A/N: So sorry guys! I got grounded first from FF then from the computer because of grades and THEN I had to move from one coast of the USA to the other with my family. In a car. For 8 days. With SIBLINGS. *rips out hair*

So that's why I couldn't update for 3 months – because of my shitty grades and moving. But now I have summer break and can update. Once again, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I honestly don't deserve these reviews you all are giving me, especially since it's going to be a shorter chapter.

Please forgive me?

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

"YEAH! Haha!" Clarion whooped, throwing her arms into the air and letting go of Milori's waist.

Milori just smiled and continued to guide the owl throughout the blue sky. This made him happy, when Clarion was happy and free, and he enjoyed the break from all the gloom. True, Clarion had been at first reluctant and a little bit scared of riding Sky, but as soon as they were above the treetops for a few minutes her fear seemed to wash away.

It helped that Sky had so graciously behaved when Milori introduced her to Clarion and didn't get offended when his girlfriend accidently mistook her for a male. Hell, he was even so lucky that Sky didn't seem to mind about having Clarion on her back. He had to make a mental note to give Sky some treats for her amazing behavior.

"Milori, what's that?" Clarion asked, breaking him out of his musings and pointing in front of them.

Milori looked where she was pointing and saw a cave in the side of the mountain. "That's a cave." He deadpanned.

"I know that's a cave, silly. I was just wondering if it was a special cave."


"Yes. Like the Pixie Hollow Tree is a tree, but it's special." Clarion elaborated.

"Well, it is a cave. Caves are special, I guess. I have no idea why you would think –"

"Can we go there, Milori?" Clarion asked cutting him off. Her tone was mischievous with something else in there.

Milori quirked his eyebrow and replied slowly with, "Why?"

"Why not?"

"It's cold in there, your wings –"

"- Are safe inside my coat, Milori." Clarion finished. "And besides, you've already showed me everything else in the Winter Woods and we've got time to spare."

It was true. He had shown her first the Keeper's Library, then Ice Freeze Lake, and all the rest of the major places before showing her the Frost Forest last. She had loved all of them equally and kept asking questions which Milori had answered good-naturedly. Clarion seemed genuinely at ease here in his homeland, and that made the pressure of impressing her so much easier for Milori.

But now she wanted to go to some cave which he wasn't familiar with, and quite frankly he was a little scared. Sure, he'd been in caves before, plenty of times with some of his friends, but some caves contained bears. And Clarion being wingless, if there was a bear she wouldn't be able to fly away.

But then again, some didn't have bears…

"Are you sure? Some caves have bears or other animals in them," Milori pointed out.

"I know, but that's what makes it exciting!" Clarion exclaimed. "It's an adventure!"

"Some adventures can lead you to your death."

"Well aren't you a bundle of extreme joy." Came a sarcastic reply.

"I know; that's why you love me!"

Milori felt her wrap her arms around his waist again and a second later he felt her nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck. "Exactly," she whispered.

And suddenly the cave seemed like a good place to go, in Milori's mind. "Do you still want to go to the cave?" He ventured.

Clarion nodded in an answer.

He smirked and said, "All right fine. But not my fault if something happens to you."

"Are you saying I can't take care of myself? I'm offended, Milori! Truly offended!" Clarion mocked, pulling back.

"Well, you are female."

"What's being a female got to do with anything?"

"Nothing, nothing at all!"

"You suck at lying, darling."

"Thank you."

"So what's wrong with being female?"

"Well, you girls are weak," Milori joked.

Clarion playfully smacked him in the head. "Yeah, well let's see you male's try to do half the stuff we do."

"Um, Clarion?"

"Yes, Milori?"

"We already do that."

Clarion smacked him again while he started to chuckle. "I can't believe you. You are such a sexist pig."

"Just stating the facts love."

"Then your facts are outdated. You try giving birth."

Milori paled. "You know, I pass. I've seen it on my trips to the Mainland and it doesn't look like it's something painless."

"Aha! See? Male's don't have to go through that pain and females do!"

Milori rolled his eyes. "But you are a fairy and fairies don't give birth."

"Oh." Clarion instantly deflated from that comment. After about a moment of silence and flying, she thought of another one. "What about, I don't know, maintaining how we are supposed to look?"

