Okay, so I woke up this morning and I just had this thought in my head that I needed to get out. I didn't want to get it out, but as I read more and more fanfics, I just HAD to. It's something that I can picture happening in next week's episode.

This is the result. Tell me what you think about it when you're done!


His head lolled back against the walls of the holding cell, eyes clenching shut as he let out a breath, shaking his head against the metal door. He could hear footsteps coming down the aisle towards his end of holding. The footsteps slowly came to a halt in front of his cell and by the familiar smell, he knows just who it is. But he didn't open his eyes.

"Castle…" She spoke softly, almost timidly. He had never heard her like this.

He sighed, his head rising, his eyes opening to meet hers, though reluctantly. "What do you want, Beckett? Do you want to ask me questions again? See if my answers change the millionth time?"

She grimaced, shaking her head as she stared down at the bench he sat on. "No, Castle. Not this time."

"So what do you want, Detective? Cause I think I'm getting a bit tired and I need to figure out how I'm supposed to sleep on this bench. What do you think: the cement or the wood? I can't decide." His voice was sarcastic and biting towards her. The step she took back would've caused him to apologize profusely before, but now? Now, he doesn't care.

"Why did you buy that jewelry, Rick? I need to know. I just need something to clear you. We have nothing. Nothing, Castle. You need to help us," her eyes were pleading but her voice was steady. He laughed sardonically, making her brow furrow.

"You know what, Detective Beckett? My lawyer told me not to speak to anyone without him. So this conversation is over." With that, he turned in his seat and looked at the opposite wall.

"Rick, I know you didn't do this." Her voice was unsteady, her bottom lip abused by her teeth.

He turned and stood up abruptly. "Do you, Beckett? Do you really?" His blue eyes were a dark shade, cold.

"Yes. Of course I do. I trust you, Castle." Her eyes sought out his, but she only got a scoff in return.

"Yeah, like you trusted me enough not to kill this woman. Like you trusted me not to cheat on you with both her and that reporter. Right? Yeah, you sure trust me a lot." He stalked towards where she stood as he spoke until only the thin fence was between them.

"You know how this job is, Rick. I need evidence, not judgment." She pleaded with him, giving him the right to be angry. She would be pissed too.

"Yeah, I get it. The murder, that's fine. I know you need evidence. But the fact that you doubted our relationship? That hurt, Beckett. How could you think that I was cheating on you?" His voice was incredulous.

She looked around to see if anyone could hear them before she spoke again. "Castle, you bought her jewelry."

"It wasn't me! You know that." He roughly rubbed his hands down his face in frustration. Looking at her, he shook his head and let out a sigh. "I waited. For FOUR years for you. I risked my life multiple times. We nearly froze to death in each other's arms. We nearly got eaten by a tiger. And I stayed by your side. I came back every day just so I can be by you. And when we finally get together…you think I would throw all that away?" His voice rose with every sentence, the vein in his neck pulsing as he seethed with anger.

"Rick, just –" Her eyes were shining, her voice small.

"No, Beckett. I'm tired of trying to convince you that I love you. I'm tired of having to do that. You should already know and if you don't already…I don't think we should even continue."


"Goodnight, Detective."