charlie "dad's bringing us to school."

"Cool dad's bringing us that means I've an extra ten minutes do finish my homework," Nathan said and jumped up from the table "call me when he gets here," he said and ran out of the kitchen.

"Nate you should have that done already!" Charlie screamed causing Ruby to jump.

"Whoa mum chill it's a bit of French."

"I'm sick telling him not to take advantage of Bianca just because she's my friend he thinks she'll let him away with it!" She hissed and slammed her cup into the sink.

"Mum what's wrong?" Ruby asked walking to her.

"Nothing," Charlie hissed and turned to face her.

Ruby gasped "mum, what happened to your lip?" She asked wide eyed.

"Fell out of the bed this morning and landed on Shayne's belt buckle…I'm off I'll see you for dinner," she said and hurried out of the kitchen.

"Mum!" Ruby yelled and ran after her "he did it again didn't he?"

"No Ruby I fell now get your breakfast before dad gets here."

"Stop changing the subject!" She screamed "I heard him hit you last night!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me Ruby Braxton!" Charlie hissed and took a step closer to her "I fell now leave it there."

Ruby sighed "mum why won't you tell anyone-why are you letting him do this!"

"I'm warning you Ruby stop yelling," she said her eyes darting to the stairs.

Ruby scoffed "he's still here is that what you're worried about?" She asked stepping to her.

"I'm not doing this," Charlie said and grabbed her keys and purse "I'll see you later, Nate! Hurry it up dad will be here soon!" She yelled up the stairs.

"Mum it won't go away!" Ruby called after her sighing at the slamming of the door.

Nathan came back down a few minutes later "were you and mum fighting just there?" He asked as he shoved books into his bag.

"No," she muttered "I better get dressed," she said and ran up the stairs.

Brax arrived and beeped Nathan grabbed his bag and ran out hoping to get the front and stopped when Casey was in the car "dad, Case," he said and climbed into the back.

"Alright mate…where's your sister?" Brax asked looking towards the house.

"She's in a mood so she's in her room," Nathan replied as he did his belt.

Brax beeped again "RUBY!" He yelled. He watched her as she dragged herself to the car and climbed in without a word "you alright princess?" He asked as they drove to the school.

"Fine," she muttered.

"Her and mum had a fight," Nathan said "ouch!" He hissed when she kicked him.

"We didn't have a fight," she said before Brax could say anything "I was yelling coz she was at the door and I was in the kitchen," she said and looked down so her dad couldn't read her.

"Right," Brax nodded as he pulled up to school "Nate you go ahead I wanna have a word with your sister," he said and climbed out to let him out of the back "see ya later buddy."

"By dad!" he called as he ran to catch up with VJ.

"So why have I to stay here?" Casey asked.

"Rubes can you see this guy?" Brax asked ignoring Casey and looking back at her.

Ruby looked up and spotted him straight away surrounded by his idiot band of followers "yeah," she muttered "blonde hair with the group at the tables."

"Right go on you better get inside," Brax said without taking his eyes off Jayden "I'll see you later."

"Brax what's going on?" Casey said as he let Ruby out.

"Just get in and let her go alone," Brax said yanking him back in to the car.

"Brax seriously what?" Casey yelled.

"Just wait," he said and watched Ruby walk closer to him clutching her bag tighter, he growled as Jayden took her bag from her and opened it before turning it upside down and emptying it onto the ground. He watched him laugh at Ruby and shove her when she bent down to pick it all up.

"Oh shit," Casey said snapping his head to Brax "Brax no," he said as Brax jumped out.

"You help Ruby and go inside!" He snapped as he stormed over to them. As he approached a few guys looked up and nudged each other wide eyed- by the time Brax got to Jayden they had cleared a path for him standing well back. "You think this is funny!" He yelled causing them to all to jump.

"Chill grandpa," Jayden laughed he stopped when no one else laughed- he looked to his friends and saw them shake their head furiously.

Brax glared down on him and took a step closer to him "if I ever ever see you touch my daughter again it'll be the last thing you'll ever do!" he yelled.

Jayden looked over at Ruby who was looking at the ground then to Casey. He gulped and looked back to Brax. "Do we understand each other?" Brax said and took another step.

"Yeah," Jayden muttered.

"Good," Brax said and stepped back "only warning…this is my brother right here," he said pointing to Casey "he'll be watching you and if I hear you even looked her I'll be waiting right here later you got it?"

"Yeah I got it," Jayden said and grabbed his bag.

As he got to Casey he stepped out in front of him "he's not kidding and I'll be with him too so will our other brother and you don't want that," he said stepping out of his way.

"Bye dad," Ruby muttered and walked inside with Casey.

"Shouldn't you lot be going to class right about now," Brax said turning to the few kids that were still standing there. They all scattered before he'd even finished talking, feeling pretty good with himself he walked back to his car to see Charlie leaning on it "hey," he greeted "what happened to your lip Charlie," he asked tilting her chin up.

"Jumped up late and tripped over clothes," she said quickly.

"Now I know where Ruby gets it from," he chuckled "so what brings you here?" he asked sitting beside her.

