This is my very first story, so feedback would be great! This is only the prologue and I will put up the first chapter soon!

Disclaimer: This is not mine! At all! Never ever ever will it ever be mine! It is all Stephanie Meyer's stuff!



He came towards me, a smile on his disgustingly, horrifying face. I never thought it would come down to this, I could see everyone else fighting around me, my eyes landing on the dirty blond, shaggy head of hair.

I turned back and saw that he had glided slightly more forwards, closer to me.

The milky red eyes were two feet away and practically dancing with happiness as he imagined what life would be like if he had me.

Suddenly everything was shifted. I wanted him to come forwards. I wanted him closer. So that I could get my hands around his neck.

I gave him a knowing smirk as he took a few measured steps towards his fate.