Disclaimer: I do not own the Avengers or Pokémon.

This story is total crack, and there might be slight OOCness. But, still, please enjoy!

A Not So Good Idea

It was supposed to be an ordinary day like any other, if you could call the day of a bunch of Superheroes to be ordinary...

Steve was supposed to be doodling in his sketchbook. Bruce was supposed to partake in a relaxing read about the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. Clint wanted to go rock-climbing and Natasha wanted to push off Clint's persistent invitations for her to join him in rock-climbing. Everything was supposed to be peaceful, and trouble-free. Well, that was until a certain genius by the name of Tony Stark decided to introduce a particular Norse God to the game Pokémon.

It has been a few months or so since Loki had led an army of aliens to invade Earth. After saving the world together and having a messy team bonding session where they chowed down at a local Shawarma place, the Avengers were now fast friends. Closer than peas in a pod! (as Tony had jovially claimed) However Phil did dryly note that peas do not attempt to strangle each other every other day.

Two weeks ago, Tony Stark had generously invited his team mates over to his Malibu mansion for a vacation, seeing as they all needed a break from the stressful world-saving they were doing. Besides, no Norse Gods of Mischief had tried to cause chaos and reign terror on Earth for three weeks in a row now (Tony had claimed full credit for that), and it was now or never for the group of heroes to go on a holiday. The genius had logically deduced that after all the shit they had been through, there was nothing he would not be able to tolerate from his friends. After all, he is the Ironman, and the Avengers are heroes. They are basically good people. Tony had conveniently forgot that saving the world and living together under one roof are totally different matters altogether. And the fact that his friends are good but not normal people didn't help either.

Due to her deep-rooted assassin instincts, Natasha Romanoff had insisted on sticking to her cautious routine of switching rooms almost every night in order to play it safe. Even after Tony had irritably pointed out that the assassin was not likely to get assassinated in his mansion, the Black Widow never nested in the same room for two consecutive nights. The billionaire soon learnt that it was not fun to walk into the wrong guestroom in the middle of night after a trip to the kitchen or washroom and find a gun pointed in your face simply because you forgot that it is supposed to be the Widow's turf tonight.

Clint Barton, being the Hawk, had a nasty little habit of climbing up and hanging around on high places. Tony lost count of the number of times he had yelled at a grinning Hawkeye to stop swinging and dangling from his expensive crystal chandelier. Really, how childish can one get?

Steve Rogers, being the man out of time and basically old enough to be Tony's dad, enjoys reminiscing about the 'good old days' with his good friend Howard's son. Tony did not appreciate that. After all, tales of jukeboxes, strikes, wars and how his father's flying automobile crashed during its first demonstration do get boring after being heard of for the 38th time. However, the playboy did find Steve's interpretation of his father's talk about 'fondue-ing' to be fairly entertaining.

Bruce, unsurprisingly, was the only one bearable in the group and Tony found himself clinging onto the man like a life-buoy in this sea of insanity. Nonetheless, there was only so much that the scientist could do for the billionaire's mental health.

And of course, none of the other Avengers could hold a candle to Thor when it came to bizarre antics. The god was basically, and literally out of this world. After answering Thor's hundredth question about how the blender is able to create such delicious creamy delicacies from a few bananas and milk, Tony decided to put a stop to this hassle once and for all by distracting the other-worldly Norse god with something even more 'other worldier'.

"What is this glorious Mon of Poké that you speak of?" A bewildered Thor asked the smirking billionaire as the Avengers lounged around on the large circular couch.

"A wonderful game!" Tony replied gleefully. "An incredibly stimulating and challenging form of entertainment! You will basically be walking around an imaginary world with imaginary monsters while you fight with other imaginary people with imaginary monsters." Thor looked completely lost while Bruce, who was sitting next to Tony, pulled the billionaire over.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Bruce muttered and Tony gave one of his award winning grins.

"Of course it is!" The conceited billionaire exclaimed. "This will give Thor something else to do other than getting in my hair, and it will be an adventure for him too! Trust me, this has worked marvels in the past." Bruce shot Tony a suspicious glance at his statement, wondering what his friend meant. However, Thor, who had perked up at the word 'adventure' did not think any deeper into Tony's words. The Norse god was now practically bouncing up and down on his seat in excitement.

