This is my first proper fan fiction, so reviews are much appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Go easy on me!

I do not now, nor have I ever owned Twilight. All credit for that goes to Mrs. S Meyer.

Well all that's left to do now is read.

I'm Bella Swan, Vampire extraordinaire, frozen at the age of 18 for 62 years.

I'm pretty sure you know my story. Well the gist of it.

Ya know. The whole basics; moved to forks to live with my dad, to make it easier for my mom so she could travel with Phil, met a gorgeous vampire, fell in love. Life couldn't be better. Until my eighteenth birthday. That's where things took a major downturn.

Jasper, (said vampires adopted vampire brother) accidently took a snap at me when I and my flawless stupidity, managed to cut myself on a FRICKING ENVELOPE!

Anyway…Edward freaked out and started blaming himself for constantly putting me in danger. But to be honest, danger has always managed to find me – I thought he knew me well enough to know this! So he decided enough was enough. And that I wasn't good enough for him anymore and he basically said I was boring. I'm sorry mister, I am a lot of things but boring I ain't! Well…maybe a little. Okay a lot! But so what? I'm sure there are many girls who would just prefer to stay in and read her favourite book for the 100th time instead of going out and partying on a Friday night.

Well, that was the last time I saw Edward. And he was true to his word, that he promised that I would never see him again. But that didn't stop me from looking for him. For the first few years of my new vampire life I tried to search for the Cullen's but failed miserably. So I gave up. There was no point looking for someone who didn't want to be found! No matter how amazing they were. I thought that if he saw me as a vampire, he wouldn't be bored of me anymore or see me as a hindrance to him. A girl can wish can't she?

Once that plan when out of the window, I decided to pick myself up and get on with my life. And just hope that Edward was happy somewhere, even though it was without me. So I travelled for a bit; travelled to places that I had always wanted to visit. But even though I was immersed in such astounding cultures and sights, I always felt lonely; He was always in the back of my mind. Distracting myself worked well enough to keep me busy, but it never removed the pain in my heart that has always been present since he left.

Of course I was not always without company – I travelled around with nomads for a time, but I always felt like the spare wheel. Some even tried to seek companionship with me in ways that were just too friendly for my liking. Edward would be the only person for me in that sense. Sometimes I try to tell myself He's moved on Bella. Get over him and give someone else a chance. But once you've had the real McCoy nothing is as good!

So now were at my current situation; I'm back in Forks. I know when I first arrived here, when I was human, I said that I hated it. But this little town grows on you. It's the only place I can truly call home. So every now and then I re-visit. I keep telling myself that I should really get a permanent home here, but it never felt like the right moment to, until now. For some reason, I just have a strange pull forcing me back; as if it is really important to do so.

Well only time will tell if it's fate or I truly am going insane!

Well what did ya think? - Would love to hear, even if you didn't like it.

Until next time - K, x