4. That is all I will say. Anywho, this is some insight on who Hotaru and Hikari are. Some peeps reviewed that they wanted to know more about Hikari, which is absolutely understandable. So, without further ado, here we are~!

Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool of the Dead. Only Hotaru and Hikari.

Hikari groaned as sunlight hit her closed eyelids. Hearing her groan, Hotaru turned around with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning, Hikari-neesan! Hurry and get dressed or else we'll be late!"

At 15 years old, Watanabe Hotaru was rather short for her age. She had short white hair that reached the top of her shoulders and cyan eyes. Hotaru's bangs were longer than her hair, reaching the top of her stomach.

Hikari groaned again and opened one eye. Hotaru smiled at, in her opinion, beautiful 17 year old sister.

Her older sister was tall, Hotaru barely reaching her shoulder. Hikari's white hair stopped at her calves, her bangs slightly covering her left eye and her cyan eyes were always shining with mischief. Hikari had everything a boy wanted in a girl: boobs and a butt.

Hikari yawned loudly and scratched her head. Glancing over at the clock, her eyes widened and she jumped out of bed.

"Hotaru! Do me a favor and make mer a piece of troast!" Hikari called from the bathroom, trying to talk around the toothbrush she just jammed inside her mouth.

Hotaru giggled and yelled back, "I already did!"

Hikari grinned as she came out of the bathroom and ruffled Hotaru's hair. "Thanks, Hotaru!"

Hotaru smiled and walked into the living room. Hikari ran back into her room and hastily threw on her uniform. Pulling up her black and green stockings, she picked up her bag and ran out of her room.

"Hikari-neesan! At least brush your hair!" Hotaru yelled in bewilderment.

Hikari sighed and grabbed the brush from the table, untangling her hair. Smiling as she put down the brush, Hikari asked, "Ready?"

Hotaru rolled her eyes but nodded anyways. As they walked out the door, Hotaru glanced at her older sister. Hikari was looking straight ahead, her bag hanging over her shoulder that her left hand clutched.

Hotaru suddenly said, "I wanna be like you when I'm older."

Hikari blinked and looked down at her sister. "Hotaru, I'm only two years older than you."

Hotaru nodded and looked away smiling. "I know. You're just so cool! And pretty!"

Hikari snorted and looked away. "You don't wanna be like me, Hotaru. I'm a bad kid. Bad influence, too."
Hotaru pouted and waved her arms around her frantically. "No, you're not! Hikari-neesan is the
best big sister in the world!"

Hikari smiled and said nothing the rest of the way. Although Hikari was pretty, she had no friends beside a boy named Hirano Kōhta. Hikari always talked fondly of him and even introduced Kōhta to Hotaru when he had come over once.

Hikari waved goodbye to Hotaru as she ran to greet her friends. As she turned around, Hikari's shoulder bumped into someone else.

She stumbled back and said, "Ah, sorry. I didn't see you. You okay?"

Komuro Takashi blinked as his eyes connected with beautiful cyan ones.

The girl raised an eyebrow and repeated, "You okay? Hey, Dude-san, are you okay?"

Takashi blinked and slowly nodded. The girl smiled slightly and waved at someone behind him. He turned as the girl ran to an overweight guy standing near the gate. They walk into the building. Laughing and already joking around.

Takashi shrugged and just keeps on walking.


Hikari sighed as she walked back to her house. 'I can't believe I forgot my damn textbook.'

Hikari put her key in and turned the lock. Stubbing her toe on the stairs, she cried out and accidently knocked down a shelf. Cringing as it hit the floor, Hikari opened her eyes and blinked. Once. Twice. She picked up the sheathed sword and raised an eyebrow.

"Where the hell did this come from?" Hikari mumbled to herself.

She slowly unsheathed it and gaped at the beauty. It was at least 3 feet long and was deadly sharp. Hikari ran a finger along the side of the black blade, marveling at how smooth and cold it was.

She moved the hilt up to eye-level and gently ran her fingers over the purple and silver material.

"When did Dad get this…?" she whispered, her voice getting an edge when she remembered the man that left them after her mother's death when she was 12 years old.

She shrugged and glanced down when she saw a belt to hold the sword. It was black leather and had a simple belt loop on the belt. Hikari buckled it around her waist and slipped the sheathed sword in place.

Hikari made her way upstairs and flung her door open. Mumbling profanities to herself, Hikari picked up the textbook and nearly punched her wall when she heard a terrified scream.

Bolting to her window, Hikari stared out in horror as people with mangled bodies walked around, devouring terrified citizens.

Hikari slowly backed away from the window and bolted down the stairs, no longer caring for her textbook.

'I need to get Hotaru…!' she thought as she sprinted down the street. She stopped a few times, having to kill the zombies that blocked her path.

"Looks like those lessons came in handy." She muttered as she stopped in front of the school.

Hikari gasped as she saw how many had already been killed. Hikari ran past the gates and started slicing her way through.

Hikari let out a choked noise as she saw her little sister, her sweet, innocent, little Hotaru, get attacked by a zombie. Screaming in rage, Hikari savagely cut apart his body, not even stopping when it was just a pile of bloody flesh.

Hotaru raised a hand and grabbed her sisters' ankle. Hikari looked down and fell to her knees.

"Hotaru! Hotaru! Can you hear me?! Hotaru, are you okay?!" Hikari asked as her eyes roamed over her little sisters' body.

Hotaru let out a breathy chuckle that ended in her spitting up blood. "Hi-Hikari-…neesan. I'm…scared."

Hikari shakily smiled as tears started to pour out of her eyes. "Shh, you're gonna be fine, Hotaru. Everything is going to be f-fine."

Hotaru's eyes slightly widened as she heard Hikari's voice crack. "Hikari-neesan…? I love you, Hikari-neesan. Please… don't let me become …one of them. Kill me, Hikari….."

Hikari's eyes widened before she looked over her shoulder. Quickly standing up, she picked Hotaru up and winced when Hotaru screamed out in pain.

"Let's get you somewhere safe." Hikari muttered.

She ran into the school, narrowly avoiding zombies the whole way. Once she found an empty classroom of both dead and living, Hikari opened the door and lair Hotaru on the floor.

Hikari barricaded themselves in with desks and chairs. She turned and saw Hotaru turning an ugly gray color.

"Hotaru, I love you too. Please-please don't leave me." Hikari pleaded, her voice going high-pitched towards the end.

Hotaru weakly smiled at her sister and said, "I'm…sorry. I can't….I'm already…gone."

Hikari sobbed and smoothed Hotaru's hair down. Giving Hotaru a watery smile, she said sadly, "Will you tell Mom I said hi and that I love her?"

"S-sure." Hotaru answered, her eyes starting to water as Hikari shakily stood up.

Hikari clutched the hilt of her sword and slowly drew it out of the sheath, raising it above her head. Closing her eyes for a second, she whispered something so quiet that Hotaru had to strain to hear it.

Hotaru smiled and slid her eyes closed. Hikari opened her eyes and brought the sword down with a cry of anger and pain.

Blood splattered the classroom door and Hikari. Hikari fell to her knees and stared blankly at her Hotaru's remains.

Her words rang in her head as she started to cry.

"Forgive me."

Next chapter will tell how Hikari met Takashi and the group. Please review~!