Last Chap... :'(

Enjoy...I think...

Alice POV... 285 Years Later...

My eyes flew open and I shot off the couch. I stood in front of the couch while Jasper tried to snap me out of this.


8 midnight blue floor length cloaks run through the brown and green forest. They ran in a "v" formation. The two in front held hands as they ran. Suddenly they stopped at a river. The river in our backyard.

~End Vision~

"Alice, what is it?" Jasper asked worriedly. He gently shook my shoulders.

"The Masen, their coming." I whispered.

"The Masen?" Jasper asked shocked. Rose, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme were also shocked. You could see it on their faces.

We all knew what their visit meant. This visit was the definition of what could be death.

Edward POV... also 285 years later...

"Edward, I want to visit the Cullen coven." Bella said to me while we sat in the library.

"Why?" I asked, shocked. Bella hadn't brought up the Cullens since after we buried her parents. 284 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 9 days, 11 hours, and 6 seconds ago.

"I miss them." She whispered. This was one of the few times my angel felt sad, when she remembered our past.

You see in the last 285 years Bella and I have made a stronger Coven than the Volturi could have ever dreamed of having. We had 26 in our guard, 20 of whom are talented. They are all here on their own free will. We have never forced anyone to join us. Most come to us for a new life. And most leave happier and more accepting to this life.

Also unlike the Volturi, our Coven is vegetarian. Moat vampires around the world are now, thanks to us. There are still few out there that are human drinkers but we don't blame them or kill them. It's difficult to get off the human diet.

"When? Should Alice know?" I asked her.

"Tomorrow. Yes." She said. She set One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish aside and climbed into my lap. She laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her stomach.

"It's set. Jamie, get the Travelers ready!" I called out.

"Alright!" Jamie called back. Bella snuggled into my chest and sighed happily.

Even if I had wanted to say no to this visit, I couldn't. What my Angel wants she gets. I can not say no to her, she has too much to blackmail me with.

Alice POV... 285 years and 1 day later... a.k.a. the next day...

We sat anxiously around the living room waiting for the Masen's arrivial.

"2 minutes." I whispered. Everyone nodded and we all stood up. We slowly filed out to the backyard.

We stood there for 2 really long minutes, when finally they appeared at the river's bed. The 2 in front holding hands, the 6 behind them standing there. The 2 people in the front jumped the river with ease.

"It's good to see you all again." The woman sighed happily. She lowered her with her free hand and we could finally see her face.

She had her vampire perfect features set on her heart-shaped face, with her mahogany hair nestled inside her hood. The man lowered his hood as well. He had his vampire perfect features set on his oval-y shaped face, with his bronze hair looking messing as ever. They looked exactly the same as they did the last day we saw them but something was different about her.

"Bella are you...?" Rose asked. She couldn't finish her sentence, it was too shocking. And impossible.

Edward POV...

Darn you Rosalie. Now I owe Bella and the rest of the girls in the castle a spa day at Sir Edward's Spa. Meaning me... and there are 14 girls.

Bella looked at me and smirked. The 2 girls behind us giggled.

"Yes, Rose, I am pregnant." Bella said turning back to the family. "And I feel like a cow." She added quietly.

"And you're still beautiful." I whispered in her ear. I knew the Cullen's could hear us but I didn't care.

"How? It's impossible." Carlisle said.

"No it's not." Digit said from behind us. She hopped the river and lowered her hood. She's the cause of this.

Alice POV...

One of the Masen Guard hopped the river and lowered her hood.

"It's my power. I make it possible for vampires to have children." The girl said. "Btw, I'm Digit." She added.

"Is it really possible?" Rose asked. Digit, Bella, Edward and the 5 behind them all chorused a, "yes."

"Dears, come here." Bella said. 3 of the 5 behind Edward and Bella hopped the river.

They lowered their hoods and we came face to face with 3 mini-me's of Bella and Edward. Edward's mini-me was an exact replica of Edward. Her features screamed Edward, his smile, his hair, his green human eyes, everything.

Bella's mini me was exactly like human Bella. He has short wavy brown hair, chocolate-brown eyes, her smile, everything. The second boy has a mixture of Bella and Edward. His short bronze hair hangs just in his chocolate-brown eyes. His features were a mixture of Bella and Edward. They all looked about 15 and they were complete vampire.

"This is Anthony." Bella said wrapping her free arm around the boy that looks just like her. He clung to her tightly.

"This is Marie." Edward said wrapping his arm around the girl that looks like him. She also clung to Edward.

"This is Jackson." Edward said wrapping his other arm around the second boy. He clung to Edward as well.

"And this is Chrissy." Bella said laying her other hand on her stomach.

"Yeah, she gets the cool name." Marie grumbled.

"Marie, baby we've talked about this-" Edward started. He was cut off by Bella letting out a scream.

"DIGIT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Bella yelled. She clutched her stomach and her back arched. Edward was at her side in a second. He supported her while she continued to scream at Digit. The 2 guards hopped the river and stood over Bella.

"Edward can we help?" Carlisle asked over Bella's screams. He quickly walked closer to the group. Digit stood with Anthony, Marie and Jackson to the side.

"Yeah..." Edward said then rattled off what he could do.

Edward POV... Sometime later...

"EEEEDDWAAARRRDDD!" Bella yelled loudly as a contraction over came her. She was laying on the medical table in Carlisle's office.