"Yes! Friend Stark, I believe I would like to embark on this glorious adventure you speak of!" Thor shouted excitedly and in his enthusiasm, bumped into Steve, who was sitting and sketching something by his side. The Captain shot him a dirty look and began to erase an errant pencil line from his drawing delicately. Tony clapped his hands in triumph and gave Bruce a gleeful look.

"See, I told you it would work!" Tony smirked and Bruce felt the beginning of another headache.


It was not long before all of the Avengers, including Steve who is rarely distracted from his sketchbook, were staring at a moving, smiling hologram of Pikachu.

"I didn't know that the game consoles could project holograms," Clint observed and Tony replied with a sarcastic roll of his eyes.

"Oh please! You are talking about Stark technology! Nintendo may have only progressed to 3D but there is no reason for me to stoop to their level. You are looking at the Stark Gaming System, Birdy, or the Stark GS for short."

"Oh, it's not called the Starkboy Advance?" Clint teased. Tony was just opening his mouth to give a witty answer when Thor, who had been standing by the side in confusion all the time, cleared his throat loudly. All of his team mates turned to look at him and Thor gave Tony an accusing look.

"You promised me a grand adventure of fighting vicious monsters, but all you have shown me now, is this." The Thunder god glumly pointed at the cheerful, waving yellow mouse.

"Well, yeah Pointbreak. This is the monster I promised you," Tony grinned at the dumbfounded expression on Thor's face. "This," The billionaire gestured towards Pikachu, "is a Pocket monster, or more commonly known as a Pokémon." Tony stated matter-of-factly.

"This yellow furball is a monster?" Thor gaped at the hologram and Tony gave a chuckle.

"Come on big guy," Tony gave his friend a pat on the back. "Let's begin the lesson. Welcome, to the world of Pokémon."


It took an hour for Tony to explain the basic rules of the game to Thor, and Steve, who had been listening in interest by the side. Bruce, Clint and Natasha, who already knew what Pokémon is about, simply relaxed on the couch, occasionally grinning at the intense, serious looks on Thor's and Steve's face. After Thor was finally convinced that his only friends and allies in the strange, strange world of Jotho would be these bizarre creatures, the god began embarking on what Tony called 'the journey of a lifetime!'

It was no surprise to all that the Thundergod's favourite Pokémon quickly became the little electric mouse. In order to appease Thor's demands, Tony entered a special hack code he devised into the game that allowed the god to start his journey with a Pikachu. After watching Thor send the first few wild Pokémon he met in the grass 'to Valhalla' and catch his first Pidgey, the others grew bored and started to busy themselves with other activities. Clint and Natasha watched 'Constantine' while Bruce became engrossed in his thick book of Thermonuclear Physics. Tony, however, was staring at Steve, who in turn was staring at Thor's Pikachu with a mix of incredulity and aversion.

"Whatcha looking at, Cap?" Tony asked finally and Steve gave a tiny jump, jolted from his daze.

"Huh? No, no, I was just…" Steve mumbled distractedly as Thor punched the air in triumph as his 'Pikachoo' fired a strong burst of electricity at the enemy Pidgey and scored an instant KO. The god had just reached his first gym and was currently in a furious battle with its leader, Falkner. "It's just that," The Captain paused for a moment. "That creature looks a bit creepy," Steve whispered in hushed tones, fearful to incur the wrath of Thor for offending his beloved partner.

"Creepy?" Tony stared at Steve with utter incredulity, not bothering to keep his voice down at all. "Cap, that thing, is one of the cutest and most 'awwww' eliciting creatures known to mankind. Although I personally think it sucks in battles, creepy is definitely not how I would describe it." Tony finished with a wag of his finger.

"But look at its cheeks!" Steve protested. "They are so red, it's creepy! Like a clown or something. And its ears! What type of mouse has such long ears?"

"The long-eared Jerboa," Tony replied and Steve seemed about to argue again when Thor's loud shout interrupted him.

