
Hi all, N made me delete my previous story because it just about gave him a stroke when he read the first chapter. With his help, I am going to attempt something different and kinda out there. Please enjoy, -K

revised on 11/09/2012

She knew that they were located on the east coast of the states, anything else was only speculation. All that was known was that it was the Agency, and if you had the resources, they could do what you needed. She was scheduled for five in the evening, the last of the day. They didn't say who else was scheduled for that day, but she, like the countless others, had one thing in common. Money. It was what made the world go round, and kept her family in power for so long. But now, power didn't hold as much sway as it did before. Threats had been made against her family, and she was going to do something about it.

If her husband still lived, he would have made sure any threat to their family was lying at her feet in a pool of their own blood. But, he was gone, and those duties fell to her. She wasn't against bloodshed, in fact, she had perfected it to a science, but with what was coming this term, she wouldn't be able to protect her child.

They had shepherded her into a room, plain in her opinion. Smooth polished metal walls, with a simple desk and two chairs. The only enchantments she could see were the windows, reflecting the downpour outside. As she took a seat, the door behind her slammed shut, and a tea service appeared at the desk. She was unsure what would happen from here, but was into her second cup when she heard them.

"Why have you come?" The voice was metallic, hollow, much like the room.

"I understand that you can provide me with someone."

"We are not an escort service."

She withheld the snort in her throat. She had only spoken to one other who had used their services, and they said that they only provide for those who can afford them, and actually need them. "I need your assistance; my child needs to be watched."

"Many others could provide what you seek. The government for one, even private security is resourceful enough to meet your needs."

"But you can provide the best." The room was silent then, but she didn't dismiss the opening appearing in the desk. It was obvious enough what they wanted. The voice was speaking again before the galleons had fully fallen from view.

"What do you seek?"

"The best."

"More specific please."

"What do you have available?" With a flash of light, over fifty plain folders appeared on the desk in front of her.

"These are the current models available, please specify."

"I want something that is just as powerful defensively as it is offensively."

It surprised her when only nine stayed on the desk while the rest faded from view. "In answer to your question, rarely do we produce something that is effective on both sides of the fight. These models are the only ones which have produced the results you require. Please specify."

"I need something that will not wavier. It will not become defective, or require," she was unsure home to phrase what she wanted to say. "Any future maintenance on your part." Again, the pile shrunk to just two.

"Your choices now are model seven and model thirteen. Do you require any assistance to further narrow down what you require?"

"Who is the best?"

"Both would be quite effective at accomplishing what you requested, however they are very different from each other. Model seven is efficient and requires little maintenance for upkeep. It is adaptive to most environments, and has never failed in its training or field testing. It should be noted though that seven is the newest model, and twice your consultation fee will be required for its purchase. It should also be noted that the information regarding the previous models which seven was modeled after were destroyed."

"Model thirteen is a slightly older model, but its testing can be ranked as comparable to seven. It does however require a more forceful hand to keep it under control, and does require bi-monthly maintenance to discourage defective behavior. It should be noted that thirteen was designed from two previous models that were extremely effective in field use. Have you made your decision?"

The decision was intriguing. Go with something tried and true, but end up wasting more money on something she might regret ever purchasing, or the newest, what the agency claims as the best they have produced in the batch?

"Step through the door, it will be waiting for you there." She didn't regret the money at all. Many people would be furious at the idea of spending one hundred and fifty thousand galleons, not counting the consultation fee. Most homes didn't even cost that much. But her family meant the world to her.

She wasn't expecting what was waiting for her. He was male, with pale skin that revealed a life spent indoors. He was dressed immaculately in a black suit and tie. She could only guess at his age, but he was maybe sixteen, if that. His age was even harder to guess due to the lack of hair on his head and face. As she approached, when she saw his eyes, they were dead. This wasn't a child, no matter how much her inner mother wished it to be. This was what she came here for, a weapon, an attack dog that would kill if she gave it the order to.

"Ma'am," it was obvious that he knew what she was here for. He held his right arm out in front of her, in his other hand was a razor blade. She knew what was expected of her. Before leaving the 'consultation room', the voice had informed her what would be needed to bind the subject to her will. With a steady hand, she took the blade and sliced his palm open before her own, placing them together.

"You belong to me now," she pressed the wound to his face, and watched the pale skin turn red, those eyes still holding her gaze. He only nodded and bowed once before her. As she raised her wand to the wound on her hand, she watched as he held his at his side, letting the blood drip to the flawless floor.

Without missing a beast, she walked away to the exit, a single light floating in front of her. She didn't need to turn around to know he was following her. The Agency would have ingrained the desire to obey into him so deep; it would never cross his mind to not do what she would command of him. As they entered the lobby, she motioned for him to take her hand. Suddenly, she remembered something she had heard before coming here; that the Agency took the castoffs of society, and rebuilt them into something that was sought-after and rarely purchased.

"Seven," again, those eyes were on her, and while they held no malice, she did not doubt that he could and would kill for her. She was happy with her purchase. "What is your name?" He cocked his head to the side, and a part of her found the action to be endearing.

"A long time ago, someone told me that it was Harry," as she disappeared in a flash of color with the boy at her side, she was unable to miss the jagged scar along the side of his forehead.

So, did you love it, hate it? Felt indifferent? This was more a prologue and me just testing the waters. Hope you all enjoyed


Unofficially betaed by N