After the party at the hotel club, John followed Gordon back to his penthouse apartment. Once inside Gordon pulled on John's tie until they were pressed together. Before Gordon kissed John he said, "You've teased me all night."

"That's my job G." John smirked.

Gordon kissed John and soon they were in their bed tangled in the sheets. The two were pressed against each other while laying on their sides. Gordon ran his hand over John's hair and nipped at John's mouth playfully. John kept one of his hands on Gordon's hip and the other trailed up Gordon's chest to hold his neck as his mouth caught Gordon's. Gordon let John lead for a moment and then he pushed John onto his back.

"This what you want G?"

"Yes John."

"Okay. I'll get the lube and then we'll get started."

Gordon let John up to get the bottle and he asked, "Do you just see our sex life as a transaction?"

John gave him the bottle and said, "No but I wondered if that's how you saw it."

"We need to quit thinking about this. We like each other a lot right?"

"I love you and you know it."

"I love you too Johnny." Gordon said as he pulled John into another kiss.

John wrapped a leg around Gordon and said, "Fuck me like you want to."

Gordon groaned and said, "You know just what to say baby." Gordon prepped John and then spent most of the night fucking him.

The next morning the two were woken up by AJ walking into their room. He saw the two tangled in the sheets with John pressed against Gordon's back and his arm around his waist above the sheet. He noticed their suit pieces trailed from the hall to the bed. "Rise and shine." AJ said.

"Go away man." John grumbled.

"Everyone's here. Need to get up."

"Go away AJ if you value your life." Gordon said.

"We'll be in the kitchen. Remember you two called this meeting. Coffee and doughnuts are here."

"Give us a few and we'll be out there." Gordon said.

AJ left the room and went out to the kitchen and Jesse asked, "Are they coming?"

"Oh, they're coming all right. We woke them up so we'll have to give them a few minutes to preen and get ready." AJ laughed.

"They sure aren't keeping themselves a secret." Jake said as he took a cream filled doughnut out of the box.

"I don't think they were betting on that. We knew they were close and now we know how close."

Twenty minutes later Gordon and John appeared cleaned up and in casual suits for the day. Gordon handed John a cup of coffee and John handed Gordon a doughnut out of the box. The two ate and drank their coffee like the others weren't even in the room until Lily asked, "What kind of job are you two up to?"

"Just that we'll be hitting the biggest bank in LA … and they won't even know what hit them."

"How do you think we'll get away with it?"

"They're having construction done in about a month and it will last most of this year. When it gets underway then we'll start going in to investigate our options and plan how to do the heist."

"That's a big job."

"Yeah but we can handle it. We have the right amount of players and we know how each other works." Gordon said.

AJ said, "Especially you and Johnny here."

John glanced at AJ and said, "You're apartment has perfect sniping capabilities so if you want to continue living you'll cut that train of thought out."

"Very sensitive about this aren't you?" Jake asked.

"Nope. You guys know. The end. And any teasing won't end well for you. We are who we are." John said.

"All right. We gotcha. So we gotta wait a month for this plan to start?" Jesse said.

"No. We can start recon soon but construction will give us better cover." Gordon said.

"Which bank are we hitting?" Lily asked.

"FedCal. It'll be the biggest payday yet." Gordon said.

"It'll be a beautiful day when that one goes down." John said with his patented smirk. He took another drink of his coffee looked over the team.

John met Gordon's eyes over the team's heads and nodded. "John and I will start surveillance next week and we'll let you know if there's a pattern that we can use to our advantage."

"Okay then I can get the building plans and plan our entries and exit." AJ said.

"We'll keep it simple. Nice clean robbery just like all the others." Gordon said.

"And G's and mine's relationship stays here. Not another soul to know." John said.

"Not even Ghost when he gets out?" Jesse asked.

"Especially Ghost. We let you find out about us but it goes no further." Gordon said.

"We gotcha man." Jake said.

The rest of the team agreed and soon left Gordon's apartment after a few more plans

were made about the FedCal job. Gordon looked at John and asked, "Want to go swimming Johnny?"

"Sure. The water should be about right."

Six months later the day after the FedCal job, John got a visitor to his house. He walked in and had his gun at the ready. "Nice house Johnny. Shitty alarm system."

"What are you doing here Ghost?" John asked as he tightened his grip on his gun.

"Just got out. Good behavior and all."

"Why are you here?"

"You want to share some of your whiskey and we'll chat about why I'm here?"


"You can lower the gun Johnny. Not here to hurt you." John lowered it but didn't flip the safety back on. He poured the drinks and Ghost took one. He sipped it and said, "The best stuff as usual Johnny."