"AH HA! I DID IT!" Thor's triumphant voice boomed through the large living room, causing the rest to jolt in shock. "I won my first gym battle and achieved my first gym badge!"

Clint and Natasha were now laughing at the exuberant expression on Thor's face while Bruce had his eyes closed and was quietly counting from one to ten, trying to calm himself down after the explosive outburst from Thor.

"Nice job big guy!" Tony grinned while Steve's attention was still fixated on the jumping, smiling hologram of Pikachu next to Thor.

"Yes, Friend Stark! And once again, the mighty Thor has emerged triumphant!" Thor said proudly. "No one shall defeat me, as long as I have my trusty team of allies and Pikachoo!"

"I doubt that." A cold voice pierced the air and all eyes shot to the back of the room, where Loki stood, gazing at his brother with amusement.

"God damn it!" Clint yelled in shock as he reached for his bow and Natasha grabbed a dagger from her belt. Tony's portable suit came whizzing towards him and Steve jumped up from the couch, ready and alert. The only two people who seemed calm at this unexpected visit were Thor, who was actually stunned by his brother's appearance and Bruce, who was now counting his numbers more fervently than ever, reluctant to transform and thrash the room unless his interference was really necessary. Loki smirked and disappeared as an arrow, a dagger, and an energy blast were fired where his face was seconds ago and materialised in another corner of the room.

"Now, now! Calm down." The super villain drawled as he held his hands up. "Why all this hostility? I only came to challenge my brother to a Pokémon match." There was a moment of silence as all the Avengers stared at their enemy, confused by his words. Well, all of them, except for Tony Stark, who had the audacity to look unabashed by the situation. Finally, the truth began to dawn on each of them one by one, and Bruce was the first to turn to the billionaire with an incredulous look.

"Tony, please tell me you didn't."

"What?" Tony asked with a shrug of his shoulders. "I told you it worked marvels in the past, didn't I? Hey, you guys should thank me!" The billionaire exclaimed as the rest gazed at him with disapproving looks. "I got that melodramatic, psychotic diva out of our hair for three whole weeks!"

"Ahem," All attention turned back to the real reason for concern in the room. "If you are done with your little spat," Loki sneered, "allow me to reiterate why I am in this sorry excuse of a cottage in the first place."

"Sorry excuse?" Tony bristled in rage. Loki ignored him and turned to Thor.

"Thor, I officially challenge you to a Pokémon match." Loki declared while Thor (and the others) looked even more bewildered.

"Brother, I have no desire to battle you," Thor protested, but Loki simply shook his head in amusement.

"Then you will be defying one of the most important laws of the Pokémon world. You can't walk away from a challenger, remember?" The god smirked, pleased at himself for having cornered his brother into having a battle with him. However, Thor still seemed reluctant. "If you forfeit this battle, you forfeit your eligibility to be a real Pokémon master!" Loki smirked as he watched Thor's expression of reluctance turned into one of outrage.

"How dare you challenge my honour!" Thor bellowed in anger. Tony, sensing that something bad is going to happen, stepped up to stop him.

"No wait Thor, Loki has played this for three weeks, you just started! You can't accept his-"

"I accept your challenge!" Thor roared. Tony face palmed.

Whoo boy!

As Loki made the preparations to battle by linking their Stark GSs with wifi, something he had learnt to do after three weeks of research into the foreign device, Tony and Bruce slumped back onto the couch while Clint, Natasha and Steve stood by with rapt attention, ready to kill Loki at any slightest provocation. Soon, Loki and Thor were engaging in a battle, one in which Thor is epically and hopelessly outmatched.

"Told him so," Tony grumbled as Thor's level 19 Pikachu got KO'ed by Loki's level 100 Tyranitar while the Thunder god gaped in horror and Loki laughed maniacally by the side. At the end of the battle, Thor was still in disbelief at how easily he was beaten and Loki grinned from ear to ear. However, Thor soon pulled himself together and glared at Loki indignantly.

"This isn't fair!" Thor growled and Tony straightened up, thinking that a real fight is going to start soon now that Thor has clued in on Loki's con. "I challenge you to a rematch!" Or not. Tony slumped back again in disbelief while Loki chuckled at his brother's stupidity. Apparently the Thunder God has not grasped the concept of levels.