"Wanted to see how your talk went and judging by the terrified look on that kids face it went well," she giggled.

"Well hopefully he learned his lesson what are you doing now?" Brax asked standing up off the car.

Charlie shrugged "I've a load of paperwork waiting for me but I'm in no rush."

"Wanna grab a coffee while I set up for the day?"

"Yeah sure I'll meet you there," she said and walked back to her cruiser.

Later that day it was lunch time- Ruby walked through the hallway in a daze she hadn't stopped thinking about Charlie she really needed to sit down and talk to her get her to see sense. She was that wrapped up in her thoughts she missed the first step of the stairs and tripped "shit," she groaned when she landed on her front. "Thanks," she muttered as two hands appeared and pulled her up. She looked up as the hands reappeared and handed her the books she dropped "uh thanks," she said when she saw it was Jayden.

"So you dad's the local bad boy that everyone loves?" he asked as they began to walk.

Ruby scoffed "look Jayden I know my dad can be scary but that's only when it comes to me or my brother, you don't have to be nice to me he's not gonna hit you," she said as she opened her locker.

Jayden leaned against the locker beside her "I didn't think you were taking it so seriously it was a bit of fun…I'm sorry," he said and looked at the ground.

"Well it pissed me off but I wasn't taking it that bad my dad just has a short temper…anyway I better get off," she smiled and walked a few steps.

"Hey Braxton," she looked back "whatcha doin' for lunch?" he asked.

Ruby shrugged "going to my dad's place I guess why?"

"Wanna grab something and sit on the beach with me?" he asked almost shyly.

Ruby decided not to comment on it "uh sure…I guess," she smiled and waited for him to catch up.

"Oi Banks what were you told?" Casey said as he and Romeo came either side of him.

"Chill mate I'm not doing anything," Jayden said holding his hands up.

"I'm pretty sure Brax warned you to stay away from her," Romeo said glaring down at him.

"Guys it's fine we're gonna have chat- down boys," Ruby giggled and shoved Jayden by them.

"Ruby!" Casey called.

"I'll be fine Case!" She called back and kept walking.

"So what does your mum and dad do for a living?" Jayden asked as they walked along the beach.

"My dad owns Angelo's and my mums the Sergeant in Yabbie creek station- yours?" she asked sitting down in the sand.

"Uh my mum works at the factory and my dad is out of work for a while…he fell," he said quickly.

"Oi slacker!" Ruby looked up to see Heath standing in front of her with his surfboard in his hands.

"Hey Heath you going for a surf?" she asked.

"Yeah, here, Brax called me, what's this about a Braxton being bullied?"

"Ah that's all sorted now," she smiled.

"It better be or you point him out and I'll crack his skull-later and don't be late back to school!" Heath yelled as he ran towards the water.

"Who was that?" Jayden asked watching Heath.

"He's my uncle…the other brother," she giggled.

"Wow, so glad I've learned my lesson," Jayden chuckled.

Ruby giggled "seriously Jayden you don't need to hang out with me because of what my dad said or what you think he might do to you."

"I don't know I reckon you worth getting to know," he said smiling at her.

No way! Ruby shrieked to herself was she reading this right? "Um yeah," she laughed "if you say so…shit, uh don't say anything," she said and jumped up.

Jayden looked up to see Brax and Charlie approach "hey mum-dad," she greeted.

"Hey honey you not with April?" Charlie asked peering down at Jayden.

"No she went with B… dad," Ruby said in warning as he glared at Jayden.

"What part of what I said do you not get?" Brax asked walking closer to him.

"Dad we're talking please don't," Ruby whined.

"Is this the kid that was at you?" Charlie asked shoving Brax out of the way.

"Muuum," she whined "please can you two go, we're talking- he's apologised- he bought me lunch- we're good."

Brax looked down at Jayden "don't even think of making a move on my daughter!" He hissed.

"Brax," Charlie laughed and grabbed his hand "we'll see you at home Rubes," she said and dragged him away.

"Oh my god that was so embarrassing," Ruby said and sunk back into the sand.

Jayden chuckled "your mum seems pretty cool."

"Not when you live with her," she muttered.

"Why did you do that?" Brax asked as he looked back towards Ruby.

"He's a kid, he's apologised, I'm on duty so I'd have to take you in if you hit him and I'm not listening to you all day," she giggled.

"Says she who's spent the last four hours talking my ears off," Brax said and shoved her playfully.

Charlie flinched but composed herself "hey you started it with your what are we doing with the kids for the summer."

"And you ended up talking about Christmas," Brax said and shoved her again.

Again Charlie flinched but pulled herself quickly "well you dummy promised her a car when she was sixteen."

"Ah Charlie she's only sixteen two months she's just got her permit a car can wait she needs more practice."

"You promised her," Charlie said as they walked back to Angelo's.

Inside Brax got them water "I'll sort it out for Christmas alright," he said and handed her over the glass with a face on him.

"I didn't mean you buy it we can get it together…and no moping," she laughed and flicked some water into his face.