"That is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Milori answered truthfully. "All you have to do is get up, get clean, and get dressed then go outside. It's easy."

"Yeah well, females actually care about how we look as opposed to males who simply dawn on their clothes."


"Just stating the facts love." The fairy sang, using the sparrow-man's earlier remark.

Milori just rolled his eyes. They were approaching the cave and he focused on landing Sky on a snow-covered tree branch. When they had landed and climbed down, Clarion ran right up to the mouth of the cave and gasped. "It's so dark!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"Well yeah," Milori responded walking up behind her.

"We should go in!"


"Are you scared?"

"No. But because it's so dark and night's about to fall, who knows if there are any drop-offs or anything else that's dangerous! Why don't we just stay out here?" Milori reasoned.

Clarion thought about it and nodded before turning to him. "You're right. Maybe another time we can explore then, Milori?"


They walked over to the ledge and sat down. From there they could see the bay and mermaids and other things. The red sun was sitting on the ocean's horizon, turning the sky orange and red and purple while the ocean sparkled. Clarion rested her head on Milori's shoulder and sighed contently as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. They sat like that for a few minutes before Clarion asked a question that had been on her mind for a while now. "Milori," she started slowly.

"Yes?" He responded.

"What did you mess up?"

He stiffened and she pulled away to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you said something a while back about messing something up. What was it?"

"Er…well…" Milori stalled looking away from her and rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Clarion simply waited.

He sighed and said in a rush, "WellIaccidentlyspilledsomePixieDustonafewHumanswh enIwenttotheMainlandandtheysortakindafollowedmebac ktoNeverlandandtheLordofWinterwasreallyangryatmewh enthathappened."

She cocked her head to the side. "Come again?"

"Well I accidently spilled some Pixie Dust on a few Humans when I went to the Mainland and they sorta kinda followed me back to Neverland and the Lord of Winter was really angry when that happened…"

"Is this Peter that you're talking about?" Clarion guessed.

A blush of embarrassment crept up Milori's cheeks. "Have –have you ever heard of Captain Hook and his cronies?"

Clarion's eyes grew wide. "That was you?!"

Her boyfriend winced. "Truth or lie?"


"Yes, that was me."

Clarion turned to face the bay again, her mind going a hundred miles a minute. My gosh, he lead those stupid pirates here? How? And he's only now telling me? WHAT?! "Why were you at the border that one night?" She asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Which night?"

"The night where I gave back the leaf, why were you there?"

"Oh that night!" Milori sighed in relief. "I wanted to see if you were going to reject my gift after night fell."

"So you were testing me?" Clarion accused, glancing at him.

"No, no…maybe…a little….please don't hurt me?" Milori admitted sheepishly as he looked at his girlfriend. Her eyes held a fire to them now.

She advanced towards him and he backed away from the edge so he wouldn't fall. He was incredibly scared now, he had seen Clarion angry a few times and when she was it was like taming a wildfire – impossible. And that one time where she had been so angry that she had risen her voice and she had started pacing angrily because a fairy did something to offend her was especially scary. So now that he had confessed his skeleton in the closet and she seemed to be angry at him for it, the only thing on his mind was:

I hope I don't die.

But Clarion obviously had something else in mind as she sat on her knees right in front of him. "Hurt you?" She asked innocently. "Why would I hurt you?"

"Because I did some things –" Milori started only to be cut off by a finger to his lips.

Clarion looked at him intently. "True, you did some mistakes, but those are in the past. Heck, I've done some stupid stuff too, but that's not the point. The point is, no matter how many mistakes you make, I'll still love you. Unless you go off and cheat on me, then I'll personally come over to your door and kill you. Understand?"

Milori nodded.

Clarion smiled and said, "Good." Then she made her way onto his lap before kissing him.

He smiled into the kiss and put his hands in her hair and pulled her in so he could deepen the kiss. His tongue ghosted across her lips asking for entrance, which he got. Soon the two were snogging fully, and Clarion's hands were starting to wander as she shifted her position to where she was now straddling Milori and snogging in a much more comfortable position. After a while they had to break for air, both panting, as they pressed their foreheads together and simply looked into each other's eyes.

"That was fun," Milori remarked.

"Who said it was over?" Clarion responded, smirking.

Milori got the message and closed the distance again and the only thing that he thought was:

I hope this doesn't end.