When All Else Fails ...

A/N This will, hopefully, not be nearly as long as the last. It is not supposed to be serious, nor does it convey my belief of anything happening on OUAT at present. This is simply for fun. The characters (as much as I try to talk them out of it) are determined to remain the property of Eddy, Adam and ABC (sorry bastards). ;) Enjoy. Please read and review. Your opinion is invaluable.

Part 1 - A New Life

The curse was broken; the town in disarray but with Charming to help out they were managing. The borders were still closed to everyone's general dismay, but it wasn't like they hadn't been here before. Life started again, stores opened and to almost everyone's delight, the library opened again as well. There had never been a great deal to do in Storybrooke and reading was that one great escape that most could appreciate.

The librarian, Belle (no last name), was genuinely sweet and kind to everyone ...well, almost. There were two exceptions. Rumplestiltskin, and Moe French. While Charming and Ruby apparently knew the details of why this was the case, they were not talking, no matter who asked them ...and literally everyone had. The idea of anyone being in a relationship with Rumplestiltskin was fodder for people in a small town. The idea that Rumplestiltskin was told to leave and never come back by a slight woman who barely came up to Charming's clavicle was downright fascinating. The fact that he had actually listened to her made her a celebrity. Complete with rumors and paparazzi.

In fact, most people didn't care one way or another about Moe French or his relationship to Belle (who refused to say), but they would skulk around for hours if they thought they might get some juicy tidbit about her and Gold. It even sounded strange. Belle and Gold, or Belle and Rumplestiltskin, or Rumplestiltskin and anyone, really.

What they did know was extremely limited. Belle had been with Gold since the curse broke and as no one had ever seen her leave his house, rumors ran rampant. Everything from him keeping her in captivity to her being his slave ...on more levels than anyone was comfortable talking about. They knew she'd left his house, been kidnapped, taken down into the mines where she was rescued by Mr. Gold, Charming and Ruby. When she had taken over the library, several people had heard her speaking sharply to Gold. Rephrase, several people, mouths hanging open in awe and respect had heard her yelling at Gold. Those same people all nearly stroked when Gold sighed and walked out. Apparently he had just left, no sweet nothings; no threats, but silently. Since no one had ever seen Gold react this way, it was no surprise that the town talked of little else.

Belle looked up from her desk to find yet another small cluster of people standing around, watching her. She sighed in frustration. Would this never end? Were the people of this town so bored that she and Rumple were the only thing that staved off their complete lack of lives? She supposed it was inevitable. She had the misfortune to have fallen in love with the one person in town no one wanted to talk to ...oh, they didn't mind talking about him, but to him ...no. And she was in love with him. Nothing in this world was going to change that for her. His honesty about magic and his son had allowed for her to let him, to an extent, back in to her life. Honestly, she'd been unsure what she was going to do without him there. He was like a part of her soul, his presence filled something inside her that no one else could touch.

The bell on her door (a gift from Rumple) jingled and she almost sighed with relief when Ruby smiled and walked toward her. "How's it going? I brought you some lunch from the diner."

Belle looked at the clock. She had no idea it was already past noon. She smiled. "Thank you. I really appreciate it, but I think I'm coming down with something."

Ruby tilted her head to one side. "Are you okay? Take a day off if you need to."

"No, no ...it's nothing serious. Probably a stomach flu or something. Usually once I get to work the nausea is gone."

For a moment, Ruby didn't move. When Belle looked up at her, she looked like she might be coming down with whatever Belle had. "I don't mean to pry, but how long have you been feeling this way?"

Belle shrugged. "A few weeks, I guess. It'll pass. Don't worry about me."

The other woman still didn't move. "And it's always in the morning? Is it usually gone by now?"

"I'm sure it's still there, obviously. I think working just takes my mind off of it, you know?"

Ruby turned to look at the small group of people in the library. "Okay, folks, we're closing up early today, so get what you need and head home."

Belle was stunned. "What are you doing?"

"Trust me."

Belle nodded, checked out the few books that were brought to her, and when the last guest was gone, Ruby locked the door. "We have to talk."

"You're kind of freaking me out, Red. What's going on?"

Ruby shook her head. "I know you're an intelligent woman, Belle. Give it some thought. Several weeks, early morning nausea that is gone by the afternoon .." she trailed off, waiting for Belle to get it.

When everything finally clicked into place, there was an audible gasp. Belle shook her head over and over, as if denying it would make it less true. "That's impossible."

"Belle, look at me." Belle looked up into her friends eyes. "Is it, literally, impossible or is that just wishful thinking on your part?"

There were several moments of absolute silence. "Okay, it's possible, but ...it can't be."

Ruby shook her head. "You need to make a doctor's appointment. If it's what I think it is, cold medicine could be bad for you ...know what I mean?"

Belle's world started spinning out of control. It couldn't be, it just wasn't possible. Was it? Her mind wandered back to the day she had been reunited with Rumple and the night that had, perhaps, now changed her life forever.