Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me so don't bother suing. I don't have any money anyway. :/

Warning: Yaoi! Boy/boy! Don't like don't read. Slightly graphic scene in this chapter. ;) But watch out, it's a tease.


Chapter 1

Freedom: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint

Everything he said was ignored. Every movement monitored and often hindered. It didn't matter that they were siblings. It didn't matter that Rin had finally established some sort of control over himself and his powers. All that mattered was that Yukio was scared. That fear kept the elder twin from having the freedom he'd always had. Everywhere was off limits. At every corner there was some imaginary danger. It didn't matter that he could defeat nearly anything that came his way. He was trapped.

Rin glanced over at his younger brother. The twin was packing everything he needed for his upcoming mission. As much as he loved his twin, Rin needed the three day break. Maybe then he'd be able to breathe again without Yukio's critical eye always observing.

"Remember to be careful and stay with at least one other person whenever possible," Yukio said sternly as he packed one of his guns into his bag.

Rin sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "I know, I know. I just don't see what you're so scared of."

"That demon could be after you," the younger twin replied. "There's no telling why he's after you so we must stay cautious."

Rin placed his chair upright. "Amaimon? I doubt he'll attack here. I'm sure I'll be fine."

A sharp zip sounded through the room and Yukio shouldered his bag. "You can never be too careful."

"Damn well seems like it," Rin muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry Rin," Yukio sighed. "This must be so stressful."

"It is but whatever. You should get going before you're late."

Rin didn't turn around as the door shut. Homework sat in front of him, sitting innocently as it waited to be completed. Growling, he threw his head back with his hands over his eyes. There was just no getting this done! At this rate he wished that stupid broccoli head would show up just so he wouldn't have to deal with this crap. Maybe he could bribe Bon into giving him the answers or at least helping him out a bit.

Sighing, he got up and stretched. Maybe a shower would help clear his head.

"Stupid Yukio and his stupid complicated homework," Rin muttered as he walked to the door.

Just as he was about grab the doorknob the sound of the window creaking opened echoed through the room. Before he could even turn around to investigate something grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him on the bed. With a gasp he looked up to see Amaimon hovering above him, a small smile on the demon's lips.

"I didn't mean it literally!" Rin cried out with his hands pressed up against his eyes. "Please let this just be a dream."

It wasn't. When he moved his hands the green haired demon was still there, head tilted to the side.

"Who are you talking to otouto?" Amaimon asked.

"What the hell do you keep calling me otouto for?" Rin growled as he tried to sit up, only to have the older demon place his foot on his chest to keep him down.

"Because yo-"

"Get off me bastard!" Rin yelled, trying to get the foot off his chest.

A small but sinister smirk appeared on the older demon's face. "No, I don't think I will, otouto."

Before Rin could growl out his response he found his body covered with the other demon's and lips pressed firmly on his mouth. A blush spread across his cheeks as the other mouth worked against his. He could not believe this was happening. A gasp escaped when he felt something prodding his lips and a tongue quickly entered is mouth. It didn't take long after that for him to gather his wits and push the green haired demon off.

"What the hell?" Rin shouted.

Amaimon tilted his head. "I kissed you."

"I know that!" Rin growled, pushing the other off his bed. "What I want to know is why."

"I don't know," he said, head still tilted as he watched the half demon below him.

Rin stared at the green haired demon, mouth open in disbelief. This was crazy.

"You don't know why you kissed me?" Rin asked.

"No, but I would like to do it again," the demon said before pushing Rin back down and claiming his lips once more.

Try as he might, Rin just couldn't get the older demon off him. Within seconds he found his hands pinned down above his head. A spark of pleasure shot through him as Amaimon nipped at his lip. With one hand pinning him down the green haired demon used his free one to explore the other's body. Rin jumped as his nipple was pinched through his shirt. His face turned red as he realized that he was actually starting to enjoy it. It nearly made him sick to his stomach.

More and more he noticed Amaimon's hands as they went lower and lower. The lower they went the more Rin struggled. Amaimon released his lips and grinned lazily down at the struggling half demon.

"Get off me you fucker!" Rin shouted, continuing his struggle.

"Are you trying to say you're not liking this?" the green haired demon asked as he slipped his hand under the smooth fabric of Rin's boxers.

The half demon stilled, eyes wide. Disbelief and fear shown clearly in his eyes as the older demon lowered his head, biting and sucking on his neck. Rin bit down hard on his lip to keep back a moan that threatened to escape. There was no way he was enjoying this!

"S-stop!" Rin pleaded, trying to hold back the sounds of pleasure as Amaimon did as he pleased with his body.

The older demon just grinned up at him. Rin bucked when his half hard member was suddenly grabbed and gently stroked. This time he couldn't hold back and a low moan escaped. As he continued to stroke Amaimon went back up and slammed his lips onto Rin's. The younger demon tried not to kiss back but everything just felt so damn good. Amaimon grinned into the kiss as the younger demon eagerly responded. They parted and the green haired demon looked down and grinned at the panting young half demon below him.

"Enjoying this otouto?" He asked, giving Rin's member a particularly rough stroke.

All the half demon could get out was a strangled moan. Amaimon was intrigued by the sight below him. Rin lay there, his mesmerizing blue eyes half lidded and clouded over and his lips parted and swollen. A string of saliva still connected their lips.

Just as he was about to claim the panting demon's lips once more a loud knock echoed through the dorms. Amaimon immediately stopped what he was doing and stood up.

"Rin?" a voice called. "Where are you idiot?"

