Since I alreaddy had it typed, I though, "Why not?!" This one I definitely don't think it as good as the others.

Disclaimer: Nothing has changed in the past five minutes :(


I'm the goofy kid with glasses
I also have a puppet
But there's much more to me
More than many of you will ever know


I don't need Rex
He's just a puppet
But I need my glasses
I'm useless without them


I'm blind without my glasses
I can't see a single thing
I got a pair of smaller ones
No one seemed to notice


I'm not "cool" if you haven't noticed
I only have a dozen friends
No one really likes me
I'm just a nerd with glasses


People wonder why I have Rex
I'm a teenager boy after all
He's my only true friend
But even he leaves me sometimes


I wish I could be loved
Like Beck loves Jade
They're not together anymore
But I can see it all in their eyes


I wish I could be happy
Like Ms. Caterina Valentine
So energetic and high on life
But I don't feel that way very often


I wish I could be admired
Like Tori or Andre
Everyone's awestruck by their talent
I have gifts and talents too


I'm a ventriloquist after all
My best friend is a puppet
But I wish I had more
Why am I so selfish


I can play many instruments
I wrote that song for Cat
But she didn't even get the message
She was too focused on that Evan


I'd even take Jade
She's not that scary after all
Her locker's right next to mine
We talk once in a while


I try talk to Beck
He did help me with my car
But I don't want your pity
I want a friend you see


Can't you see I'm just lonely
I strive for people's attention
But people never notice
Cause no one likes a four eyes

I hope you at least kinda liked it. I could've done Rex, but that would've been too predictible, even though this is kinda still Rex.