John nodded and asked, "What do you want?"

"I came to you first Johnny cause you see sense..."

"Ghost." John warned.

"I got a job for us." Ghost explained the basics of the job and left John.

John put the safety back on his gun and called Gordon. Thirty minutes later he was over at Gordon's and explained, "Ghost has a proposition for us but it's such short planning time that I don't know if we can pull it off."

"What's the job John?" Gordon asked as he ran his fingers over John's hand.

"He told me about an armoured truck with about 25-30 million in payouts. He said he has the exact route for next Tuesday."

"That's five days from now."

"Yeah I know." John said as he crawled into Gordon's lap.

That night at the club, the gang met upstairs and John informed them that Ghost was out and had a job for them already. Ghost appeared in the middle of them talking about taking the job and the team looked at him wearily. "Awful cool right now."

"Said I'd talk to you tomorrow." John said as he reached behind him.

"Leave your piece Johnny. We don't have much time so I'm just dropping off the route for you guys." Then he looked at Gordon and asked, "What's going on G?"

"John said he'd talk to us tonight and talk to you tomorrow. Why are you here?"

"To give you the plans man."

"Go home Ghost." John said as he stood up.

Ghost laid the plans on the table and held his hands up. "I'm going now."

After Ghost left, Gordon stood up and put his hand on John's back. "You three look over the route. Call in the morning. I'm going to take John home."

"John, you all right?"

"I'm fine, just tired."

"Get some rest and we'll call you guys tomorrow." Jake said.

At Gordon's apartment, the two went inside and John pulled his clothes off to his boxers and got in bed. Gordon got in bed and snuggled next to John. His fingers stroked John's stomach and he asked, "Are you really tired my love?"

"Yeah. Dealing with Ghost takes a lot of energy."

"All right love, let's sleep then." Gordon curled around John and John laced his fingers with Gordon's. He fell asleep to Gordon whispering in his ear and a soft kiss to his neck.

The next morning John woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon frying. He got out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweats, and went out into the kitchen. He saw Gordon wrapped in a towel with a pair of tongs in one hand and coffee in the other. John walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around G's waist. "Morning Gordon."

"Morning love. Are you hungry?"


"Breakfast will be ready in a few. Why don't you go take a quick shower before everyone comes over?"

"They're coming over this early? Why can't they wait til noon."

"I could call them back and say that you don't want them to come until later so you can be shagged senseless."

"You're a bastard you know that right?" John chuckled against Gordon's shoulder.

"Yes I know and you wouldn't have me any other way. Now go change so we can eat."

John kissed Gordon's cheek and said, "Miss me while I'm gone?"

"You know I will. Now bugger off so I don't burn anything." Gordon laughed.

"Can't have that." John said as he went back into their room to shower and change.

When John appeared after his shower he saw Gordon in a pair of casual slacks and a polo shirt for the day, similar to his attire of khakis and a black button down shirt. He left his hair wet and his shirt untucked and sat at the bar while Gordon got their plates ready. Gordon handed John his coffee and saw his casual attire and he gaped for a moment. John smirked into his coffee and Gordon handed him his plate.

Gordon sat next to John and asked, "Playful this morning?"

"Maybe." John said.

"Well once things get going then I'll try and sneak us away."

"Can't wait baby." After they finished eating John started to wash the dishes and that's when the team decided to show up.

John had his sleeves rolled up and he stood at the sink washing as they passed him in the kitchen. "Didn't know you washed dishes John?" Jesse smirked.

"I wouldn't be worrying about me man." John said.

"You're crazy."

Lilly walked in behind everyone and got a look around. "Is today a casual day for you two? No ties or suit jackets?"

"Not today. Going to go check out the route of the truck today." Gordon said.

"Speaking of the route we figured that Olive and Fourth would be best for the takedown." AJ pointed to the map and continued, "Old subway tunnel off to the side to make it easier to get to the trucks."

"That is the widest intersection for that route. John and I will check it out today and let you know the traffic and stuff."

"All right and we'll try to find some c4 and work on rigging the lights for that area."

Everyone talked a little more, and soon they left, leaving Gordon and John as the last ones out of the apartment. John got in the driver's seat of the Land Rover and Gordon got in the passenger side. "Being adventurous today?" John asked.

"We'll have to see if you're a good boy." Gordon said as he adjusted himself in the seat.

"You wouldn't love me as much if I was a good boy." John smirked.

"Come on. Let's go love." Gordon said.

They forgot everything else for a little while, and concentrated on each other.