"Love, you have been laying here for 7 hours with no progress. Why don't we go for a walk." I suggested. She glared up at me and growled. "Alright no walk." I said. I kissed her forehead and sighed.

"Digit if you ever do this to me again I will kill you!" Bella growled.

"No, you won't. You wanna know why? Because you love me." Digit sang from down stairs.

Alice POV...

I sulked into the couch in the living room. Bella is laying upstairs with Edward hovering over her. Marie, Anthony, Jackson, Emmett, Jasper are outside wrestling around. Digit and Rose are talking about babies up in Rose's room. Esme is room hopping as well as Carlisle. And one of the Masen guards is upstairs guarding Bella and the other is outside watching over the children outside.

No one needs me. It's easy to see that Digit has replaced me in Bella and Edward's life. She is too much like me; peppy, short and... just too much like me.

"Carlisle, we've got a head!" Edward yelled from upstairs. Carlisle was up the stairs in a second.

Edward POV... Some more time later...

"You did it angel." I whispered into Bella's ear. Carlisle held up Chrissy to show my angel. Bella panted heavily and smiled.

"My baby." Bella whispered. She held out her hands toward our baby. Carlisle quickly wrapped up Chrissy and handed her to Bella. Bella took her happily and laid her on her chest.

"Umm, Bella, were you expecting twins?" Carlisle asked.

"Oh great, I'm definitely dead now." Digit grumbled from downstairs.

"Twins?" Bella whispered while looking at Chrissy.

"Yeah, get ready for round two." Carlisle said.

Few minutes later...

"It's a bouncing baby boy." Carlisle said. Holding up our baby boy. I took him and held him while I stood next to Bella. She looked at our babies and smiled happily.

"Should I bring the kids in?" Carlisle asked.

"Don't bother, you've already given them the cue." Bella laughed. Then our other 3 angels poofed into the room holding hands. Marie can teleport.

"I heard the word twins. Does this mean we now have 2 babies?" Jackson asked happily as they walked over. Our three angels kissed Bella on the cheek and cooed to the babies.

We will certainly be defying life and death by bringing back 2 babbling babies to the castle. They may be all vampire but for the first year of their life they are too much like a human baby.

Bella POV...

My babies, all 5 of my babies are perfect. And Edward, he's perfect too. Edward, Marie, Anthony, Jackson, Chrysanthemum, Nathan and I are walking down the stairs. Everyone was sitting around the living room waiting for us to bring down Chrissy and Nathan down.

Digit, Esme, Rose, Emmett and Jasper were waiting excitedly at the bottom of the stairs. Digit took Chrissy and Esme took Nathan. I looked around and saw Alice sitting in the corner sulking. I tapped Edward on the shoulder and nodded toward Alice.

He sighed and shook his head. I sighed and walked over to her.

"Take a walk with me?" I asked her. She stood up and walked past me. I followed her out with one last look at Edward. He smiled and nodded.

When we were far enough away from the house I finally tried to talk to Alice.

"Alice, everything okay?" I asked.

"No, everything is not okay." She said sourly.

"What's up?" I asked. She wouldn't look at me.

"She's replaced me." Alice whispered.

"Who replaced you?" I asked. There's no one new in their coven. I couldn't think of any reason for Alice to be replaced.

"Digit!" She yelled. She finally turned and faced me. She stopped walking and so did I. She think Digit has replaced her?

"Digit? Oh Alice, honey Digit could never replace you." I said softly.


"Alice, you left Edward and I at Volterra 285 years ago. Edward took the throne and you 6 left." I growled out. "You wanted nothing to do with us after we took over Volterra." I continued.

"Being in charge changes people!" She yelled.

"WITH US IN CHARGE THE WHOLE VAMPIRE WORLD IS VEGETARIAN! WE HAVE CHANGED VAMPIRE LIVES AND SAVED HUMANS!" I yelled. "Yes, being in charge has made Edward and I more responsible but so have our kids! I wanted the kids to know their Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles but obviously that was a mistake!" I yelled at her. I ran back toward the house leaving her there.

If she can't understand then so be it. The Cullen coven and Masen clan can never be one.

Edward POV...

Bella stormed in the door and looked around. It was pretty obvious what was going on. The Cullens stood on one side of the living room and the Masens on the other. Bella growled and stormed over to Digit. She gently took Chrissy and held her close to her chest. Chrissy was easily hidden by Bella's cloak. Alice stormed in and joined the Cullens.

"I'm sorry this can never be." Bella said to the Cullen, then taking point in our "v" formation. She turned and ran out of the house. Marie, Anthony, Jackson, Digit, Taylor and Rick (the two guards) followed Bella out. I stood with Nathan, facing what once was my family.

While Bella and Alice were out Emmett brought up our separation that happened the day the left Volterra, 285 years ago.

"I am truly sorry this can never be." I said to the Cullens before following my family.

Carlisle POV...

It's official, power has changed my children. Power and a family of their own.

The Masen has changed lives all over the vampire world but it has also changed them. They no longer are those teenagers.

It's our fault for the separation that happened 285 years ago. And it's our fault they left just now. And it's Bella's fault for killing the Volturi.

Bella POV...

It's official there is a forever lasting feud between the Cullens and us.

They haven't changed one bit and they can't except that we have.

It all started when they left 285 years ago. It all continued when they avoided our calls and letters. It all lasts forever.

This feud will never be defying Life and Death, it is Life and Death.

What you think? I know not how you may have expected it to end... Sorry... I really like this chap though...


Read my other stories!