"I'm home! What are you guys up to in here?" Blaine came home an hour or so later and found Kurt and Santana in the kitchen chopping vegetables.

"Hey!" Kurt stopped chopping a carrot and kissed him on the cheek.

"Can I help? What are you making?" Blaine looked at the pot on the stove.

"You could chop up some of this green onion," Santana said, pushing the onion towards another cutting board on the counter.

"We decided to make my chicken noodle soup. I used to make it all the time in high school when people would get sick. I haven't made it in a while," Kurt said.

"So you've been holding out on me, huh?" Blaine winked at him.

"Jesus hobbit, could you get any cuter?" Santana said it under her breath, but Blaine picked up on it. He felt her energy and there was nothing but fondness coming from her so he smiled.

"So Santana, how are you?" Blaine grabbed a knife out of the drawer and started in on the green onion.

"I'm good. I'll be better when your dog stops humping my leg."

"Oh my god, is he really?" Blaine's eyes grew big. "He's never really done that before!"

"Oh yeah he's done it three times since I've been here," Santana laughed. "But your dog has good taste, I'll give him that."

After dinner, Santana volunteered to wash the dishes, saying it was the least she could do. Blaine argued, but he lost in the end. While she was cleaning up, Kurt took Blaine into their bedroom.

"So how did it go? Is she okay? Does she need to stay here for a while? Cause I'm totally fine with that," Blaine said.

"Oh. Are you sure? I wouldn't even suggest it unless it were really important, but yeah, she does need a place to stay for a while," Kurt said. "Things are pretty bad."

"Then she stays here. You don't have to tell me anything more. If you say she needs this, then I trust you."

"You really don't wan to know why we have someone staying with us all of a sudden?" Kurt looked confused and Blaine felt his confusion.

"It's none of my business. If she wants to tell me and she feels comfortable with that, I would be glad to listen." Blaine hugged Kurt close. "Until then, I trust you and she's more than welcome to take the guest room."

You're incredible…

No…I just love you a whole lot

Kurt's eyes scrunched up when he grinned really big and Blaine's heart stuttered. He placed his hand around Kurt's neck, spreading his fingers wide, feeling the warmth spread through his skin. Blaine slowly leaned in closer to Kurt's face; staring at his every feature before he was so close he could feel their breath mingling. Sometimes the closeness was even better than the kissing…breathing together and feeling the tingling of the invisible string tugging them closer and closer. Before they knew it, the skin on their lips touched and Blaine pressed in harder, holding the kiss for a few moments longer.

"We should get back in there. She's probably done with the dishes by now." Blaine pulled away and went to the door, pulling Kurt with him. When they got out, they saw Santana sitting in a chair by the window. She wasn't doing anything other than aimlessly looking out the window at nothing in particular. Blaine tried not to feel her emotions. They were so strong and so intimate, he felt like he was intruding on her privacy. He might have only been trusting Kurt's word on letting her stay here, but now he knows he did the right thing. The poor girl was obviously in pain.

"Hey San, we were thinking about some cheesecake, you want some?" Kurt headed towards the kitchen. "We just got some from Jerry's around the corner, I swear it's the best I've ever had. They were right, New York does have the best cheesecake."

"I'm sure you know all about Kurt's obsession…so of course once we found that place, we had to get two different kinds of cheesecake." Blaine gave Santana a knowing look and the both giggled their way into the kitchen.

"What kind do you have?" Santana sat on one of the bar stools and crossed her legs.

"We've got…" Kurt opened the refrigerator and took out the two cheesecakes and laid them on the counter, "a regular cheesecake and a turtle cheesecake."

"I'm gonna have to go with the chocolate. It's been a long life," Santana said.

Both Kurt and Blaine laughed along with her and they plated up the cheesecake and took it into the living room.

"RuPaul okay?" Kurt asked Santana.

"Sure. I can get down with some diva fights."

"Alright, the sheets on the bed in there should be fresh, no one's slept in them yet, since we just moved. I put a spare tooth brush on the sink in the bathroom as well." Blaine said. "Oh and if you need any extra blankets or pillows, look in the hall closet and there should be some in there. Do you need anything else?" Blaine looked at Santana.

"No, I'm okay, thank you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it." Santana gave him a weak little smile and kept her eyes down.

"Well you're welcome and Kurt and I don't mind having you here a bit."

"I won't stay long, I know I can be a lot to handle and I really don't need any pity. I'm already embarrassed you guys know everything." Blaine could see and feel her walls going up.

"Hey, no. We don't pity you and we don't just feel sorry for you. Kurt didn't even tell me anything about your situation. Honestly, it's none of my business unless you want to talk to me about it, in which case I will gladly listen, judgment free." Blaine tried to send calming waves of energy towards her.

"What?" Santana's head shook back and forth. "Hummel didn't tell you anything I told him?"

"Nope." Blaine shook his head. "So don't feel weird around me. I won't bite, I swear."

"Hmm. It's a good thing I'm gay or Hummel would have some tough competition." She raised her eyebrow at him and they both laughed.

"Never," Blaine said. "Good night Santana, sleep well. Sleep as long as you want tomorrow, we probably will."

Blaine closed the door behind him and shuffled back to his and Kurt's room. Kurt was already curled up in a warm little ball watching something on the television. He thought he was asleep until Kurt's head peeked up and he smiled at him and opened the covers for Blaine to crawl in.

A/N: So I wanted to keep writing…but I have some homework that I need to get done for tomorrow and it completely completely sucks. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint anyone…it will get better.