However, even the most amusing prank has its backlash. After the 4th time Loki's Tyranitar massacred Thor's Pokémon team, including his beloved Pikachu, the Thunder God lost his temper. And sanity.

Tony gave a jump of shock as Thor gave a deafening roar and reached for his Mjolnir, hammering down and taking his temper out on anything reachable around him. The Avengers scurried away from the rampaging god in fear and soon, Thor was panting in the middle of a destroyed room with an obliterated couch, smashed tea table and sparking Stark GSs. Loki, on the other hand, was crying and cradling his ruined helmet, which had one of its horns snapped off when Thor's hammer collided with it in his rage.

"Jesus, calm down Point Break, it's just a game." Tony muttered as he stared at his destroyed living room. Thor, hearing Tony's words, and having regained part of his cool after lashing out with the Mjolnir, now looked guilty as he gazed at the damage and Loki's upset expression. But before, he could apologise, Loki's expression turned from sorrow to rage.

"YOU!" The super villain shrieked as he pointed at Thor in anger. "How dare you… you destroy my helmet! You shall pay for this! You will all pay!" Loki waved maniacally at the rest of the Avengers in the room. Before anyone could do or say anything, a bright white light burst from Loki's palms and enveloped the room. Tony felt himself being thrown backwards, suit and all, before he could react and blacked out in a second.


Tony's eyes snapped open in shock and he found himself staring up at a forest canopy, with slivers of blue sky in between the leaves. As he laid still and listened to the rustling of the leaves around, feeling the slight cool breeze, he tried to remember what had happened; there seems to be a ridiculous scene where Thor smashed Loki's hat and Loki went berserk.

That's right! Loki went berserk!

Tony shot upright at the memory and gazed around in panic. Where was he? Now that he was finally alert, he noticed that the leaves of the trees were an unusual green. Now this is weird. And were grass supposed to be that colour? Blueish green? What type of flowers were those? Tony squinted a little, trying to make out the weird shape of the petals. Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice would say. Was there supposed to be a bright yellow mouse with long ears and a lightning bolt tail standing on the ground before you as you- Wait? Is that a Pikachu?

Tony blinked his eyes in disbelief and the creature before him tilted its head with seeming curiosity. Tony gaped and reached out to prove to himself that this was nothing more than a hologram, only to withdraw his hand in haste when the scared creature released a tiny shock of electricity, stunning him.

"Oh. My. God."

Tony cursed in frustration as he nursed his hand and stared at the similarly cautious Pikachu, unsure of what to do now. This couldn't be… could it?

"Finally awake huh?"

Tony spun around to see Clint sitting a metre behind him, glaring and looking comical with a Yanma perched on his head.

"You know Stark, when you said we ought to thank you for introducing Loki to Pokémon, I thought you were kidding." Clint growled fiercely. "But now, I am considering thanking you properly for that." And all Tony could do was smile weakly as the archer cracked his knuckles.

Author's note: To all my readers of the Leif series, I AM SO SORRY! I am working on the new chapters now, I swear! But I had been so busy lately! :( This story is something I started three months ago, amidst all the Leif chapters and I just managed to finish the chapter now because I had a sudden inspiration. So yeah... this chapter did not affect my Leif stories and I am not giving up on any story. I am not. But I am still sorry for the wait.

To the other readers, this will become a crossover of Pokémon and Avengers. I will change the category when I post the second chapter. I posted it here first because I wanted more people to see it, I am not sure how many will if it's in the cross-over section. Heck, I don't even know if there is another Pokévengers fic.

The reaction of Thor to losing in this story may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is not impossible. My sister throws epic tantrums all the time after I beat her in Pokémon matches. :P I hope that there are other Pokémon and Avengers fans out there :) All of the Avengers and Loki are going to get a partner Pokémon, so it's going to be lots of fun! :D

Yeah, so, I will try to update soon for this and my other stories, but I am not sure if I can... But maybe, just maybe, a couple of reviews will give me a push? ;)