Amaimon growled as the voice got closer. He roughly pulled Rin up by the shirt and roughly kissed him.

"You are mine," he growled before dropping the stunned teen and jumping out the window.

Rin lay there stupidly for a moment before his name was called and he jerked himself up. With wide eyes he straightened himself up.

"In here!" Rin called.

A moment later Bon entered the room.

"What happened to you?" Bon asked, stopping in the doorway. "You're sweating like crazy."

Rin wiped his forehead. "Nothing." He avoided looking his friend in the eye. "I'm just going to go get in the shower."

As he tried to leave the room the aria grabbed his arm to stop him. "Are you sure you're alright? Yukio said I had to stay with you to make sure nothing happens and it sure looks like something did."

"I'm fine," Rin growled and yanked his arm away from his friend. He missed the hurt look in Bon's eyes as he ran from the room.

"Fine, idiot! See if I care," Bon called after him.

Rin quickly ran to the bathroom. He stopped at the door and listened. In the distance he heard Bon grumbling loudly to himself but he didn't seem to be leaving. The half demon figured that he was probably working on homework and would be waiting to berate him when he returned.

Entering the bathroom he turned the shower on as cold as possible. Stripping down he walked under the icy spray and shivered. Despite the cold shower he just couldn't get his "problem" to go away. Flashes of what had just happened kept popping and up he was disgusted with himself. A part of him hated that Amaimon of all people did that to him but a part of him couldn't get over how amazing it felt.

Growling, he proceeded to bang his head on the wall of the shower as hard as he could. Why did he let this happen? He was stronger than that damn it! Why did he let Amaimon kiss him and touch him down there? Why the fuck did he enjoy it? Why the fuck was he so turned on right now despite the icy shower?

He kept banging his head on the wall, cursing all the while. Apparently he was louder than he realized, or rather he forgot the exorcist was there, and Bon ended up banging on the door yelling at him. Having no clue what the other was saying he turned off the shower.

"What did you say?" Rin yelled as he rubbed his sore head.

"What the fuck are you doing in there you idiot?" Bon yelled back. "Sounds like you're tearing the whole place down!"

Rin sighed. "Nothing's broken."

"Sure as hell sounded like something was getting broken. What the hell is going on in there?" Bon demanded.

"Nothing, alright!" The half demon yelled, irritated.

Apparently Bon didn't like that response because he yanked open the door to see a completely naked Rin standing there with a raging hard on. Neither seemed to be able to move for a few seconds and the blonde and brunette exorcist seemed about ready to pass out with the amount of blood gushing from his nose at the sight.

"Get out!" Rin screamed as he tried to cover himself.

Bon ran out as fast as he could, holding his nose as he went. The half demon just couldn't believe he forgot to lock the damn door. Yelling he banged his head on the wall once more and winced when he saw a crack there. Yukio was going to kill him. Looking down he snorted. At least his hard on was gone.

Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. He grabbed his dirty clothes and walked back to the room. Luckily enough Bon wasn't there. Apparently he had decided to hide himself away somewhere else and Rin was grateful for that. There was no way he'd be able to face him just yet, not after that embarrassing incident.

The half demon slowly got dressed. Just as he was about to pull his shirt on he noticed something in the mirror. He gasped as he saw the numerous hickeys and bite marks that trailed down his torso. Blushing, he quickly wrapped his tail around his waist and tugged his shirt on. Hopefully Bon was too busy looking at the rest of his body to notice his tail when he was standing in the shower. Rin scowled at the very thought of Bon looking at his body, then scowled at himself for scowling about that.

Why did it feel so wrong and disgusting that Bon was looking at him? He was gay after all, he'd known for a while', and aria exorcist was certainly attractive. So why did it bother him so much? Did it have anything to do with Amaimon.

Growling, he quickly shook the thoughts from his head. This was embarrassing and horrible and there's no way anything like this would ever happen to him again. There was just no way in hell he was letting it happen so what was the point in dwelling on it?

Running his hand through his still damp hair, he sighed. He'd never let anything like that happen again and he won't think about it again. That was final, he told himself.

Gathering up his courage, Rin left the room and went to go search for his missing friend. Luckily enough he was in the first place the half demon searched, the dining area.

"Bon," Rin said to get the other's attention. "We never speak of this again."

The blonde and brunette blushed and nodded. "Deal."

A/N: I don't know if that was the best ending for this chapter or not but it's three in the morning and I'm tired and oddly hungry. :/ But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this. I find that there are hardly any Rin/Amaimon stories and I'm so sad! It is my favorite pairing and I've read literally all of them! D: I'm distraught. Anyway, I figured that I'd write this.

This will be a multi chapter fic. I don't know how many chapters there will be. Another thing I don't like about the stories up; a few of them are threesomes with Mephisto. I don't mind that, but I want purely Rin/Amaimon. Another thing, none of these stories have any real plot and the story ends as soon as they have sex! I'm like what the fuck man! You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who likes sex scenes more then I do but still! I want a plot and so I'm writing a hopefully long story that has a nice plot with plenty of action and sex. Oh, and possessive Amaimon. :3

I am part of a cosplay group. Our first cosplay will be South Park unfortunately (only three of use for that one though) and then we'll be doing Soul Eater. I will be Soul. Then we're doing Naruto or Blue Exorcist. Not sure which next. Anyway, I'll be Naruto and Amaimon. I'm so excited! We'll be going to Animazement in Raleigh, NC.

Wow, that was a long a/n. Well, I hope you liked the story. Please review! They make me super duper happy! All my links are on my page! Enjoy.