"Oh you wanna play?" he asked grabbing some ice from the ice bucket and running around the bar. Charlie giggled and ran out back towards his office. He followed her and caught up with her "gottchya," he chuckled and shoved an ice-cube down her back.

"Brax!" She shrieked and tried to get "it it's freezing it's freezing," she giggled.

Brax twirled her to face him "are ya sorry?" he asked holding her hands above her head.

"I'm sorry," she giggled "now get it out."

Brax let go with one hand and pulled the back of her shirt from her bottoms and slid his hands up her back to find it, he bit his lip as he touched her skin man he missed her. He found the cube and pulled his hand out "got it," he chuckled. He looked at her when she didn't reply "what's wrong?" He asked when she looked back at him.

"Nothing," she replied and stepped closer to him she leaned up on her toes and kissed him softly.

"Charlie," he sighed but didn't let go of her hands. She leaned in again and kissed him but this time he responded and let her hands go wrapping them around her waist. Pulling her closer he felt her wrap her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Walking her backwards until she hit the wall he pinned himself against her and cupped her face kissing her slowly. He sighed and pulled away "we can't do this-I really really want to but we can't."

Charlie bit her lip and nodded "I know-but I want to," she said looking back at him.

He thought for a minute he missed her he loved her she had his kids for crying out loud! They were meant to be and he knew it he stepped closer to her "why?" He asked.

"Because I miss you," she mumbled and looked up at him "I really miss you."

Brax nodded and slipped his hands around her waist "okay," he said and lowered his head to kiss her. He knew he shouldn't be doing this but he couldn't help himself he felt bad for what he was doing on Shayne but that thought wasn't enough to pull him away from her, pulling her closer he walked her to his office and opened the door. "We go through here and there's no going back you can still walk away and go back to normal," he said.

Charlie looked up at him she thought about what Shayne had been doing to her and all she felt was hatred "I can live with it," she nodded and pulled him inside.

Just as Brax lifted her onto the table her radio sprang to life "all units armed robbery in progress at Cline's superstore proceed with caution multiple hostages," Brax pulled back as Charlie jumped off the table "I gotta go," she said and kissed him quickly.

"Be careful!" He called as she ran out the door.

"Always!" she called back and raced to her car.

"Charlie!" Jack yelled pulling up beside her "three guys with shot guns about fifteen hostages."

"I'm coming," she called jumping into her own car "get negotiations on route!" she yelled into her radio as she sped off behind Jack.

"Looks like something's going down," Jayden said he and Ruby walked back the school and two cruisers sped by honking their horns. Ruby waved at each car "You know all the cops?" Jayden teased.

"That was my mum and my other Uncle…the not so mean one," she giggled.

Later that night Charlie dragged herself into her house it was dark so she knew everyone was in bed she walked into the kitchen and turned on the light she squealed and jumped back "what the hell are you doing sitting in the dark?"

"Where have you been?" Shayne asked angrily.

"I was at work- I text you," she replied and went to get herself a drink of water.

"Until two am Charlie?" he snapped

"Yes didn't you hear the news I had an armed robbery to deal with," she said turning back to face him.

"I heard that was defused on the evening news hours ago."

"Yeah and I had to take statements book people and do interviews as well as all the paperwork."

"You're not the only cop there!" He yelled.

"I'm the only Sergeant!" she yelled back "it's my job I have to do it!"

"Well from now on I want you home by eleven each night you hear me?" he yelled.

Charlie scoffed "my job doesn't have flexi hours Shayne- if I have to stay back- come in early- come in on my day off I do it- I have to I'm a cop not a shopkeeper," she snapped and brushed by him.

Shayne grabbed her arm and squeezed tightly "you'll be home by eleven and I won't say it again."

"You know what!" Charlie said and pulled away from him "I'm not putting up with this anymore get your stuff and get out we're done."

Shayne grabbed her by the hair "I'm sorry I didn't hear that," he growled.

"I said we're done!" She yelled back.

Shayne slammed her into the door and pinned himself against her from behind "we're not done- far from it, you don't tell me what's what Charlie I tell you!"

"What the hell is going on down there?" Ruby yelled running down the stairs.

Shayne moved quickly away from Charlie "sorry sweetie mum just got in- didn't mean to wake you," he said when she entered the kitchen.

"Mum?" Ruby said looking to Charlie.

"Yeah sorry honey I was yelling on the phone didn't realise I was being so loud…you go back to bed you've school in the morning."

Ruby studied Charlie she was breathing heavily and her eyes were watering "okay night," she said raising an eyebrow at Charlie and stepped to hug her "night mum…we need to talk," she whispered and kissed her on the cheek "night Shayne," she said and slowly walked back towards the stairs she stopped and closed her eyes as she heard it.

"Don't ever put me in that situation again," she heard Shayne yell "you'll do what I tell you from now on no questions you got it?" Ruby flung her hand over mouth to hold back a sob as she heard the slap. She ran up to her room as she heard Charlie move towards her and sat and listed to her crying in her room. Sighing she lay and down and cried her eyes out why can't she just tell her dad this was wrong on so many levels she needed to tell someone.