-8 years ago-

"I'll get it!" a energetic young Kim Possible yelled, racing to the door.

As she opened it, a feeling of dread washed over her when she saw the sinister smile of the man on her doorstep.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Holden, you must be the famous Kim possible! I have an offer for you," her greeted, dark eyes setting Kim on edge.

"Um..W-what kind of offer," Kim asked, the bad feeling growing with his smile.

"You see, I'm researching advancements in bio-engineering of the human body. You know, our ability to adapt our biology to cope with new trama or even DNA, but to do that, I would need live tissue to study that has already been modified naturally, or unnaturally. We already have a prospect, you may know her." He said, looking at his nails.

Kim watched him with guarded eyes as her brain prosessed the new information, trying to figure out who he had in mind, and what it had to do with her. A list of people ran through her mind, but none stuck. Everyone that could be chosen wasn't the way they are unwillingly. Everyone of them changed themselves to fit the way the feel naturally. Wait! Not everyone!

"Shego," Kim whispered.

"You are a smart one! All you need to do, is look the other way when this man," he said, holding up a picture of a man with a deep scar across his face," comes during one of your little spats to take her to my lab."

"No," Kim hissed, disgusted with the sleezy man in her doorstep.

"Think of how much easier your life will be with her gone," he tried to bribe.

"Shego may be a villain, but she's still a person and I won't just let you take her, so you can poke and prod her like a lab rat," she huffed.

"Very well, Miss Possible. Have a nice day," he said, a sadistic smirk on his mouth as he turned to leave.

Kim shut the door with a sigh, a knot forming in her stomach was she thought of the man.

-7 years ago-

Kim ducked into a corner as flaming green fists swiped at where she was two seconds ago.

"Let's go KP! This place in gonna blow!"

"Shegooo! Get me out of here!"

"Look, Princess! Your Bafoon kept his pants on," Shego taunted, throwing a plasma charged fist at Kim.

The hit landed roughly, and Kim back traced as Shego braced for a sweep aimed at her head. It never came. Kim saw a shadow in the top corner of the lair, and panic rushed through her when she saw the deep scar in his face.

"KP! We have to move now!"

"Uh huh, uh huh, now!" The little molerat agreed.

"You go! I'll catch up," she wheezed, moving the fight closer to the shuttle bay.

Shego jumped backwards and, dodging the elbow aimed at her face with a slight frown. Something is off with Kim, she was sure of it! A smirk grew on her face as her bumped into the Hovercraft.

"You're slacking today, Kimmie," she teased, jumping in.

"Just go," she hissed, jumping out of the way as Shego flew off to grab Drakken.

She looked back just in time to see Ron run threw the exit into the ocean where a boat waited for them. She made a run for it, but a thick heavy hand wrapped around her neck and pulled her roughly. She choked as his grip tightened, until she couldn't breathe.

"You really shouldn't have let her go, now you'll take her place," he hissed.

She tried to scream, but a sharp needle was pushed into her neck and the world faded.